Sunday, December 31, 2006

Ignorance Abounds among Followers of Islam

Ignorance Abounds among Followers of Islam

This is…………. UNBELIEVABLE!

This is grounds to bring ALL legal immigration of Muslims to a SCREECHING HALT on the basis of a KNOWN PUBLIC HEALTH RISK!

(Hat tip: lgf.)

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Video of Saddam Hussein being executed

It happened.

Taking No Joy in Saddam’s Death – Yet Remembering Why He Had to Die

Taking No Joy in Saddam’s Death – Yet Remembering Why He Had to Die

The Bible tells us that God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked.  Therefore, I find some of the celebration going on in connection with his execution unseemly.  (Of course, I will cut some slack for those who personally suffered so horribly under his regime.)

However, as is pointed out in this WND piece, the MSM have trumpeted far more loudly the relatively minor abuses committed by American troops at Abu Ghraib, than they ever have the available video footage of some of the atrocities committed under Saddam.

To be able to view some truly gruesome footage compiled by the US Department of Defense of some of brutal goings-on that transpired in Iraq under Saddam’s regime, click here.  (This video is hosted by AEI.)

(Hat tip: WND.)

No Convictions, No Spine: The NORM for Modern Day University Administrators

No Convictions, No Spine:  The NORM for Modern Day University Administrators

Two stories in WND that will bring joy to all secularists and unbelievers and Jihadis this holiday season are the decisions by both William and Mary College in Williamsburg, Virginia, and Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, to run away from their Christian traditions and underpinnings.  Read here.  And here.

More on Rick Warren’s Unseemly Shilling for the Syrian Regime

More on Rick Warren’s Unseemly Shilling for the Syrian Regime

The more I read about phony “megapastor” Rick Warren, the less I like him – and I never was a Rick Warren fan to begin with.

To get the depth (or, rather, the LACK thereof) of his sickening whitewashing of the oppressive second-generation Assad regime in Damascus, please go to this link and play the embedded sound bite.

Hmmmm.  What logic:  Muslims and Christians in Syria get along because…”the Christians were there first?”

Mr. Warren, please name one Middle Eastern country where the Muslims were there first?  (Hint: Zero!)

Moreover, you can hear with your own words Warren’s calling the current Assad regime “moderate”!   Sickening.

I have to wonder what Warran’s pay-off for this performance was?  (That’s right, I am calling him a whore.)

On the other hand, if there was no pay-off for Warren (which I doubt), that means he dropped his trousers and bent over for the Assad regime… for…. NOTHING?!!

In that case, Warren is lower than a whore.

Crocodile Tears for Saddam from the Vatican (Apologies to John Huss, et al?)

Crocodile Tears for Saddam from the Vatican (Apologies to John Huss, et al?)

I just copied the following headline from Pat Dollard’s blog:


Allegedly, this was the Vatican’s “reaction” to Saddam’s execution today.

Hmmmm.  Has the Vatican paid reparations to the descendants of John Huss and the MULTITUDES of OTHERS whose executions she has either orchestrated of approved over the centuries.  (Answer: I highly doubt it.)

Sorry:  I don’t buy the “but the Catholic Church has changed” argument.  (Oh, has it, really?)

If it had changed, it would ask for forgiveness for ALL its past executions.  (I am a former Catholic:  And I am not holding my breath on this one.)

Really:  The Vatican would have been smarter either to keep silent on this matter – or to say something like “Justice has been done; but justice has a harsh side to it that brings no joy when it is carried out – though carried out it must be.”

P.S.  I highly recommend Foxe’s Book of Martyrs.  Must reading.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Advisory Memo to President Bush Making Plans for Iraq over the Weekend:

Advisory Memo to President Bush Making Plans for Iraq over the Weekend:  

Advisory Memo to President Bush Making Plans for Iraq over the Weekend:  
Get Head out of @ss; Ignore State Department Advise (at ALL costs); Take the Handcuffs (ROE) off our Soldiers’ Hands; Quit Prosecuting US Fighting Men Guilty of Defending Themselves – and Kill the Enemy, Starting with Moqtad al-Sadr!

As Islamists Target Buddhists in Southern Thailand, the Reason Is Clear: Blame It on the JOOOOS!

As Islamists Target Buddhists in Southern Thailand, the Reason Is Clear:  Blame It on the JOOOOS!

One of the MANY current on-going conflicts in the world that involves brutal aggression by Muslims in the name of “Jihad” is that which is taking place in southern Thailand.

Thailand is a predominately Buddhist country.  However, in the south, there are provinces that have large Muslim populations.

The Thai government – much like the US presence in Iraq – appears paralyzed by fear and unwilling to take the drastic measures required to combat this Muslim insurgency, which has as its goal independence from Thailand.

So, then, we have Muslim Jihadists killing:

  • Jews in Israel

  • Christians in Indonesia

  • Catholics in the Philippines

  • Hindus in Kashmir

  • Secular Party Animals in Bali

  • Muslims of the “wrong” stripe in Iraq, and now

  • Buddhists in Thailand.

