Thursday, September 29, 2005

MSM Asshat: Kevin Sites

MSM Asshat: Kevin Sites

If the name of Kevin Sites does not sound familiar, perhaps the story of the photographer who filmed a Marine who shot and killed a wounded jihadist on the floor of a Fallujah mosque during the vicious (second) battle to take that city will ring a bell.

The result of that footage was a hysterical worldwide MSM media hue and cry about “another atrocity” committed by an American fighting man.

(In many of the reports about this incident, little or no mention of the fact that the Islamofascist Jihadists were using MOSQUES as their military firing stations; that the Marine had been wounded already; or that the Marine had lost Marine buddies to these Jihadists.  And little or no mention that – dammit – WAR IS HELL and sometimes people who choose to fight get to die for their country or their religion or whatever it is for which they choose to fight.

The Marines actually investigated the brave Marine who killed the wounded Jihadist (because he likely feared that he might shoot him).

The kicker in all this is that Kevin Sites was EMBEDDED with the Marines during the (second) Battle for Fallujah.  In other words, Kevin Sites was KEPT ALIVE by his Marine guardians.  And he thanked them for their trouble by causing a scandal and nearly getting one Marine court-martialed.

Kevin Sites encouraged our enemies with this infamous episode; he discouraged our brave fighting men.

Kevin Sites makes it clear in his own words that he thought what the Marine did in the mosque was wrong.

Kevin Sites is an antiwar activist, having posted to this organization: Images Against War.

Kevin Sites is a supreme asshat in my book.

Well, just to let you know that Yahoo has just signed on Kevin Sites as some “war reporter extraordinaire” who will go around the world ambulance-chasing wars and warriors for Yahoo.

This series will be called The Hot Zone.

I hope you will all treat The Hot Zone with the contempt it deserves.

If you wish, you can send Mr. Sites an email telling him how much you “appreciate” his work by clicking here.

Yahoo’s Jerry Yang: A “Good” German Chinese

Yahoo’s Jerry Yang:  A “Good” German Chinese

This story – as a “current headline” is almost three weeks old.  I had intended to post on it, but I never could quite get to it.

Well, it is just as well, because this evening I stumbled upon a SUPERB post by another blogger, roger l. simon, who basically says it all for me.  Read his superb and scathing post here.

So, what is the story? you are possibly asking.  Well, basically, Yahoo does major business in China.  Taiwanese-born American Jerry Yang is Yahoo’s Co-Founder and Chief.  Yahoo is a very big company.  Jerry Yang is a very rich man.

Jerry Yang’s company does business in China.  Jerry Yang’s company makes BIG money in China.  Jerry Yang’s company basically has only ONE customer in China:  The freedom-suppressing, Communist Government.  

One freedom that Yahoo-Customer (freedom-suppressing) Communist Chinese Government suppresses is freedom of speech – including freedom of speech on the INTERNET.

Yahoo helps the freedom-suppressing Communist Government run the (highly-restricted, tightly-controlled) Chinese Internet (as do Microsoft, Cisco, and Google, as well).  This means that Yahoo knows something about many Chinese users on the Internet who may dare to express thoughts not to the liking of China’s Commmunist Government.

Sometimes the Communist Chinese Government asks Jerry Yang’s Yahoo to give them the names of Internet users whose views the Communist Chinese Government does not like so that they can find them, prosecute them, and imprison them.

Jerry Yang has made it clear that Yahoo will GLADLY COMPLY with such requests for information from its number one customer in China: the freedom-suppressing Communist Chinese Government.  I mean – after all – that is the price of doing business in China, right?  You wouldn’t expect Jerry Yang to have some spine, principles, guts, or cojones regarding meekly surrendering names from his server databases to Communist Chinese Government thugs, would you?  (I didn’t think so – and you would be right: He doesn’t.)

Because Jerry Yang has no spine or cojones, Chinese journalist Shi Tao has received a Ten-Year(!) sentence for expressing thoughts that did not meet with the approval of the Communist-Chinese Thought Police.  Shi Tao is going to jail because Jerry Yang’s American company, Yahoo’s Hong Kong subsidiary ratted Shi Tao out to his Communist Chinese overlords.  

Oh, and Jerry Yang feels really badly about it.  In fact, I bet he was really feeling badly about poor Mr. Shi Tao the other day when Jerry was depositing his latest mega-payment from the Communist Chinese Government for services rendered in the Yahoo bank account!

If you would like to share your thoughts with Jerry Yang on this issue, you may email him.


ACLU: AntiChristian Litigation Union

ACLU: AntiChristian Litigation Union

Jay at Stop the ACLU has a great post entitled, The ACLU Is Americas #1 Religious Censor, cataloguing some of the latest skirmishes in the ongoing long-term legal jihad that the odious souls at the ACLU are relentlessly waging on the public Judaeo-Christian ethos long held dear by most Americans.

Among other things, the ACLU seems to go particularly rabid regarding four “Cs” – Christmas, Crosses, Christ (when invoked in public prayer) and Commandments (as in the Ten C______).  They also hate the “B” word.  (You know: the Bible – as in public displays thereof.)

Funny!  Have you ever noticed that the ACLU NEVER litigates against public expressions of Buddhism, Islam, or Hinduism – but let someone dare publicly acknowledge their faith in Christ outside the four walls of a church and just WATCH how fast the ACLU finds a reason to litigate.

Jay’s site is relentlessly exposing what the ACLU is up to – and it isn’t pretty.

Michael Savage views the ACLU as perhaps the SINGLE most dangerous domestic enemy faced by America today.  On his radio talk show, he advocates regularly for Federal prosecution of the ACLU using RICO statutes with a goal to imprisoning its key leaders for sedition and/or treason.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Don’t Think Islam Is a Threat to Our Way of Life? Read This!

Don’t Think Islam Is a Threat to Our Way of Life?  Read This!

Do you know what an “honor killing” is?  You might want to learn:  Honor killings might be coming soon to a neighborhood near you.

I have blogged previously about the huge problems with Muslims faced by leaders of the Scandinavian countries.

Here is a story that should give EVERYONE pause, as it happened in BROAD DAYLIGHT in Denmark.  Other write-ups: Here and here.

Fortunately, this one has a photo to back it up.

Oh, and by the way, you DID see this story reported nonstop around the clock on CNN and Fox News the past couple of days, didn’t you?  (You didn’t?  Oh, I wonder why not  . . . .?  Hint: The killing was not done by a US Soldier, that is why!)

(Hat tip: lgf.)

Please check out fjordman for his postings on the Islamic threat in Scandinavia and elsewhere.

Sending a Woman to Do a Man’s Job – Again!

Sending a Woman to Do a Man’s Job – Again!

Well, it seems to be a foregone conclusion that President Bush will continue the gelding of the American body politic by picking someone with no balls (i.e., a woman) to be the next Supreme Court justice.  (Hat tip: Drudge.)

But that is not the only place where Bush has recently seen fit to send a woman to do a man’s job.

You see, his longtime advisor (from his days as TexGov), Karen Hughes, has recently been sworn in as some sort of State Department “assistant secretary for warm fuzzies in Muslim lands” position.  Of course, it is obvious to ALL that she was chosen for the job because of her “abilities” – not because of her connections to those in power.  (Sure.)

Well, our President has dispatched his new Madame “Under-Assistant-to-the-Assistant Secretary of State” Hughes to the Middle East with the mission of reaching out to women in that region to (get this) understand and like us more.

Ms. Hughes has been sent to talk to the womenfolk in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Turkey this week.

Well, so far, at least two of Ms. Hughes’ stops have not gone so well.

In Saudi Arabia, the women told her that they like wearing robes and not being allowed to drive or vote JUST FINE, thank you!  (Hat tip: lgf.)

And, in Turkey, she got lambasted by women upset about the war in Iraq.  (Hat tip: Drudge Report.)

Now, whoever dreamed up this trip must be on drugs.  First, we all know that women in the Middle East have limited freedom.  Does anyone think that the Governments (or husbands or fathers) of the ladies of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey are going to permit them to go out there and embarrass them?  

Furthermore, after being raised on no education, the Koran, and al-Jazeera, how much independent thought does one expect to find regarding the Iraq War among MOST inhabitants of these countries – male or female?

This trip was planned by the same “brilliant” people in the Bush Admin/State Department who handcuff our troops in Iraq with ridiculous restrictions and who insist that Israel keep giving up more land to the Palestinian terrorists.

In short, Karen Hughes’ trip was based on wishful thinking and a failure to come to grips with the depths of the hatred for the United States, for Christianity, and for freedom that is stored up in the reservoirs of Muslim hearts around the world.  Charming talk by an Austin politico-housewife is not the answer:  The willingness to use force when necessary is the answer.

We don’t want them to “like us” dammit – we want them to FEAR us.

