Tuesday, February 28, 2006

President Bush: Not So Pro-Life After All?

President Bush:  Not So Pro-Life After All?

Well, I read somewhere that President Bush is a United Methodist.  Nobody much disagrees with the proposition that the United Methodist Church is a “liberal denomination.”

So, we should not be surprised that President Bush’s theology in general – along with his Biblical anthropology in particular – is skewed in a leftward, or soft-headed, direction.

Take his general theology, for instance:  During his one-and-a-half terms in office, President Bush has hosted the first-ever White House Ramadan services – replete with real imams praying real Muslim prayers.  By accounts that I read, the President took part in these goings-on.

Sorry, but a Scripturally-grounded Christian – President or no – is hardly going to INVITE mullahs to the White House or INITIATE an OMINOUS NEW precedent of Muslim services INSIDE the White House – LET ALONE participate in them.

Moreover, no self-respecting, theologically- and scripturally-based evangelical Christian who has even a minimal grasp of either Church History or World History would be caught dead saying that “Islam” means “Religion of Peace,” as this President has done on more than one occasion.  

Religion of Peace!  My eye!

Additionally, each year, the President makes an official Presidential “Kwanzaa Greeting.”  No matter that Kwanzaa – despite its pseudo-African appearances – is a home-grown American observance.  No matter that Kwanzaa is an egregiously pagan observance.  No mater that Kwanzaa was manufactured whole cloth in the 1960s by someone who might well be categorized as a leftist radical.  No matter that the number of people who oberve the recently-invented holiday in this country is infinitesimal in comparison to those who observe Christmas – or, probably even Hanukka, for that matter.  

No matter: President Bush, the alleged devout evangelical Christian insists on issuing “Kwanzaa Greetings” annually.  This is not merely a non-Christian observance, it is a contrived, and – frankly – silly observance.

Happy Kwanzaa!  My eye!

Now, to move on to the President’s (biblical) anthropology (i.e., as a subset of general theology):  It is also United-Methodist screwy.

The President has sold himself as being pro-life all these years.  Now he clarifies for us that he is pro-life as long as the baby does not have the misfortune to have been conceived during an act of rape or of incest (even though pregnancies resulting from these two varieties or sexual abuse are relatively rare).

Doesn’t matter:  Those babies – or so says our President – don’t have a right to life!

Talk about blaming the victim!

For our theologically retarded “evangelical” President, let us review:  The Bible says (although, granted, a discussion of the morality of abortion is not the context in which this verse appears) “Choose life” – not “choose life for the nonviolently conceived.”  It says, “Thou shalt not kill” – not Thou shalt not kill those who were conceived in non-incestuous relationships.

In short, Mr. President, you do not have a theological leg to stand on by saying that you – AS A CHRISTIAN – do not think that children conceived of rape or incest have a right to life.

Any thinking person must see that the President’s position is ethically, logically, and morally untenable:  Either no babies enjoy a right to life – or they all do.  (The “life of the mother” exception is more of a red herring, than a real issue – so rarely must doctors choose between the life of the mother and the life of the child, and when they do, the choice of one above the other is usually forced upon them.)

The only good I can see coming out of this announcement, is that – perhaps – some of the mind-numbed Bushbots will see our “evangelical” President for what he is:  A theologically larboard-listing United Methodist at best – or a cold-blooded Machiavellian at worst.

Evangelical, my eye!

Update: Upon re-reading this post (after having posted it), it occurs to me that it is (while logically on target) rather  harsh – and, in a sense – unfair to the Presdent for the following reason.  NONE of us is completely CONSISTENT, whether ethically, morally, or theologically.  In short, we are all a bit eccentric – which can be both good or bad.

In President Bush’s case, his eccentricities are VERY serendipitous for both Pro-Lifers, as well – and especially for – the unborn.

Why do I say that?  Because, despite the sad statement by President Bush that triggered the post above, all three (and this would include Harriet Miers) of his Supreme Court nominees thus far are LIKELY MORE PRO-LIFE than even the President.  

And for that (the quality of his SCOTUS nominees), my hat is truly (and humbly) OFF to President Bush!

So, in a sense, I should say: I don’t CARE what the President says (although I do), I really care about what he does (i.e., nominating truly Pro-Life judges to the Supreme Court).


Europe Is Starting to Get It about Immigration and Assimilation: How about President Bush and Congress?

Europe Is Starting to Get It about Immigration and Assimilation:  How about President Bush and Congress?

Newsweek has an interesting piece on the new attitude that Europeans are copping about immigration and assimilation in the wake of banlieue riots in France and Cartoon Jihad riots around the world.  (Hat tip: commenter mglazer on lgf.)

In short: If you want to come here to live (e.g., Holland, France, etc.), you WILL learn our language, you will not dress your women burqas in public, and so forth.

Funny: Europe is starting to get.

Wonder when – or if – President Bush (our Chief Executive of the broken Southern Border) or Congress will ever wake up . . .  before it is too late?


Monday, February 27, 2006

State Department Subliminal Message to Prospective Exam Takers: White Males Need Not Apply?

State Department Subliminal Message to Prospective Exam Takers:  White Males Need Not Apply?

The US State Department is not one of my favorite organizations.  As far as I am concerned, it might better be called the US Appeasement Department.  The Foggy Bottom types have apparently never found an Islamic terrorist they don’t like.

The latest idiocy was the recent announcement that we will continue to pump hundreds of millions of dollars of “aid” into the Hamas-run, Islamofascist Entity, affectionately known to some as “The Palestinian Authority.” (Hat tip: lgf.)

Well, now I invite you to visit one of the pages on the State Department’s Web site.  The one designed to attract and inform prospective Foreign Service officers.

Of all the individuals (actual State Department employees) -- and there are quite a few, including the “Meet Suzie-Q” pics – I noticed that there are representatives of all kinds of “Government-approved” minorities, which is fine.

However, and what is NOT fine with me: There is NARY a picture of a white male.

Now, no one can imagine that this is an accident.  What one does wonder is:  Is this a “subliminal message” to prospective Foreign Service-exam takers that “White Males need not apply?”


Does It Take a Canadian to Read the Tea Leaves to Our Wimpy Leaders (Bush Included)?

Does It Take a Canadian to Read the Tea Leaves to Our Wimpy Leaders (Bush Included)?

I have been under the distinct impression for several weeks that world events (vis-à-vis the ongoing Islamofascist Jihad) are VERY quickly spinning out of control.

Obviously no Western leaders (with the possible exception of Australian PM Howard Thomas) seems to have a clue.

I have roundly (and rightly) criticized Bush for his disproportionate responses to two recent political issues:  The Cartoon Jihad (he wimped out miserably); and the Port Gate imbroglio (where he has, inexplicably, shot off many futile rounds of political capital in a battle he has no way of escaping unscathed).

Canadian (CANADIAN!) Pundit David Warren – along with British-born pundit Mark Steyn and American scholar Victor Davis Hanson – seems to be virtually alone in being able to “understand the times” in which we live.

Here (below) is Warren’s latest piece, entitled “Oncoming.”  (As they say in blogland: “read the whole thing!”  It is later than you think!  MUCH later!):

This will be my 11th consecutive column, directly or indirectly on the “Danish cartoons” issue. The cartoons themselves were a red herring from the start -- a fake issue, trumped up by fanatical Muslims seeking grievances to abet a confrontation, and thereby extract concessions from the West. It is a fire, still being stoked around the world by radical “Islamists”, using shameless lies and misrepresentations. (See my previous columns.)

The reason I have written so copiously on this subject -- not the cartoons themselves, but what I have called the “organized apoplexy” in response to them -- is because it is important. In my judgement, it is the most important thing that has happened since the Al Qaeda attack on the United States, in 2001. It is important in combination with other fast-developing events, including the victory of the openly terrorist Hamas in a Palestinian election; Iran’s public promise to “wipe Israel off the map”; collapsing public order in Pakistan, Nigeria, and elsewhere; the recent Muslim riots, and continuing low-level Intifada in France; and now the destruction of the Golden Mosque in Samarra, triggering vicious sectarian strife in Iraq. And quite literally, hundreds of lesser events of the same nature -- each revealing an Islamic world in combustion, and a West retreating into contrived apologies and other confused gestures of cowardice and panic.

One cannot keep up with all these events -- the wheels of history are turning too quickly. The world in which we will find ourselves, a few years hence, will not resemble the world we inhabited a few years ago. Yet this is among the few predictions that can be safely made. The events will fall out as unpredictably as those Danish cartoons. The names, dates, and places are not yet recorded; but the shape and scale of events is already blotting the sun on our horizon.

Even after the experience of the Great War, and the Depression, people on the eve of the Hitler war could not appreciate what was coming. It is only in retrospect that we understand what happened as the 1930s progressed -- when a spineless political class, eager at any price to preserve a peace that was no longer available, performed endless demeaning acts of appeasement to the Nazis; while the Nazis created additional grievances to extract more.