However, in order to get to the root causes of all this, we must keep in mind (with a straight face) that the root cause of ALL these conflicts is the occupation of Muslim land in Palestine by “the Zionist Entity.”


Thursday, December 28, 2006

Virgil Goode under Fire across the MSM Wasteland

Virgil Goode under Fire across the MSM Wasteland

I have posted previously that Congressman Virgil Goode (R-VA) has posted his disgust with both incoming Democratic (and Muslim) Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison who has decided to be sworn in with his hand on a copy of the Qur’an.

Moreover Goode is in the hot seat for opposing continuation of the high rate of Muslim immigration into this country.

An example of the liberal harrumphing of Mr. Goode’s position can be read here.  (Hat tip: realclearpolitics.)

To Mr. Goode’s credit, he is not backing down from his stand, despite the barrage of the ongoing facile, kneejerk MSM pummeling.

Michelle Malkin, on her site, links to a video presentation by Robert Spencer (of JihadWatch fame) discussing this development.  This is a must-see video.

For the record:  I am in TOTAL agreement with Goode on this one.  Ellison is ripping at the fabric of our country by being sworn in with his hand on a copy of the (jihad-teaching) Qur’an.

Moreover, the Bush Administration – following the lead of its pathetic, Dhimmified State Department Arabists – continues to permit MORE and MORE Muslims into this country, both to study and to immigrate.

Update:  I just noticed that blogger La Shawn Barber has a great post defending Congressman Goode.  Read it!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Arafat – Murderer of US Diplomats – Coddled to the End by US Presidents

Arafat – Murderer of US Diplomats – Coddled to the End by US Presidents


(Hat tip: WND.)

Update: At lgf there is a post on this same subject with some good info, including the text of the entire relevant State Department cable.  Also a link to a good summary at It Shines for All.

A GREAT Piece Documenting the Pervasive PRO-ZIONIST Thread in American Political Thought

A GREAT Piece Documenting the Pervasive PRO-ZIONIST Thread in American Political Thought

As an admittedly Pro-Zionist, Evangelical Christian American, I have generally (and incorrectly) believed that the Pro-Zionist thread in American politics had its genesis in the 1960s or 1970s.

Well, today I fortuitously happened upon a VERY informative piece in the Opinion Journal by Michael B. Oren on the history of Zionist-friendly thought in American political history.

While Oren writes his piece largely to rebut Jimmy Carter’s latest (vomitous) literary endeavor, he does a great service to all by reminding us that a favorable view of Jewish control of Israel is something that predates (by a long shot) the late radio preacher J. Vernon McGee (d. 1988).

In fact, as Oren aptly traces out, pro-Zionist pronouncements can be traced back – not only to Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin – but also to our current President’s Bible scholar forebear of the same name (George Bush) in 1844.

All of which makes this lgf post all the more troubling.  

Has the current President TRULY cut of all arms shipments to Israel?

If so, he is sorely misguided and equally sorely needs to throw his hapless SECSTATE, Condhimmi Rice, overboard, poste haste.

A Different Take on the “Eeeeeeeeeeeeeevvviiiiillllllllllllllllll” Pinochet, RIP

A Different Take on the “Eeeeeeeeeeeeeevvviiiiillllllllllllllllll” Pinochet, RIP

It is a given in the MSM world of the NYT, that the late (former Chilean dictator) Augusto Pinochet was an evil right-wing dictator – under whose watch some 3,000 Chileans (probably, mostly Commies) disappeared.  

Hmmmmm.  I wonder if a Lexis-Nexis search would show as much concern over the MILLIONS of Cambodians killed under the Communist rule of Khmer Rouge Madman Pol Pot as it has over the 3,000 ostensibly killed by Pinochet?

At any rate, in my book, a guy who saves his country from Communism and then puts it on track to have a demand-based, capitalist, free-market economy, cannot be ALL bad.

Ilana Mercer, on her blog, posts an excellent Pinochet obituary piece penned by George Reisman that I heartily recommend.

Long live those with the cojones to thwart communist takeovers of their country!  

Pinochet, I tip my glass to you!

President Gerald Ford Rest in Peace

President Gerald Ford Rest in Peace

Former President Gerald Ford has passed from this earthly scene.  As our 38th President, Ford was less-than-impressive.  However, keep in mind that he never was elected to the post of either Vice-President or President – although he held both positions.

Unique among all American Presidents, Ford entered office unelected to replace an elected man who resigned in disgrace (President Nixon).

While one cannot be too hard on a President for the way his Supreme Court nominees turn out (as they are, ostensibly, free moral agents), Ford’s most singularly notable (and unfortunately so) accomplishment was the appointment to the Supreme Court of the ultra-liberal (and odious) Associate Justice John Paul Stevens.