Again, as I almost always do, I must quote Michael Savage, who questions our American leaders’ WILLINGNESS to USE LETHAL FORCE when necessary.

End the “Catch-and-Release” Tomfoolery NOW!

End the “Catch-and-Release” Tomfoolery NOW!

This is a link to an article that is about a month old.  In fact, I have probably provided a link to it in the past, but it deserves a second look.

The post is called “Gates of Fire” and it was written by war-correspondent extraordinaire Michael Yon.

This particular post was written near the end of his recently-ended eight-month tour as an embedded reporter in Iraq – much of that time spent in Mosul with the Army’s “Deuce-Four” Stryker boys.

As one reads Yon’s posts, one picks up quickly that he empathizes deeply with both our soldiers and the friendly Iraqis.  You also pick up on the fact that – albeit expressed very gently – Yon sees some serious flaws in the way that top US political and military leadership are prosecuting (or, perhaps NOT prosecuting) this war.

In this installment of his war-dispatch blog, the leader of the “Deuce-Four”, LTC Erik Kurilla is wounded by a terrorist who had been previously arrested, tried (by the Iraqis), and eventually released.  In other words, if this terrorist had still been in prison, Kurilla would not have been shot!

In fact, the blog post under discussion makes it clear that this “catch-and-release” treatment of known and suspected terrorists happens all too frequently in Iraq.

Now the “Bush/Rumsfeld-can-do-NO-wrong” crowd will find excuses for this saying that we need to let the Iraqis run their own country, try their own criminals, etc.

My reply is POPPYCOCK:  This is OUR war, too, and we are losing boys and some of our boys are losing limbs, etc.  

The “catch-and-release” of terrorists is happening in Iraq because WE AMERICANS (read: Bush-Rumsfeld-Military Commanders) are PERMITTING it to happen.  We need to lock these guys up and throw away the key until the war is over.  If the war goes another 10 years, oh well.  We lock up Americans for that long for selling drugs.  Should we not also lock up our enemies intent on killing our troops?

Let me suggest that this “catch-and-release” policy constitutes NOTHING less than CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE on the part of those calling the shots in this war.

If the media were doing their job as well as Yon does his, we would have reporters yelling at us nightly NOT about the (alleged) “abuse” that our soldiers mete out against Iraqi prisoners, but rather about the ridiculously LENIENT treatment that our enemies our receiving at our hands.

Indeed, Yon notes more than once in his blog entries that we give wounded Iraqi terrorists first-class medical treatment – as good as the treatment that we give to their wounded Iraqi victims.  

Now I am not saying we shouldn’t give them some medical care – but to put them in hospital beds RIGHT next to those that they have wounded?  That is INSANE!

What is WRONG with this picture?

As Michael Savage so often says on his radio show:  A lack of leadership.  There is a vacuum at the top.


Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Bush, The Liberal (That Liberals Love to Hate)

Bush, The Liberal (That Liberals Love to Hate)

I don’t know why Liberals hate this guy – or why so many “conservatives” love him.  The guy is President George W. Bush.  

President Bush is NO conservative, as more and more (Conservative) commentators have been willing to point out of late.  Nonetheless, Sean Hannity can be heard shilling for Bush daily for all he is worth, as though Bush is some sort of Conservative “messiah”, or something.

Bush does something REALLY Liberal almost every day.  One of his latest moves is to “drop a hint” that – in order to pay due deference to “diversity” (a truly “liberal” term, if there ever was one), he will choose either woman or a minority for his next Supreme Court pick.  (Hat tip: Drudge.)

I still remember cringing decades ago, when – in a similar “liberal” moment – Ronald Reagan declared (ceding a freebie to his enemies for no good reason), “I will nominate a woman to the Supreme Court.”  

History shows that I was wise to cringe: Ms. O’Connor – although she has a new high school named after her here in San Antonio – has left a pretty dismal track record as a Supreme Court jurist.

Well, now BUSH (apparently under his wife’s influence) feels he must play the “diversity card” in the way he exercises his next Supreme Court choice.

It sickens me.  First, I am chauvinist enough to admit that I would prefer a mediochre man to a good woman to the Court – because I don’t think women are well-suited to the role of a jurist.  (My proof?  O’Connor and Ginsburg.)

Most of all, before God, Bush’s obligation is to pick the man (yes, a male) who is BEST suited to the job in terms of having a truly gut-deep commitment to interpreting the Constitution the way Justice Scalia does: as a true “originalist”, meaning attempting to interpret law along the lines laid out by the Constitution – both as written AND as intended by the framers.

Well, Bush, for all the “Christian” talk that has surrounded his Presidency, seems so remarkably insouciant of any Divine mandate, and so very “seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeensitive” (emph. Michael Savage’s) to the “diversity” concerns of the Left that he has publicly indicated that he intends to let the diversity “tail” wag the Consitutionalist “dog” in his decision process prior to naming the next justice to the SCOTUS.

Why is it again that Liberals hate this guy?  He is truly one of THEIR OWN!

It was we on the right who were snookered by Bush and the Republican machinery.  (But that is nothing new!)

Lynndie England Convicted for Abu Ghraib “Abuse”

Lynndie England Convicted for Abu Ghraib “Abuse”

Let me get this straight: This petite little waif, who could not physically hurt much of anyone; who had little rank; and who has not the greatest intellect – is being CONVICTED and JAILED of “abuse” of enemy prisoners?  (Hat tip:  Drudge.)

Okay. Let’s see: She let prisoners around by a dog leash.  She laughed at their (possibly aroused) genitals.  And watched as her superiors piled up the prisoners in “human pyramids”, etc.  She also allegedly “conspired” to do something naughty regarding the entire prison abuse scandal.  Bottom line: No blood was drawn; no limbs were severed; no lives were lost among her poor, abused, prisoner “victims”.  What is WRONG with this picture?

I really don’t think this lame conviction signals to anyone that we are serious about either fighting to win or about assigning true blame for the alleged “abuse”.

Either we are going to go FULL-ON “politically correct” and CLEAN HOUSE and LOSE THIS WAR by booting SecDef Rumsfeld and a bevy of “perfumed princes” for THEIR RESPONSIBILITY for all this dastardly “prisoner abuse” – or we are going to fight this war to win it (by playing hardball).

As it is, we are doing NEITHER.  And the enemy is laughing all the way to the media polling companies.

I only wish that Senator John McCain realized this, as well, as he is going ballistic over even NEWER “revelations” of (shock!) prisoner abuse!

Well, I am not happy with prisoner abuse, but how about we just tell our boys (and girls) to knock it off and GET ON WITH THE WAR AT HAND!  After all, our ENEMY does things like blow up children and saw unarmed prisoners’ heads off with dull knives while praising “Allah”.  

For some reason, these (TRUE) atrocities at the hands of the Islamofascists are rarely deemed worthy of reportorial outrage by the MSM.

As Michael Savage said on his radio talk show yesterday regarding the prosecution of the war in Iraq (quoting him loosely):

“We're going to lose the war if we continue to use 17th-century methods.  We need to use our airpower.  They are more heartless than we are.

Either we are at war or we are not at war.  We need to go into the Sunni triangle.  George Bush cannot do it, because he has been compromised by the American Left.”

I agree with Savage implicitly:  I don’t think that either Bush, nor Rumsfeld, nor the Pentagon’s “Perfumed Princes” gets it that the nonstop “prisoner abuse” exposes and show trials are ONLY encouraging the enemy (both within and without) and DIScouraging our fighting men, who run the risk daily of being disemboweled and/or dismembered by roadside bombs planted by the sweet darlings fighting against us.

Sign me: Fed up with the nonsense.  

Free Lynndie England.  Free ALL the alleged “prisoner abuse” soldier criminals.  Kill the enemy.  Win the war!

Monday, September 26, 2005

Miscellaneous Recent Stories of Interest

Miscellaneous Recent Stories of Interest

Minuteman border patrol raises opposition in Texas
I guess “we don’t need no steenkin’ borders?
(Hat tip: Real Clear Politics.)

Republican priorities:
Pork or hurricane relief?
Decision time for the empty suits.
(Hat tip: Real Clear Politics.)

Iran Bubbles Over
Our enemy is still there.
Hello? Anybody home? (Iran is DANGEROUS!)
(Hat tip: Real Clear Politics.)

Nationals lose critical game to Mets: out of Wild Card race.
Note to Nationals’ Front Office: Next time don’t suspend your team chapel leader for telling the truth.

China sets new rules on Internet news
China: We are commie dirtbags – you can count on that!
(Hat tip: Drudge.)

Great Marxist Minds Think Alike!  (See previous headline.)
(Hat tip: Drudge.)

“Dumber-Than-a-Box-of-Rocks” Babs At It Again!
(This one good for a laugh.)
(Hat tip: Drudge.)

