Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Yahoo’s Head Pig Jerry Yang Says, “Oink! Oink! Supporting Great Chinese Firewall Is Good!”

Yahoo’s Head Pig Jerry Yang Says, “Oink! Oink! Supporting Great Chinese Firewall Is Good!”

For the past few days, talk radio host Michael Savage has taken to calling the heads of the giant IT companies “pigs” for their willingness to outsource jobs and manufacturing sites to India, China, and elsewhere.

Today, we see a news story vindicating Michael Savage’s characterization of the IT magnates as porcine critters.

Yahoo’s Jerry Yang – who should know better, because: 1) He was born in Taiwan (read: NOT Red China); and (2) He has become a naturalized American citizen (read: a free man) – is once again the culprit.

However, this pig, whose company is doing big, BIG business in Red China, today showed (yet once again) what kind of white meat he is made of (hint:  it is the “other” kind) by DEFENDING his company’s cooperation with the keepers of the Great Firewall of China, whereby the Chinese Government monitors and censors and controls both the Internet and its users.

We should not be surprised, however, as Pig Yang’s company Yahoo has already made the news twice for cooperating with the Red Chinese Government thugs such that individual Chinese were arrested.

Can you say, “Oink, oink, Mr. Yang?”  Thought so!

The Enemy Is Not AT the Gates – He Is Already INSIDE Them (Courtesy of President Bush, Homeland Security, and Congress)

The Enemy Is Not AT the Gates – He Is Already INSIDE Them (Courtesy of President Bush, Homeland Security, and Congress)

Looking at the swarms of people taking over the streets of some of our country’s largest cities and flying Mexican – MEXICAN – flags, I was overcome with a combination of despair and resentment.

These idiots don’t even have enough respect for America – where they are fed, clothed, employed, educated, given health care, and – far too frequently – incarcerated, to fly the US flag.  

Thomas Sowell gets it right: These are gate-crashers, not guests.

The politicians who fail to get this right – in whichever Party – will pay a severe price at the polls in November.

Obviously, President Bush doesn’t get it.  Neither does Senator McCain.  Or Senator Lindsey Graham, about whom, as a result of this issue I have finally made up my mind:  I loathe his sorry carcass.

President Bush, please forgive me if I laugh up my sleeve when I read that this past Saturday (after five years of negligence) you made a meaningless appeal for our immigration laws to be enforced.

Right.  I may not be the brightest bulb in the pack, but enforcing our country’s immigration laws has been your LOWEST priority during your time in office.


Sunday, March 26, 2006

Newsweek’s Michael Isikoff: Seditionist, Pro-Jihadist, Troop-Demoralizing, Dhimmi Vermin

Newsweek’s Michael Isikoff:  Seditionist, Pro-Jihadist, Troop-Demoralizing, Dhimmi Vermin

Newsweek’s Michael Isikoff (the unapologetic purveyor of the false “they flushed a copy of the Koran down the toilet at Guantanamo” story) is a shameless seditionist.  (Incidentally, unlike some Newsweek writers, Mr. Isikoff does NOT provide his email address with his articles.  

Isikoff plainly hates the US military efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan.  He therefore also logically hates the US military.  He gladly increases the dangers they face and hinders their efforts with his writings.

Isikoff’s latest piece is clearly an effort to get Supreme Court Justice Scalia recused from a case that will be coming before the Supreme Court to determine whether terrorist, jihadist scum captured on the field of battle against our troops should be accorded all the rights in a court of law that are enjoyed by a US citizen.

It does not seem to phase Mr. Isikoff that such an arrangement is apparently without precedent in the history of the world.

Nothing matters to Mr. Isikoff, apparently, more than undermining the war against the Islamofascists.

I can only say, Mr. Isikoff, that if you should ever get your way, your Islamofascist buddies may not be so friendly to you and your loved ones as you may fancy.

I must confess that the term “vermin” as used in the title of this post to refer to the despicable Mr. Isikoff is one that I have borrowed from the inimitable and very eloquent Michael Savage, of talk radio fame.

By the way, Mr. Isikoff, like Mr. Scalia, I have had a son in combat in Iraq, and I do not take your seditionist advocacy lightly.  

You are . . . what the title of this piece calls you.

SECDEF Dumbsfeld: WHY Are You Permitting This Anti-Military AP Bigot to Embed with Our Troops in Ramadi?

SECDEF Dumbsfeld: WHY Are You Permitting This Anti-Military AP Bigot to Embed with Our Troops in Ramadi?