However, to his credit – unlike his successor, the loathsome Jimmy Carter – Ford had the grace to keep out of the limelight and did not take pleasure glad-handing tinpot tyrants while globetrotting in America-bashing excursions under the limelight of the MSM.

The Death Rattle of (Liberal, Secular, Atheist) Western Civilization?

The Death Rattle of (Liberal, Secular, Atheist) Western Civilization?

Let’s face it:  (As Mark Steyn has been saying for some time) the WEST is dying.  No.  Not the God-fearing, Bible-believing, America-loving, home-schooling grassroots – but the Liberal, secular, atheist, America-hating, marriage-bashing, gay-loving liberal elite who dominate our universities, our MSM studios and editing rooms, and our university administrations and faculty senates.

Having scorned having children for themselves (the pursuit of sexual pleasure being paramount), they are reduced to recruiting the children of others to their cause.

Don’t get me wrong  -- they are not without means:  The liberals have at their disposal the entire public school system, Hollywood, and the MSM.

Still, those outside the mix – the illegal aliens, the Muslims, and the grassroots Christians – are being fruitful and multiplying.

While I cannot project the new America’s face – a new corrupt Latin American oligarchy?  A Shari’a-based, women-oppressing, Muslim hell-hole?  Or, a freer, more decent, and more Christian, Constitutionally-based society?

Keep in mind that such is the depth of their hatred for Biblical Christianity, that the Liberal elites, in order to influence the future direction of America, will GLADLY cast their lots with the illegal aliens and/or the women-suppressing Muslims before permitting the Christian Patriots to gain power.

A lesson to those who wish to learn from history (where societies begin to disintegrate):  Arm yourselves and purchase ammunition.  Buy survival gear.  Lebanon-style civil strife is undoubtedly coming to America.  You will at the very least want to be able to protect your own family from armed intruders.

Oh, maybe not tomorrow or even next year….. But, barring something unforeseen (and – admittedly – virtually anything is possible), serious civil strife in this country appears to be well-nigh inevitable.

As radio talk-show host Michael Savage is wont to say, any country with nationalistic integrity is held together by its “Language, Borders, Culture” – and the elites (including the current “Texas cowboy” President and his cronies) appear to be intent on undermining all three of these three societal pillars.

Monday, December 25, 2006

The Great (Amnesty-for-Illegals) Sellout Begins

The Great (Amnesty-for-Illegals) Sellout Begins

According to the ever-odious NYT, the great (amnesty-for-illegals) sellout has begun.  (Hat tip: Drudge).

As Michael Savage puts it, the basis of a country’s identity is its Language, Borders, Culture.

Clearly, the left not only wants to permit easy-citizenship for those who gained entrance to this land illegally – but also to destroy this country’s distinctive features – namely, its languge, borders, and culture.

Exhibit ‘A’ on How the Bush Administration Does Not Get It (Or: A Tale of Two Bush-Administration Prosecutions)

Exhibit ‘A’ on How the Bush Administration Does Not Get It (Or: A Tale of Two Bush-Administration Prosecutions)

President George W. Bush is a man of privilege, and – although I voted for him (over Kerry!) – I am thoroughly alienated by his utter cluelessness about how life works for the average person.

GWB is an elitist – through and through – and don’t you ever forget it!

Exhibit ‘A’ on how this is so is a comparison on how two different prosecutions were handled on the President’s watch.

First: The (virtual non-)prosecution of former President Bill Clinton’s National Security Advisor Sandy Berger, who HAS ADMITTED to purloining HIGHLY classified documents and destroying some of them.

Please keep in mind that Sandy Berger’s background is apparently that of a lobbyist for big Chinese business interests seeking access to American markets – a real ‘patriot,’ if I do say so myself!  Sandy Berger is wealthy, well-connected, and has not served in the military for a day in his life.  Keep in mind, also, that Berger worked for a Democratic Administration and was being prosecuted by a Republican Administration.

So, how did the Bush Administration “prosecute” Berger?  First, by not seeking ANY prison time AND by seeking a fine SO LOW that the presiding (female) judge INCREASED the fine the well-heeled Berger had to pay, lest the prosecution become a total mockery of justice.

Now, in juxtaposition, let’s take the case of Marine SSgt Frank Wuterich, who – prior to being charged last week with murder for actions taken in Haditha, Iraq, last year, had led his fellow Marines on 150 combat patrols, discovering weapons, unearthing IEDs, and capturing enemy insurgents.

When he was accused (solely by Iraqis living in a city that has been under Sunni insurgent control) of war crimes, the Marine Corps leadership – serving under the Bush Administration’s Pentagon and ultimately under President Bush himself – chose to throw the book at Wuterich and prefer charges that could land him in prison for life.

To the average American, Sandy Berger is a self-seeking cad who would sell his mother – or national secrets, if need be – to gain a financial advantage.  Yet, President Bush treated him like a dear friend with kid gloves.

