Sunday, April 30, 2006

A Brief Note to President Bush Time to Bomb Iran

A Brief Note to President Bush Time to Bomb Iran

Time is growing short regarding the tyrants in charge of Iran.  It is 1939 again.  Time to act.

Mr. President, what are we waiting for?  For Iran to nuke someone BEFORE we act?  That, in my view, is not the wisest course of action.

Time to act pre-emptively, while the Europeans collectively soil their knickers over the entire situation.

One good thing: Your poll numbers are already so low that you don’t have to worry about a dip in the polls!

Remember:  You did not ask for this alignment of events in the political world, but you were dealt this difficult hand.

As several others have said:  The only thing worse than military action against Iran, is the failure to act against Iran.

More Leftist Activism from American Roman Catholic Prelates and Priests

More Leftist Activism from American Roman Catholic Prelates and Priests

I have posted previously on the very active, leftist, and – in my view – dangerous role of American Roman Catholic prelates and priests in advocating for the agenda of the current celebrity class of lawbreakers I call illegal aliens, but which more “enlightened” people refer to as “undocumented aliens.”

I have also commented on the virtual free ride that these American Catholic leaders have received in the MSM and MSBS (Mainstream Blogosphere, my term) regarding their activist role in undermining America’s “language, borders, culture” (Michael Savage’s term).

Well, to his credit, Jack Cashill, an WND contributor – himself a US Roman Catholic layman – has a good piece on the subject.

He recently stopped in on a press conference held by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles regarding Monday’s upcoming illegal swarm activities.

What he writes is revealing.

The American Roman Catholic hierarchy is apparently committed to radically supporting the illegals.  This is not good for the country.

Why do these prestigious Catholic Church leaders seem to be getting such a free ride from the likes of Michelle Malkin and Hugh Hewitt?  


Leftist Jerk Circle in Western Hemisphere

Leftist Jerk Circle in Western Hemisphere

How touching!  The Marxist, liberty-hating leaders of three Latin American countries – Venezuela, Bolivia, and, of course, Cuba – cemented their close association last week during a meeting of the three countries’ leaders.

This is not good – particularly for the inhabitants of these three countries, but neither is it good – for American global interests.

Already, Chavez has been chummy with the Iranians and Cuba with the Chinese.

I wonder if President Bush is even aware of what is happening, as busy as he is caucusing overtime to give citizenship to our 20 million illegals?

Judge Greer and Michael Schiavo Show Their True Brutal Colors

Judge Greer and Michael Schiavo Show Their True Brutal Colors

Judge Greer and Michael Schiavo, the pair who engineered – via callous misuse of the legal system – the cruel, slow death of Terri Schiavo, each showed his true colors by recently appearing as pro-death advocates at a bioethics conference.

These, in my judgment, are two very evil men.


Thursday, April 27, 2006

Farah Takes Kristol down

Farah Takes Kristol down

Joseph Farah does an excellent job of deconstructing Bill Kristol’s facile, hollow defense of illegal aliens, using hard statistics and a litany of deleterious changes that the current swarm of illegal aliens has brought upon this once-great, once-law-abiding, once-sovereign nation.

Bill Kristol doesn’t think illegal immigration is causing all that much harm.

As Farah points out: How would Kristol fare if he ever came face-to-face with a member of the MS-13.

As Farah points out, Kristol is insulated from the harsh realities that illegal immigration slaps many of us in the faces with on a daily basis.


Bush Pimping for Vicente and the US Biz Boys Stabbing His Base in the Back (Wants Amnesty for Ten Million Mexican Criminals)

Bush Pimping for Vicente and the US Biz Boys Stabbing His Base in the Back (Wants Amnesty for Ten Million Mexican Criminals)

Bush has once and for all shown his TRUE colors on the illegal immigration issue.  Those colors are red, white and green.  The green is both the green in his buddy, Vicente Fox’s national flag, as well as for the big bucks President Bush’s business buddies are making by hiring illegals for lower wages.

This Big Business/Illegal Alien connection has performed a perfect end-run around the American middle class, whose wages have been artificially depressed by the influx of SWARMS (see the streets on Monday) of ILLEGAL aliens.

Now, meeting behind closed doors with the likes of Senators McCain and Kennedy – while locking OUT both Senators Cornyn and Kyl – President Bush has given his base the middle finger salute.

We won’t forget, Mr. President.  We know you don’t care about us.

And your silly Chuck Schumer-style call for an investigation of the oil companies is simply another demonstration that you have very little respect for the free market.

No surprise:  You were born with a silver spoon in your mouth.  (But most of us were not.)

Thank you, Mr. President.  Thank you very much indeed for turning your back on the American people.


Michelle Malkin has more on this.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006

GOP in Congress Vote to Muzzle Free Speech

GOP in Congress Vote to Muzzle Free Speech

This story is a week or two old and, apparently, received very little press.  However, that dinosaur conservative, George Will, rightly skewers the Congressional GOP for making sure – NOT that the restrictive nature of the odious McCain-Feingold “ Campaign Finance Reform”(sic) Law be rolled back, but rather – that free speech in connection with elections be FURTHER restricted.

The majority of the GOP in Congress are worthless.  I say this as a registered Republican.  I say this knowing that the Democrats in Congress are even worse.  However, the Republicans, rather than showing a better way than their Democratic Congressional rivals, have merely sunk to their low-life moral level.

America is at sea.  Her leaders are without moral compass or moorings.  It will only get worse.

In comparison to most members of Congress, radio moral wretch Howard Stern comes out on top.  At least he is an honest, admitted, panderer to man’s baser nature.  The poseurs in Congress, on the other hand, position themselves as “concerned” for people.



Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Bush Disconnect: Win back the Base by Pressing Charges against Wenyi Wang?

Bush Disconnect: Win back the Base by Pressing Charges against Wenyi Wang?

I heard on today’s Michael Savage radio talk show that President Bush has a new five-point plan for restoring his standing in the polls, the first point of which apparently is to re-connect with his (largely evangelical Christian) base.

True to form, today the President allowed as how he is led in his Presidency by God Himself!