This is precisely what is happening now, as we are confronted by the Islamist fanatics, whose views and demands are already being parroted by fearful “mainstream” Muslim politicians. We will do anything to preserve a peace that ceased to exist on 9/11. Not one of our prominent politicians dares even to name the enemy.

And from a mixture of fear of, and sympathy for, large, recent, Muslim immigrant communities in the West, we confuse domestic and foreign issues. I do not doubt the great majority of Muslims, in Canada and around the world, are decent, “moderate” people, who want no part in a “clash of civilizations”. But it has become obvious they can do nothing to stop the triumph of “Islamism” internationally, or oppose the fanatics proselytizing in their own communities.

Germany was full of moderate Germans, as Hitler rose; Stalin drove his oars through a sea of moderate Russians. While we must not forget that the Muslims are the first victims of “Islamism”, and may suffer most from its triumph, we are beyond the point where we can do more for them than destroy the tyranny by which they are enthralled.

Indeed, many Muslims, by birth or faith, remain our best allies, warning us as many fine Germans did of what is coming our way. For example, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the Somali-born politician in the Netherlands -- a magnificent young woman -- speaking recently in Berlin:

“Publication of the cartoons confirmed that there is widespread fear among authors, filmmakers, cartoonists, and journalists who wish to describe, analyze or criticize intolerant aspects of Islam all over Europe. It has also revealed the presence of a considerable minority in Europe who do not understand or will not accept the workings of liberal democracy. These people -- many of whom hold European citizenship -- have campaigned for censorship, for boycotts, for violence, and for new laws to ban 'Islamophobia'. … The issue is not about race, colour, or heritage. It is a conflict of ideas, which transcend borders and races.”

This was so, she added, when we were finally obliged to stand against the Nazis. It is true today, as we foolishly let the Islamist menace grow and grow.

Copyright 2006 Ottawa Citizen


Sunday, February 26, 2006

Contrasting Presidential Responses to Two Recent Crises: Bringing Home the Bacon vs. Upholding the Bill of Rights?

Contrasting Presidential Responses to Two Recent Crises:  Bringing Home the Bacon vs.  Upholding the Bill of Rights?

In recent weeks, many freedom-loving people have watched with a growing sense of betrayal as Western “leaders”(sic) have “laid low” (at best), or (at worst) have abjectly apologized to the Muslims regarding the Muhammad Cartoons flap.

In fact, on the global non-Muslim landscape, it would appear that Australia’s leader, Prime Minister John Howard, who has recently come under fire for refusing to recant for stating the obvious in one of his publications – namely that certain elements (again, Howard never said that this was true of ALL Muslim immigrants to Down Under) of Islamic Australians refuse to assimilate to Australian culture and public life, rejecting it as beneath their moral standards. (Hat tip: lgf.)

For daring to state this obvious truth – something (apparently) never ONCE CLEARLY AND PUBLICLY ARTICULATED in the past month by the likes of President Chirac, Prime Minister Blair, Prime Minister Merkle, or even – and this is sad – or the sitting President of the United States (let alone any of his surviving predecessors) – Mr. Howard has incurred the animated wrath and whining of the Islamist segment of Australian society.  But, to his credit, Mr. Howard has – thus far, at least – refused to back down in the face of such attempts at intimidation. (Hat tip: lgf.)

I would assert that the apparently random coinciding of two events – the Cartoon Jihad on the one hand, and the Dubai ports sale on the other – illustrates clearly the mindset of all but one Western leader (the exception being Mr. Howard) regarding the relative importance of two important concepts:  Encouraging economic expansion and international trade on the one hand, and upholding the basic principles of Western civilization (read: personal liberties, as enshrined in the American Bill of Rights – and which Mr. Bush is SWORN to uphold).

It is painfully apparent to all lovers of these Western principles of personal liberty who followed the Cartoon Jihad with interest, that no ONE single Western leader pulled a “Churchill” and said (vis-à-vis) freedom of the press and freedom of expression:  “Never, never, never give up.”

Instead, our “leaders” (including President Bush), hung low on the issue, or uttered ambivalent, mealy-mouthed statements that contained both criticisms of the offending cartoons as well as (very reluctant sounding) defense of the Western principle of Liberty.

This mealy-mouthed ambivalence spoke volumes to the world:  The Jihadists, on the one hand, knew that they had stolen many bases by simply whining and threatening (no shots were fired).  They realized clearly that – yet once again – the appeasers leading the West had once again caved.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, President Bush’s Administration was working via “classified” sessions through a little know committee (CFIUS) to turn control of operations of some 20 US ports to a company owned by the Government of the United Arab Emirates.

When news of this ports-facilities plan came out, there was yet ANOTHER hue and cry – this time, not from the Muslim world, but from many grassroots freedom-loving Americans.  In fact there erupted, almost spontaneously, an American political grassfire, the likes of which we have not seen in decades – a grassfire that had such unlikely co-leaders as Frank Gaffney, Michelle Malkin, Charles Schumer, Michael Savage, and Hillary Clinton.

Now, keeping in mind Bush’s tepid response to the Cartoon Jihad, when one objectively analyzes his reaction to the ports-facilities deal resistors, one must admit that the contrast between his two responses is as stark as that between night and day:  Now ambivalent and mealy-mouthed in upholding CONSTITUTIONAL Liberties – but NOW roaring like a lion to keep this lucrative (for Arabs?) ports-facilities deal alive.  

Most politicos know that – unlike virtually any of his Presidential predecessors, GWB has refrained from using the prerogative of a Presidential veto even ONCE thus far over the course of a term-and-a-half.  (And it is not as though he has been given no opportunities to use that veto:  Senator John McCain’s odious “Campaign Finance Reform” legislation comes to mind as a for instance.)

Yet, when faced with widespread, spontaneous, grassroots, bipartisan resistance to his Administration’s ports-facilities deal, President Bush not only dug in his heels, but he also threatened explicitly to veto (VETO!) any Congressional package that might attempt to derail the ports deal.  

Without getting TOO tedious, one can safely (and objectively) draw the following conclusions:  With the encouraging exception of Australia’s Prime Minister John Howard, the current crop of Western leaders

And here we thought that President Bush sent our troops to Iraq to restore freedom – but now we may be forgiven for at least suspecting that it was to improve the long-term business climate of the Middle East vis-à-vis the Western nations.  Our first clue should have been when Interim Governor Paul Bremer acceded, without so much as a whimper, to Islamist demands that the new Iraqi Constitution would simply re-establish an Islamist – rather than a secular – state.

As Mark Steyn has pointed out:  Each year more and more of the world’s population comes under control of Shari’a Law – either directly, via law, as in Saudi Arabia and Sudan, or pre-emptively, via their political leaders’ and their media outlets’ appeasement, as in Canada, France, Norway, Germany, and the United States.  (Hat tip: lgf.)

When the contrasting responses of Western leaders in general – and of President Bush, in particular – are studied side by side, it becomes painfully obvious that the top priority of these leaders is to maintain and improve business relations with Muslim countries, as well as with citizens in their own countries – and NOT to uphold (at the price of economic or military action, if need be) bedrock Western (okay, Judaeo-Christian) principles of individual liberty.

I am both ashamed and outraged to realize that President Bush obviously cares more about a questionable ports-security deal with an Arab-sheikh-controlled company than he does about the cause of freedom of the press in our friend and ally Denmark.

Notice that in the midst of the two flaps, President Bush never ONCE referred to Denmark as our ally, but that he (along with his spokesmen) has REPEATEDLY referred to the UAE in such terms.

I am disgusted.  I am no Bushbot.  However, we must realize that the business-above-principle crowd in Washington, DC, is much larger than just one man – and that it permeates both major parties like a melanoma.

Barring some radical changes VERY soon, our children will no longer enjoy personal liberties.

Thank you, Mr. President for looking out for America’s businessmen.  A pox on your political house for selling out the Danes without so much as a whimper.  

The problem is, Mr. President, as Jeff Jacoby has said we are all – whether non-Muslims or recalcitrant Muslims – we are ALL Danes now.  (But you seem to be a content with Constitutional Dhimmitude accompanied by lucrative deals with the oil-rich Muslim world.)

How shortsighted of you, Mr. President – tragically shortsighted indeed.


Saturday, February 25, 2006

Ending the Suppression of Free Speech in Indiana

Ending the Suppression of Free Speech in Indiana

For many decades, the Indiana State Legislature has invited ministers to open legislative sessions with prayer.

And, while ministers of virtually every faith have been invited from time to time, Indiana being Indiana, most of the ministers have been Christian (and, likely, mostly Protestant, at that).

This, of course means, that for decades and decades, many a minister has seen fit to end his prayer at the opening of the legislative session in some variety of the commonly used Protestant  Christian formula, “in Jesus’ Name. Amen.”