On the other hand, the average Joe on the American street sees Wuterich – not only as a patriot – but as a wartime hero.  Yet, the Bush Administration sees fit to throw him overboard to appease the Bush-hating worldwide MSM.

Keep in mind that – as Commander-in-Chief – President Bush could put an end to Wuterich’s prosecution (and that of his seven co-defendants) in an instant.

And another thing:  If both these prosecutions had taken place under a Democratic Administration, how differently would they have been conducted.  (Answer:  Likely no differently at all.)  For THIS we voted a Republican into the White House?

This is the kind of thing that brought President Bush his very-much-deserved election day “thumpin’” this past November.

Three Perspectives on Christmas

Three Perspectives on Christmas

Pat Boone’s Perspective – Pat counters the American secularists’ attack on Christmas by asking who, in fact, Christmas is for….. After all, it is for those who will receive it and its message.  Moreover, as Boone aptly points out, the Constitution guarantees us the right to the “free exercise” of our religion (which might include celebrating Christmas!).  (My response:  The ACLU-type scrooges are really overweening in their efforts to purge US culture of all remnants of an earlier era when the pre-eminence of Christianity in American popular culture was a given.)

Vox Day’s Perspective – Vox brings us to our senses by clarifying that the current ongoing attack on Christian Christmas by the general secular culture in this country is merely part and parcel of a worldwide persecution against Christians and Christianity globally.  Moreover, this persecution is something that Our LORD warned us of.  (My response:  We still do not need to roll over for the (as Michael Savage might say) pockmark-faced, drugged-up, radical homosexual ACLU types hellbent on attacking public manifestations of Christianity in our popular culture.)

Michelle Malkin’s Perspective – Michelle posts several things here.  (My response:  I particularly enjoyed hearing from the military chaplain stationed in Baghdad – especially about his desire to keep Christmas Christ-centered.  (Caveat: As a former Papist myself, I most certainly do NOT endorse the current Pontiff’s patently unscriptural teaching regarding the real presence in the host (read: transubstantiation) so unfortuitously inserted in the body of his Christmas Day homily included by Michelle in her post.)

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Go Ethiopia! Hit the Somali Islamofascists – Harder! Harder!

Go Ethiopia!  Hit the Somali Islamofascists – Harder! Harder!

Ahhh the smell of gunite in the morning!  

At least Ethiopia has enough cojones to take it to the Islamofascist Somali warlords!

Gooooooooooooo, Ethiopia!

(Hat tip: lgf.)

Target Relents (on Foisting Che Pollution on the US Political Environment)

Target Relents (on Foisting Che Pollution on the US Political Environment)

I love it.

Target’s upper management really has a gift – for alienating a huge part of the buying public:  First, banning Salvation Army bell-ringers from their stores’ premises…. and then selling Che gear….

Glad they stopped pushing the Che stuff.

By the way, Che was a thug.

Hat tip: Michelle Malkin

Nailed One in Afghan

Nailed One in Afghanistan

Well, sometimes things go our way.  (Hat tip: lgf.)

May he rest in pieces!

Also found in the Washington Times.

CAIR – Nurturing a “Victim” Mentality among Muslims in the US

CAIR – Nurturing a “Victim” Mentality among Muslims in the US

Anyone who follows the news knows this is true:  CAIR has mastered the “I am a victim” methodology in dealing with the media, the government, and the public.

(Hat tip: lgf.)

Your Tax Dollars at Work – US Govt Studying Islamophobia with CAIR!

Your Tax Dollars at Work – US Govt Studying Islamophobia with CAIR!

This is really ridiculous!

(Hat tip: lgf.)

Thursday, December 21, 2006

On Senator McCain’s Backbone

On Senator McCain’s Backbone

….. Regarding Iraq.

(Hat tip: realclearpolitics.)

The US Military Once again Demonstrates Its Misplaced Aggression – against Its Own!

The US Military Once again Demonstrates Its Misplaced Aggression – against Its Own!

Ever since the Abu Ghraib scandal – over which the Bush Administration and the Pentagon suddenly lost its courage with respect to the Iraq non-warlike war, the Pentagon has shown that its harshest aggression is now directed against her own.

Today: Eight Marines charged (with the crime of actually fighting the terrorists?).

This is pathetic.

As the father of an Army soldier who has served in Iraq and is now slated to head to Afghanistan next year, I am disgusted.

Bush off His Game?

Bush off His Game?

John Podheretz thinks so.

(Hat tip: realclearpolitics.)

Jimmy Carter’s Arab Lobby Connections

Jimmy Carter’s Arab Lobby Connections

There is a piece in FrontPageMagazine about the loathsome Jimmy Carter’s connections with the Arab Lobby.

No possibility that such connections might influence his attitude towards Israel?

(Hat tip: lgf.)

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

At Least SOMEONE in Hollywood Gets It! (Zucker’s James Baker Burlesque)

At Least SOMEONE in Hollywood Gets It!  (Zucker’s James Baker Burlesque)

View a terrific dramatized jab at the odious James Baker, his known record of appeasement toward Mid-East strong men, and the pathetic recommendations of the Baker-co-chaired Iraq Study Group.