Mosques 'made my husband a bomber
Another “Religion-of-Peace” Cameo
(Hat tip: WorldNetDaily)

Saudi Prince Buys Large Share of Fox News
(Hat tip: WorldNetDaily)

Generals reassess enemy in Iraq
Bad guys down, but not out (yet)

Media blackout on Darfur
The Amazingly (Pro-Islamicist) Selective Curiousity of our MSM “Friends”

McCain Troubled by New Prison Abuse Charge
Now, if he were only as concerned for the welfare of our own troops as he is for their prisoners . . . .


Saturday, September 24, 2005

IDF Holds Target Practice in Gaza

IDF Holds Target Practice in Gaza

Israel, fed up with rocket and mortar attacks from the Palianimals, apparently decided to hold some long-overdue target practice in Gaza.

Apparently, they hit at least one bull’s-eye. (Hat tip: lgf.)

Too bad Israel doesn’t do a LOT more of this.

But, then, GWB, Condi Rice, and the State Department (all of whom apparently are suckers for the Palianimals’ “obliterate-Israel” agenda) would no doubt get all upset and “pressure” the Israelis to give up some more land right away!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

A “Made-in-Hollywood”-Style Nomination from our (Apparently) Increasingly Detached (from Reality) President

A “Made-in-Hollywood”-Style Nomination from our (Apparently) Increasingly Detached (from Reality) President

Name a DOMESTIC issue that would be VERY HIGH on most people’s complaint list regarding President GW Bush?  (Not that Clinton or Bush#1 were any better on the same issue.)  Well, the issue I have in mind is the big I2 (Illegal Immigration).

Well, you may or may not be aware that the INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service) of yesteryear has been folded into the new gargantuan (and absurdly ineffective) Department of Homeland Security.  The division that deals with I2 is know as ICE (US Immigrations and Customs Enforcement).

Well, President Bush just nominated a cute young (age 38) lawyer who works in the White House and whose Daddy “just happens” to be the top-ranking man in uniform (Chairman, JCS, General Richard B. Myers).  Her name is Julie Myers – and her hubby “just happens” to be Homeland Security Department Secretary Michael Chertoff’s chief-of-staff.

So, here we have the department that is in charge of dealing with what is perhaps THE stickiest domestic problem our country faces – and one which is NOT unrelated to our ongoing struggle against terrorists, . . . .

And President Bush nominates a White House-employed pretty face with a famous Daddy (something she and the President have in common) and virtually ZERO qualifications for the job.

Was this nomination vetted by the staff of West Wing or Commander in Chief?

So egregiously bad is the President’s nomination, that CONSERVATIVES are blasting it (as are some liberals).  See here; here; here and here.  (Hat tip:

There is hope that this lady will soon be encouraged to “find a reason” to withdraw her name from consideration.

Please consider calling your Senators to tell them to OPPOSE this ludicrous nomination.  

Ted Turner Is (Apparently) NOT All There (Mentally)!

Ted Turner Is (Apparently) NOT All There (Mentally)!

GI Korea blogs a great blog of the utter nonsense that CNN-founder Ted Turner was spewing during an interview with Wolf Blitzer.

Now, I cannot stand CNN, because it is so liberal.  And, among CNN’s paid mouths, Wolf Blitzer is PARTICULARLY annoying, because of his hopelessly LIBERAL bent.

However, in this interview, Ted Turner’s comments about North Korea, its monstrous leader, and the oppressed people of that wretched little country, are SOOO outrageous that EVEN Wolf Blitzer had to challenge him.

When Wolf Blitzer comes off as a conservative, the person being interviewed has left Planet Earth’s reality sphere.

I heard some of the clips from the same interview played on the Laura Ingraham radio talk show.  Mr. Turner sounded seriously out of it.

And here I thought Jane Fonda was the crazy one that broke up their “marriage made in LaLa Land”!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Pro Baseball Chapel Leader Fired! (For Telling the Truth about Jesus Christ)

Pro Baseball Chapel Leader Fired! (For Telling the Truth about Jesus Christ)

I am shocked. SHOCKED! to learn that the official chapel leader for the National League Washington Nationals baseball club has been fired for acknowledging that people (in this case, Jewish people) are “doomed” because they do not believe in Jesus.

That’s right, Jon Moeller, a VOLUNTEER chapel leader, working under the auspices of the national ministry, Baseball Chapel, actually was honest enough to “nod” in acknowledgement to a question put to him by Nationals outfielder Ryan Church regarding the personal eschatological hope (or lack thereof) of Jews who do not acknowledge Christ as their LORD and Saviour.  

Moeller did not raise the subject.  However, when confronted, he did not try to weasel out of an honest answer like the rest of Washington, D.C., normally does.  (NO WONDER he is in trouble!)  Note: Mr. Moeller has some genuine integrity, a quality not normally found within the confines of the Washington, D.C., beltway.

Washington, DC, Rabbi, Shmuel Herzfeld, of the Ohev Sholom Talmud Torah (Orthodox) synagogue, poured gasoline on the flames by saying of the Moeller “evangelical nod” caper, "The Nationals did a good job about bringing hate into the locker room."  (Right, Rabbi!  Moeller was asked a question and he answered it truthfully – with a NOD, no less.)

Another asshat Jewish leader, Ron Halber, executive director of the Jewish Community Council of Greater Washington, suggested that non-denominational prayers be said in the Nationals’ chapel meetings, so that players of all backgrounds could participate.  Okay, Mr Halber, just what kind of “nondenominational” prayers do you have in mind that atheist and/or Satanist players might feel able to “participate” in?  

How about we let the Christian believers who actually bother attending the Chapel services in the first place pray the kind of prayers that THEY can pray FROM THEIR (in your view – no doubt –narrow, bigoted, evangelical) HEARTS?  (Also, Mr. Halber, please list for me all the Jewish players on the Nationals roster.  For them, YOU can provide a JEWISH volunteer Chapel Leader, okay?)

The Washington Nationals organization has exhibited exactly zero spine, class, or character in this event so far.

As for the asshat outfielder, Ryan Church – one has to wonder about his motives for asking Moeller the controversial question in the first place – and how the exchange ever made it to the media at all?  

Again, it is not like Moeller was on a crusade to tell everyone that the Jews are not exempt from the New Testament prescription that all who die apart from Christ in their sins are doomed.  The entire episode seems somewhat contrived to me – and Ryan Church is not looking like a very savory character at the moment.  After the stuff hit the fan, the Nationals’ front office released a statement quoting Church as saying “"not the type of person who would call into question the religious beliefs of others."  

Note to Mr. Church:  If you are not a believer, why are you causing trouble in the Chapel in the first place.  On the other hand, if you ARE a believer, why not stand up and be counted, instead of using the front office to issue mealy-mouthed statements on your behalf.  Alas, you are just a kid.

To keep this entire thing in perspective, remember that the man at the center of the controversy is a V-O-L-U-N-T-E-E-R, for crying out loud!

Second, for those of you who do not know what to make of this entire thing, if one is a Christian, one is bound by the Scriptures.

While I could no doubt invoke a number of Scriptures, I will simply cite two:

Romans 1:16-17:
16For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
   17For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.

John 3:1-18:
 16For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
   17For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
   18He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
May I suggest that neither of these passages suggests that Jews enjoy some kind of “Divine exemption” from the New Testament prescription:  Without Christ, there is no forgiveness.

P.S. Please never forget that the LORD Jesus Christ is a Jew Himself – indeed He is no less than “the King of the Jews”.)

As a footnote, as “fate”(sic) would have it, the Washington Nationals lost their critically important game against the San Francisco Giants this evening after suspending Moeller.  (Of course, this is “just a coincidence”!)

Joseph Farah Warns of the Consequences of the John Roberts Nomination

Joseph Farah Warns of the Consequences of the John Roberts Nomination

WND editor-in-chief, Joseph Farah, has NEVER liked President Bush’s choice of John Roberts to be our next Chief Justice.

Now Farah tells us in no uncertain terms what this nomination will mean – a more LIBERAL Supreme Court.

I agree with Farah.  I can only conclude one of three things: Bush is incredibly stupid; Bush is spineless; or Bush is truly a LIBERAL in his heart of hearts.

It doesn’t matter which one (or two, or three) of the above options hold true: The end result for America is the same.

And STILL, so-called “conservatives” blindly shill for the man daily on talk radio and in opinion columns.

GWB leaves a bad taste in my mouth.  He is all show and no go.  Big on promise and low on delivery.  Conservative campaign talk and Liberal incumbent walk.

It is a sad day in America – and most Americans do not even realize it.

Monday, September 19, 2005

President Bush Moons American Conservatives – Again! (Figuratively Speaking, Of Course!)