This explicitly Christian formulation (or, in fact, any reference to Christ) uttered in prayers said in the Indiana Capitol were found by some to be offensive (never mind that Catholic priests, Jewish rabbis, etc, were also invited from time to open sessions with prayer according to their own preferred style of prayer).

Somehow the whole thing made it to the courts.  Somehow (surprise, surprise!) the case landed on the desk of bigoted, anti-Christian judge.  Somehow the judge saw fit to issue an egregiously unconstitutional ruling forbidding any future references to Jesus Christ in these legislative session-opening prayers in the Indiana State legislature.

Now, Congressman Mike Sodrel (R-In), has introduced FEDERAL legislation to remedy this flagrant case of judicial miscarriage of Constitutional justice.

Specifically, the legislation would not only neutralize one bad court decision, but would immunize all state legislators from any future such judicial meddling with their religious free speech in the course of their legislative duties.

With a few more legislators like Mike Sodrel, we would likely have a good deal less corruption in Washington, DC.

Oprah as Howardette Stern – Only Okay for Kids?

Oprah as Howardette Stern – Only Okay for Kids?

Has it really come to this (no pun intended)?  Oprah Winfrey asking a (nympho) guest the following, er, somewhat personal question on her show that is not (yet?) considered “for adults only”:

“So you've had men ejaculate in your face?"

Of course, it is REALLY only all about ratings, right?  Public morality and any deleterious moral influence of the younger generation should never be allowed to get in the way of making a buck, right?

I mean, seeing she is a billionaire, we can understand why Oprah would want to push the moral envelope to make a couple more shekels, right?  (End sarcasm.)

Talk about the mainstreaming of porn.  

Let’s be honest:  Oprah’s question would probably not even phase many middle school girls today,  a number of whom probably have sexual tales to tell that would eclipse the wildest things done by their mothers and big sisters.

Amazingly, when I was a kid in Junior High, I never even thought such a thought (as is addressed in Oprah’s question) – and I was hardly an angel.

Obviously, the porno industry has changed the American (and global) moral landscape – and hardly for the better.

The Bible tells us that evil men will wax worse and worse.  (That couldn’t be happening before our very eyes, could it?)

Once the “genie” is out of the bottle, there really is no putting it back.

I truly fear that such gross degeneration in public morality only makes our country more prone to Divine judgment – judgment that could make Hurricane Katrina look like child’s play.

Deeyah: One Gutsy (Muslim) Woman

Deeyah: One Gutsy (Muslim) Woman

First, let me confess: I an NOT a hip-hop music fan.  Second, if I had a daughter (and I don’t) I would NOT want her cavorting on stage in such sexually-provocative dress as worn in the video discussed below.

However, that said, after the disgusting and VERY discouraging Dhimmi-like behavior of our current (and two previous) Presidents over the past week or two vis-à-vis the depradations of Islamofascism, I am impressed with the courage of this woman.  

Who, you ask?  Deeyah:  Self-portrayed as the “Muslim Madonna.”  There is no question:  This woman is possessed of feminine pulchritude in generous quantity.  But this post is not about Deeyah’s charm: It is about her courage.

You see, Deeyah has a new video out.  And it openly challenges the Islamofascists.  

She has merited posts by uber-bloggers Michelle Malkin (Hat tip to whom) and Hugh Hewitt.

Did I forget to say?  Deeyah needs bodyguards.

Does anyone wonder who is threatening her?

When considers the state of affairs in the world today – with the Islamic world frothing with rage at the West and with the leaders of the West cringing in abject Dhimmi-like apologetic postures – it is ironic indeed that a beautiful young Muslim WOMAN is demonstrating more courage (and at far greater risk to her well-being) than all the leaders of the West (and – sadly – that includes President Bush!) combined in speaking out against the excesses of the Islamofascists!

Update: Gaijinbiker has a post on this topic, as well.

Ruben Navarette: Pundit Extraordinaire

Ruben Navarette:  Pundit Extraordinaire

I like Ruben Navarette.  I first discovered Mr. Navarette when he used to do opinion pieces for WND and one of the Dallas newspapers.  I immediately discovered a refreshingly honest and unpredictable writer.  One day I was cursing him;  I was singing his praises the next.

Now, Mr. Navarette has migrated to the San Diego Union-Tribune, which is understandable, as Mr. Navarette is a native Californian.  However, his pieces usually also appear on the Real Clear Politics site, which is where I read them.

Mr. Navarette is a second-generation American, born of Mexican immigrants.  English is his first language (as he makes clear in one of the pieces linked to below) and he is a Harvard graduate (which isn’t too shabby).

While I often disagree with him, Mr. Navarette truly  cannot be categorized as a leftist or a racist or a Liberal or a conservative.  

Although I am to the right of Mr. Navarette on the illegal immigration controversy, Mr. Navarette does a wonderful deal of highlighting the absurd excesses of what I term the Brown Supremacists (MY term, NOT Mr. Navarette’s), while also posing reasonable questions to those (like me) who populate the other end of the illegal immigration-debate perspective.

In a recent piece, Mr. Navarette gives eloquent testimony to the reality of assimilation as it pertains to Mexican immigrants.  It needs to be read. One of Mr. Navarette’s talents is that of highlighting the unique pressures faced by assimilated immigrants of Mexican descent: sometimes loved by no one; reviled by all.

I understand his position very well, living in San Antonio as I do, where I am surrounded by hard-working, assimilated, patriotic, English-only-speaking (or limited-Spanish-speaking) Americans of Mexican (or other Latino) descent.  

(Not that we don’t ALSO have a bunch of illegal immigrants and in-your-face, Spanish-first, Brown Supremacists here, of course.  The City of San Antonio Government, for instance, seems to fancy itself a wholly-owned subsidiary of Mexico.)  But Mr. Navarette has a written barb or two for these types, as well.

Then, in another piece dealing with the Port Gate controversy, Mr. Navarette reasonably challenges the President to make his case for the (so far unconvincingly-presented) ports turn-over-to-the-UAE proposal.  I think that Mr. Navarette probably speaks for most Americans on this issue.

Mr. Navarette loves his country, has a good head on his shoulders, enjoys good moral clarity (refreshingly mixed with humility and humor in equal parts), and could do a great deal to guide any politician in either major party who wants to know what many decent people (not JUST decent Latino people) are thinking these days.  

Oh, and by the Way: On the Ports Deal? That Was over 20 Ports -- Not Just Six Ports! Okay?

Oh, and by the Way: On the Ports Deal?  That Was over 20 Ports -- Not Just Six Ports!  Okay?

The sleazy, sneaky, gutless way in which the Bush Administration has tried to bring the UAE Ports Deal to fruition makes many resolutely opposed to it when they might have otherwise at least been open to listening to the arguments for it.

Among the little “freebies” we opponents of the deal have received from this increasingly out-of-touch Administration is to have been insulted as bigots and or racists.  

Not only is that argument absurd on several levels, it is irrelevant.  Even if I hate Arabs (and I do not) and I think it is a good deal for our country, I will go for it.  On the other hand, even if my mother were an Arab (and she is not!), I would oppose this deal (as I do) if I believed it compromised our nation’s security both militarily and economically (which I do).

Now, here is another “bonus” insult from the Administration on the Port Gate deal:  It will actually involve over TWENTY (and not merely SIX, as originally announced) ports.

WorldNetDaily says 22 ports in all.

LGF links to a UPI piece that says it will be 21 ports in all.

If we didn’t have a country half full of enemies within and a world full of enemies without, I would seriously be considering calling for the President’s impeachment now (but I am not).


Coining a New Term: First There Was the MSM Now There Is the MSBS - Part 2

Coining a New Term: First There Was the MSM Now There Is the MSBS - Part 2

I had recently posted my disgust with the slowness of some of the “heavies” in the blogosphere even to MENTION the Port Gate (Michael Savage’s term) controversy.

In particularly, I singled out uber-blogger Hugh Hewitt by name, saying that – even if he did support the deal – he should say and explain his reasons for doing to his vast readership.

Well, since that time – and to his credit – Mr. Hewitt has addressed the Port Gate issue in several posts, including this one.  As I expected, he did not come out AGAINST it with “guns blazing.”  

However, Mr. Hewitt DID come out (conditionally) against the proposed ports deal with this qualification: Until the Administration can adequately answer security concerns surrounding the deal.

Mr. Hewitt has also had at least one (Mr. Kaplan) pro-Port Gate guest on his radio show.

I will not be surprised if Mr. Hewitt will, in the end, be persuaded to support the deal.  

Admittedly, Mr. Hewitt has discovered some interesting (and impressive) people who support the deal, to include the already-mentioned Robert Kaplan, Austin Bay, Mark Steyn, and Jack Kelly.

Additionally, since I published my critique of the MSBS for their silence on the Port Gate issue, the Real Clear Politics site has given the story a good deal more exposure.