For what its worth – I LOATHE James Baker.

Don’t know who Neville Chamberlain was?  Read this.

(As is so often the case, hat tip: lgf.)

Patrick Henry’s Growing Anti-Jihadi Anthology

Patrick Henry’s Growing Anti-Jihadi Anthology

The pseudonymous “Patrick Henry,” of “It’s in the Koran” fame (or infamy?), has added two more anti-Jihadist numbers to his growing anthology.

An anti-Jihadi hootenanny or sing-along, anyone?

(Hat tip: lgf.)

Perhaps It Is Hereditary? (Bush Family’s Penchant for Letting Democratic Congresses to Raise Taxes)

Perhaps It Is Hereditary? (Bush Family’s Penchant for Letting Democratic Congresses to Raise Taxes)

The current President’s Father is probably more (and more negatively) remembered for breaking his own “read my lips” promise not to agree to any tax increases than he is for his Gulf War I campaign.

Well, it seems that the current President – who has until now positioned himself as a tax-cutter and not a tax-raiser – may be looking to follow in his daddy’s ill-fated steps.

While I hate the idea of a tax increase (even one that may not raise my taxes personally – as I am not a high-income earner), I suspect there may be a silver lining to this cloud:  Permanent damage to any talk of Jeb Bush’s having a potential future as a Republican Presidential candidate.

Just say NO to (any more) Bush(es running for President).

Beginnings of Anti-Wahhabist Backlash from WITHIN Sunni Islam?

Beginnings of Anti-Wahhabist Backlash from WITHIN Sunni Islam?

Writing for TCS, contributor Stephen Schwartz describes how the source of most Sunni Islamic terrorism – Saudi Arabian-engendered and -financed Wahhabism – may be receding in its influence within the Sunni world.

As Schwartz’s article seems to imply, (until now, at least) the current American Administration (and its predecessors) have been willing to turn a blind eye while Saudi money (generally coming from private sources) has been used aggressively to spread the Wahhabist brand of extremism around the world for a number of years now.

Wahhabist Sunni theology has inspired much of the Muslim-on-Muslim conflict in Iraq, as well as anti-Western terrorism in Chechnya, Iraq, and the Balkans.

Apparently, a power struggle within the Saudi power structure looms in connection with this “to Wahhabi or Not to Wahhabi, that is the Question” issue – with the current Saudi leader apparently wanting to BREAK with the Wahhabists.

Interesting stuff – stuff of which the “empty suits” and “leg-crossers” [Michael Savagisms] in the MSM are either unaware and/or unwilling to share with their listeners/readers.

Stay informed: Read Schwartz’s piece.

Monday, December 18, 2006

“F--- the Jews” Baker – in Conflict-of-Interest Accusations

“F--- the Jews” Baker – in Conflict-of-Interest Accusations

They couldn’t have happened to a “better” guy.

Wal-Mart Eagerly “Selling Rope” to the ChiComs!

Wal-Mart Eagerly “Selling Rope” to the ChiComs!

I have been boycotting Wal-Mart lately…….  Have no need to stop now!  

Maybe they should change their name in China to Wal-Mao (Tse-Tung).


Forward This Link to All Dhimmi-Minded Officials and Politicians – Starting with SecState Condhimmi Rice!

Forward This Link to All Dhimmi-Minded Officials and Politicians – Starting with SecState Condhimmi Rice!

Warning:  Contains Profane Language!

Here is a band that sings what many of us believe – OPEN SEASON on jihad-waging, US-hating, Jew-baiting, IED-exploding, Islamofascist terrorists!

(Hat tip: lgf.)

Update: I have SecState Rice’s mailing address here, but not her email address:
Dr. Condoleeza Rice  Department of State  2201 C St. NW  Washington, DC 20520  

Update:  Here is a link to a State Department page that gives email addresses for some media relations types at Foggy Bottom.

Ralph Peters Gets It Right: Send More Troops to Iraq ONLY IF We MEAN It!

Ralph Peters Gets It Right: Send More Troops to Iraq ONLY IF We MEAN It!

Must read on Iraq – especially for President Bush, SecDef Gates, and their candy-@ssed generals.


The Republican House Gives Its Verdict on the Dumbsfeld Era: Wrong-Headed on Troop Numbers

The Republican House Gives Its Verdict on the Dumbsfeld Era:  Wrong-Headed on Troop Numbers

I read somewhere in the past two days that Vice President Cheney’s post-mortem on ex-SecDef Dumbsfeld’s tenure in the Pentagon was that he was “one of the best.”

Well, perhaps Cheney can be forgiven, since he and Dumbsfeld are apparently friends and Cheney know next to nothing about the military.

