Sunday, December 18, 2005

Targeting the "Geniuses" Who Run Google Earth

Targeting the “Geniuses” Who Run Google Earth

Google is run by a couple of billionaire kids who understand technology and sales – but apparently not much about patriotism, responsibility, or terrorism.

A few weeks back, while listening to Michael Savage on the radio, I remember hearing Savage calling for the Government to shut down the Google Earth site as both a violation of privacy and as a tool that could be used by terrorsists.  

At the time, I thought his call a bit extreme.  

Now, I am not so sure.

WND has a new piece out suggesting that the terrorists in Iraq are using Google Earth as a supplement to GPS for getting visuals on US positions in Iraq.

I say: Time for the US Government to shut down Google Earth.  My son is in Iraq, dammnit!  I don’t like the idea of terrorists using Google Earth to look at his or any other American fighting man’s positions as part of their OPS planning.

Congress needs to investigate Google’s Google Earth project NOW!

To the two “gel-haired kids” (Savage, again) who run Google:  Try growing up and caring about the country that made your spectacular financial success possible.  You may provide services to the world, but you owe at least a modicum of loyalty to the United States.  If you don’t agree, please consider relocating to China, where you seem to be able to get along just fine with the Communist Government.

Perhaps you’d like to give our patriotic “friends” at Goooooooooogle a call to let them know how much you think of the fine support they are providing our troops in Iraq with their neat little tool called Google Earth:

phone: 650-253-0000
fax: 650-253-0001

The only email address I have found so far for Google is the one to their Business Proposals office.  (Osama Bin Laden may want this one – seeing Google has already shown itself willing and able to provide terrorist-friendly services via Google Earth!  Perhaps some future “deals” can be arranged by the terrorists with the “globally-minded” geniuses at Google.)


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