The point remains, however, that it fell to a significant few to get this story out of the shadows.  Significantly, that small group includes international security expert, Frank Gaffney; Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY); radio talk show host, Michael Savage; and Pajamas Media-member bloggers Michelle Malkin and Charles Johnson of littlegreenfootballs – to all of whom my hat is off for doing the dirty work of Semper Paratus for the rest of us!

If these few had not done their job, the deal might have gone through – both unnoticed and undiscussed.

Now, at least, we still have a prayer of a chance of stopping this tragic deal.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Does It Make Them So Angry that They Want to Burn Flags, Burn Embassies, and Kill Christians?

Does It Make Them So Angry that They Want to Burn Flags, Burn Embassies, and Kill Christians?

What a laugh!  In Reuters, we read that Arabs see “bias” behind the current Port-Sale brouhaha.  (Hat tip: WND.)

Wow!  How could we POSSIBLY be “biased” against the peace-loving, fair-minded, liberal Arab people?

Let’s see:

  • Who got so mad about some silly cartoons that they:

  • Burned a record number of Danish flags?

  • Burned Danish embassies?

  • Beat up people?

  • Boycotted Danish goods?

  • Killed people?

  • Chanted “Death to Denmark,” “Death to Israel,” and “Death to America?”

  • In what countries are citizens killed if they convert to Christianity?

  • In what countries are Jews banned?

Apparently, the Arabs think that all the above-named actions are things to which they are entitled; things by which we should never feel repulsed; things for which we should never hold them accountable; or things which MIGHT INFLUENCE OUR THINKING…

This is too stupid for words.  The Muslim world is rabid with hatred against Christians, Jews, Israel, Denmark, and the United States, ….

…And the Arabs (and President Bush) expect us not to notice!

…And if we DO notice, then we are … BIASED and ISLAMOPHIC!


Tuesday, February 21, 2006

President Bush: Pumped over UAE; Chickenshit over Denmark

President Bush:  Pumped over UAE; Chickenshit over Denmark

Is President Bush following two of his predecessors’ shameful lead into Dhimmihood?  

Just this past week, President Clinton in Pakistan called for the prosecution of the Danish cartoon publishers and President Carter called for US support for Hamas.

Now, President Bush has come out with guns blazing for the (hitherto virtually unheard-of) Emir of the UAE, whose sweetheart deal on Port Security is threatened by good old American common sense and patriotism.

Meanwhile, on the issue of Denmark – a nation that SENT TROOPS TO HELP US IN IRAQ (did the UAE do that – I don’t THINK so!) – the erstwhile “American cowboy President” has been mealy-mouthed at best, or as Bill Maher (Bill MAHER!) said, “chickenshit” at worst – in standing up for our ally as she has been cursed, badmouthed, and boycotted (to say nothing of having its flags and embassies burned and attacked) by mobs of lunatic Muslims around the globe.

Frankly, I am not only disappointed in our President on these two – not unrelated – issues, I am more than a little disgusted with him.  America deserves better -- and I expected better – than this from George W. Bush.

Meanwhile, someone who DOES get it, the LIBERAL Christopher Hitchens, is calling for solidarity with beleaguered Denmark.  (Funny, isn’t it – how Bush is a no-show on this issue?)  (Hat tip: MMalkin.)  Also, lgf has a great thread on this topic.

That should teach other nations the value of sending their boys to die alongside Americans in wartime – total neglect by an ungrateful nation led by Dhimmis lusting for ever more lucrative deals with Communists and Jihadists for the small asking price of their very souls.

Update: Alexandra of All Things Beautiful blog has also posted on the Hitchens Washington, DC, demonstration of solidarity with Denmark (in the context of the Cartoon Jihad).

All of Islam Is Cursing America and President Bush Chides Us for Not Trusting Dubai?

All of Islam Is Cursing America and President Bush Chides Us for Not Trusting Dubai?

Mr. President, I surely don’t get YOUR gut-level concern that Dubai get this port sale – even if it takes your FIRST EVER Presidential veto to make it stick!

I do, however, understand MY concern about the ample hostility toward us that we see across the Muslim world today – street mobs fulminating hatred toward America.

Mr. President, are you, perhaps, capitulating to the recent global Islamic mob violence – or even rewarding it?  

Or, perhaps more likely, are you rather just conducting “business as usual” Bush-style – something that has evidently in the past sometimes involved Arabs in a big way.

Mr. President, most of us have never held hands with an Arab prince before – and most of us don’t care to do so.  Perhaps you are, as Michael Savage suggests, egregiously out of touch with your own Party – to say nothing of your base!

Sir, perhaps you should visit the graves of some of those killed in 9-11, as well as the graves of some of the soldiers you have sent into battle over the past four years and tell THEIR families what a GREAT and REASONABLE idea it is to trust six of our countries ports – including the ports of New York and New Orleans – to Arabs?

To very rich Arabs, who – in private –- likely ridicule you, our country, and our way of life, after having made a killing off of us.


Monday, February 20, 2006

Coining a New Term: First There Was the MSM Now There Is the MSBS

Coining a New Term: First There Was the MSM Now There Is the MSBS

First there was the MSM (the Mainstream Media).  This dinosaur has been virtually supplanted by the MSBS (Mainstream Blogospshere), to include the like so of Michelle Malkin, Glenn Reynolds, John Hinderaker, Charles Johnson – and the King Kong of them all, Hugh Hewitt.

Now, however, while the MSBS is still light years ahead of the CNN/CBS/NYT trogdolytes, we have seen the first hints of the unfortunate “normalization” or “institutionalization” or even, possibly, the “ossification” of this newer and younger group of young lions by the founding of the (unfortunately-named) “Pajamas Media.”

We even see some of the new media barons assuming a bit of the arrogance of their fallen MSM foes.

Case in point: I just skimmed Hugh Hewitt’s blog for ANY mention of the port security flap (dubbed “Port Gate” by talk-show host Michael Savage) since February 16th – and nada!  Not one syllable expended.

So, Hugh, you are now doing to us what the Rathers and Jenningses used to do – simply ignoring issues that were of major concern to the grassroots, as if their detached unconcern could make them disappear.

I have little doubt that Mr. Hewitt comes down squarely behind President Bush’s ill-considered (and Dhimmi-like) defense of the CIFIUS decision to award control of six of our major ports to a company headquartered in Dubai – a shitty little country that whelped at least one or two of the 9-11 perpetrators.

The least Mr. Hewitt could do would be to acknowledge that this is an issue of major concern to many – and then to give his reasons for his agreement with the President’s indefensible position.

Instead, Mr. Hewitt is making like CBS of old – and giving the issue the silent treatment . . . . As if to say, it isn’t an important issue because HE doesn’t consider it important.

For that, I consider myself to be part of the “third rail” of the media – the small, rogue bloggers, who kowtow to no one’s alleged PJesque supremacy.

I say: Get in their faces.

Shame on Mr. Hewitt for deep-sixing the Port Gate issue.

It is not to his credit whatsoever to give this issue the silent treatment.

Update:  Jerome Corsi presents more reasons why this lunatic idea must be stopped dead in its tracks – Presidential testimonies to the contrary notwithstanding.

Update: It NEEDS to be said that Michelle Malkin and lgf (Pajamas Media members both) have each made clear stands AGAINST the Port Security deal that President Bush appears to be lusting after.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Infidel Bloggers Alliance Cartoon Contest Winners Announced!

Infidel Bloggers Alliance Cartoon Contest Winners Announced!

The Infidel Bloggers Alliance Cartoon Contest Winners have been announced – and their entries posted.  (Hat tip: lgf.)

Good for a laugh – and maybe a riot or two!

A Video on How the Cartoon Jihad Was Launched

A Video on How the Cartoon Jihad Was Launched

Here is a link to a video describing how the Cartoon Jihad was launched.  (Hat tip:    )

Arnaud de Borchegrave has a parallel piece here – and he projects ominous future implications, as well.

Warning This Post May Cause HeartBurn to Islamofascists

Warning This Post May Cause HeartBurn to Islamofascists As Well as Their Dhimmis Shills!

Great cartoon!

According to Michelle Malkin, the Dutch word, "Gevoelig" means "sensitive" in Dutch.

Gutsy cartoonist!

This cartoon is almost certain to cause more riots from Islamabad to Jakarta!

(Hat tip: lgf and MMalkin.)


Hail to the Ex-Chief! (Dhimmi-in-Chief, That Is!)

Hail to the Ex-Chief!  (Dhimmi-in-Chief, That Is!)

Apparently vying with his estranged former running-mate (Mr. Albert Gore) for the highest place in the Dhimmihood Hall of Fame, Former President Clinton made a bizarre appearance in Pakistan, where he deplored the “Muhammad Funnies.”

Funny, isn’t this the same individual who somehow failed to deplore immolating innocent women and children in Waco, bombing innocent civilians in Serbia, having sex on company time in the White House, and normalizing homosexuals to the military?