In reality, however, I believe Dumbsfeld will go down in history as an abysmal failure.  Like the British colonel in the story Bridge over the River Kwai, for whom completing a building project FOR his Japanese captors eclipsed for him in importance the war effort (AGAINST the Japanese) itself, Dumbsfeld’s obsession for force transformation (read:  a too-small but very high-tech force) smacked clearly of an unchecked eccentricity in the extreme.

Despite the demands of the two front war in Asian (Afghanistan and Iraq), despite the mounting US casualties, despite the surging chaos in Iraq, despite clear signs of impending strain on US military men and material due to the sustained war-time tempo, Dumbsfeld (like the Colonel in the River Kwai story) held obsessively, doggedly, and – one might add – insanely to his concept of a smaller force.

Keep in mind that during the past four years, even Senator Clinton was advocating for an increase in the size of US ground combat forces.  But Dumbsfeld would have none of it.

The story behind Bush’s failure to dump Dumbsfeld YEARS ago will probably occupy military historians for decades to come.  

House Republicans – in their last gasp – have repudiated Dumbsfeld by calling for an increase in the size of the US military.  Army Chief of Staff, General Peter Schoomaker concurs.

Unfortunately, however, as William Hawkins (the author of the Washington Times piece linked to above) points out – if a Republican Administration supported by a Republican Congress in TIME OF WAR failed to increase the size of our ludicrously small military, there seems little likelihood of a different approach under a Democratically-controlled Congress.

Alas, I suspect the post-mortem on the Bush/Dumbsfeld years will be:  Lost opportunities – including opportunities to take out the hostile regime in Damascus, to use force against the thugs in Khartoum, to WIN DECISIVELY in BOTH Afghanistan and Iraq, and to INCREASE the size of the military from its Clinton-era dwarfing.

In closing, as the father of a son who survived one combat tour in Iraq under Dumbsfeld, I bid the eccentric former Pentagon Chief a hearty “good riddance!”

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Ruben Navarette Orgasmic over Richardson (Because He is Brown!)

Ruben Navarette Orgasmic over Richardson (Because He is Brown!)

Well, while most of the MSM is in Obagasm mode over Senator Barack Hussein Obama (D-IL), mild-mannered, decent moderate commentator Ruben Navarette appears to be in a similar mode over his own favorite, Governor Richardson of New Mexico – who admittedly has a FAR superior resume to that of Obama’s.

However, Navarette overreaches when he opines:

On the other hand, if the anti-illegal-immigrant backlash continues in many communities around the country -- and continues to morph, as it has been, into an anti-Hispanic backlash -- Richardson could spend half the campaign trying to convince those with closed minds and hair-trigger prejudices that his loyalty lies with the United States and not with Mexico.

Hmmm.  So, the anti-illegal referenda items that passed last month in the heavily Hispanic border state of Arizona are only of anecdotal interest to you, Mr. Navarette?

And we are not supposed to be upset by the rate of rapes and murders committed by illegals on our soil?  How about the way illegals (largely Hispanic) are filling our prisons, and over-burdening our hospital emergency rooms and public schools?

Besides – and this is VERY disturbing to me – Richardson is at an equally clueless level of understanding to that of Obama on how to deal with Iraq as (favorably) posted on a liberal blog.

Since Mr. Navarette appears to agree with Governor Richardson that a border fence is a bad idea, I wonder if he will buy land on the border and enjoy having it trashed by a continual stream of illegal immigrants?  (I am not holding my breath.)

I don’t care if Richardson is brown – but I DO care about his core convictions and his good judgment (or lack thereof).

Steyn Laments (Pre-emptive, No Less!) Christmas-Carol Gestapo Tactics in Riverside

Steyn Laments (Pre-emptive, No Less!) Christmas-Carol Gestapo Tactics in Riverside  

Recently an invited high school choral group was shut down in the middle of a Christian (gasp!) Christmas carol in a public forum on the grounds that someone (of a celebrity status) MIGHT be offended.

Mark Steyn observes and comments.

I do hope some lawsuits are filed.


Saturday, December 16, 2006

Where Muslims Rule, Followers of Other Religions Leave: Bethlehem’s Christian Residents Fleeing

Where Muslims Rule, Followers of Other Religions Leave:  Bethlehem’s Christian Residents Fleeing

Here is a story that largely elicits yawns from the MSM sharks who fairly obsess every John Doe Muslim gets his panties in a bunch because the Kafirs fail to show enough deference to his every imperious demand for ever yet MORE rights (e.g., rights to board an airplane and act like hijackers; rights for women who are covered from head to toe to be exempt from compliance to any identity-collection methods on public busses, etc.)

To what story do I allude?  Why the incredibly fast-shrinking resident Chistian Arab population in the City of Bethlehem.  A story that WND will not permit to be ignored.

Oh, some like to try to blame this one on Israel, but under scrutiny, those charges will never stick.

No:  We can lay the blame for this religious-cleansing process on the followers of Islam.