However, there are signs that the C-in-C just plain does NOT get it.  What am I talking about?  I am talking about his having pressed (SERIOUS) charges against Wenyi Wang, the singularly resourceful and courageous American citizen of Chinese birth who managed (legally) enter the White House grounds for the joint press conference starring both President Bush and his high-powered (and brutally tyrannical) guest, President Hu of the People’s Republic of China.

Ms. Wang, who is a follower of fiercely persecuted (by the Chinese Government) Falun Gong sect, boldly spoke out at the White House conference, (in English) urging President Bush to stop President Hu from his religious persecutions and (in Chinese) warning President Hu that his “days are numbered.”

The irony of all this is that Ms. Wang (whether intentionally or not) timed her remarks to follow immediately an exhortation by President Bush to his Chinese counterpart to grant greater freedom of expression to his people.

President Bush needs to take his own exhortation to heart – and drop the ludicrously strong charges against Ms. Wang.

Tomorrow, President Bush will be publicly taken to task by at least two Christian groups for his unseemly response to this brave woman’s moving outburst, which Michael Savage eloquently describes as coming “at the top of her lungs from the bottom of her heart.”

To put things in perpective when discussing this gross Bush miscalculation on how to deal with this trespasser is to keep in mind that the very powerful and very well-connected Sandy Berger was given the lightest slap on the wrist for deliberately stealing and destroying classified evidence – in direct violation of the terms of his very high security clearance.

But now the President plans to throw the book at this courageous woman?

I don’t THINK so, Mr. President!  (Unless you are shooting for the record books with a 20% approval rating!)

Michelle Malkin has a good post on this issue here.

How Bad Are Things in Eurabia? THIS Bad!

How Bad Are Things in Eurabia?  THIS Bad!

I have in the past mentioned the former and present Norwegian blogger, fjordman, who has abandoned his former blog, but who has now become a regular contributor to another blog.  

Since the US MSM is so willfully blind to the ever-present threat to Western society posed by waves of immigrants – particularly Muslim immigrants – most Americans are simply in the dark regarding how bad things are NOW in Europe (from the Muslim presence in the midst of European centers of civilization).

As bad as American political Left and MSM and the leftist denizens of American academe are, the Dhimmified European Media and political class are even worse for their suppression of the truth about the evils posed by a high concentration of Muslims living in their midst.

However, fjordman boldly tells the truth about Muslim destruction of Western civilization and society in the Scandinavian nations.  He tells of the rape epidemic (of Scandinavian girls by Muslim immigrant thugs); he tells of the chronic crime sprees (against Scandinavian victims by the hands of Muslim immigrant criminals); he tells of the supine pandering by the spineless Scandinavian political class to the Muslim invaders in their midst. (Hat tip: lgf.)

fjordman makes it clear that – absent a serious sea change in present political and demographic trends – the Western ways and mores of the Scandinavian countries are in dire jeopardy of being snuffed out by the primitive, violent, and vile culture of the invading Islamic hordes.

To underline just how bad things the current state of affairs in Scandinavia actually is, it is instructive to note that – simply by expressing himself in writing in the way he has – fjordman has placed him self in dire jeopardy of prosecution by his OWN government for showing “religious bias” against the invading Islamic enemy.


Psssst! Almondhead, You Stink!

Psssst!  Almondhead, You Stink!

It has often been said in one way or another that one mark of true humility and greatness is the ability to laugh at oneself – a virtue exemplified by the late, great President Ronald Reagan.

However, the current figurehead of Iran, President Almondhead – who is in fact a sock-puppet for the Islamic Cardinal Richelieus who are the true rulers of modern day Persian – has, if recent reports are true, demonstrated that he is neither humble nor great.

Someone in Iran managed to send President Almondhead a test-message on his cell phone to the effect that the Iranian head-of-state does not bathe frequently enough.

The ever humorous and fun-loving Almondhead actually had four people arrested over this egregious offense, which – if true – was simply a needed exhortation, and – if false – was something that simply should have been ignored.

My comment on this entirely sorry (and odiferous) tale is found in the title of this post: “Pssssssst!  Almondhead, you STINK!”

So, arrest me!

Sunday, April 23, 2006

No Difference between Jane Harman and Al-Jazeerah

No Difference between Jane Harman and Al-Jazeerah

Representative Jane Harman, ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, said on national television today that there is little difference between what President Bush did (in DECLASSIFYING certain documents and releasing them) and what former CIA Officer Mary McCarthy did in sneaking classified information to seditionist, Dhimmi MSM reporters regarding the alleged CIA “gulags” in Europe for captured terrorists.

What the President did was the President’s prerogative, perfectly legal, and done with the country’s best interests at heart.  What McCarthy did was a violation of CIA rules and a damaging to our country’s strategic interests . . . .  Oh, but Representative Harman makes these two acts “moral equivalents.”

Okay, then Ms. Harman, if you want to play a game of “moral equivalence hardball,” then permit me to say that there is virtually no difference between your performance on Fox News today and what al-Jazeerah accomplishes on a daily basis – not only to harm American strategic interests, but also to undermine troop morale.

And, for that reason, Ma’am, you should be forced to resign from your leadership position on the House Intelligence Committee, as well as from your seat in Congress, and send home to make an honest living.


San Antonio’s Own T. R. Fehrenbach Hits It out of the Park on the Issue of Language

San Antonio’s Own T. R. Fehrenbach Hits It out of the Park on the Issue of Language

As I have said in NUMEROUS posts, I believe that Michael Savage is one of the most important, clear-thinking, and articulate forces on the American political scene today.

Savage’s politically incorrect LBC mantra, “Language, Borders, Culture,” – and more recently (on at least one broadcast) “Language, Borders, Culture, and Flag” has – far more than any other major talk show’s or blog’s thrust (with the possible exceptions of littlegreenfootballs or Michelle Malkin) pinpointed the vulnerable soft underbelly of the present-day American body politic.

No one in the country that I can think of was more vindicated than Savage by the recent sight of the main streets of America’s major cities SWARMING with HORDES of ILLEGAL ALIENS and their SYMPATHIZERS doing the following:
  • Scorning the validity of the US borders

  • Flouting American immigration law

  • Chanting in Spanish

  • Waving Mexican (and other Central American national) flags

The sight of this at once revolting and menacing sight IMMEDIATELY triggered the DEEPEST of REACTIONS in the hearts of all TRULY PATRIOTIC Americans.  (Note:  By definition that excludes virtually all members of the Bush Administration and Members of Congress, to say nothing of the America-loathing MSM).  We at once understood the grave threat that the presence of some 20 MILLION illegals in our land poses to our continued existence of a recognizably distinct political entity resembling anything along the lines it has taken for the past 200-plus years.  