Isn’t that what you call “selective sensitivity” – probably based on who is most likely to try to kill you!

Mr. President: You Owe Mrs. Ornelas an Apology for Your Shameful Disregard for Border Security!

Mr. President:  You Owe Mrs. Ornelas an Apology for Your Shameful Disregard for Border Security!

Read this piece. (Warning: Blood pressure level is SURE to rise!)

After reading it, tell me if you don’t agree with my title – that the President owes this man’s wife an apology.

President Bush is suffering from ACUTE political schizophrenia: On the one hand, he says we are at war with al-Qaeda; and on the other, he leaves our Southern border undefended and unprotected.  His mantra regarding protecting the Southern border seems to be: “Manana!”

Mr. President, I may not be the brightest bulb in the pack, but this is getting ridiculous!

If this were about 100 years ago, we probably would be seeing posters that read like this:

Wanted: Dead or Alive . . . . Fredy Lopez-Gamez.  Reward!

I say it is time to start putting that kind of poster back up again.  The LORD knows the Department of Homeland Security cannot be bothered with kidnapping desperados of the likes of Mr. Lopez-Gamez!


More ‘Proof’ of Global Warming: Northeastern US Frigid; Many without Power

More ‘Proof’ of Global Warming: Northeastern US Frigid; Many without Power

Once again, the ‘dangers’ of ‘global warming’ are ‘proven!’

The Eastern United States has been slammed with a winter storm and frigid temperatures.  In fact, many are without power tonight.  (Hat tip: Drudge.)

If THIS is what ‘global warming’ is like – I’d hate to see what ‘global chilling’ might do!

Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi: The Picture of Abject Dhimmitude

Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi:  The Picture of Abject Dhimmitude

I once respected Italy’s Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi.  He sent troops to Iraq to help us.

Apparently, however, Mr. Belusconi has “seen the light (according to Muhammad),” as he has recently exhibited the most egregiously abject posture of Dhimmitude towards Muslims and their enemies.

In an effort to please Libya and Qaddafi’s son (who had complained to Berlusconi), Berlusconi pressured the Italian minister who wore the Muhammad Funnies T-shirt to RESIGN.  (Hat tip: lgf.)

Not satisfied with this resignation, Berlusconi then CALLED (reported in to?) Qaddafi’s son that the offending minister had resigned.

Apparently, Mr. Berlusconi simply has neither cojones nor self-respect.

A Great Day (for Disillusioned) Muslims to Become Apostates

A Great Day (for Disillusioned) Muslims to Become Apostates

As we read more and more of the global spread of the Cartoon Jihad madness – realizing that (as Arnaud DeBorchegrave has articulated) – that this is actually the warm-up for Global Intifada.  Moreover, as we  read more and more reports of Islamobeasts rioting, looting, and killing to prove their “devotion” to their sicko god, “Allah,” to their pederast-Prophet, Muhammad, and to their demon-breathed “Holy” Book, the Qur’an, it should become perfectly clear to all of us that this is an uncomfortable, untenable, and discomfiting situation for moderate Muslims the world over.

I would suspect that – given the opportunity sans physical threats – approximately 70% of all Muslim women would leave Islam in a heartbeat, so degrading and enslaving is that religion to the distaff sex.  

And that is just for starters!  I don’t know how many Muslim men – again, given the opportunity to depart Islam without fear of retribution against them or their loved ones – would gladly depart Islam immediately, but I am sure that the number would be in the hundreds of thousands, were their inner thought accessible to us.

Of course, under Shari’a law, a Muslim who departs Islam is known as an Apostate, and is worthy of death – and there are a number of places in the world today where death would gladly be meted out (probably by stoning) to those caught departing Islam.

Nonetheless, there is a group out there – Apostates of Islam – who are devoted to encouraging Muslims to make a break with this most-stifling of all religions.  (Hat tip: Some forgotten commenter on lgf some time ago, to whom apologies are due.)  

This organization even has a link to a telling modern-times video depicting several Islam-approved deaths by stoning.  This is must-see viewing for anyone who has been feeding on the Dhimmi news pablum of CNN, NBC, CBS, etc.

I encourage any disillusioned Muslim reading this post to visit the Apostates of Islam Web site, and to depart Islam.

Moreover, because leaving something for “nothing” is not a good idea, I would also encourage them earnestly to investigate the claims of the LORD Jesus Christ.  The Gospel according to St. John is a fine place to start.

Schumer, Malkin, and Savage Lead the Charge on Rescuing Port Security

Schumer, Malkin, and Savage Lead the Charge on Rescuing Port Security

Anyone who follows politics has heard the expression, “Politics makes strange bed-fellows.”

That expression has never been truer than in the past week, when names such as Michael Savage, Michelle Malkin, Charles Schumer, and Tom Coburn have all been on the same page with regard to one critical issue:  The reason Bush Administration’s insane decision to turn port security in six of America’s leading ports to an Arab-owned company.

Strangely, most of the media are not interested in this extremely important story.  I say shame on the Rush Limbaughs and the Hugh Hewitts.  Shame on the Sean Hannitys and the Real Clear Politics.

This is a major, MAJOR story, and most of those who support the Bush Administration are not willing to call a spade a spade.

On the other hand, Michelle Malkin (almost alone among the major blogs) and Michael Savage (almost alone among the major conservative talk show hosts) have been righteously raising the alarm – as have Senators Schumer, Coburn, Clinton, and Mendendez, as well as several Congressman.

I have called the White House on this.  Have you?

Turning our nation’s ports over to Arabs?  To a company headquartered in a country (UAE) that doesn’t even recognize Israel?

Not on my watch!  Not if I have anything to say about it.

For President Bush – a President who has been arrogantly derelict in his duty to defend our country’s Southern border – thinks that turning our ports over to Arabs while he is crying out about his need for more funds for “Homeland Security” is going to fly with the American people, he needs to get the “silver spoon” out his mouth and talk to some of the regular folks.


More from Malkin here.

The White House attempts to defend the indefensible.

Update:  Senator Hillary Clinton has leant her weight to the fight against the Bush Administration’s egregious sellout of US Port Security.  However, as she has not seen fit to let a Republican help co-sponsor her proposed legislation, it does cross my mind to wonder whether she truly desires to remedy the situation (or whether she is merely grandstanding).  Time will tell.

Update: Vox Day has an even more sinister/cynical take on this strange affair.

Bill Maher: President Bush’s Response on Muhammad Cartoons Is Chickenshit

Bill Maher: President Bush’s Response on Muhammad Cartoons Is Chickenshit

I am no lover of Bill Maher.  Trust me.  

However, on the entire ‘Muhammad Funnies’ Flap, Maher sees clearly that the LIBERTY – specifically, the principle of freedom of the press, is under attack.

Moreover, Maher clearly sees that most of the West is caving under the thuggish pressures being exerted by the unkempt, unbathed, and unshaven followers of the storied “Religion of Peace.”

In particular, Maher scored President Bush’s mealy-mouthed (and distinctly UN-Churchillian) statement on the cartoons as “Chickenshit.”

For once: Maher is correct.  And President Bush is a dismal disappointment.  (Perhaps a harmful side-effect of too much hand-holding in Crawford with visiting Saudi dignitaries?)

Let those who have ears to hear, hear this: We appear to be on the  verge of a major tectonic shift on the American political scene.  The sides are re-forming.  It is no longer Democrat v. Republican or Liberal v. Conservative.

It will now be: Dhimmis v. Freedom-Fighters ; and Bottom-Liners v. America’s-Security-Firsters.


Adventures in Co-Education

Adventures in Co-Education

Well, we read that some schools are experimenting with “same sex” classrooms, meaning putting boys with boys and girls with girls. (Hat tip: WND.)

Guess what?  They are finding good results from splitting up the boys and the girls!

Meanwhile, at our nation’s (once-) storied military academies, the idiocy of mixing men and women in close quarters, under great stress, for extended periods of time, continues to result in . . .  rape, sexual abuse, etc.

The latest case to hit the headlines comes out of the US Coast Guard Academy, where one cadet, Webster Smith of Texas, is accused on several counts, including rape.

Hmmmm. Wonder how many cases of rape and sexual harassment the military academies experienced prior to the admission of women into the student bodies?  

Do you think that the geniuses in Washington (whether in Congress, the White House, or the Pentagon) will ever conclude the obvious:  That mixing men and women into the strict military training environment of our nation’s military academies has been a disastrous mistake since Day One?

I am not holding my breath – after all, these are the same geniuses who cancelled the Crusader artillery piece, continue to close bases in time of war, and are attempting to ban prayers “in Jesus’ Name” by military chaplains.

For some reason, the movie title Dumb and Dumber comes to mind.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Resolved: Former Vice-President Gore Is a Quisling

Resolved: Former Vice-President Gore Is a Quisling

I got this line from none other than listening to Michael Savage today.