Where is the Dhimmified, Arabist-dominated US State Department on this issue?  (Related question:  Do we even have a Secretary of State?)  Where is President Bush on this issue?  Where is the new Secretary General of the United Nations on this issue.  (Hint:  They are all missing in action.)

Here is one that simply cannot be blamed on the “Jooooooooooos.”

Update:  Charles Johnson of lgf has also posted on this same subject!

The Gradual ‘De Facto’ Islamicization of the United States Continues Apace

The Gradual ‘De Facto’ Islamicization of the United States Continues Apace

this lgf post highlights, the (veiled, Muslim) Grand Rapids woman blogged about a few days ago is trying to milk her alleged “humiliation” for all it is worth – apparently even possibly to make a buck from it via a lawsuit.

This is really nuts.  

The earlier post still applies:  NO ‘DE FACTO’ SHARI’A LAW!’

Friday, December 15, 2006

The Very Disturbing Antics of Rick Warren, Evangelical “Uber” Pastor

The Very Disturbing Antics of Rick Warren, Evangelical “Uber” Pastor

I have never been a fan of Rick Warren.  WND editor (and evangelical Christian) Joseph Farah is DEFINITELY no Rick Warren fan either.

Farah has been doing a great job of holding Warren’s (tricky) feet to the fire.

The Epistles of Second Peter and Jude come to mind when I think of Rick Warren.  (And, NO! – that is NOT a compliment, either!)

The Gutsy Mrs. Malkin to Go to Iraq

The Gutsy Mrs. Malkin to Go to Iraq

World-class blogger Michelle Malkin has accepted an offer by former CNN-reporter Eason Jordan to join him in Iraq.

We already knew this lady had class.

Now we know she has a lot of guts, too.

Update:  Some folks apparently think Mrs. Malkin’s commitment to go to Iraq is a laughing matter.  I – for one – do not:  I find her to be truly courageous – almost recklessly so.


Tom Tancredo Cancels Planned Miami Visit Due to Death Threat

Tom Tancredo Cancels Planned Miami Visit Due to Death Threat

Congressman Tom Tancredo (R-CO) recently cancelled a planned appearance in Miami due to a death threat.

What is happening to this once-great, once-liberty-respecting land?


Secretary of the Navy Gordon England Is beneath Contempt!

Secretary of the Navy Gordon England Is beneath Contempt!

Let’s see…. When is the LAST TIME ANYONE can remember the SECRETARY of ANY branch of the military PRESIDING over the promotion of a lowly O-3 to the slightly-less-low rank of O-4?

Answer:  The recent promotion of a MUSLIM Navy chaplain.

Yes.  By the same Secretary of the Navy who has permitted the suppression of prayers in Jesus’ Name by his Evangelical Christian chaplains.

I have heard similarly disturbing reports about the currently serving Commandant of the Naval Academy.

Obviously, the case can be made that Islam is being given preferential treatment by the Department of the Navy.  See this story about Guantanamo.

Our once proud Navy is in the hands of Dhimmis and vermicelli-spined politicians.

President Bush and SecDef Dumbsfeld – and NOT the Democrats – are to blame for this state of affairs.  (Of course, the Democrats probably would have done the same thing.)


The Imam Airline Publicity Stunt Exposed

The Imam Airline Publicity Stunt Exposed

If by now you do not know that six Imams pulled a planned publicity-stunt recently in Minneapolis, then you haven’t been paying attention.

Now these trouble-makers want to sue!

Katherine Kersten helps set the record straight on this sordid saga.

They should be grateful no passengers tackled them for their outrageous behavior.

Why is the gutless Federal Government not prosecuting all six for their obviously disruptive hehavior on the flight?


This Time Hewitt is Spot-On

This Time Hewitt is Spot-On

Hugh Hewitt has a brilliant insight into the fact that the absence of military service NOW will VERY possibly negatively impact one’s opportunities to enter electoral politics in twenty years’ time.


hugh hewitt's partisan baiting

hugh hewitt's partisan baiting

While I agree with Hugh Hewitt that more ground combat forces are badly needed (i.e., we need to “grow” the Army and Marine Corps), this problem did not occur yesterday – and no one fought this expansion harder than failed SecDef Dumbsfeld.

In this post, the boorishly partisan Hewitt baits the Democrats by questioning their commitment to national security vis-à-vis their vote on this matter of expanding the size of our ground combat forces.

Funny, I never remember Hewitt ONCE berating the REPUBLICAN Bush-Dumbsfeld Duo for THEIR six-year-long, obdurate, WAR-TIME opposition to the very thing that Hewitt is NOW  pushing for as a litmus test of one’s seriousness about defending our national security.

If criticism for the state of our too-small ground forces is good for the Democratic Goose, Mr Hewitt, is it not also meet for the Republican Gander who has been in charge of such matters for the past six years?

P.S. I am a Republican and I support growing our ground combat forces, but I don’t think Hewitt is being intellectually honest here.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Media Getting Obamagasmic – Time for a Little Perspective

Media Getting Obamagasmic – Time for a Little Perspective

As the MSM goes nutso over Barack Obama – the alleged Presidential candidate with no resume, it might help to read Ilana Mercer’s analysis of this media phenomenon.