President Bush Moons American Conservatives – Again! (Figuratively Speaking, Of Course!)

It is late.  I must retire, but I MUST post this piece by Vox Day.  In this piece, Day calls GWB and his self-styled “conservative” shills for their trip down a path that is not what Conservatives had envisioned for the Republican Party back in the heady days when the “Reagan Revolution” was cooked up.

In my view, GWB is simply a wealthy, arrogant, out-of-touch, elitist who is following the agenda of “Daddy” Bush (and “Daddy’s” entourage, which includes the odious James Baker III), but who is bold enough to be very in-your-face with his total disregard for any semblance of conservatism with regard to controlling the size, spending, scope, or role of the Federal Government.

Read Vox Day’s piece:  He pulls NO punches!  

I suspect that there is a political fight coming.  Vox’s piece will help you start sorting out the various contenders now.


The NOTICEABLY Absent Federal Government (Border Enforcement Again)

The NOTICEABLY Absent Federal Government (Border Enforcement Again)

Well, things got (as many have foreseen they would) exponentially uglier at the border this week in San Diego.

The two groups involved were a peaceably-assembled, law-abiding group of citizens concerned about border security calling themselves “Friends of the Border” on one side, and a rowdy, despicable, hostile, anti-American group calling themselves Gente Unita, on the other.

To make a long story short, the Gente Unita lovelies shouted obscenities in the faces of the “Friends of the Border” folks, assaulted American citizens, stole their flag, trampling it underfoot, and generally disrupted their gathering.

The peace-loving “Friends of the Border” called 911.  San Diego’s finest took about 20 minutes to respond.  

Andy Ramirez, Chairmen of “Friends of the Border” was very apologetic for his lack of foresight in not having notified the police ahead of time about their training session.

Fortunately, the criminal activities of the America-hating Gente Unita were captured on film.  (Of course, I fully expect the liberal, America-hating members of San Diego’s judiciary to side with them!)

Question: And where was the Federal Government during all this?  Don’t ask.


Geraldo Rivera – Demogoguing for Hispanic Illegal Immigrants

Geraldo Rivera – Demogoguing for Hispanic Illegal Immigrants

Fox News reporter Geraldo Rivera (ne Jerry Rivers), while addressing Hispanic reporters at last week’s National Association of Hispanic Journalists, labeled the members of the officially non-violent volunteer border-protecting group, “The Minutemen” as “vigilantes”.

He went on to defend the importance of illegal Hispanic aliens to the US economy, saying, “In vast sections of the country, there would not be a lawn mowed or a dish washed but for illegal immigrants.”

Hmm.  Wonder if he thinks that the overburdening of our courts, prisons, hospitals, and schools with illegals and their children (to say nothing of their crime victims) are a help to our economy, as well.

As Michael Savage has been pointing out for weeks now, Fox “News” has some time ago decided to join the ranks of the MSM.  

For more information on the The Minutemen – a brave, honorable group of patriots concerned about our countries “broken borders”, please click here.  (Incidentally, Geraldo slandered this fine group of Americans when he tarred them as “vigilantes”.  Shame on him.

An Unnatural Friendship

An Unnatural Friendship

As Michael Savage has pointed out repeatedly on his (outstanding!) talk radio show, there is something VERY weird about the overall “friendliness” or “friendship” between the Bushes and the Clintons.  

It is weird that GWB has asked “Daddy” and Ex-Pres Clinton to team up to raise money in the wake of both the Indonesian Tsunami and Hurricane Katrina.  Moreover, this duo has proven to be much chummier than would seemingly be required to maintain a strategic partnering of big names to achieve an admirable financial goal.  No, “Daddy” Bush cannot seem to say enough about how much he “likes” ole’ Bill Clinton.

Now, just a day or two ago, Bill Clinton tore GWB a new one on national TV about everything from his reasons for going to war with Iraq to the way he has handled the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.   (Hat tip: Drudge.)  (Mind you, Clinton did this just a couple of WEEKS after being named one of two men on Planet Earth – the other being “Daddy” Bush – handpicked by President GWB to be the key fundraisers for the Hurricane Katrina relief.)  

It would seem to me that Clinton’s remarks – regardless of anyone’s politics – represent the height of ingratitude, a lack of class, and, …. well, raw treachery!

Still, after all that, as points out, when “Daddy” Bush was asked on Monday Night Football about Clinton’s nationally televised smearing of his son a couple days ago, responded (bizarrely), "I like him.”

I mean, is it not only natural to WANT to defend the honor of your friends and family?   But, apparently NOT for “Daddy” Bush, whose on-air response comes across as sounding VERY unnatural.

Hmmm.  WHAT could make him want to respond that way?  It couldn’t be that Clinton has the goods on “Daddy” Bush and his son, GWB – and that, as a result, he possibly OWNS them, could it?

It all kind of makes me remember all those rumors about Mena, Arkansas.  Maybe there is some truth to the fact that there was a “black” partnership between “Daddy” Bush and Clinton down there, after all.  (Who knows?)

All I know is that “Daddy” Bush makes me want to puke with his friendship with the “Impeached One”.
|’s Miserable Pop-Ups!’s Miserable Pop-Ups!

I enjoy reading!  It is a site that often has some great editorials and news stories.  It is definitely a NON-MSM site.  I often link to this site on my blog.

However, I am going to let the world know:  I absolutely HATE’s annoying and persistent pop-ups!

There: I feel better already.

Schwarzenegger Endorses Labor Union Dues Ballot Measure

Schwarzenegger Endorses Labor Union Dues Ballot Measure

According to Newsmax, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has approved a statewide ballot measure on the use of (mandatory) union dues of public employees for political purposes.

If passed, unions would now have to get a union member’s “written permission” before using his/her union dues for union-directed political purposes.

Currently, California public employee union leaders are able to take union dues and use them to further their unions’ political aims, regardless of the convictions of the individual union members whose dues are being so utilized.

Thus, under the present arrangement, a prolife union member can see a portion of his/her mandatory union dues being taken by the union leadership and used to support a “prochoice” candidate.

This sounds like a reasonable ballot measure:  I hope it passes.


Sunday, September 18, 2005

Musharraf: Rape Not Really All That Great a Money-Maker After All

Musharraf: Rape Not Really All That Great a Money-Maker After All

According to UPI, Pakistani President has a problem: He says he was misquoted, but the Washington Post says that they have him on tape.

The Post recently quoted Musharraf as saying: "This has become a moneymaking concern. A lot of people say if you want to go abroad and get a visa for Canada or citizenship and be a millionaire, get yourself raped."

What a sweet guy, huh, girls?  Bet LOTS of Western gals will be rushing to get their tourist visas to visit Pakistan ASAP after that lovely quote!

And, STILL, the allegedly pro-women’s-liberation MSM assiduously shills for the woman-hating “Religion of Peace”.

(Hat tip: The Washington Times.)

The Ongoing Holocaust in Darfur – That the White House Is Largely Ignoring

The Ongoing Holocaust in Darfur – That the White House Is Largely Ignoring

World-class blogger, fjordman, of Norway, has linked to a heart-wrenching analysis of the ongoing, unbelievably horrible, holocaust in the Darfur region in the west of Sudan.

Sudan is a huge country geographically – the largest on a large continent full of large countries.  The Darfur region alone is about 70% the size of Texas.

What is interesting about this particular holocaust is that it involves Muslim against Muslim.  Or, more specifically: Arab Sunni Muslim against Black African Sufi Muslim.

Funny: Not only is the White House largely inattentive to this crisis, so are some of the largest race-whiners in the United States – namely, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Louis Farrakan.  Of these three, the latter, would seemingly have the most reason to complain, as the victims if Darfur are both African and Muslim (albeit, not of Farrakhan’s peculiar Nation of Islam variety).

The author of the article to which fjordman links calls on America’s Evangelical Christians to take up the Darfur cause with the White House, which could unquestionably do more on this issue.

Note: Sudan has oil – and LOTS of it.  Additionallyr, the Chinese are getting very interested and involved in Sudan.  Moreover, Sudan has (at times) shown some cooperation with the US in its worldwide war on “the enemy which shall not be named”.  It is a very tricky place for foreign affairs at this time.  However, the preservation of human life should take priority over oil and international intrigue in my book.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Virtual Dhimmitude in Scandinavia

Virtual Dhimmitude in Scandinavia

Before going to the “meat” of this entry, I should perhaps remind readers of three facts:

fjordman has posted a piece that tells us that the writing/artist community in Denmark has been cowed into virtual dhimmitude* by the van Gogh murder and other developments.  A Danish author intending to publish a book about the Prophet Muhammad has been UNABLE to FIND a SINGLE Danish artist who is willing to illustrate his forthcoming work.  Why?  Because these artists are AFRAID of reprisals from Islamic extremists.