Michael Savage has said REPEATEDLY that the US military should eject all reporters “embedded” with US troops in Iraq – as they prove continually to be a source of anti-American, anti-Iraq War, and anti-military reporting.

As Savage astutely points out, such seditious reporting not only discourages the American public and demoralizes the troops on the ground, but it ALSO is a real MORALE-BOOSTER for the enemy.

So, why does SECDEF Dumbsfeld and his stable of Perfumed Princes myopically continue to hobble their own alleged “war effort” by allowing MSM reporters to embed with their troops?  

Well, now – curiously on the heels of an ongoing brouhaha over whether the MSM is overly negative in its Iraq War coverage, where one of the (legitimate charges) leveled at MSM reporters is that they do most of their “war reporting” from hotel balconies – we see that AP is “announcing to the world” that it is embedding a reporter in one of the worst trouble spots for US troops, Ramadi.

The reporter chosen for this mission is a real “winner” -- AP West Africa Bureau Chief Todd Pitman.

Already, in his evidently first dispatch, written from Baghdad prior to arriving at his destination in Ramadi, Mr. Pitman issues a snarky, and virulently pro-jihadist piece, quoting one local Baghdad reporter who says that things (in Baghdad) are not getting worse by the day, “but by the hour.”

If SECDEF Dumbsfeld had a clue or a cojone, he would pull Mr. Pittman out of Ramadi today.  (However, the operative word is . . .”If.”)

Of course, based on past performance, we can expect very little in the way of intelligent policy vis-à-vis the presence of overtly hostile (to the military) reporters being permitted to embed with our troops.

This is yet one more reason why President Bush – were he a strong and insightful leader (which he is most certainly not with respect to the Iraq War ) – should fire not only SECDEF Dumbsfeld, but also several top generals, as well.  (For doubters, see the precedent set by wartime Presidents Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt, neither of whom shrank from firing generals as appropriate.)

Please remember that people like Michael Savage and I are criticizing President Bush and SECDEF Dumbsfeld – not from the position of the moonbat left, that there is no enemy in Iraq, but – from the perspective that we face a worldwide conflict between the Islamofascists and the West.  Winning this conflict will require far clearer thinking and far more lethal approaches that what we see emanating from the White House and the Pentagon at this time.

Such criticism, coming as it does, from people who IN PRINCIPLE support the war effort, SHOULD cause the White House and the Pentagon to sit up and take notice.

But, apparently, those folks think they “know better” than we common folks, so they continue with their inane politically-correct ways of refusing to name the enemy and refusing to permit our men to unleash our military power against the enemy.  (The overwrought concern the Pentagon has for preventing civilian casualties did not obtain in World War II – which is the last true war that the American military has won outright.)

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Thanks for (Doing) Nothing for the past Five Years about Illegal Immigration, Mr. President!

Thanks for (Doing) Nothing for the past Five Years about Illegal Immigration, Mr. President!

Well, well, well!  The proverbial chickens have come to rest – to rest on the entire country; to rest on the race-baiting Demagogue-ic Party; to rest on the greedy middle-class-undermining RINOpublican Party; -- and MOST OF ALL – to rest on President Bush.

President Bush, as you may recall is SWORN to UPHOLD the CONSTITUTION of the United States.  Foremost among his duties as President is to DEFEND OUR BORDERS!

However, the arrogant Mr. Bush, advised by the arrogant Mr. Rove, has chosen to be DERELICT in his duties with respect to the borders for the past five years.

It is widely known that existing immigration laws are scoffed at by both Mexican and US officials alike.

Illegal aliens have been POURING into this country.

President Bush DELIBERATELY turned a BLIND EYE to this illegal flood, because it suited his GREEDY, RAPACIOUS BIG-BUSINESS DONORS, who prefer to hire illegals at cut-rate wages, thereby making an end-run around legal American citizens who will not – and cannot – work for such low wages.

Well, now we see where it has led us.  The HUGE demonstrations that started about a week ago in Chicago, and which have continued over the past few days in such places as Georgia, Arizona, and California, show clearly that we have been INVADED!  

The protestors don’t show the American flag – they PROUDLY, INSOLENTLY, and ARROGANTLY fly the MEXICAN flag.

I consider this an attack.

Now, Mr. President, you suddently are calling for “existing laws to be enforced” after angling for years for a way to work out amnesty for all the invaders.

Mr. President, you have certainly lost all my support over this issue – and I voted for you.