Savage was referring to Mr. Gore’s recent execrable speech given on foreign soil to a largely Saudi audience dunning his own country and playing to the Arabs’ sympathies at the expense of judicious policy.

Read more about it here.


Air Force Brass Have a Problem with Prayers in Jesus’ Name

Air Force Brass Have a Problem with Prayers in Jesus’ Name – But Still Want God’s Blessing

Question: If a military chaplain prayed in Jesus’ Name at a public military event, would you be offended?  Probably not.

But, even if you were – so what?  Isn’t that what freedom of religion and speech are all about?  Isn’t that what Christians who don’t like movies like Bareback Mountain are told?

But, that answer is not good enough for the “In-Jesus’-Name-Despising” Air Force brass.

These are generals prosecuting a war.  Presumably, they want the LORD’s blessing in such endeavors, but are apparently thinking: “Can’t we just dispense with prayers in the Name of this Jesus?”

Here are some articles that will help to bring you up to date on this running battle between the Air Force brass (including chaplain brass) and Evangelical chaplains who believe they are to pray to please God’s ears – not men’s.

God bless Congressman Jones!





Hugh Hewitt: Dhimmi Extraordinaire

Hugh Hewitt: Dhimmi Extraordinaire

Hugh Hewitt is a likeable, winsome, Christian guy.  Hugh Hewitt is intelligent, sophisticated, and very successful in several fields to include law, radio and television, and book-writing.

Hugh Hewitt is a solid, strong Republican.  Hugh Hewitt is a Republican first and – it would seem – a principled conservative far after.

Tonight, listening to part of a rebroadcast of Hugh’s Valentine’s Day show, I heard him (with Howard Kurtz as Hugh’s on-air guest) criticizing Ann Coulter – ANN COULTER!  

Ann is a true American stalwart, and, yet, Hugh insists on picking nits with this wonderful woman, apparently because, she is … not nice to her political enemies.

Second, Hugh went into a self-lacerating, hand-wringing soliloquy on how the current “Muhammad comic” riots in Pakistan are a threat to Pakistani leader President Musharraf’s continued grip on power and bemoaned how “irresponsible” it is that anyone in the West would be so foolish and careless and brazen as to publish the (ridiculously innocuous) Muhammad funnies.

So, there you have it:  Hugh Hewitt is (in his gentle, wimpy way) blaming the WEST for Pakistan’s “cartoon riots” that have actually claimed some lives.

What do I have to say to Hugh’s almost effeminately overwrought concerns for the fulminating, insane Pakistani mob?  That Hugh appears to be in training for Dhimmihood.  

No, Hugh!  The riots are NOT our fault – not one WHIT.  And, yes, Hugh – our media should show those silly cartoons until we are sick of seeing them.  (It’s called “freedom of the press.”)

Compare Mr. Hewitt’s bending to the boldness and sheer craziness of the Rammstein-playing, screaming-in-outrage, Michael Savage.  

Now, THERE is a man for the present hour:  Michael Savage.  Hugh Hewitt seems to be caught up in the 1980s, when he worked in the Reagan Administration.

Newsflash to Hugh:  Times have changed, Bud.  

Second newsflash to Hugh:  Republican is NOT equal to gutsy or conservative – a truth that you don’t quite seem to appreciate.


Sunday, February 12, 2006

Evangelical Asshats - Part 2

Evangelical Asshats - Part 2

A few days ago I posted my disgusted reaction to the recent statement by some 80 “evangelical leaders” decrying “global warming” and trying to make it sound like fighting global warming has a Scriptural basis!  Hmmmmmmmm.  Probably about as much Scriptural basis as the claim that God wants us all to be rich, etc, etc.

In fact, it strikes me as a way for these 80-some-odd asshats to sound “together” and “with it” – something I would not expect from “evangelical leaders.”  

I guess they are “evangelical(s) light!”

Well, thankfully, Jerry Falwell has had a similar reaction to mine and you can read about it here.

Seems to me that the LORD doesn’t need our help in managing the ambient temperatures of his footstool!


On the Alleged Taboo

On the Alleged Taboo on Depicting the Prophet Mohammed

In case you live in a cave, the basis for the worldwide mad-dog behavior by the Muslim masses regarding the publication (back in OCTOBER!) of a dozen cartoons or caricatures spoofing either Islam or its founding figure the “Prophet”(sic – and, also, probably sick) Muhammad.

You see, some Imams and Mullahs (wait, or was that Illahs and Mumams?) have been saying that Islam “forbids depictions of the Prophet Muhammad.”  

Okayyyyyyyyyyyyyy.  Let’ see: The Bible forbids homosexuality.  Anyone remember any Christian riots triggered by the showing of the movie Bareback Mountain – or any network or newspaper declining to discuss this movie lest Christian passions be inflamed??  (Neither do I.)

Anyway, so even IF Islam TRULY forbade depictions of the Prophet Muhammad, the riots and mayhem that have transpired in a number of countries over the past two weeks are scarcely justified.

And, what is more, that “IF” is not true.

Ann Coulter was perhaps the first to point out that is isn’t true.

Then Michelle Malkin mentioned it.

Finally, Zombietime has done the world a favor by cataloguing an extensive list of depictions of the prophet Mohammed over the centuries – including many depictions by MUSLIMS!  (Including a current depiction in that Islamofascist snake-pit, Iran!)  (Hat tip:  Michelle Malkin.)

Of course, Bill Clinton – good Dhimmi that he is – came out in defense of the rioters.  (Hat tip: Michelle Malkin.)

Ragheady Ann

Ragheady Ann

Apparently, the gutsy Ann Coulter has ruffled some feathers by referring to Muslim terrorists using the term “raghead” during her recent address to CPAC in Washington.

As you might imagine, the politically correct among us (on both the right and the left) are “shocked, SHOCKED!” to learn that Ann used such a “racist” term!

I say: What took you so long, Ragheady Ann?  Good on you for showing you have more cojones than our combined JCS!

Surprisingly, even Michelle Malkin has lost her usual steady nerve on this one and has backed away from Ann’s use of such “naughty” terminology.

Townhall’s Tim Chapman has a self-flagellating, hand-wringer of a piece on Ann’s blunt talk.  (Hat tip: Michelle Malkin.)  Judging from the comments (including my own), a number of people tend to see this non-event the way I do.

Expose the Left’s blogsman shows the Left’s hypocrisy on Ann’s choice of words, even if he doesn’t much care for her choice of words himself.

Thanks to Stop the ACLU.

Thanks to PointFive blog.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Tom Tancredo Brings the House Down

Tom Tancredo Brings the House Down

Speaking this week at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, D.C., Representative Tom Tancredo (R-CO) spoke largely on the problem of illegal immigration, and he brought the house down with this remark :

"It's the President who is out of step with his party – NOT Tom Tancredo . . . ."

Tancredo also invoked this refrain: “Open borders are WRONG!”

Another applause-getter was Tancredo’s exclamation: “God bless Denmark!”

He also said the following to his appreciative listeners:  "We are the Party of the U.S. – not the U.N. We are a nation under God – NOT a nation under a new world order."

Mr. Tancredo has threatened to run for the Republican nomination if no other candidate appears who takes a strong stand on the problem of illegal immigration.

God knows that we have had next to no leadership from President Bush on this issue, on which the President has shown himself to be not only intransigent, but arrogant towards his base.

Texas Governor Perry ‘Discovers’ Border Issue Some Six Years after Taking Office

Texas Governor Perry ‘Discovers’ Border Issue Some Six Years after Taking Office

How long has Governor Perry been raging against the Federal Government for neglect of the border with Mexico?  About five minutes, as far as I can tell.

How long has he been Governor?  Well, approximately since GWB vacated that office to become President.

Hmmmmmm.  And  how long have we had a problem at the border?  Well, it is safe to say that we have had a problem since at least before Governor Perry assumed office.

Now, while I believe sincerely in late – even death-bed – conversions, I am a bit skeptical of Monsieur Perry.

First, Perry is a former Democrat, who saw which way the wind was blowing and jumped to the Republican Party.

Second, when harmful “hate crimes” legislation passed the Texas State Legislature in the wake of the horrible “Byrd dragging death,” Perry signed the legislation because it seemed the popular thing to do – despite urgent please from many (myself included) not to do so.

Now, he is running for re-election against some determined opposition, and “lo and behold,” Governor Perry is a “born-again” border-control advocate.

Color me skeptical, Governor (in spite of your movie-star good looks)!  (And, no, I don’t plan to contribute to your campaign anytime soon.)  You strike me as the ultimate “wet-your-finger-and-stick-it-in-the-wind” kind of politician.

As Michael Savage said on his show yesterday: “Don’t confuse ‘Republicans’ for ‘conservatives.’”  They are hardly synonymous.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Westerners Is Our Name Appeasement Is Our Game!

Westerners Is Our Name Appeasement Is Our Game!