Is this pathetic or what?

*Here are two excellent links for anyone wanting to know more about the terms Dhimmi and Dhimmitude:  Here; and here.

Addendum: In my original post, I failed to note that the original link to which fjordman linked was this one: “Danish artists scared of Islam”.  (Hat tip: lgf.)


Thursday, September 15, 2005

Able Danger Cover-Up Claimed

Able Danger Cover-Up Claimed

The treasonous actions committed during the Clinton years have been written about by many – and at great length.

Now we can add another scandal: The Able Danger cover-up.

I can hear the yawns now from the Clinton-worshipping MSM.

And, as Michael Savage is so fond of asking on his talk radio show: “Why does President GWB turn to Clinton for help for fund-raising in times of great natural disasters (e.g., the Indonesian Tsunami and now Hurricane Katrina)?  Even more bewildering, (again following Savage) is the weird blossoming friendship between the Impeached One and former President “Read-My-Lips”.

Now we get it!

Now we get it!

Now we get it!  Al-Reuters editors don’t need to take bathroom breaks:  They just defecate all over the truth in their reporting!

Second Amendment Trampled Underfoot in New Orleans

Second Amendment Trampled Underfoot

THE uncovered story of the Hurricane Katrina aftermath was NOT what Mayor Nagin said about Governor Blanco, or what Senator Landrieu said about President Bush, or what Governor Blanco said about the National Guard, or what President Bush said about apologizing, etc.

No:  The single most important uncovered story is that of the policy and practice of illegally confiscating guns from legal and lawful gunowners by the New Orleans Police Department, and – perhaps – by other Government agencies.

I have posted previously on this matter, linking to an astute Vox Day blog entry on this vitally important matter.

Well, now Vox Day has posted on this matter again – this time focusing on the chilling fact that National Guardsmen on the seen in New Orleans are also evidently showing themselves willing to enforce this flagrant violation of the Constitution that they are sworn to uphold by unlawfully confiscating the guns of lawful gunowners there.

Now, while the National Rifle Association – to my knowledge – has been strangely silent on this ominous development, Gunowners of America (or GOA), has – fortunately – been working overtime to shine a spotlight of concern on this illegal confiscaton of guns from legal gunowners in this country.

GOA, noticing that the MSM have been “sitting on” this story, has actually set up a Web site containing articles and videos highlighting the thuggish Government gun confiscation pogrom in effect in New Orleans.  

Moreover, GOA has a placed on their Web site where you can go to send your elected Congress Critters an email explaining your concern about the unlawful gun confiscation taking place in New Orleans, as well as asking them to introduce legislation that would ban any Federal aid dollars for Hurrican Katrina relief/rebuilding from being awarded to any organization taking part in the illegal gun confiscation currently taking place in New Orleans.  

Not sure who your elected representatives are? Well, again, GOA has made it easy for you, but providing a cute little search engine which will enable you to QUICKLY determine who your Representative is in the House, as well as who your Senators are.

Meanwhile, the silence on this issue from our allegedly pro-gun President and Republican members of Congress is absolutely deafening.


John Roberts a Conservative? It Is Rather Doubtful

John Roberts a Conservative?  It Is Rather Doubtful

Just how “conservative” is Supreme Court Chief Justice nominee John Roberts, anyway?

It seems I have heard all the usual “conservatives” expressing their confidence in Bush to pick a “true conservative” for the next Supreme Court justice.  Names like Jerry Falwell, Rush Limbaugh, David Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Lou Sheldon, Dhimmi Hugh Hewitt come to mind as part of the “hallelujah chorus” singing Roberts’ and Bush’s praises in this manner.

However, in the shadows, there lurk a few who are not so easily persuaded that either Bush is trustworthy in this matter or that Roberts is conservative.

Ann Coulter was, perhaps, the first to raise a strong voice that she doubted Roberts’ bona fides.  Then, Ann did it again.  And again.  Next WND’s Joseph Farah expressed his doubts.  And again.  And yet again.  Benjamin Shapiro also expressed his lack of enthusiasm for Judge Roberts.

Now, Joseph Farah has expressed even stronger misgivings about Roberts – as has Vox Day.

I am beginning to “smell a fish” in the White House when it comes to doing ANYTHING that might POSSIBLY pass for genuinely “conservative”.

I suspect that the real powers “behind the throne” are Laura Bush and George Herbert Walker Bush – neither of whom have EVER been accused of being conservative.

Conservative Christians – we have been had!  (But we were had because we WANTED to be had!)


Wednesday, September 14, 2005

The "Mainstream" Ruth Bader Ginsburg

The “Mainstream” Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Chuck Schumer keeps saying the Ginsburg was “mainstream” while Roberts is “out of the mainstream.”

Well, just HOW do you DEFINE “mainstream”, Chuckie?

Senator Lindsey Graham helps to put that matter in perspective, when he reveals that Ginsburg argued that the legal age of consent for a girl (to have sex with an adult) should be TWELVE YEARS OF AGE(!).

So THAT is what Schumer means by “mainstream”, huh?

Now, we get it.

We always thought you were an asshat, all along, Senator Schumer!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Bush Administration Policy Towards the Palestinians: Irresponsibility in Republican Clothing

The Bush Administration is doubling its foreign aid to the violent, corrupt, and politically incompetent Palestinians, according to Les Kinsolving in this piece appearing in WND.

The news outlets largely suppressed it, but the Palestinians destroyed the synagogues left behind from by the Jews when they recently vacated Gaza at the behest of the disconcertingly Islamophiliac Bush Administration.

The Palestinians didn’t turn these deserted synagogues into mosques, or libraries, or clinics – they burned them!  

On the Michael Savage show today, I learned that the Palis also destroyed a $14-Million worth of greenhouses that had been donated/built FOR THE PALESTINIANS BY (MUSH-BRAINED, BLEEDING-HEART LIBERAL) American Jews!

I am reminded of the biblical prophecy regarding the offspring of Ishmael – among whom are surely the Palestinians – 12And he will be a wild-ass of a man, his hand against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell before the face of all his brethren.

Prager on the Feminization of Western Society

Prager on the Feminization of Western Society

Anyone who reads this blog with some regularity knows that I often rant about the feminization of the military.  However, radio host Dennis Prager – who is nothing less than brilliant – has a great piece in WND entitled Judeo-Christian values, part 22: The feminization of society.

He is spot on.

Interesting, today I had my own little “inspiration” in the way of an answer to those who somehow think women belong in EVERY facet of our military – on our ships, in our planes, on our subs, in our tanks, in our military academies, ad nauseum – because they are (after all!) equal to men in EVERY respect (cough, cough).

Well, here is my comeback: Women do not belong in the military (at least not in ANY combat capacity – to include combat aircrew positions – as they currently are, courtesy of the traitorous Clinton Administration and the cowardly assent to the same by the current Administration) is this:  “Because women have breasts, and men have chests.”  Pretty slick, huh!

However, as C.S. Lewis said somewhere, modern society is characterized (tragically) by “men without chests”.  Unfortunately, perhaps women with breasts ARE equal to men WITHOUT chests!

Put a Sock in It, Mary (and Kathleen)!

Senator Mary Landrieu is a cute gal to look at, but she is better seen and not heard.  In fact, her intemperate, disingenuous, and mean-spirited anti-Bush caterwauling (and that of her fellow Louisiana she-devil, Governor Kathleen Blanco) is too much for my ears.

Not only that it is very unclassy to flail at a man like Bush, who – though he has faults aplenty – will never bite back at the likes of the lady(sic) politicos of the less-than-illustrious state of Louisiana.  Moreover, ingratitude is one of the worst of sins – and Bush moved heaven and earth to get help to the deluged Louisiana cesspool.

Imagine that Alabama and Mississippi managed to deal with their crises without so much as a political whimper.

There is something rotten in Louisiana – and I don’t just mean the dead dogs left behind by the flood waters.


Monday, September 12, 2005

President Bush is (Very) Down: But Is He Out for the Count?

President Bush is broken man.  It pains me to say it: He is a defeated man.  You can see it in his unseemly choice to take a five-week vacation with a war on; his reluctance to terminate his vacation early to cope with the Hurricane Katrina disaster (and I am no Katrina Bush-basher); his general aloofness and withdrawal from the American people; and – most tragic of all—his retreat from his own vision, his own doctrine, his own quest, to lead America in a worldwide battle against terrorism.  In fact, he has (pathetically) scaled down his noble Crusade to take it to the terrorists to a “let’s-teach-the-Iraqis-about-democracy” effort in Iraq.  

I have had some of these thoughts on my own, but they have been influenced tremendously by this hard-hitting article by Steven M. Warshawsky*, entitled, “The Bush Doctrine, R.I.P.”  (Hat tip: realclearpolitics.)