It may be too late to save this country.  You didn’t start this problem – it existed under your predecessor (and “brother,” your term), President Bill Clinton.  However, you continued to ignore this problem despite continued cries from your base.

Instead, you gave me and the rest of your supporters the back of your hand, the middle-finger salute – yea, you figuratively pulled down your pants and mooned us over this issue.

I see no other solution than for you to RESIGN IMMEDIATELY, Mr. President.  

You see, this is a problem of YOUR OWN making.  Let Mr. Cheney take over.  Something tells me he would have the cojones to begin mass deportation measures immediately – and ALSO to prosecute the war in Iraq WITHOUT handcuffing our troops with the absurd Marquis de Queensbury Rules of Engagement with which SECDEF Dummy has hand-cuffed our troops on the ground over there.

As far as I am concerned, when it comes to the issue of illegal immigration, Mr. President, you are NOT to be trusted.

Update: Michelle Malkin is, surprisingly, thus far silent on the last two days’ demonstrations.  I eagerly await her commentary.  Michelle, where are you?  (Probably on a much-deserved day or two off with her family.)

Update: TexasFred has more on this issue:

Friday, March 24, 2006

Once a Christian Institution, Yale Now Dislikes the US Military and Admits a former Taliban Leader

Once a Christian Institution, Yale Now Dislikes the US Military and Admits a former Taliban Leader

And some people say Abdul Rahman is an apostate!

Yale, once a distinguished Christian institution of higher learning founded by Christians, now has truly entered the latter stages of Ichabod status.

Not only has Yale (until recently) been banning certain military recruiters from its campus, but its Dhimmi administrators have also admitted as an undergraduate, a former Taliban official (who was accepted with only a fourth-grade-level education).

Michelle Malkin, as usual, is ALL OVER THIS STORY!


Thursday, March 23, 2006

How Come Hillary and Senator Reid et al Are Not Calling the Costa Ricans Racist Xenophobes?

How Come Hillary and Senator Reid et al Are Not Calling the Costa Ricans Racist Xenophobes?

Apparently, the Demagogue-ic Party Leaders have no problem if Costa Rica decides to shut down its borders to stop illegal immigration from nearby Nicaragua.   (Hat tip: WND.)

Now, however, Harry Reid and Senator Clinton are professing to have a cow because the Republicans are proposing that illegal immigrants be treated as the criminals that they are. (Hat tip for both links: Drudge.)

Typical of the Left:  Only two countries come in for regular, vicious criticism – Israel and the United States.

Well, Senators Clinton and Reid: Please note that I am pro-border-security and I vote – and you both seem VERY weak.


Wednesday, March 22, 2006

President Bush More Concerned about Blasted Mosque Than about Tried Christian?

President Bush More Concerned about Blasted Mosque Than about Tried Christian?

Based on President Bush’s often rambling and sometimes almost incoherent press conference yesterday, it would seem that the President is more concerned about a particular mosque (a building of Muslim worship that was bombed by Muslims) which he DID mention than he is about a particular individual (a human being and former Muslim of the Christian faith who is being tried by Muslims and being threatened with the death penalty for having left Islam some 16 years ago) whom he DID NOT mention.  (Hat tip: Michelle Malkin.)

Moreover, the clueless Washington press corps did not even see fit to ask the President a SINGLE question about this man, Abdul Rahman.

Meanwhile, the US State Department is making mealy-mouthed protestations regarding this outrage against human liberty.

To their credit, the Italians are threatening to pull their troops out of Afghanistan over this issue.

Too bad neither the President nor his State Department (nor, so far, our Congress) have shown the courage of the Italians regarding this matter.

So, can we say that Pat Tillman gave his life to make Afghanistan safe for Shari’a Law?

Sickening.  Sickening.

May the LORD work to preserve this man from death.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

President Bush Why Are You Silent about This Outrage?

President Bush, Why Are You Silent about This Outrage?

Now that we have helped overthrow the Taliban in Afghanistan, things are much better, right?  

Well, not for one Afghan man, who – some SIXTEEN YEARS AGO – chose to leave Islam to embrace Christianity.  (Hat tip: lgf.)

Now, he is being tried for this crime – as well as for the additional crime of (scary music, please) OWNING A BIBLE!  (Gasp!)

It is not all that big a deal.  I mean, after all, the worst that could happen to this man is that he could be . . .


Hmmmmm.  President Bush, why have your State Department Dhimmis thus far been SILENT about this outrage?  (For that matter, I don’t hear much of an outcry regarding this matter from very many news outlets.  Is that because Christians are expendable?)

