Monday, September 19, 2005

Geraldo Rivera – Demogoguing for Hispanic Illegal Immigrants

Geraldo Rivera – Demogoguing for Hispanic Illegal Immigrants

Fox News reporter Geraldo Rivera (ne Jerry Rivers), while addressing Hispanic reporters at last week’s National Association of Hispanic Journalists, labeled the members of the officially non-violent volunteer border-protecting group, “The Minutemen” as “vigilantes”.

He went on to defend the importance of illegal Hispanic aliens to the US economy, saying, “In vast sections of the country, there would not be a lawn mowed or a dish washed but for illegal immigrants.”

Hmm.  Wonder if he thinks that the overburdening of our courts, prisons, hospitals, and schools with illegals and their children (to say nothing of their crime victims) are a help to our economy, as well.

As Michael Savage has been pointing out for weeks now, Fox “News” has some time ago decided to join the ranks of the MSM.  

For more information on the The Minutemen – a brave, honorable group of patriots concerned about our countries “broken borders”, please click here.  (Incidentally, Geraldo slandered this fine group of Americans when he tarred them as “vigilantes”.  Shame on him.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geraldo is no longer welcome in our living room. After his absolute hystrionics during Katrina interviews, we truly believe he makes Dan Rather look credible. In both our opinions he did nothing short of inciting people who were already on the edge. Reporters have no business going to this kind of place if they can't maintain their objectivity. Could I? Probably not, but then I don't demand the right to go there with a camera and a mike.

Tue Sep 20, 05:58:00 AM PDT  
Blogger GunJam said...

Hi, sk! Now THAT is what I call GOOD exercise of "viewer discretion".

Tue Sep 20, 05:04:00 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you see him on FOX grabbing folks and pulling them over to the camera? I read where he actually had people re-enact their rescues so he could 'get it' on camera. Reports say that some people (even one who had to be carried) just kept getting 'rescued' until he got it right. How pathetic! Why is he still on FOX or any other station?

Tue Sep 20, 05:51:00 PM PDT  
Blogger GunJam said...

Hi, sk! I guess because he is "sexy" in someone's book. (Not mine, lol.)

Wed Sep 21, 10:01:00 AM PDT  

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