Please read Warshawsky’s piece: If you are a fan of the idea of going to war against terrorists, it will break your heart, if not demoralize you.  After all, one who opposes terrorists can turn to the Bible for support.

The entire Bush conundrum makes me think of nothing so much as our LORD’s parable in Luke 14, where he warns His disciples to count the cost of being one his followers – using as one of his examples a king who decides to make war, only to sue for peace before the fighting even starts.

Sadly, as Michael Savage has said on his talk show (to which I am listening while typing this):  Bush has proven to be a disappointingly WEAK leader.  (Savage does not say this gleefully, as he genuinely admires many of GWB’s personal qualities.)

Recently, a poster on the comments section of little green footballs suggested (with some merit, I believe) that the now at sea Junior Bush – having jettisoned his former neo-Conservative advisors – has pitifully defaulted the direction of his current foreign policy to his father and his associates, including James Baker.

Hurricane Katrina was the final cruel blow for President Bush – almost as though he was being kicked while he was down.  He is gone; he is virtually terminated.  He is a cipher.  He is an empty shell.  

And that is NOT a good thing.  Surely, it would be wickedness to rejoice in the President’s current sad state of affairs.

It is not morning in America.

However, I will not pretend to pronounce the final word this early in the game.  I pray that another Scripture will live itself out in President Bush over the next three years: Proverbs 24:16, “For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief.”

*Warshawsky writes for The American Thinker.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Insightful Words from North of the Border

A North American Patriot does some very searching analysis on who is – and isn’t – remembering 9/11.  (Hint: The left is not.)  (Hat tip:  Greyhawk.)

Another Superb 9/11 Anniversary Post


Powerful 9/11 Tribute

Jay at Stop the ACLU has a nice 9/11 post, entitled The Wide Awakes Remember.  It will not only make you sad – it will make you MAD (in a very good and patriotic way)!  (Hat tip: lgf.)

Now, to get Senators Durbin, Kennedy, Boxer, and Schumer to read this post!  (Ah, never mind.)

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Check out This Post on aaron's cc:

aaron's cc: can always be counted on to push the envelope.

Here is a great post you ought to check out!

Vox Day on the Current Selective Gun Confiscation Policy in New Orleans


You Da Man, Governator! -- Part 2

I have already posted favorably of California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's announcement that he fully intends to veto the recently passed (by the California State Legislature) legislation authorizing homosexual [mock] marriage.

Not satisfied with setting up the Republican Governor with just ONE slow pitch to hit out of the park, the California State Legislature (which did all this during its last week in session before recessing) ALSO passed a bill providing for a driver's permit for ILLEGAL ALIENS!

Well, Schwarzenegger can read the polls like anyone else, and people (all kinds of people, including LEGAL Hispanic residents of the US) are FED UP and WORRIED about the ill effects on our country of continued, massive, unchecked illegal immigration. (You know, ill effects like murder, rape, overcrowded schools, overburdened hospital emergency rooms, etc.)

So, you can guess what is coming next: Schwarzenegger has promised to veto the absurd "driver's-licenses-for-illegals" bill, as well.

Michael Savage said on his radio show last week that if Schwarzenegger vetos the homosexual [mock] marriage bill, he will see his favorable rating polls in California SKYROCKET.

I agree. Now, if he goes ahead and vetos the driver's-licenses-for-criminal-trespassers-from-Mexico-and-beyone bill, I predict that he will be a shoe-in for re-election.

Note: The term Homosexual Mock Marriage is one coined by Michael Savage. I want to credit him for that. I plan to use it freely from this point forward.

Ban Crosses on Federal Land: Built Muslim Crescents Instead!

See Michelle Malkin's biting expose of the scandalous new design for the planned memorial honoring Flight 93 -- the one plane where the passengers effectively resisted their hijackers.

Malkin writes:
Write the National Park Service, which must approve the final design here.

Call the Superintendent of the Flight 93 National Memorial at (814) 443-4557. Or fax (814) 443-2180.

I might add: When you call, tell them to DUMP this OVERTLY pro-Islamic design for the memorial -- and tell them that you are outraged by these plans that honor the hijackers more than their victims!

Malkin also provides this link to a very humorous suggestion for a revised design for the very same memorial.

More on the Base Closure Dishonesty

Now that the last round of America's military self-mutilation (via the insane and out-of-control Base Realignment and Closure, or BRAC process), the BRAC Committee itself has issued a final report accusing the Pentagon of overestimating the money that would be saved by the latest round of idiocy by some $30 Billion. Since the TOTAL estimated savings (which I believe were grossly inflated to begin with) were only $49 Billion OVER TWENTY YEARS, there really was not that much to be saved to begin with, when one considers that the ANNUAL Defense budget is over $300 Billion, which is less than 5% of our nation's GDP.

I think Rumsfeld is the Head Bean Counter over a bunch of other bean-counters in the Pentagon. He should know better than to close bases during wartime -- as should Bush.

What if we need to replace (from scratch) one of the larger bases we just closed. Can you IMAGINE how much it would cost to replace it? Clearing land, pouring twin 5,000-foot runways, erecting hangars and other facilities, installing fences and other security measures, purchasing computer equipment, etc? I don't think any one base could be built from scratch for less than $20-Billion -- which is, in effect, about all that this round of BRAC saved by closing, reducing, or realigning some 400 facilities.

Does this sound like a good deal to you?

A nod of respect to the Mudville Gazette.

Another Example of How the MSM Suppress the News

Ever since Yasser Arafat died in 2004, there has been speculation on the actual cause of his demise. Of course there have been the usual rabid Arab drivel that "the Israelis did it", but there have also been persistent rumors that he died of AIDS.

Of course, IF he died of AIDS, this raises the VERY strong possibility that, in addition to his other endearing qualities, Arafat was also a bugger.

Now, if one depended solely on the Western MSM for his information, this might come as a surprise.

However, by chance, in the midst of a conversation about six years ago with an Israeli woman I know, she mentioned rather matter of factly that Arafat like young boys. She said in in a non-conspiratorial manner that indicated to me that this must have been pretty common knowledge in Israel at the time.

Now it is coming out in some circles as "news" that Arafat may have liked young boys. Funny: How come I have known this for years, and now Americans are just finding this out?

Blame on our MSM -- ABC, CBC, NBC, CNN, NYT, Time, Newsweek, LA Times, Washington Post, NPR, Fox News, etc, etc, etc.

Credit Where Credit is Due -- Al Gore Does Good (in a Big Way)

Don't get me wrong, I am VERY glad that Al Gore is not our President. However, when it came to stepping in and doing something to help out flood victims in New Orleans recently, Al Gore stepped in and acted while others stood around biting their nails, crying, and bickering.

Two observations: Gore's actions prove that private citizens can work better and faster than the Government can; and the Hollywood elite, if they had really wanted to, could have done something like this, instead of simply going to New Orleans for photo ops.

As one writer suggested, the Hollywood elite could have easily raised $500 million of their OWN funds to help those victimized by Hurricane Katrina. (Hat tip: lgf.)

I say: Good on you, Mr. Gore! (But, I will never vote for you!)

A Nation Led By Appeasers

Just what is it about our spineless, gutless national leadership? And, by national leadership, I mean the President (yes: Bush); I mean Secretary of State Rice; I mean Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld; I mean the military brass (I REALLY mean the feminized, politically correct, venal military brass); I mean Congress (well, most of Congress); and I mean the MSM -- and much of the so-called right (including such self-described "conservatives" as Sean Hannity and Hugh Hewitt).

What am I ranting about, you ask? Well just read the article by Mark Helprin linked here. If this doesn't make your blood boil, nothing will.

I suspect that Bush is way too close to the Saudis. (Hey, he is hand-holding close -- is that close enough?) I believe his Dad is now calling the shots on his "foreign policy"(sic) -- You know: appease Mexico and Saudi Arabia at all costs; kick Israel around mercilessly; cower before Iran and Syria; and sell the company store to China.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

You Da Man, Governator!

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger of California is showing some moral muscle (or, at least some political savvy) by having promised to veto the odious AB 849 passed by the California State Legislature this week that would legalize homosexual marriage.

Michael Savage rightly praised the Governator on his talk show today, saying that the homosexual activists are LIVID at Schwarzenegger.

Savage also rightly points out that the homosexual activists who own the California State Legislature are a danger to the "one man one vote" basis of passing laws, as they were trying -- via AB 849 -- to UNDO the will of the people, who voted, via Proposition 22 in 2000 to keep the legal definition of marriage in California heterosexual.

Additionally, Savage has the best term I have heard, yet, for he absurd notion of "homosexual matrimony" -- and that is "homosexual MOCK marriage"! (Reminder to the homosexual activists and their liberal enablers in both major parties: God is NOT mocked! -- See your Bible for details.)