Did Pat Tillman die to make Afganistan safe for this kind of mockery of justice?

lgf provides this contact information for the Embassy of Afghanistan.

Michelle Malkin is ALL OVER this story – even including links to a petition and an email campaign to President Bush on this matter.

An (Oil-Rich, Power-Mad) Whack Job Named Chavez

An (Oil-Rich, Power-Mad) Whack Job Named Chavez

We have all heard much about the Castro-loving, GWBush-bashing, headline-grabbing “leader” of Venezuela – Hugo Chavez.

However, as our MSM outlets are wont to do, they have glossed over many of the details about this very interesting – and, yes, potentially very dangerous – Western leader.

Here is an excellent read on Chavez, a man who has an excellent flair for public relations – but an all-too-low regard for such basic concepts as property rights and democratic rule.

He has, by the way, apparently all-but-established himself as the life-long leader of Venezuela.

How come our MSM “reporters” haven’t told us about this naked power grab?

Easy:  Any friend of Fidel Castro’s is apparently a friend of theirs.

Ted Kennedy Newsflash: The Borders are Broken!

Ted Kennedy Newsflash:  The Borders are Broken!

Well, what do you know?  Apparently, Senator Edward Kennedy (D-MA) has suddenly awoken – Rip Van Winkle-like – almost as it were from an alcohol-induced slumber.

Why do I say that?  Well, apparently, Senator Kennedy suddenly understands that our country’s problem of unrestricted immigration is a major problem.  (Hat tip: WND.)

Mr. Kennedy even publicly uttered the following newsflash in Virginia:

"The current situation is completely broken in terms of controlling our borders. . . .”

Wellllllllllllllll, you dooooooonnnn’t sayyyy, Senator?  

Welcome to planet earth!  

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Dutch Immigrants Must Watch Sexual Film

Dutch Immigrants Must Watch Sexual Film

The Dutch have for decades been considered among the very most tolerant people in Europe with regard to a number of things (most of them deleterious to society) – prostitution, marijuana and hashish, homosexuality, and large-scale immigration (Muslim immigration in particular).

Well, now that the Islamic immigrants and their Dutch-born offspring have shown their gratitude by killing one famous film director (by the name of Van Gogh) and have threatened various other personages of note, it has dawned on the Dutch authorities that something needs to be done.

They are changing things.

One of the things they are doing is placing more requirements on those wishing to immigrate to Holland – including learn more about Dutch life in general – something that makes sense.  (Hat tip: wnd.)

However, leave it to a liberal:  One of the things that they are requiring is for immigrants to watch a film that includes footage of homosexuals kissing and of a woman bathing at a beach topless.

I am wondering how this is going to help anything?  

The Dutch – in the not too distant past – were known worldwide for their Protestant theologians.  The Dutch Reformed Church used to send missionaries far and wide.  It is a well-known denomination in parts of the United States.

In fact, it was not that many decades ago that the Dutch elected a Dutch Reformed pastor to be their Prime Minister!

So, what am I getting at?

This:  Instead of forcing prospecting immigrants to watch a film that sounds mostly like weeknight television programming, why not require them to sit through a basic course on Dutch Reformed catechism.

The results of such a policy would not be perfect – but would surely be better than the tawdry movie requirement.


South Park v. Scientology War Continues (Great Fun!)

South Park v. Scientology War Continues (Great Fun!)

We recently posted how Hollywood notable Isaac Hayes (himself a scientologist) recently parted ways with his South Park employers in a snit over their having poked fun at his beloved Scientology in one of their episodes.

As the South Park creators noted:  Hayes never seemed to object to any episodes mocking Christianity.  For him, Scientology was apparently sacrosanct.

Well, South Park is not ABOUT to stop poking fun at Scientology – especially after a recent South Park broadcast spoofing the faddish faith was cancelled from its scheduled television airing – some say at the behest of uber Scientologist, Tom Cruise.  (Hat tip: Drudge.)

This temporary set-back has apparently only strengthened the desire of the South Park creators to keep making fun of Scientology.

As a Christian, I do not have a dog in this fight.  Additionally, I view South Park as degrading and unedifying.

Nonetheless, I get a kick out of seeing the hypocrisy of the Hollywood Scientology devotees exploited for what it is – Hypocrisy.

I respect the South Park executives for being consistent: They are equal opportunity mockers, at least.


