Thursday, September 08, 2005

An Article for the Touchy-Feely Pentagon Brass to Read

I served in the Air Force during the Cold War. When I got out, it was clear that the Air Force was changing fast -- for the worst. My take in the mid-1990s was that the enlisted force was still strong, patriotic, dedicated, and inspiring.

However, by the mid-1990s (in the midst of the Clinton Reign), it was clear that a different type of officer was rising to the top in the Air Force. The new officer force was -- first of all -- more female, but also more effeminate (and that included the males). The officer force was becoming (and has remained) more politically, socially, and religiously liberal -- and ludicrously "Politically Correct!"

Recent Air Force directives regarding public prayer by chaplains (i.e., basically, just don't do it -- or if you do, make it extremely generic so as not to offend some overly-sensitive Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, etc., with a burr up his/her ass) -- are Exhibit A of the "new" kind of thinking now emanating from the current "kinder, gentler, and far more estrogen-rich" brand of Pentagon leadership. (Old line generals -- Christian or not -- would never thought of suppressing chaplains in this manner. Patton -- who was no Christian -- obviously thought highly of chaplains' public prayers. Watch the movie, Patton, if you don't know what I am talking about.)

Of course Bill Clinton didn't help matters by making it easier for homosexuals to serve in the military (if they keep their mouths shut) and by feminizing the military by opening up many jobs to women that should have remained all male -- to include combat aircrew positions, to name just one.

Well, here comes Victor Davis Hanson telling us that "The rules of the game are changing" in the war against terrorists. (Only trouble is: Does anyone in the Pentagon know this?) (Hat tip: realclearpolitics.)

If you read Hanson's article, it will become immediately clear to you that the people at the top of the Pentagon are responsible for a LOT of VERY STUPID policies in the way they are directing the war on Iraq. In short, they are handicapping the enemy by spotting him many points and at the same time handcuffing our troops -- and thereby costing some of them their lives and health, to say nothing of extending the amount of time that will be required to fight this war.

In fact I posted earlier today about the quisling Pentagon move of allowing traitorous ACLU attorneys to have the run of the place in Gitmo.

Of course, Michael Yon, in his superb blog, shines a searchlight on the idiotic policies that are hamstringing our troops, although he does it in very subtle and non-strident manner (unlike me).


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