Say It Isn't So! Bush About to Fold Like Wet Cardboard on Supreme Court?

For those who (like me) fantasize about such forbidden thoughts as a Supreme Court dominated by strict constructionists, the death of William Rehnquist only stimulated more of such titillating cogitation.

However, this article by William Kristol very rudely shook me out of such lurid judicial reveries of a Miguel Estrada or a Michael Luttig's being Bush's next SCOTUS pick. Sounds grim.

However, the one who comes out the worst in this article is NOT Bush or Rove -- but my Senator, John Cornyn, whom I have always rather suspected of being somewhat of a lickspittle Bushbot asshat. (This article simply strengthens that impression .)

Memo to Senator Cornyn: Try growing a spine and thinking past Bush's second term! (Or, is Cornyn angling for a Supreme Court appointment for, .... well, for John Cornyn, perhaps? -- I am not the first to bring his name up in such a connection.)

An Article for the Touchy-Feely Pentagon Brass to Read

I served in the Air Force during the Cold War. When I got out, it was clear that the Air Force was changing fast -- for the worst. My take in the mid-1990s was that the enlisted force was still strong, patriotic, dedicated, and inspiring.

However, by the mid-1990s (in the midst of the Clinton Reign), it was clear that a different type of officer was rising to the top in the Air Force. The new officer force was -- first of all -- more female, but also more effeminate (and that included the males). The officer force was becoming (and has remained) more politically, socially, and religiously liberal -- and ludicrously "Politically Correct!"

Recent Air Force directives regarding public prayer by chaplains (i.e., basically, just don't do it -- or if you do, make it extremely generic so as not to offend some overly-sensitive Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, etc., with a burr up his/her ass) -- are Exhibit A of the "new" kind of thinking now emanating from the current "kinder, gentler, and far more estrogen-rich" brand of Pentagon leadership. (Old line generals -- Christian or not -- would never thought of suppressing chaplains in this manner. Patton -- who was no Christian -- obviously thought highly of chaplains' public prayers. Watch the movie, Patton, if you don't know what I am talking about.)

Of course Bill Clinton didn't help matters by making it easier for homosexuals to serve in the military (if they keep their mouths shut) and by feminizing the military by opening up many jobs to women that should have remained all male -- to include combat aircrew positions, to name just one.

Well, here comes Victor Davis Hanson telling us that "The rules of the game are changing" in the war against terrorists. (Only trouble is: Does anyone in the Pentagon know this?) (Hat tip: realclearpolitics.)

If you read Hanson's article, it will become immediately clear to you that the people at the top of the Pentagon are responsible for a LOT of VERY STUPID policies in the way they are directing the war on Iraq. In short, they are handicapping the enemy by spotting him many points and at the same time handcuffing our troops -- and thereby costing some of them their lives and health, to say nothing of extending the amount of time that will be required to fight this war.

In fact I posted earlier today about the quisling Pentagon move of allowing traitorous ACLU attorneys to have the run of the place in Gitmo.

Of course, Michael Yon, in his superb blog, shines a searchlight on the idiotic policies that are hamstringing our troops, although he does it in very subtle and non-strident manner (unlike me).

Read This: Great Blog -- Great Interview!

Let me take a minute to introduce you to a great blog for a great cause: Stop the ACLU. In fact, you can join and financially support this site!

The guy in charge of the site -- Jay -- is a real hard charger and is doing a great job.

Please read the hard-hitting interview Jay did (and posted on his site) with Jordan Lorence of the Alliance Defense Fund.

Read more about the Alliance Defense Fund here.

As Michael Savage is fond of saying, "The ACLU is the enemy within!"

Major Malfeasance by Pentagon Asshats

If even 10% of the WND piece linked to here is correct, then we might as well admit that the so-called War on Terror is being grossly mismanaged, unless the Pentagon asshats get their act together.

If there were al-Qaeda operatives writing the memos in the Pentagon legal offices, how would things be done any differently than permitting ACLU lawyers to defend our captured terrorists.

Some heads need to roll -- starting with Mr. Rumsfeld's, a man who apparently thinks he is smarter than the rest of us.

I say let Rumsfeld use his brains in the private sector: Between NOT moving against Syria, closing bases in war-time, and giving moral and legal comfort to our enemy (in both Abu Ghraib and Gitmo), he has shown that he is a liability not an asset in the current ongoing struggle.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Hamas Consolidates Its Power in Gaza

The late Yasser Arafat's brother, Moussa, was brutally dragged out his house and shot in the street yesterday in Gaza.

Not that Moussa Arafat was a good guy or anything.

However, the media are playing this as a sort of "spontaneous-mob-action" development, whereas I think that anyone who has a clue can see that -- with the Israelis all but gone from Gaza -- Hamas is beginning to consolidate its (brutal, deadly) control over the area, as Arafat represents the "old guard" of the PLO leadership.

(Hat tip: lgf.)

Islamist Agenda Rebuffed in Florida Court

An appeals court in Florida rebuffed a Muslim woman in her legal quest to be allowed to wear a veil over her face when she sits for the photo on her driver's license! (Hint: It is hard to see what you look like when you wear a veil, lady!)

Well, it is nice to see the good guys win a round (for a change) against the continuing quest (by some) to "dhimmi-ize" these United States.

(Hat tip: lgf.)

Louisiana Governor Blanco Is Not Coming out of Katrina Looking Very Good

I will admit that President Bush, Mayor Nagin, and Governor Blanco all have some things to answer for for the way they handled the pre-Katrina evacuation and the post-Katrina relief effort.

However, let me hasten to add, that I highly doubt that I could have done any better than President Bush did and is doing.

I think it is pretty clear that both Nagin and Blanco messed up BIG TIME. However, in my view, Nagin acts like he wants to "repent and do good", meaning that -- even though he made some EGREGIOUS errors of judgment, he truly seems to want to do the best he can now with the huge task that remains ahead.

Sadly, I cannot say the same about Governor Blanco. She (and her soul-sister, Senator Landrieu) not only come out of this crisis looking incompetent, but also very mean-spirited, vindictive, and spiteful to boot! This article, I believe, supports me in my view of the Governor's performance thus far.

(Hat tip: realclearpolitics.)

Another "ROP" (Islam Is the Religion of Peace) Moment

Creeping militant Islamism progresses apace in Indonesia (the world's most populous Islamic country). While many Indonesian Muslims are most definitely NOT militant, the Government seems to be in the appeasement mode toward the Islamic extremists in the country.

This story is exceedingly sad: Three lovely Christian Indonesian women have been sentenced to THREE YEARS in prison for ... for having some Muslim kids over for a "Happy Weekend" event! That's right: These dear ladies have been convicted of violating Indonesia’s 2002 Child Protection Act for showing the love of Jesus Christ in a non-intimidating and a non-compulsory way.

This time, the Islamists won a round -- and the good guys lost.

(Hat tip: lgf.)

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Wesley Pruden at His Wry Best

It is my view that there is simply no better editorial page editor in the newspaper business than Wesley Pruden of the Washington Times. (Oh, and yes, he IS on the conservative side -- but not a knee-jerk or any other kind of jerk, for that matter.)

Mr. Pruden brings a subtly dry and wry sense of irony to his columns. His column of today (09/06) exposing for what they are the tawdry MSM and Democratic efforts to use the Katrina catastrophe to paint President Bush in a bad light is simply unsurpassed.

As I am confident that no one who has seriously perused this blog will ever accuse me of being a "bushbot" -- which is a "Free Republic" term for a slavish Bush supporter -- I hope that visitors to this blog will not treat this posting overly casually. I am posting this article in support of Bush, because there is simply no excuse for the legion of MSM shills and Democratic hacks who have savaged Bush for his handling of Katrina -- even while rescue efforts were/are still underway.

I am particularly pleased with Mr. Pruden's apt characterization of the Reverends Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton as "our self-appointed twin ambassadors of ill will". (So shabby has been the blatant race-baiting behavior of this ordained duo in connection with Katrina that they have unleashed a virtual torrent of hostile reaction on talk radio and in the conservative blogs in the past few days.)

Anyway, enough about Mr. Pruden's piece: Just please follow the link and read it.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

It Was the Best of Times; It was the Worst of Times: A Tale of Two Embeded Iraq War Reporters

To any but those among the leftmost fringes our political landscape it has become painfully obvious that the MSM has an agenda in Iraq -- and a blatantly anti-War agenda at that.

There are those on the right -- Michael Savage comes to mind -- who make thoughtful criticisms of the Bush Administration's chosen policies in Iraq. Howevever, there is NEVER ANY mistaking two facts with Michael Savage: First, he is unapologetically pro-American in the nationalist (not some weird lefty internationalist) sense; and Second, he dearly loves the American fighting man -- and he is outraged (as I am) by some of the politically-correct Bush/Rumsfeld policies that have gotten and are getting US troops needlessly wounded and/or killed in Iraq.