Spineless University of Illinois Dhimmis Fire Gutsy Student Editor

Spineless University of Illinois Dhimmis Fire Gutsy Student Editor

Well, as most everyone knows, during the (now, somewhat subdued) Muhammad Funnies Brouhaha, most American MSM outlets were too craven to publish the actual cartoon images.  Of course, they claimed not to be publishing them out of “seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnsitity” for Muslims’ feeeeeeeeeeeeeeelings.

We all know, however, that the real reason they never published them was the “F” word.  (Nooo….  Not THAT word, Silly!  The OTHER “F” word: F-E-A-R.)

Similarly, generally imitating their MSM big sisters, most American university publications followed suit and also refused to publish the offending cartoons – again out of fear disguised as “seeeeeeeeeeeennnnnsitivity” for Muslims’ “beliefs.”

As always, there were a few noble exceptions the “rule of lemmings.”  One such noble exception was Acton H. Gorton, of The Daily Illini.

Well, the Dhimmis who sit on the Supreme Soviet (actually the Illini Media Company board of directos) did NOT take this deviation from leftist campus doctrinaire ways sitting down.  (Hat tip: wnd.)

NO!  They FIRED the brave Mr. Gorton.

In braver days, such Dhimmis as those who fired Mr. Gorton would likely be run out of town on a rail.  (But, alas!  Today, they run the show!)

JammedGun salutes the rare courage of the young Mr. Gorton!


Friday, March 17, 2006

Of Senator Cornyn, Camels, and Gnats

Of Senator Cornyn, Camels, and Gnats

Soooo . . . .  We read that Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) – who is my very own Bushbot Senator – has gone righteous on us and is working overtime on getting ONE Taliban student at Yale deported, apparently under the auspices of the PATRIOT Act and the Real ID Act.  (Of course, I do think the Taliban Yalie should be thrown out on his ear, but, it seems that there is something else in play here.)


Say, Senator Cornyn?  How about the 10 to 20 million odd OTHER illegal aliens in this country – most of them from Mexico?

I don’t recall your having called for THEIR deportation lately under the auspices of the basic law of the land.  (You know – the law of the land that says they are here ILLEGALLY?)

With all due respect, Senator, you are a total asshat.  Just like a politician:  Close your eyes to 20 million illegals who live in our neighborhoods, crowd our hospitals (and schools and prisons), rape our women, and drive uninsured on our highways – and THEN get yourself worked up over ONE illegal alien studying at Yale.  (Hey, Sir, we all know that Yale is run by elitist idiots already.)

Well hath the LORD said, “Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel,” (Matthew 23:24 ).

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Republicans Deserve

Republicans Deserve to Be Run out of Washington on a Rail – Total Betrayal

As Michael Savage so eloquently said on his show today, the Republicans have proven that they are total phonies with regard to fiscal responsibility.

Savage harkened back to how the Republicans flayed Clinton and Gore and the Democrats for their spending profligacy.

Now the Republicans have proven that they have the same disease.

Washington, DC, is almost totally corrupt.

President Bush has NO fiscal restraint – and the Republican Congress just spinelessly followed his lead of spending us into oblivion.

I am sick of the whole gang.

And I am NOT saying that the Democrats will be better, because (again, as Savage acutely observes) – not only will they spend – but they will also tax us to death.

What’s a patriot to do?

Braver men in braver times would call for a Tea Party.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Walter Williams on Teaching v. Indoctrination

Walter Williams on Teaching v. Indoctrination

Recently, there was an uproar over the recorded classroom comments by a teacher in Colorado telling his class how Bush reminded him of Hitler.

Walter E. Williams, economics professor at George Mason University, explains the difference between teaching and indoctrination.  (They are not the same.)

Anyone who has ever heard Mr. Williams on the radio filling in for Rush Limbaugh knows how witty, intelligent, and CONSTITUTIONALLY-minded he is.

Reading this piece will likely show you how few TRULY GOOD teachers your children have had in school – at any level of education.

Obviously Army Boot Camp Is Far Too Soft – Gangs in the Military

Obviously Army Boot Camp Is Far Too Soft – Gangs in the Military

Obviously, Army Boot Camp is far too soft.  Otherwise, gang members would not be infiltrating its ranks – and maintaining their gang allegiances.

One of the traditional purposes of military basic training is to forge a new bond between soldiers via very tough training – a new bond that supercedes former loyalties.