Update: Sensible Mom has a related piece here.

Double-Dealing by the Pakistanis

Double-Dealing by the Pakistanis

The word is out now.  Pakistan’s President Pervaz Musharraf, once hailed by President Bush as an ally in the War on Terror, has double-crossed the Americans.

In effect, Pakistan IS the Taliban’s logistical and support base.  How long President Bush can ignore this reality is a serious question.

For the sake of discussion, I marvel at how our current President pooh-poohs the significance of the US border with Mexico (as pertains to controlling hordes of invading illegal aliens), but then turns around and treats the borders of Syria, Iran, and Pakistan with almost religious reverence – even though each of these countries is known to be supporting terrorists fighting and killing our troops.

Typical defeatist, victory-allergic, inside-the-Beltway, elitist American policy-think.

Read: Here.  And here.  And here.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

San Antonio’s Own Jonathan Gurwitz Gives James Baker the What For

San Antonio’s Own Jonathan Gurwitz Gives James Baker the What For

San Antonio’s own Jonathan Gurwitz writes (in the San Antonio Express-News) a thoughtful and reasoned piece debunking James Baker’s status as an alleged “realist” about matters diplomatic and political (particularly in the Middle East).


The Vile Jimmy Carter Looks to Be Going out a Jew-Hater

The Vile Jimmy Carter Looks to Be Going out a Jew-Hater

The ever-lovely and rapier-sharp Ilana Mercer has posted an article from the NYT on her blog revealing some of the turmoil generated within the Carter Center staff by the ill-starred 39’s latest book that impugns Israel.

Like many another famous man, Carter appears to be happy to go out from this life as a Jew-hater.

Update: Mona Charen forcefully takes Carter to task over his latest book – and over his anti-Israel posture in general.  Good read.

Vox Weighs in (Controversially) on the RIAA copyright battles

Vox Weighs in (Controversially) on the RIAA copyright battles

Vox Day is not loathe to make his opinion known on any issue about which he has strong convictions – whether it is a popular view or not.

Regarding RIAA’s ongoing jihad against alleged copyright violators, Vox unloads especially venomously…..  

I believe his points are worthy of consideration.


No De Facto Shari’a Law!

No De Facto Shari’a Law!

Yesterday on littlegreenfootballs, there was a discussion thread about how the Michigan Public Transit (MPT) rescinded a rule that no one may board a bus in Michigan with his face covered.  The reason for the rule was to permit the on-board cameras on each bus to capture the face of each passenger for safety purposes.

The reason for this curious reversal?  A Muslim woman who was denied entry on a bus in Grand Rapids because she had her face entirely covered complained to MPT that their rule was restricting her religious beliefs.

So, there you have it.  A rule instituted to promote public safety has been revised to accommodate Muslim religious beliefs as practiced in Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan – both countries that operate under “Shari’a Law,” which is Muslim religious law.  

Certain religious Muslims make no bones about wanting to get American under Shari’a Law.  Of course, knowing that the majority of us will never consent to such an unconstitutional outrage, they seem to have adopted a piecemeal approach of intimidating various officials at various times into backing down on their normal rules, policies, or restrictions to accommodate Muslim Shari’a practices.  The Grand Rapids bus incident mentioned above is a perfect example of this.

What the Islamic radicals are attempting is to bring about “de facto Shari’a Law.”  If you are not familiar with the term “de facto,” it basically means “in fact” (as opposed to “by law”).  For instance, during the 1960s, even after Civil Rights legislation had been passed, certain individuals and/or institutions persisted in discriminating against blacks.  When this happened, the media would decry the “de facto segregation” being practiced despite the new laws prohibiting same.

Now, instead of an OLD practice (institutional discrimination against blacks) on the way out, we are faced with an invidious NEW practice being insinuated into our legal fabric by radical Islamists: Namely, de facto Shari’a Law.

If enough institutions across this land – be they bus lines, airlines, schools, etc – can be intimidated into altering their rules specifically for Muslim Shari’a practices (while NOT doing the same for practitioners of other beliefs), we will eventually be faced with  the daily reality of widespread, patchwork “de facto Shari’a Law” – whether in the form of dress-code exceptions, special prayer rooms, special halal dietary exceptions, etc.

From that point, it will be a fairly simple matter to transition to “de jure Shari’a Law,” meaning that Shari’a Law will have become the law of the land (of this country founded by Christians and once governed accordingly).

So, please… Add this term to your working vocabulary:  “de facto Shari’a Law” – as in …..


Be sure to use this phrase vociferously when interacting with school administrators, university officials, transportation bureaucrats, elected officials, etc.

Back from a Recess

Back from a Recess

For a variety of reasons, I have not posted for over three months.   I will post today and see how things go.  Note that my email address has changed.  
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