But, for those on the left, a genuine concern for America's national interests (as opposed to, say, France's or Russia's) or a true compassion for the plight of the US fighing man (yes, I said man: Women do not belong on the battlefield) is totally absent in the writings or oral spewings of the anti-war MSM media types. Oh, sure, they will constantly harp on the number of US casualties, but not out of concern, but rather as a means of demoralizing the war effort altogether.

Interestingly enough, unlike at the beginning of the invasion of Iraq, there are very few (less than 20, I believe I read somewhere recently) embedded reporters. A few weeks back, the President of AP basically conceded that most of his Iraq-war reporters are holed up in hotels due to the hazardous conditions involved in actually going out and reporting on what is actually happening.

In fact, I am currently aware of the names of only two embedded reporters: One is a good (and also very brave) one: Michael Yon; and, the other, while he does get out there with the troops, is a very harmful one to the war effort, and his name is Tom Lasseter.

For some excellent, must-read material, Michael Yon's war reportage may be found on his online blog/magazine. You will notice that -- while Yon never whitewashes the tragic losses in Iraq -- his blog is full of hopeful reports and photos about -- not only our troops, but also about -- the people of Iraq. His writing, while it often moves one to tears, is extremely personalized and uplifting.

On the other hand, Tom Lasseter's caustic and demoralizing work is published for Knight-Ridder. Recently, lgf called readers' attention to what I consider perhaps the very worst instance of seditious and demoralizing reporting from Iraq that I have seen. (Hat tip: lgf.)

Scott Johnson, in a recent piece in The Weekly Standard, entitled, "The Media Quagmire", also references Lasseter's piece among a number of others. (Johnson also commends Michael Yon as a favorable example of an Iraq War reporter.)

Johnson's article is a must read for those concerned about the quality of news coverage coming out of the Iraq War. (Hat tip: realclearpolitics.)

Here is another example of Lasseter's anti-War reporting.

Here is another
. Notice that NOTHING in the way of good news is EVER evident in ANYTHING that Lasseter writes -- at least not if you hope for American success in that country. Moreover, to my thinking, his reporting is antiseptic, detached, sterile, and ... well, ... HATEFUL.

For those wishing to commend Michael Yon, you may email him. For those wishing to support him financially (as he is not on the payroll of any news service, such as AP or ABC), can send him funds at: Michael Yon P O Box 416 Westport Pt MA 02791.

On the other hand, those of you who may wish to read a little more about the arrogant-looking (based on his file photo) Lasseter, you may click here.

If you would perchance like to email Mr. Lasseter to let him know that you think his reporting is seditious, click here.

Leftist Theology: George W. Bush Is God

Let me see. I am trying to sort this out. Democrat after Democrat is blaming Bush for the damage recently wreaked on La Nouvelle Orleans by Hurricane Katrina, whereas most sane people are recognizing the killer hurricane for what it was -- an act of God.

Of course, since God is not even in the vocabulary of most of those inhabiting the Left-most fringes of the American political landscape, the concept of "act of God" simply does not even occur to them.

However, since these homosexuality-advocating, abortionist-protecting activists have a "problem" with the Bible and God, in the first place, they have a basic problem dealing normally with any strong moral authority.

Thus, since, to them, President George W. Bush also represents a strong moral authority that they cannot abide, it seems only natural that they -- in their utter moral confusion -- might somehow mingle George W. Bush and God into one entity.

Thus, in their moral insanity, they attribute Divine omnipotence to President Bush. To them, W. not only brought on Katrina in the first place, but he also conspired to withhold hurricane relief long enough to kill off as many black people as possible in Southern Louisiana.

And then the Left wonders why their candidates cannot win any nation elections nor their pro-gay marriage referenda any statewide majorities.

Hint to the Left: You are not only morally deranged -- you are just plain NUTS!

What Is Good for the Republican Grillee Is Good for the Democrat Griller!

Well, it has only taken some 36 years, but finally someone in the media (i.e., Ann Coulter) has finally found the "cojones" courage to call Senator Ted Kennedy in writing on his hypocrisy in sounding all righteously indignant about his moral betters (e.g., Robert Bork; John Roberts, etc) during various Supreme Court nomination processes, as well as on other occasions (e.g., accusing President Bush of plotting the Iraq War in Texas).

While Kennedy expresses his moral outrage -- most ironically -- at the pro-life position, he knows that the MSM will stand silently by and NEVER even MENTION his not-so-pro-life 1969 Chappaquiddick Bridge incident, which cost one young lady her life and one US Senator his (until-then) very viable Presidential aspirations.

Well, Ann Coulter, in a recent column, not only mentions Chappaquiddick, she shines a laser beam on it. She says that if Kennedy expects the Bush Administration to turn over to Senate Democrats documents of John Roberts that enjoy attorney-client privilege, then Kennedy should do no less than turn over similar documents related to the Chappaquiddick Bridge incident.

Seems fair to me. I mean, what is fair for the Republican grillee goose is good for the (rather overweight) Democratic griller gander, right?

I know that Ms. Coulter -- for having dared to write and release this column -- will yet once again be excoriated by the Left for being unbelievably malicious and mean-spirited for .... Well, for doing far less than what MSM and left-wing blogs do daily to President Bush. (She didn't call Kennedy Hitler or a racist, did she?)

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Islam -- Religion of the Covered Face

Most of us have seen countless photos of male Muslim terrorists -- Hizbollah in Lebanon; Hamas and Fatah in Gaza; and al-Qaeda in Iraq -- who appear with their faces covered with hoods with slits for their eyes and mouths.

Similarly, we have all seen photos of strictly observant Muslim women (or, we have seen them in person) who are veiled from head to toe, as the picture accompanying this article illustrates.

It occurs to me: Islam is the "Religion of the Covered Face." This fact gives silent testimony to the falsity of this worldwide faith known these days for nothing so much as the vast number of violent adherents that it somehow manages spontaneously to spawn throughout the world.

Kuwait: Lightweight Ingrates -- Where Is Their Oil Help Now?

Remember with me back in the Fall of 1990, Saddam Hussein invaded the tiny, weak, corrupt, spoiled, oil-rich nation of Kuwait.

George Bush I ordered our troops over there, where they -- along with soldiers sent by an impressive array of allied countries -- drove Saddam's troops out of Kuwait in early 1991.

While Saddam's troops occupied Kuwait, they murdered, raped, robbed, and pillaged their weak, rich, helpless Kuwaiti neighbors.

One would think that -- although we (driven by our need for oil) no doubt had a selfish angle for the entire venture -- that the ruling elite of Kuwait would -- to this day -- have a grateful spot in their hearts for the United States, without whose efforts in 1990-91, most of these current Kuwaiti elites would not only be out of power, but also dead.

Well, let us turn now to the case of the case of an exceedingly galling article authored by the current director of the Kuwaiti Ministry of Endowment's research center, one Muhammad Yousef Al-Mlaifi, who entitles his article as follows: "The Terrorist Katrina is One of the Soldiers of Allah, But Not an Adherent of Al-Qaeda."

This perfect idiot, who would likely be dead (or in hard servitude) were it not for the United States' intervention some 15 years ago, actually has no qualms about attributing our latest major calamity to a vengeful "Allah" who "will keep striking the unbelievers for what they have done".

As Michael Savage has said on his radio show for the past two days, oil-rich nations whom we have in the past helped out (e.g., Kuwait, Mexico, and Saudi Arabia) should in our current time of crisis be DONATING MILLIONS of BARRELS of oil to the United States. Needless to say, they are not even donating a single barrel of petroleum.

Rather, the third-rate countries are enjoying our misfortune (after we have saved them from invasion, as in the case of Kuwait and Saudi Arabia; or after we have been a safety valve for their unemployed masses, as in the case of Mexico).

(Hat tip: Drudge.)

Senator Schumer: I Make Up the Rules As I Go

Senator Schumer, on the issue of the John Roberts Supreme Court nomination process, says that -- even though ultra-leftist, former ACLU-lawyer, Ruth Ginsbgerg declined to answer over 80 questions during her nomination process (and still enjoyed Schumer's vote)-- that THIS TIME (with Roberts), it is DIFFERENT (because, . . . Well, because Schumer says so).

Thus, Schumer is trying to intimidate Roberts and the White House by suggesting that if Roberts does decline to answer a number of questions (as he should), he will invite a Democratic filibuster action.

While I admire Schumer for his dogged street-fighter devotion to his values, I have to say his values are those of a bottom-feeding Trotskyite (devoted to the "gay" agenda and the legalized murder of unborn infants in the womb, but hates the Second Amendment with a passion).
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