Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Put a Sock in It, Mary (and Kathleen)!

Senator Mary Landrieu is a cute gal to look at, but she is better seen and not heard.  In fact, her intemperate, disingenuous, and mean-spirited anti-Bush caterwauling (and that of her fellow Louisiana she-devil, Governor Kathleen Blanco) is too much for my ears.

Not only that it is very unclassy to flail at a man like Bush, who – though he has faults aplenty – will never bite back at the likes of the lady(sic) politicos of the less-than-illustrious state of Louisiana.  Moreover, ingratitude is one of the worst of sins – and Bush moved heaven and earth to get help to the deluged Louisiana cesspool.

Imagine that Alabama and Mississippi managed to deal with their crises without so much as a political whimper.

There is something rotten in Louisiana – and I don’t just mean the dead dogs left behind by the flood waters.


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