Does anyone remember where Augustine of Hippo (Saint Augustine) hailed from?  Well, Hippo, of course, but where WAS Hippo?  Hippo was located in North Africa.  North Africa was once considered solidly Christian.  However, the Christians of North Africa decayed from within.  When the desert raiders of Islam rode into town in the seventh or eight century, they put up little to no resistance.  The denizens of North Africa chose to switch rather than fight – and die.  The once Christian region of North Africa became solidly Muslim and has remained so ever since.

Why the history lesson?  Because we (in the West) are in danger of falling into the same appeasement trap into which our brethren in North Africa fell.

Why do I say this?  Because the headlines today are RIFE with examples of Western appeasement of the demands of an ever-inflexible and unreasonable Islam.

Example #1:
The Dhimmi Leader of France criticizes the few members of the French press brave enough to run the Muhammad cartoons.  (Hat tip: Drudge.)

Example #2:
President Bush picks at nits (about being “thoughtful”), rather than standing boldly like  a lion taking it to the enemy of liberty.  (Hat tip: Drudge.)  (But, what do you expect from someone who considers Bill Clinton his “brother.”)

Example #3:
Bill Handel, KFI, and the despicable Clear Channel cave to the demands of the ever-inflexible asshats of CAIR.  (Hat tip: lgf.)

Example #4:
People are upset that our Government is spying on the Al-Qaeda throat-slitters.
Also: here.  (Hat tip: realclearpolitics.)

Example #5:
People are upset that the US military may be force feeding the Islamofascist thugs at Guantanamo who refuse to eat.  (Hat tip: Drudge.)

Example #6:
There is news about how Yahoo WILLINGLY cooperated (again) with the oppressive Red Chinese Government in the prosecution of a courageous Chinese dissident.

Also here.  (Hat tip: Drudge.)

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Despicable Treatment of Our Commander-in-Chief Today

Despicable Treatment of Our Commander-in-Chief Today

The abuse that was meted out to our President (and God knows I have criticized the man!) today at Coretta Scott King’s burlesque funeral was absolutely despicable and gratuitous and only made Bush look good and his attackers look base, vile, and ludicrous.

Shame on you “Reverend” Lowery.  You are an asshat.  I would gladly kick your ass for the way you treated our Commander-in-Chief today, given the chance – but you would likely squeal “racist! racist!” all the way home to your mama.

As for President Carter, he is so loathsome as to produce literally near-nausea in my stomach at the mere mention of his name.

Michael Savage described Carter well today on his radio show:  “He is the worst President in our history; and the worst former President.”

Carter has been at the bottom of his game for a long time – but he just keeps on digging.

Hillary is horrible to behold.

All those who mistreated our President today dishonored the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King and his widow.

Again, as Savage said, it is sickening to see funerals milked for publicity and political gain for DAYS at a time.

Enough of the Roman circuses already!

My son, who just returned from Iraq – where his unit lost some men – about a month ago, was incensed.

He said that the treatment meted out to the President at the Coretta Scott King funeral today showed disrespect for the men who have fallen in battle in Iraq (and Afghanistan) – because President Bush is their Commander-in-Chief.

And the Democrats wonder why so many in the military refuse to vote for them.

On a humorous note:  Michael Savage commented on the ludicrous Teddy Kennedy along these lines:  “Yes. We know how many blacks have been out at the parties at Hyannisport lately.”

More at Stop the ACLU!

Oh! You Mean the Riots Are NOT SPONTANEOUS?

Oh! You Mean the Riots Are NOT SPONTANEOUS?

Let’s see: Muslims (despite their veiled women, turbans, and bathrobe outfits) have the Internet, instant messaging, cell phones, and email.  (Okay.)

The original Danish cartoons that are so offensive were first published in October of 2005.  

The riots just started last week?  (This is FEBRUARY, for crying out loud!)

Oh, and they have burned more Danish flags than are (likely) owned by the entire Danish Army.

And, we KNOW how common Danish flags are in Gaza, Cairo, and Iran!

This is so obviously an orchestrated, planned, and incited affair.

Incited by professionals.

This entire scandal has someone’s fingerprints on it . . ..

But whose?

Iran’s?  Or China’s?

Maybe both.

Mr. President, please BOMB Iran – and SOON!


Evangelical Asshats

Evangelical Asshats

I am an Evangelical Christian with Fundamentalist leanings.

I utterly despise squishy soft Evangelicals that are more worried about global warming than abortion or Islamofascism or illegal immigration.


I wonder how many of these bright bulbs ever served in the military?  I wonder how many of them have sent sons into combat recently?

Not many is may guess.  Not many at all.

You asshats!  You are giving evangelicalism a bad name!

You are EINOs!  (Evangelicals in name only!)

You are the Arlen Specters of the Evangelical Wing of the church!


Monday, February 06, 2006

How About a Little Leadership, Mr. President?

How About a Little Leadership, Mr. President?

Where’s Waldo?  (Another Michael Savagism.)

Where IS Waldo?  By Waldo, I mean President Bush?  And by “where,” I mean WHERE is the President on the “CARTOON JIHAD” (a Michelle Malkinism) issue?

President Bush has thus far already made one unremarkable expression of discomfort over the poor taste of the cartoons.  


Is that the best you’ve got, Mr. President?  

We are looking for LEADERSHIP, Mr. President, not a wetted-finger stuck in the wind to see which way the polls are running.

Hint: You are the Leader of the Free (read: non-Jihadist) world.  Are you simply going to hide behind your Oval Office door and try to wait this one out while embassy after embassy in the Middle East is burned and vandalized by crazed Muslim hordes?

Or, are you going to stand up – publicly – for LIBERTY (including freedoms of press, speech, AND RELIGION)?

Are you going to tell the world that we will NOT let these Islamofascists intimidate us with their Nazi tactics?

This is NO time for diplomatic double-speak.  


Our boys are not in Iraq and Afghanistan to make the world safe for Government-as-Approved-by-Imams – or at least they shouldn’t be.  They should be fighting in the cause of TRUE liberty.

We are waiting, Mr. President.

The whole world is watching.

This is NO time to fold like wet cardboard, Sir!

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Sorry, Toyota! Yo No Habla -- and DON’T Make Me Press 2 for English, Asshats

Sorry, Toyota! Yo No Habla -- and DON’T Make Me Press 2 for English, Asshats

Toyota made a VERY unfortunate decision to run a bilingual (Spanish-English) ad during the Super Bowl.

Are the people at Toyota USA dumber than a box of rocks?

Do they have any idea how many bilingual people there are in this country whose native tongue is a language OTHER THAN SPANISH?

How do you suppose THEY felt?

And don’t tell me that Toyota is also going to make bilingual ads featuring Finnish, Ukranian, and Viet-Namese.

Maybe someone up in those “transnational” corporate boardrooms ought to start respecting the fact that this is America – and that we speak ENGLISH in the business place (or at least we should).

I could care less what people speak in their own homes.

To get a sanity check, ask someone from Poland how many languages their ballots are printed in.  (My guess?  One: Polish.)  

In Rome, do as the Romans.  In Mexico, Spanish is the language of choice.  In France, French is the language of choice . . .  And so on.

Only America doesn’t seem to get it.

Get Your Mo-Jo* Mode on!

Poking Fun at the Paedophile Prophet (All in Fun, Mind You)

Get Your Mo-Jo* Mode on!

As posted on ibloga, there has been announced an Infidel Bloggers Alliance Mohammed Cartoon Contest.

It is a real contest – with guidelines and a deadline, and so forth.  Click the link above for details.

*Note to readers: Mo-Jo: Short for “Mohammed Joke.”

Update: lgf has a thread on this contest.

Update2: The Dutch Web site ReteCool also has a similar contest going.  (Helps if you know some Dutch.)  (Hat tip:  lgf commenter DANEgerus.)

Buy Danish!

Buy Danish!

While rabid Muslim lemmings worldwide are frothing at the mouth about boycotting Danish goods, the rest of us can help take up some of the slack by making an extra effort to “Buy Danish.”

In fact, there is a Web site dedicated to making it easier for us to do just that.  (Hat tip: lgf.)

Tuborg (clever Web site: it has tunes playing) and Carlsberg sound interesting!  My wife would not like me buying cigarettes, however, so I had better abtstain from that commodity.

So, let’s show we have a heart for our friends who are currently experiencing an irrational, hate-driven economic siege and let’s:

Buy Danish!

Update: Link to Arla Foods USA.  (Hat tip: lgf poster Bourgeois Reactionary.)

Our Cowardly, Self-Censoring US-Canadian-British-Australian MSM

Our Cowardly, Self-Censoring US-Canadian-British-Australian MSM

The Western media – especially the US media – have long prided themselves in being daring.  They have often published and spoken about or reviewed or praised various aspects of the gay movement or controversial art or movies with racy sexual themes or depictions (e.g. Bareback Mountain).

If Christians were offended, then they were promptly and unapologetically advised to remember the First Amendment permitted the media.