At that point, I feel certain that it instantly crystallized in the hearts of millions of patriotic middle class American voters that the likes of President Bush, Senator McCain, Senator Specter, and so on, are NOT “one of them” – not even close.  In fact, the Republican Party as we have known it since the days of the Reagan Administration is probably dead.  I can personally say – as a registered Repbublican voter and a former (small-potatoes) donor, that I have rebuffed and/or reviled the last few individuals that have had the misfortune to call me at home requesting donations to the RHINO Party.

Savage is a maverick:  Far to the right of what I have dubbed the MSBS (“Mainline Blogosphere”) on such issues as how to wage the war in Iraq (e.g., fight it to WIN by taking the handcuffs off our troops); how to deal with illegal immigrants (i.e., deport them and demand oil from Mexico in return for our care and feeding of its unwanted riff-raff); and so on; and yet to the left of the MSBS in his almost-daily salvos against such conservative sacred cows as the Republican Party, President Bush, Rush Limbaugh, and Fox News.

The latter item – Savage’s critiques of Fox News – are indicative of an exceeding curious phenomenon in both the MSBS and most of the conservative broadcast media:  Michael Savage is a pariah, a persona non grata.

Case in point, Hugh Hewitt, the Republican-first-and-last flagship icon of the MSBS, who will ask almost ANYONE on his show (including many liberals, although – admittedly – to do battle with them), has never in my hearing EVER mentioned Michael Savage by name, although I suspect he has been obliquely referring to him in his aspersions cast on the “nativists.”  

By the same token, you will NEVER see Michael Savage invited on as a guest, or mentioned as an opinion-maker on Fox News, which is rather curious, since most people view Fox News as either conservative or independent.

Now, it is interesting to note that Michael Savage likely has FAR more listeners to his radio show than Hugh Hewitt does to his.  Savage, of course, cannot match Limbaugh for listeners, but he is in the same league as, say, Sean Hannity (another frequent target of Savage’s flaming verbal darts).

I find it odd, petty, incongruous, and unhelpful that Michael Savage is basically the victim of a virtual unspoken “blacklisting” action within – not only the MSM, which is to be expected – but also within the allegedly truth-seeking MSBS.

Now, however, I find (hat tip: realclearpolitics) that San Antonio’s own T. R. Fehrenbach eloquently echoes the “Language” portion of Savage’s LBC mantra by articulating that language is the basic medium in which the bacterium of a common culture is grown.

Living in San Antonio as I do, I am impressed with Fehrenbach’s boldness, as well as with his Michael Savage-like clear thinking on the issue of language.  After all, San Antonio is a city that pays its employees more if they know (not English, silly, but) SPANISH!  San Antonio probably has as many Spanish-language radio stations as English stations.  San Antonio is a city where, in some tough neighborhoods, Spanish is the language of the day.  San Antonio is a city where non-English-speaking students are generally encouraged in the public schools to RETAIN fluency in Spanish while gradually acquiring English.

As Savage says, we need to stop printing ballots in any languages other than English.

If you want to live, work, vote and do business in this country, you need to learn English.

Nothing makes me angrier than phone menus catering to Spanish-speaking customers.  Why do these same businesses not ALSO accommodate Chinese-, Russian-, or Urdu-speaking customers, as well?  Obviously, because it would be impractical.  I say:  Time to stop treating the Spanish-speakers among us who are unwilling to learn the language of their adopted(?) country of America as a specially-privileged class.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

ICE Pulls off Show Bust to Media Fanfare

ICE Pulls off Show Bust to Media Fanfare

For weeks, we have seen HUGE demonstrations of hundreds of thousands of people in the streets of our major cities.  It is obvious that many of these demonstrators were illegal aliens.

As others have pointed out – were our Federal Government the LEAST BIT serious about enforcing immigration law – said demonstrations provided a GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY to make arrests leading to the deportation of thousands, if not tens of thousands, of illegal aliens.

However, as far as I can gather from reports, NOT ONE illegal alien was picked up, arrested, or deported.

NOW, we read – as though it were a big deal – that ICE has busted ONE (multi-state) employer, as well as a number of its illegal alien employees.  (Hat tip: Drudge.)

And this story gets a big press splash.  The reason it gets a big press splash, sadly, is because it is such a RARE occurrence.

In fact, this bust is SUCH an oddity that it falls into the “man bites dog” category.

As Michael Savage says on his talk radio show, “There is a vacuum at the top in this country.”

President Bush is AWOL on the issue of illegal immigration enforcement.  Obviously, his elevator doesn’t go all the way up.

Anyone whose internal alarms were not set off by the sight of our US streets SWARMING with illegal aliens waving MEXICAN flags and speaking in Spanish, does not have a sound grasp on political reality.

President Bush, sadly, is one such individual.

He is living in a dream world.  After all, no illegal aliens cut through HIS property in Crawford, leaving dirty diapers and clothing in their wake.

No.  He – like (fellow-elitist) Senators McCain, Kennedy, and Feinstein – is insulated from the harsh reality that our country is literally under assault from without.

President Bush simply does NOT GRASP the DEPTH of the OUTRAGE that SO MANY of us feel over this mess.

He will very possibly find out soon enough in the next Congressional elections.

He just may well end up with political egg ALL OVER his face.


Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Dumbsfeld Removes All Doubt That He Is an Idiot – Just When I Was Feeling Some Sympathy for Him

Dumbsfeld Removes All Doubt That He Is an Idiot – Just When I Was Feeling Some Sympathy for Him

I admit it, during the turmoil of the past week or so, I have had my moments of angst over having called repeatedly (for much of the past year) for Dummy’s resignation/termination – especially since some of the generals’ complaints against him were so idiotic (like the fact that he alienated “Old Europe!” Hell, “Old Europe NEEDS alienating!).