Of course, if Army training is too soft, let’s not even BOTHER to talk about basic training in the Air Force or the Coast Guard.  The word that comes to mind there is “day camp.”  (Hint:  Talk to an AF Vet who enlisted in the 1950s or 1960s and you will hear stories of how tough AF basic training USED to be.  By the way:  Tough means sexually segregated by definintion.  The Navy needs help here, as well.  In fact, ONLY the Marines seem to have it even close to being right.)

That gangs could so effectively plant so many members in the military with the wrong loyalties is not only frightening – it also points an accusing finger at our feminized, politically-correct military leaders . . . .

Starting with President Bush and SECDEF Dumbsfeld.

Clearly, neither has a clue.

Sadly, although he could easily fire Dumbsfeld, President Bush has shown no inclination to do so.

This gang problem in the Army is very ominous.


Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Isaac Hayes Another Coddled Rich Elitist Scientologist (Who Apparently Never Minded Trashing Christianity)

Isaac Hayes Another Coddled Rich Elitist Scientologist (Who Apparently Never Minded Trashing Christianity)

Poor Isaac Hayes.  He got his widdle feewings huwt.  

Why?  Cuz the iconoclastic cartoon South Park enterprise turned its crudely creative focus on his beloved Church of Scientology.

Hayes’ reaction?  He took his ball and went home.

You see, Hayes was – until now – a PART of the raunchy South Park enterprise.

Funny: He never seemed to be bothered by South Park vignettes mocking Christianity.

Classify Isaac Hayes as:  Spoiled, rich, and hyper-sensitive (Scientologist) celebrity.

Pat Robertson Bluntly States the Obvious about the Islamofascists – Watch for “Shocked, SHOCKED” Reactions!

Pat Robertson Bluntly States the Obvious about the Islamofascists – Watch for “Shocked, SHOCKED” Reactions!

In refreshing contrast to the kid-gloved, we-love-the-Arabs-cuz-the-Bush-Family-has-gotten-rich-doing-business-with-them approach of the Bush White House in describing the Islamofascists, Pat Robertson has taken his gloves off and delivered a well-timed, and well-placed blow to the jaw of current “religious proprieties” by calling it as he sees it about Islam and – particularly – Islamofascists.

Prepare now for all sorts of “I’m shocked, SHOCKED!” reactions by the White House, members of the MSM, CAIR, Euroweenie diplomats, diplomats from Jihadist-supporting nations such as Saudi Arabia, caviar-conservative pundits (e.g., Hugh Hewitt), and so on.

In this long litany of spinelessness, none frosts me more than President Bush, who has willingly sent our boys (and girls!) to die fighting against the Islamofascists, while he continues to make nice to them by not calling them what they are: Islamofascists.  As Tony Blankley has written, to President Bush, we are evidently fighting an enemy without a name.  

Now, to be clear, I heartily SUPPORT the war in Iraq (a war in which my son has participated).  

However, the President’s almost-effeminate antipathy for clearly branding our enemy has done three things:  Protected the enemy by making him less clearly-defined to the masses; encouraged the enemy by the President’s egregious failure properly to demonize him; and demoralized the troops by the Marquis de Queensbury rules of engagement (ROE) with which they have been saddled by our ever-accommodating-to-our-President’s-sensitivites Pentagon.

My take:  You go, Pat!

Warning:  Only, from now on, you may be in the crosshairs of the splodeydopes.


Monday, March 13, 2006

The Holocaust History Project – Attacked

The Holocaust History Project – Attacked

I confess I didn’t know that the The Holocaust History Project was headquartered here in San Antonio.

I similarly confess that the building that houses their mailbox was recently attacked by arsonists.

As Charles Johnson points out on lgf, the news outlets (other than WOAI, locally) have not covered this story.

Wonder if it was Muslims?  White supremacists?  Brown supremacists?  (Yeah: The MEChA-Brown Supremacist bunch are Jew-haters, too.)  

Funny how so many groups hate the Jews: A sure evidence that they are indeed God’s Chosen People.

I want this crime INVESTIGATED!

Hat tip: lgf.

Islamists Place Bounty on Heads of Danish Cartoonists (Western Leaders Cower in Silence)

Islamists Place Bounty on Heads of Danish Cartoonists (Western Leaders Cower in Silence)

Here is the story.

Hat tip: lgf.

President Bush Caving to ACLU and NYT over Guantanamo?

President Bush Caving to ACLU and NYT over Guantanamo?

Sounds like it.

Hat tip: Drudge.

Accoona: New Search Engine

Accoona:  New Search Engine

Looking for a new search engine as a possible alternative to the terminally leftist Google?