Now, however, the obvious cowardice and shameless double-standard that the Western media are employing with regard to anything that Muslims find offensive, while it has long been obvious to most of us, has reached the point of undeniability and high comedy.

The Muslim world is enraged by the publication of a few cartoons by a Danish newspaper last October.  Natural curiosity would lead one to wonder: “What do the cartoons look like?”

Yet, of all the US media outlet (outside of the ever daring Internet and, especially, the cutting-edge blogosphere) to show even ONE of these (rather mild) cartoons is Fox News. (Michelle Malkin has video of the Fox News debate on the subject.)

The might NYT?  No.  The WaPo?  Nope.  Time?  Nada.  Newsweek.  Not going there.

Oh, they all write about the Islamic outrage at the cartoons – but none of them dare to publish the cartoons themselves.

WorldNetDaily portrays several of the original 12 cartoons here.

Mark Steyn exposes the MSM’s cowardice here, as does NewsMax.com.

Perhaps the NYT should change its motto to: “All the news that’s fit safe to print.”

Elizabeth: Call your office.  (You might have to rename your blog!)

Update:  Tim Blair, a gutsy Australian blogger, posts ALL TWELVE of the original offending Danish cartoons.  (Hat tip: Michelle Malkin.)

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Frank Talk about the Religion of Peace (So-Called)

Frank Talk about the Religion of Peace (So-Called)

Want to kill some folks?  Just shout “Allahu Akbar” while slitting their throats.  Want to vandalize and immolate a Danish embassy?  Merely say the “magic phrase” (once again: “Allahu Akbar”) while smashing the windows or lighting the Molotov cocktail.  Want to violate a beautiful non-Muslim woman in a gang-rape with your buddies?  Just shout “Allahu Akbar” while doing the deed – and “presto,” it is no longer criminal behavior: It is religious devotion!

No wonder Islam is so popular in prisons around the world!  Unlike Christianity, it requires no true “repentance of heart.”  Islam is a religion any thug could love.

America can ill-afford to tolerate this kind of “religion” within her borders.

As Michael Savage has been suggesting for some time on his talk radio show:  Time to shut down the mosques in this country!  Time to arrest and intern ALL observant Muslims – and time to deport their foreign leaders!  Time to eject all Muslim chaplains from our prisons and from our military.  Time to stop granting visas to Saudi and Yemeni and Pakistani “Muslim clerics” seeking to come to this country to spread their virulent brand of hate.

Non-observant or secular Muslims are no threat and should not be bothered.

Until there are churches and synagogues in Riyadh open to Saudi and foreigner alike, there should be NO mosques permitted to operate in this country.

I am intolerant, you say?  Yes: I am intolerant of those who wish to kill me, suppress my liberties, and change the way I live to suit their religious “preferences.”

Note to all observant Muslims:  If you do not like it here in the United States, by all means, PLEASE be my guest and move back to Saudi Arabia or Yemen or Syria or Iran or to some other “Islamic paradise” (Michael Savagism) where women are veiled and Christians are persecuted and Jews are hated.

As for me, I will be diligent to expose your “religion” for the pathetic cult that it is.

For starters, here are some very enlightening “suras” from the Koran.  (Hat tip: fiery celt, commenter on lgf.)

For a fascinating critique of Islam as a political ideology, see this post by Dr. Rusty Shackleford on The Jawa Report.

America’s Western-Hemisphere Enemy No. 1: Hugo Chavez

America’s Western-Hemisphere Enemy No. 1:  Hugo Chavez

Marxist Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez is a far greater threat than Fidel Castro is at this point.

Emboldened by his oil money, Mr. Chavez is NOTHING but trouble.

Red Hugo’s latest oral fart?  That Bush is worse than Hitler.

My reply?  For you, maybe, Mr. Chavez, because – while Hitler never invaded Venezuela – you may yet force Bush’s hand to send in the Marines.

(Wishful thinking, anyway.)

Update: We can do Hitler talk, too:  SECDEF Rumsfeld compares Hugo Chavez to Adolph.

The Proper Place for Propaganda In Time of War

The Proper Place for Propaganda in Time of War

For months now, Michael Savage has been appealing on his talk radio show for the US Government to use some good, old fashioned War Propaganda to further its purposes in the ongoing war in Iraq.

As Savage has pointed out, our country caricatured “Japs” and “Krauts” in World War II.  He noted that such propaganda served the purposes of focusing our troops thoughts on the duty at hand (killing the enemy) and also spurred the civilian population’s support for the war effort.

Today, I saw a superb post by Vinnie on The Jawa Report along the same lines.  As Vinnie points out, our Government used this kind of propaganda DESPITE the fact that there were Americans of Japanese and German descent fighting on our side in that war.

Now Maybe More Countries Wish They Had Gone into Iraq with Us?

Now Maybe More Countries Wish They Had Gone into Iraq with Us?

Now that we see virtually the entire Muslim world exploding with unquenchable, demoniacal rage over the mere printing of a few harmless cartoons, perhaps more countries are wishing they had gone into Iraq with us – to make a showof their solidarity with the United States in this increasingly obvious world war between two civilizations.    (Hat tip: Drudge.)

By the way, two Western countries that have steadfastly had refused to print the “offensive” cartoons in their newspapers are England and the United States.

What despicable cowardice on the part of the “Dhimmi-ized” MSM, who never seem to cease to delight in mocking Christians.  

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

I the Humble Taggee

I, the Humble Taggee

Well, about 2330H(L) (CST), I discovered that I had been tagged by CW4BillT over at the Aargghhh!!! Web site (known as The Donovan)!  

Well, I guess I was late to notice the tagging (but it was a very long day of getting off work late and then going to church and getting out of there late and then having a beer when I got home, etc.) – and, thus, I am even later to respond.

I really don’t know what all is asked of me, so I got the format of my reply from BostonMaggie (who has commented on my site before several times).  (How original; how gutsy of me – NOT!)

So, on with the requirements:

Four jobs i have held in my life (easy: I have had many)”
  • Paper boy

  • Lawn boy (cutting grass)

  • Assistant pressman

  • Courier

4 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over
  • Lawrence of Arabia

  • Chariots of Fire

  • The Longest Day

  • The Patriot

4 Places I have Lived (Another easy one: have lived a lot of places)
  • Illinois (Chicago suburbs)

  • Northern Indiana (75 minutes from Notre Dame)

  • Okinawa, Japan

  • Southern California

4 TV Shows You Love To Watch (Huh? I thought we were all supposed to be Internet junkies here!: I don’t watch TV.  However, here are four shows I loved in days gone bye.)
  • Howdy Doody

  • Captain Kangaroo

  • Lassie

  • Roy Rogers (and Dale Evans)

4 Places You Have Been On Vacation
  • Ozarks

  • New Jersey Shore

  • Canada

  • Hawaii

4 Websites You Visit Daily (There are others, but these are the current top four for me)
  • DrudgeReport

  • WorldNetDaily

  • NewsMax

  • littlegreenfootballs

4 Favorite Foods (I am virtually omnivorous, so I like almost everything, but to fulfill my duties . . . .)
  • Hamburgers

  • Tempura

  • Spaghetti

  • Pizza

4 Places You Would Rather Be Right Now (Hey, I am in San Antonio in February: I am pretty content!)
  • Hawaii

  • Okinawa

  • Hawaii

  • Okinawa

4 People to Tag

(Hat tip: Argghhh!!!)

In all seriousness: Thank you for the honor of being tagged!

Apology!  Oversight!  Error!  It was CHRISTINE who had me tagged on Argghhh!!!  Thank you, Christine!!!

Bush MAY Have Just Left His Biggest Mark on US History: Alito Sworn in

Bush MAY Have Just Left His Biggest Mark on US History: Alito Sworn in

Have I ever disagreed with Bush?  Just look at the past posts on this blog – I disagree with him more than I agree with him.

On illegal immigration, on aid to the Palestinians, on exploding Federal spending, on base closures in time of war, in refusals to expand the size of our Army and Marines, . . . .  – I disagree with the President vociferously.

However, something happened yesterday that may someday be regarded as Bush’s most important contribution on US history – the swearing in of Judge Alito to the US Supreme Court.

Of course, it will take time to know how this will turn out.  The current court is full of liberal justices who were appointed by past REPUBLICAN presidents.  Ford appointed Stevens.  Reagan appointed Kennedy and the now-departed O’Connor.  Bush 1 appointed the loathsome Souter.  (Scalia and Thomas were both good picks, however.)

We don’t know HOW Roberts and Alito will turn out.

However, if they turn out to be strict constructionists, Bush will have likely left his mark on US history as few other Presidents have – on his Supreme Court appointments ALONE!

It may turn out that Bush finally turned the USS Supreme Court in a new direction after DECADES of steaming to the left (starboard?).

If this happens, we will all owe God a word of thanks for sending us GWB to be our President for eight years.
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