But, no!  Today, in an AP piece (Hat tip: NewsMax), Dummy sealed for all time my negative impression of Dumbsfeld, with these words: "I look back on those decisions and I am proud of them. They caused a lot of ruffles," Rumsfeld said.

He said that of such decisions as canceling the Crusader – a project into which BILLIONS had ALREADY been poured.  We got NOTHING out of that cancellation.  

Moreover, Dummy didn’t say: “These were agonizing decisions that hurt a lot of good people.”

NO!  The man said:  I am PROUD of them (these decisions).  THEY CAUSED A LOT OF RUFFLES.”

So, what is important, apparently, is not what is good for America or what is good for the military, but what gives Dummy the jollies?  

As Michael Savage said (in so many words) on his show today, the problem with Dummy is that he hasn’t fought the (winnable) wars in Iraq and Afghanistan with adequate fire in his belly.  He is a Marquis de Queensbury Rules guy all the way.

And good men are dying as a result.

Thanks, President Bush!

Joseph Farah Gets It Instead of Amnesty for Illegals How about Tax Amnesty for US Citizens

Joseph Farah Gets It:  Instead of Amnesty for Illegals How about Tax Amnesty for US Citizens

Amnesty for illegal noncitizens, you say?

Joseph Farah has a better idea: Tax amnesty for all US citizens who have ever had a misstep with the IRS.

Funny.  The eggheads in the Senate are more concerned with pandering to those who broke the law to come here than with those who have been here legally.


Monday, April 17, 2006

Israel’s Tragic and Lonely Place in the World: Concessions Only Bring Sorrow

Israel’s Tragic and Lonely Place in the World:  Concessions Only Bring Sorrow

I find it amazing that Canada – the Dhimmiland north of the border – has produced a fine writer of the caliber of David Warren.

Warren’s editorials are among the finest I have ever read: The man is literary, eloquent, historically-savvy, and wiser than all of President Bush’s cabinet combined.

He has recently written a piece on Israel’s recent penchant for making pre-emptive, unilateral concessions by way of ceding land.

Warren poignantly shows that such foolish efforts – though perhaps guided by the noblest intentions – are destined only to cause Israel even more grief at the hands of her perpetually aggrieved and insatiably aggressive blood-enemies.

Moreover, he makes it clear that Israel is largely alone in this life-and-death game of “chicken.”

(Alone, except, of course, for the God of Israel, Who has promised to preserve Israel forever.)

Russia Is Simply NOT Our Friend

Russia Is Simply NOT Our Friend

Russia has decided to financially aid Hamas – Israel’s mortal enemy and the source of much Islamofascist terror and hate.

Russia has decided to financially aid Hamas when even the vermicelli-spined Euroweenies and the ever-Arabist Foggy Bottom types have both decided NOT to aid Hamas.

Russia is simply NOT our friend.

Worse, Russia is Israel’s mortal enemy.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Bill Roggio Shows He Is an Outstanding Individual, as Well as a Top-of-the-Line Blogger

Bill Roggio Shows He Is an Outstanding Individual as Well as a Top-of-the-Line Blogger

I owe Bill Roggio a public apology.  I took him to task in this forum for having deleted a comment I posted in his blog.

I only (late) last night discovered that Bill had much earlier sent me an email graciously APOLOGIZING for having deleted my comment (because it contained profanity) and offering me the chance to repost (a sanitized version of) my comment on his blog.

Some blogs allow profanity in their comments, but others do not.  I did not realize that I was violating Bill’s “house rules,” but I respect his rules and, of course, I should abide by them.

Bill, as a top-line blogger, owed me neither an apology nor an explanation for his decision to delete my comment – let alone the chance at a “do-over,” so my hat is off to Bill.  That shows a grace rarely found at the higher levels of the blogosphere.

I retract any and all negative comments about Bill Roggio in my previous posts on this matter.  In fact, I plan to post a permanent link to his site on my blog.

And, again, I apologize for my two earlier critical posts about Bill and his fine blog.

Incidentally, along with Michelle Malkin, Bill has done a great job of calling AP’s hand on their highly questionable practice of apparently using enemy-sympathizing Iraqi stringers to do their “real” war reporting, while the actual AP reporters . . . . do what?  Sip martinis in Baghdad hotels?


Friday, April 14, 2006

Two Touching Cameos of Kindness by Adherents of the Religion of Peace (Islam)

Two Touching Cameos of Kindness by Adherents of the Religion of Peace (Islam)

Cameo Number One

In the Dhimmi Paradise of Germany, 18-year-old Ayhan Surucu put three bullets through the brain of his 23-year-old sister, Hatun, at a bus stop.  Her crime?  Living like a Westerner.  (Hat tip: WND.)

Ayhan’s two older brothers are suspected of having been collaborators in the snuff, but they remain unconvicted.

When news of the brutal murder reached the mostly-Muslim school near the site of the murder, the students cheered.

Is Germany lost?  Or does she have the courage to deport Muslims en masse in order to hold on to her Western culture?  

Time will tell.

Cameo Number Two

In another touching scenario, 42-year-old Jerusalam resident Muhammad Abu al-Hawa, father of eight, was brutally tortured, and shot some seven times, for the crime of . . . . are you sitting down?  Selling his property to JEWS!  (Hat tip: WND.)

Of course, these (Palestinian Arabs) people are the same ones with whom Kofi Annan and Condoleeza Rice want the Israelis to sit down and negotiate and to whom they wish them to cede more land.  Makes sense to me!  (NOT!)


Either we ban this religion’s practice in this country on the grounds that its tenants require violence on the part of its followers, or we will soon be Dhimmis in our own land.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

My Comment that Roggio Deleted

My Comment that Roggio Deleted

I posted a comment (approximately #58) on the following thread on Roggio’s blog.  (Hat tip: Michelle Malkin.)

Roggio saw fit to delete my comment (which is, of course, his sovereign right as the owner of his blog).

Fortunately, for some reason I saw fit to copy and paste my comment to WordPad.

Below, for your reading pleasure, is my (now deleted) comment on Roggio’s blog:

to skipsailing28: good stuff in your comment #54!

if you have ever heard michael savage very often, you will know that he REGULARLY calls for the military to eject ALL embedded reporters.  He RIGHTLY faults the generals, the DoD, SECDEF Dumbsfeld, and our clueless C-in-C Bush for NOT taking more SERIOUS measures to WIN this war.  They are dithering and treading water and our boys are dying.

time to kick some serious enemy ass.  Will it cause some civilians to die also?  Name one war where that HASN'T been the case.

in my blog i have railed against the msm for their bias against the war.  I blogged that Mr Pitman should NOT have even BEEN PERMITTED to embed.