Try acccoona.

Hat tip: lgf poster reaganite.  Also, see Drudge.

Condi Rice: Islamofascist Patsy

Condi Rice: Islamofascist Patsy

They say some women are attracted to wife-beaters.

SECSTATE Rice may be one of those women:  She cannot seem to give enough aid to the Palestinian terrorists.  (Hat tip: WND.)

I suggest that Ms. Rice seek therapy for her condition – and that, meanwhile, President Bush replace her with someone able to comprehend Middle East realities.


Frist STILL Doesn’t Get It (the Dubai Ports Deal Again)

Frist STILL Doesn’t Get It (the Dubai Ports Deal Again)

Senator Frist is showing that he is a Dhimmi at heart, after all.

Why?  He hints that the Dubai ports deal could go forward, after all.  (Hat tip: realclearpolitics.)

Senator Frist STILL doesn’t get it.

Has this guy EVER shown the SLIGHTEST modicum of backbone… EVER?

And now there is talk of Frist’s running for the Republican Presidential nomination?


Think: Republican Jimmy Carter!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Our Media Don’t Get It – Or Do They?

Our Media Don’t Get It – Or Do They?

Jack Kelly exposes the media for being willing outlets of enemy propaganda.


Hat tip: realclearpolitics.

Some Good News for the Darfur Victims?

Some Good News for the Darfur Victims?


Dhimmified British Publications Drop Mark Steyn

Dhimmified British Publications Drop Mark Steyn

The two British papers that carried the Mark Steyn column have dropped him.  It is all but certain that they did so because Steyn is unflinchingly frank in assessing the Islamofascist threat facing the West – and in assessing the West’s cowardice in the crunch.

Hat tip: lgf.  Also: See Tim Blair.

Russ Feingold: Seditionist

Russ Feingold: Seditionist

So, Senator Russell Feingold (D-WI) is SOOOOOO concerned about President Bush’s decision to wiretap al-Qaeda that he is going to introduce some sort of censure measure in the in the Senate.

Never mind that there is a war on.  Never mind that al-Qaeda hates Jews (which Feingold happens to be).  Never mind that …

Never mind:  Senator Feingold: You are a seditionist – to say nothing of a supreme ingrate.

Like most Democratic Senators, Senator Feingold is VERY wealthy.  

Apparently, he has more money than brains or patriotism.

As the father of a son who just returned from combat duty in Iraq, Senator Feingold makes me so angry I could spit nails.

Revisiting Buying Danish

Revisiting Buy Danish

When the “Muhammad Funnies” hullabaloo broke loose last month, one of the many ugly upshots was a froth-mouthed, knee-jerk declaration of an IslamoBoycott of Danish goods.

Lovers of freedom everywhere (What? There are maybe about 300 of us left?) immediately heralded the virtues of buying Danish.

My first inclination was to go out and buy some Danish beer – whether Carlsberg or Tuborg (or both) did not matter.

Well, I found that buying either of those beers in San Antonio was easier said than done.  Sure, some restaurants (e.g., Chester’s Hamburgers) offer Carlsberg if you are eating there.  Taking a six-pack home, however, is another matter.

Well, this past week, I was able to locate an outlet offering Carlsberg, and I picked up two six-packs.

Okay.  I am doing my part to support Denmark.  How about you folks?  I know they sell good dairy products, too.  

Update:  Now I realize that the same company (Carlsberg) makes BOTH Carlsberg and Tuborg.

Update 2: Now I realize that you can buy Carlsberg online (in some locations – one of which is NOT Texas).

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Illegal Hordes Lay Siege to Chicago: Local Government Complicit

Illegal Hordes Lay Siege to Chicago:  Local Government Complicit; Federal Government Oblivious

Hordes of people speaking Spanish and flying Mexican flags in the heartland of America – demanding their self-arrogated rights!

Please click on this link.  (Hat tip: Drudge.)

Please look at the pictures.

Please notice all the people – almost every one of them an illegal alien.

Please notice all the Mexican flags being flown – any question as to where these folks’ primary political loyalties lie?

Their Spanish-language chant was (in translation):  “Yes. We CAN!” (In other words, those with no right to be here were DEMANDING amnesty.)

What is worse, the Mayor of Chicago and the Governor of Illinois were on hand to wave the white flag of surrender to these invaders.

Our Federal Government is derelict in its duty.  Its agents should have been on hand taking pictures and taking names – as prelude to deportation.

If you love this country, this article should bother you.

The inimitable Michelle Malkin has more.