I have called REPEATEDLY for SECDEF Dumbsfeld to be replaced.  The man is a bean-counting, micromanaging, idiot.  He ran a great invasion, and has done virtually NOTHING right since.  I am sickened that more conservative bloggers are not willing to call his hand on such idiocies as refusing to allow the military to be increased in size (as Congress has requested) or to increase the size of our presence in Iraq, or to permit ACLU-minded military JAG officers to run up absurdly high sentences for soldiers accused of "detainee abuse," when, in many cases, they were simply doing their job as soldiers (which is NOT being a nice guy).  

Case in point, the fact that Dummy has stood by and permitted a dog-handler to be court-martialed, when it was admitted that the dog had never even bit a single prisoner, but merely scared them, shows that he does not stand by  his men, but rather, in Savage's words, throws some of them overboard to the media piranhas to make himself look good.  I would much prefer a SECDEF who said something like: This dog-handler worked for me.  He was doing his job.  I am backing him.  If someone must go, let it be me.  Get off his back, you media bastards.  Instead the entire military hierarchy in Iraq is geared to prosecute or reprimand our soldiers for looking cross-eyed at the enemy.

my son has done a  combat tour with the Army in Iraq. i am not against the war: I am against a failure of WILL to fight like we MEAN it.  The buck stops at the President's desk, and I see him increasingly as an out-of-touch elitist (see: his refusal to close our borders for details).  He needs to be told to can Dummy and several of our top generals (to include the prissy Chairman, JCS, Pace).

Nixon woke up late in the game in VietNam and began bombing the North like HE meant it.  The tide was changing, but he was stopped by an enemy-appeasing Democratically-controlled Congress  (that defunded him).

I am afraid that Bush will never wake up -- and he has had a Republican Congress the entire time (though that MAY be about to change).

If we lose in Iraq, it will have been a golden opportunity lost, and it will be the OFFICIAL beginning of the US's NON-superpower status.

Having weaponry and technology in one's position is NOTHING WITHOUT the WILL to USE it AS NECESSARY -- WORLD (i.e, MSM) opinion to the contrary BE DAMNED.  -- gunjam


Spiked by Roggio on a Thread Decrying MSM Abuses – A Touch of Irony?

Spiked by Roggio on a Thread Decrying MSM Abuses – A Touch of Irony?

Today, I was following with interest a post by Michelle Malkin, regarding the curious tale of one Iraqi AP “stringer,” Bilal Hussein.

She linked to an extremely interesting piece by Bill Roggio, so I read it.  (And I DO recommend that you read it, also.)

Roggio’s post had a lot of comments (over fifty).  I added my two cents to the posts.  I saw my comment on the site.  

Then, I refreshed the page to see if Roggio (or someone else) had responded to it.

To my surprise, I found that Roggio had responded, all right – by DELETING my comment.  Thanks, Roggio!

Now, no one is disputing Mr. Roggio’s sovereign right to delete anyone’s comment from his blog.

However, as a blogger myself, I find his action very curious indeed, considering that it was just one comment among many.

Now one might legitimately say it was bad form for me, as someone with his own blog, to wax eloquent on another’s blog, to which I will reply, okay.  

But, to DELETE my post?  I, as a blogger myself, find that curious indeed.  (I don’t delete posts unless they are extremely vulgar, viciously racist or advocate violence.)

The point of a blog having comments (and not all do) is, one would think, to permit people to comment.  While one could say that my post was overly long, so were some of the other (earlier) posts on the thread.

What I think is the real reason that my post was deleted is that Roggio deemed it politically incorrect, criticizing, as it did, the President and SECDEF Dumbsfeld.

That’s right, I think I may have criticized two of his sacred cows.  Oh, also, I mentioned (favorably!) Michael Savage, a man that is, for some reason, treated as a pariah by most of the MSBS.  (For an explanation of the term, keep reading.)

Now, to get thing in perspective, Roggio is, compared to me, VERY BIG in the blogosphere.  His spiking my comment is akin to a camel’s swatting a gnat.  Indeed, perhaps Roggio has swallowed the camel of backing Bush and Dumbsfeld poor strategy on the war and straining at the criticisms of gnats like Gunjam.

What I think we see in action here, ironically, is EXACTLY what Roggio was criticizing AP for on the very post from which my comment was spiked:  The effort of powerful media sources to “manage” the news.

Now, don’t get me wrong: Roggio is NOT part of the MSM.  In the post under discussion, he truly has done a great job of exposing AP’s apparent cooperation with phony stringers to get photos and stories in Iraq.

What I DO think, however, is that Roggio IS part of what I have termed the emerging MSBS (Mainstream Blogosphere) – topline blogs that now enjoy a wide readership and a loyal following and that have, in some sense, taken on some of the negative characteristics of the MSM that they so rightfully detest and criticize.

Anyway, I put my heart into that (now deleted by Roggio) comment, and – fortunately, for me, at least – I thought to copy it to WordPad just in case.  You can read it by going here.

Final note:  I do not hate Roggio.  He is a fine blogger.  However, I did not appreciate his having deleted my heartfelt comment – especially since I share his disgust for the abuses of the AP with regard to the Iraq War, share his desire to see a US victory in Iraq, view Roggio as a fellow conservative in the war of ideas, and most of all, because I have lived through the pain and strain of having had a son serve a combat tour in Iraq.  

But, apparently, I don’t measure up to Roggio’s higher, MSBS, standards.  

Christian Congregation in Indonesia Terrorized by Religion of Peace Adherents – Forced to Disband

Christian Congregation in Indonesia Terrorized by Religion of Peace Adherents – Forced to Disband

In a (not so) shocking story that ran in WND a few days ago, an Indonesian Protestant Christian congregation peacefully worshipping in their church was surrounded by a maniacal Muslim mob for some five hours.

It was so frightening that many of the Christian women were weeping hysterically.

The pastor managed to negotiate a way for his congregants to escape unharmed: By promising to disband his congregation – and THAT was with police present!

Where is CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) on this?  They seem to whine whenever a Muslim gets his nose out of joint in this country, but they remain strangely silent over this issue – as do the seditionist Dhimmi news outlets such as AP and Reuters, who go ballistic over a dogs growls at Iraqi prisoners in Abu Ghraib and any perceived misstep by American troops in Iraq or Afghanistan.

No, my friends.  What you hear in the MSM regarding this recent event in Indonesia is largely . . . . SILENCE.

Pray for our persecuted brethren around the world – many of whom live in Muslim lands.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Larry and Sergey: American Success Stories? Or – Willing Dhimmis for Hezbollah and Iran

Larry and Sergey: American Success Stories?  Or – Willing Dhimmis for Hezbollah and Iran

I have posted previously of Google’s despicable practices of cooperating with the Internet censorship policies of the Chinese Government (by , among other things, providing the Chinese Government  with a “sanitized” version of Google, known as, on the one hand, and its voluntary furnishing of critical targeting information to terrorists worldwide via its Google Earth entity.

Now, Google has added another mark of shame to its name: Conferring “legitimate news source” status on Al-Manar, the agitprop mouthpiece for the Lebanon-based (but Iran-funded) terrorist organization Hezbollah.  (Hat tip: Michelle Malkin.)

Lgf has a great piece and discussion thread on Google’s fondness for al-Manar here.

Hezbollah hates Israel and hates America.  Hezbollah has killed Israelis and has killed Americans.  It continues to target Israel.

Meanwhile, we learn that Google refuses to grant news –source status to littlegreenfootballs or Michelle Malkin, which are probably two of the best unclassified sources of news on Islamofascist happenings around the world available today.

So, it seems that Larry and Sergey – Google’s much heralded billionaire whiz kid founders (neither of whom, I strongly suspect, ever served a day in their lives in the US military) – obviously have precious little appreciation for the country (and its traditions of liberty) that gave them the opportunity to make their billions.

I have heard Michael Savage derisively refer to these two individuals as “gel-haired kids” on his talk radio show, particularly when discussing the potential utility of Google Earth to terrorists targeting our boys in uniform in Iraq.

However, I sense that Google is attempting to pre-emptively placate the Islamofascists OUT OF FEAR in treating Al-Manar as a legitimate news source.

If I am correct, then Larry and Sergey are willing Dhimmis for the terrorists of Hezbollah and their Iranian money-men.

So, instead of using their fortunes and their corporate creation as vehicles to spread true liberty around the world, Larry and Sergey have become purveyors of pornography and terrorist news spin, to say nothing of willing co-conspirators of the murderers of Tiananmen Square.


Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Catholic Church Hierarchy Continues Open Collusion with Far Left to Abet Illegal Aliens – Escapes Bad Press

Catholic Church Hierarchy Continues Open Collusion with Far Left to Abet Illegal Aliens – Escapes Bad Press

I have recently posted twice already (first, here; and then here) on the outlandish support that the US Roman Catholic hierarchy has been openly giving to the illegal alien cause in this country.  

At recent mass demonstrations, Catholic bishops have publicly stood shoulder-to-shoulder with La Raza racists, ANSWER leftists, Black Panthers, and other subversive groups, speaking out on behalf of instant amnesty for the some 20 (?) million illegal aliens in this country.

Now, it is no secret that the VAST majority of illegal aliens are from Mexico – and that they are over 90% professing Roman Catholics.  How convenient.  

The posture of the Catholic prelates strikes me as covetousness.  They so lusting over the prospect of all these new extra citizens (many of whom have nothing better to do than clog the streets of our major cities en masse), that they are happy to undermine the principle of law and order (which, I once heard the Roman Catholic Church supported) to get them.

And, please don’t tell me this is all about caring for the oppressed.  No one has ever stopped any church group (of any persuasion) from handing out a meal here and there to the needy (of whatever ethnic or national origin).

This is about naked political activism – and these Catholic prelates appear, for the most part – to be getting a free ride from BOTH the mainstream press (as is to be expected), AS WELL AS from the conservative blogosphere (which is somewhat surprising to me, given their frequent eagerness to savage Evangelical leader Pat Robertson for his gaffes).  

In an AP piece by Suzanne Gamboa, Roman Catholic Cardinal Theodore McCarrick of Washington, is virtually painted as a hero of the oppressed masses.

Similarly, in her otherwise wide-ranging and hard-hitting coverage of the illegal swarm in Washington, DC, yesterday (Monday, April 10), Michelle Malkin gives the Roman Catholic hierarchy a free pass by omitting any mention of McCarrick’s appearance.  

I am still hoping for responsible, civic-minded, conservative American Catholic laymen to call their Church leaders’ hand on their most recent foray into Leftist political activism.

lgf has a good discussion on yesterday’s illegal alien swarms here.


Monday, April 10, 2006

President Bush Why So Silent? Are You Subservient to President Fox Regarding Control of Our Borders?

President Bush Why So Silent?  Are You Subservient to President Fox Regarding Control of Our Borders?

As we see the streets in many cities literally swarming with illegal immigrants and their (largely Leftist) sympathizers and enablers, the silence from the White House is deafening – only a few mumbled boilerplate lines about how these folks will do the jobs other Americans will not.

(Question: Who is doing those jobs when the illegals are swarming in the streets?)

I thought the President of the United States was supposed to provide leadership.

On the issue of illegal immigration, the cat seems to have got the President’s tongue.  

Is it because he has chosen to make our country’s border-control policies subject to veto by (by the very rich, fair-skinned, and gringo surnamed) President Vicente Fox of Mexico, who is obviously intent on using this country as the sewage dump for Mexico’s human effluvia.

In effect, President Bush has agreed to keep the heat off the corrupt rulers of Mexico – and, instead, put the heat on our schools, hospitals, and prisons.

Thanks, President Bush.  Thanks for NOTHING!

American Roman Catholic Hierarchy Continues to Undermine Respect for the Law; Promote Illegal Activism

American Roman Catholic Hierarchy Continues to Undermine the Law; Promote Illegal Activism

I posted a few days ago about how the American Roman Catholic hierarchy has been aiding and abetting the cause of amnesty for some 20 to 30 million illegal immigrants in this country, focusing particularly on the subversive efforts of Los Angeles Catholic Cardinal Roger Mahony.