Reflections after a Week or Two off from Posting

Reflections after a Week or Two off from Posting

After not having posted very actively for two weeks now, I feel overwhelmed at the amount of material upon which comments are richly merited.

Unfortunately, the sheer volume of news stories of note over the past ten days alone boggles the mind.

However, several main themes stand out in my mind as commanding our attention:

  • The enemy without: The Islamofascists and their Marxist fellow-travelers

  • The enemy within:  The Islamofascists, their Marxist fellow travelers (to include the odious ACLU), most members of academe, the mainstream media (MSM) and Hollywood.

  • Our broken borders and the resultant flood of illegals flooding – and changing the face of – this land.

  • The need to take a consistent stand against terrorism: This includes absolute isolation of Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran.

  • The need to stand by Israel, as God’s Chosen People, and to advocate unflinchingly for their Divinely-bestowed right to Eretz Yisrael (The Land of Israel).

  • Our out-of-touch, venal, spineless, Dhimmified, money-loving leaders at all levels of government and the military (allowing, of course, for some exceptions).

  • The need for Christians in this country to make a serious, cogent, mature, and clear stand for the Gospel (as opposed to touchy-feely, ecological, emotional, TV-based, schmaltzy, watered-down Christianity) – even though it will bring us even greater opposition from haters of Christ than we are already experiencing.

Some of the main people/places I look to for encouragement (besides the LORD and His Word) are:

Michael Savage (radio talk-show host)
Ilana Mercer
Michelle Malkin
Vox Day

An Explanation for My Recent Silence

An Explanation for My Recent Silence

Why has my blog been silent for quite awhile.  While there are many contributing factors, the single most important one is that my son was in town.  

This is the first time we have actually SEEN him since he departed for Iraq about one year ago.

We are delighted (and sobered) to see that he has returned honorably – and with life and health intact, while others came back maimed or in coffins.

Just a word from one soldier just returned: He believes in our mission in Iraq.  He sees good being accomplished.  He has confidence in and respect for President Bush as his commander-in-chief.

Moreover, he feels that a pullout now would show rank disloyalty to those soldiers who have paid the ultimate price in the war in Iraq.

While I am disgusted with some of President Bush’s domestic policies (e.g., the broken borders and the unfortunate Dubai Ports World episode), I remain a staunch supporter of his war in Iraq and call on the country to continue to rally around him.

The terrorists want us out:  Thus, it is a good bet that our presence in Iraq is doing some good – the MSM hive’s high-pitched, estrogen-rich, buzz to the contrary notwithstanding.

Welcome Home, Son!

Welcome Home, Son!

Welcome home, Son!  Job well done!


Sunday, March 05, 2006

Politically Correct US Generals – Make Me Want to Vomit

Politically Correct US Generals – Make Me Want to Vomit

And now, to top off our week-and-a-half of hearing how we will “humiliate” the UAE with our “Islamophobia” if we do not turn over control of six of our largest ports to them, now we read that (the appropriately named) US General FREAKLEY has ordered that ONLY the “Afghan” flag may fly in Afghanistan (not the US flag, not the Canadian flag, not the British flag, etc).

Never mind that Americans and Canadians and Brits have died fighting in Afghanistan.

Never mind that we permit the Germans to fly their flag over the base we let them use in New Mexico.

No: We may not fly the US or Canadian or British (or any other coalition nation’s flag).

It’s all about “sensitivities,” you know!  (Sensitivities, that is, I suppose, for those who recently rioted in the streets of Aghanistan like madmen because of some cartoons published in Denmark MONTHS earlier.

This is one more nail in the coffin that holds my dead support for the Bush Administration, the Dumbsfeld DoD, and the Condi Rice State Department.

Sorry: I did NOT intend for this kind of Clintonesque decision-making to take place when I voted for Bush.

President Bush need not wonder why his popularity is bottoming out: He is governing like a Clinton.


Friday, March 03, 2006

Ilana Mercer Nails It Again: This Time on the UAE Port-Ops Deal

Ilana Mercer Nails It Again: This Time on the UAE Port-Ops Deal

Ms. Ilana Mercer writes a regular column for WND, but she doesn’t seem to get the press that Ann Coulter or Michelle Malkin get.

However, she is a very sharp lady.

Click here to read her latest on the President’s ill-considered UAE port-ops turnover deal.

As Ms. Mercer points out:  The President isn’t listening to his grassroots.  (Wonder why his poll numbers are dropping like a rock?)
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