Now, at Sunday’s massive pro-illegal-immigrant demonstration in Dallas, Bishop Charles V. Grahmann, was on hand to spur the demonstrators on.  (Hat tip: Drudge.)

This is a serious issue.  

I demand an answer from the Roman Catholic hierarchy:  Are you willing so easily to undermine the laws (and culture) of this land in order to expand the ranks of the Catholic Church?  (It is no secret that the vast majority of the illegals are at least nominal Catholics.)

This anomian stand of the Roman Catholic Church with regard to the issue of illegal immigration also evidently accounts for the dagger that allegedly “conservative” Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS) inserted in his fellow citizens’ backs last week in the Senate Committee vote on the “McKennedy” immigration bill.

This is a serious matter.

Either you are going to side with the citizens of this country (of all ethnicities and religions), or you are going to side with the law-breakers.

Time to call a spade a spade, Your Excellency!  

Funny: If the Roman Catholic hierarchy in this country had put as much energy into speaking out for the unborn as it has for the illegal immigrants, abortion would likely have been banned years ago.

It is all about priorities, I guess.

Update: Michelle Malkin has some great photos from the illegal swarm in Dallas Sunday (yesterday).

Friday, April 07, 2006

Exhibit A for Repealing the Seventeenth Amendment

Exhibit A for Repealing the Seventeenth Amendment

Anyone who has ever bothered to notice will see that I keep two permanent links on my blog dealing with the odious Seventeenth Amendment to the United States: Here and here.

If one ever wanted for an example as to why the (unfortunate) Seventeenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States needs to be repealed, the Keystone Kops routine (performed on cue to globalist choreography) played out this past week over the issue of illegal immigration by our “popularly elected” solons should be example enough.

In an interesting paradox, the Seventeenth Amendment makes our directly elected Senators far less responsive to the electorate than the method intended by the Founders (election by the respective State legislators).

Here is the way it worked:  State legislators pick lousy senators, the state legislators lose their jobs!  This both makes the job of being a state legislator far more important and more accountable at the same time.

As it is, virtually the only people that can make an effective run for the senate in a state larger than Delaware is to have personal assets in the tens to hundreds of millions of dollars and to spread it liberally on campaign-season media blitzes.

The Senate has been the “sick man” of Congress for decades.  It is time for the petitions to get moving:  REPEAL THE SEVENTEENTH.

Medical Marvel! Man without Spine Stands Gives Press Conference – Commits Suicide!

Medical Marvel!  Man without Spine Stands Gives Press Conference – Commits Suicide!

Well, not quiiiiite a MEDICAL marvel, but – certainly – a moral one:  Putative Republican Senate Majority “Leader” (sic) gave a self-congratulatory press conference yesterday with several of his colleagues in which he announced with obvious pride that he had caved to the pro-amnesty side in the illegal immigration debate.

That’s right, just a few days ago, Frist was threatening to introduce border-security-only legislation in the Senate, and – now – he is happy that the Reids, Kennedys, McCains, and Specters had carried the day.

The big deal was that they had made a distinction: Those who had broken the law for the longest period of time were rewarded more than more recent transgressors!  Funny, how do what the left calls “undocumented workers” document how long they have been in this country ILLEGALLY?  (Sounds like a cruel April Fool’s joke on the American voters and taxpayers to me.)

That’s right: The folks who prefer the illegals over the citizens have carried the day in the Senate.

As Michael Savage likes to say on his show: The illegals are well represented in the Senate, but who will represent the average American citizen in the Senate.

Certainly not the spineless Mr. Frist, who has just committed political suicide, as far as any Presidential aspirations he may have held are concerned.

We have your number, Mr. Frist!  You are the original Harvey Milquetoast!

So, there we have it:  The President has long ago shown his true colors (red, white, and green!) on illegal immigration.  Now, the Senate has pledged its troth to the non-citizens of this country.

The only thing that stands between the American people and total perfidious betrayal by its elected “representatives” (sic) is Tom Tancredo and the House of Representatives – and the bravest guy (Tom Delay) over there just resigned!

Media Having Orgasms over Cheap Religious Porn

Media Having Orgasms over Cheap Religious Porn

The Bible says, “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20).

Unfortunately, however, many members of the mainstream media spend much of their professional lives doing just that: calling evil good and good evil.

Look at their treatment of the war on the Islamofascists – hide footage from the American people graphically depicting the utter savagery of the enemy (e.g., 9-11, beheadings, body parts), while doing the bidding of the Islamofascist Fifth Column in this country (e.g., CAIR) and constantly making excuses for the Islamofascists, whitewashing their true intentions at every turn.

So, then, why should we be surprised to learn that the media are having a self-masturbatory field day gushing over the obviously false, heretical, and extra-biblical “Gospel of Judas,” which (surprise!) makes the one our LORD Jesus Christ called “the son of perdition” out to be a good guy, after all.  (You see, to listen to some in the media, one would have to conclude that Judas has simply been the victim of “bad press” all these years.)

But, why should we be surprised when the same media outlets that shill for the likes of Hamas, Zarqawi, and Hezbollah would be attracted to a long-ago rejected text (and Irenaus, Bishop of Lyons, was no slouch) about one of whom Christ said it would better had he never been born?

Thursday, April 06, 2006

NBC Manages the News: Hides Footage from 911 But Stages News to Make Muslims Look Like Victims

NBC Manages the News:  Hides Footage from 911 But Stages News to Make Muslims Look Like Victims

NBC how do I hate thee?  

Let me count the ways:  

It is common knowledge that the MSM networks have kept graphic footage of the events of 9-11 from the public – you know, footage like bodies plunging 80-plus stories to the ground to avoid being melted alive by extreme heat.  Why hide such footage from the American people?  (Ohhhh, to whitewash the evil Islamofascists, perhaps?)

And, now, we read that you are planning a fake “news sting” at a NASCAR event designed to catch anti-Muslim remarks among race-car fans.  Now, why would NBC want to plan such phony news?  (Ohhhh, to whitewash the evil of Islamofascists, perhaps?)

Hmmmm.  See a theme here?  It is called seditious Dhimmitude.

Michelle Malkin has much on this here.  And here.

See the discussion on lgf.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Tammy Bruce Nails John McCain Dead to Rights (He’s a Pig!)

Tammy Bruce Nails John McCain Dead to Rights (He’s a Pig!)

One-time liberal Tammy Bruce has nailed Senator John McCain (R-AZ) for saying that Americans cannot or will not take dirty, hot, hard work.

In fact, Ms. Bruce calls McCain an elitist pig.

I agree with her.

Tell my Army son who got back from Iraq a few months ago that Americans won’t do hard, hot, tough work, Senator!

Hat tip: Michelle Malkin

Jeb Bush Shows His True (Appeasing) Colors Regarding the Illegal Immigration

Jeb Bush Shows His True (Appeasing) Colors Regarding the Illegal Immigration

Governor Jeb Bush (R-FL), who has had a very successful political career to date, and who is married to a woman of Mexican heritage, has just weighed in on the currently raging debate on illegal immigration.

Like elder brother, GWB, Governor Bush shows that he not only lacks fire in his belly on the issue, but that he also lacks sufficient calcium in his spine to carve what John F. Kennedy would call a “profile in courage” on the issue.

Instead of speaking up clearly and forcefully for secure borders and enforcing the immigration laws of the land, Governor Bush has come out whimpering like the girly-man that he is, saying that he and his wife find the current immigration debate “hurtful.”

There, there, now, Guv’ner, have a Kleenex and go sit down with the ladies.  We men have a fight on our hands, and we certainly don’t want your poor, wounded feelings to get hurt any more than they already are.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Hey, Donohue! How about Savage Agrees to Apologize for Calling the Top Catholic Clergy “Pigs” When YOU Admit Some of Them Are Soft on Immigration

Hey, Donohue!  How about Savage Agrees to Apologize for Calling the Top Catholic Clergy “Pigs” When YOU Admit Some of Them Are Soft on Illegal Immigration?

I listen to Michael Savage whenever I can.  Michael Savage is a remarkable man.  He is brilliant, well-rounded, talented, humorous, emotional, honest, and – above all – one of the most ferociously patriotic lovers of this country I have ever heard give forth.

Oh, and I forgot – Savage (nee Michael Weiner) is Jewish.  

To be fair:  While I certainly don’t hate Catholics (friends, neighbors, relatives, co-workers of mine number among them), I do not have any love for the Roman Catholic hierarchy (for reasons too numerous to discuss now).  However, it should be duly noted that (until this post) I have rarely, if ever, singled out the Roman Catholic Church for criticism in this blog.

I say this, because, until last week, I HAVE NEVER heard Michael Savage utter ONE critical word about the Catholic Church (and he talks about it often).  On the contrary, he has praised the Church for its moral stands on various issues.

However, as a hit piece on Savage that ran in (not-so-subtly pro-Catholic) Newsmax today points out, that all changed last week – and the catalyst for the change is the issue of illegal immigration.

I have never heard anyone speak more boldly, more candidly, more animatedly, or more angrily than Michael Savage about the issue of illegal immigration.  Savage does NOT hate immigrants (His parents came here from the former Soviet Union.).  Savage does NOT hate Mexicans, and often praises them for their work and family ethics.

However, Savage – unlike Roger Cardinal Mahony of Los Angeles (and, apparently, Bill Donohue, of the militantly Romanist Catholic League) – is able to morally discern between legal and illegal immigrants.

For years, Savage has stood by the Catholic Church in one political trial after another, defending it on his radio show against the vicious attacks of the Left.

However, it seems very obvious that Savage had expected better from the Roman Catholic Church than pro-illegal-immigrant political activism.  I suspect that Savage, in fact, felt betrayed – stabbed in the back – by LA prelate Mahony (a prelate whose career has not been left untouched by the Catholic Church’s clergy molestation scandals).

I was listening to the show last week, where – over the issue of illegal immigration – Savage lashed out (for the first time ever) at the Catholic Church, calling their leaders “pigs.”  He – in his inimitable way – gave the Catholic Church hierarchy a dressing down (from a social conservative) that (in my view) was LONG overdue.  (You see, criticizing the Catholic Church is taboo among Conservatives.  Hint: Name the last time you have ever heard Rush or Hannity unleash a salvo against the Roman Catholic Church?

What I did NOT know from listening to Savage’s on-air chastisement of the Roman Catholic hierarchy, but as the Newsmax article points out, apparently Savage was planning to have Mr. Donohue on his show that very same day, only at the last minute canceling the guest when he learned that Donohue was nothing more than a Chatty Cathy Doll for the Catholic clergy on the issue.

I have no doubt that Savage was stunned by the non-clerical Donohue’s support for the Church’s pro-illegal-immigrant advocacy.  In fact, Savage said during his outburst that, while he had stood (unthanked and unrecognized) by the Roman Catholic Church through many a trial over the past decade, he had expected better of the Catholic hierarch on the critical issue of illegal immigration.

As the (very one-sided) NewsMax screed points out, Savage let loose his venom about thirty minutes after Donohue was rejected as a guest after a “pre-interview” with Savage’s producer.

I sincerely believe that, at that very moment, it crystallized in Savage’s mind what was going on:  As he articulated on air, this was nothing to be mistaken for caring for the downtrodden sojourners in our midst but – rather (as some 90-plus-per cent of all illegals today are at least nominally Catholic) – this was about hardball, power politics in its most naked form: Rome wants the illegals legalized to make this country far more Catholic than it already is.

So, I stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Savage on this issue:  The Roman Catholic Church it has been said, is like a lamb when its members are in the distinct minority in a country, like a fox when their numbers approach parity, but like a lion when they become predominant.

It became clear this past week that that fox, Mahoney, has aspirations to be America’s religious “Lion King.”

By the way, our LORD called Herod “that fox.”  Hmmmm.  If the shoe fits, wear it, Your Eminence.

People need to get a grip:  Martin Luther used routinely to describe the Pope and other Catholic clergy in very vivid language easily on a par with Savage’s allegedly offending words – and, yet, politically-savvy Catholic leaders have in modern times seen fit to incorporate Luther’s classic hymn, “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” into some Catholic worship services.  Go figure.
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