Wednesday, August 31, 2005

THIS Is Why Some People Are Talking Impeachment (over Illegal Immigration)

Michelle Malkin decries the insinuation of the Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) Gang into her neighborhood and environs and its concomitant assertion of power and commission of violence . . . .

Not a pretty picture: And, again, the REAL root cause? The elephant in the room that no one in Washington, DC, wants to notice. The elephant? ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION.

WHAT Liberal Compassion?

aaron, of aaron's cc: has blown the cover of a bevy of liberal billion-dollar corps that -- although they were johnny-on-the-spot to set up donation sites for the Indonesian tsunami some months back, have not seen fit to do the same for victims of Hurricane Katrina.

To what left-wing mega-bucks corps am I referring? To these: Amazon, Google, Yahoo, MSN, and eBay.

"Let them eat swamp sludge" seems to be their motto! Or, perhaps, "Indonesian Muslims, worthy; Gulf Coast Rednecks, unworthy"?

Oh, at the last minute this afternoon, Amazon relented after being promised much negative exposure by bloggers.

Asshats, all of them -- that's what I say! Show your appreciation to each of these corps (some of which -- notably Google and Yahoo -- do business in China, which involves cooperating with the Communist Chinese Government in its scheme of oppressing its people.)

(Hat tip: aaron's cc: and

Hinduism -- Another ROP ("Religion of Peace")?


Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Iraq's Sunnis -- Dealmakers or Dealbreakers?

Tod Lindberg has an excellent column in the Washington Times detailing the pivotal role the Sunnis will soon play (or not) in the ratification (or not) of Iraq's new draft constitution.

Must reading for anyone following the unfolding of the intricate and sometimes bewildering political drama in Iraq.

(Hat tip: realclearpolitics.)

Eleanor Clift: MSM Chancre Sore on the National Body Politic

As with nearly everything else in feminized-homoeroticized Western culture, too much leeway in the public square has been yielded to women -- simply because they are women. Of course, this is true in the military, where the admission of women to the military academies has unleashed a non-stop soap opera of lurid reports followed by outraged political asshats, who consider every conceivable option -- except the obvious one -- that women do not belong in any military academy dormitory room. (But, no! Our brilliant military and political leaders have decided that they can DECREE a change in human nature. I mean, the military FORBIDS smoking next to an aircraft that is being refueled. Duh! But, they INTRODUCE women into men's dorms at all three military academies and are DUMBFOUNDED when sexual combustion occurs.)

No doubt the WORST cases of giving ground to unqualified females, however, has occurred in the mainstream media. Quick: Think of Fox News or CNN Headline News. Be honest -- what images first crossed your mind? Not Laurie Dhue, of course!

One of the worst examples of an overrated, intolerable (and intolerant) MSM wench is Newsweek's Eleanor Clift, who spent many a day during the Clinton years defending the indefensible. Foorsooth, she is a veritable MSM Chancre Sore on the National Body Politic.

Now, she has let loose with a winner, calling our boys in uniform "mercenaries" -- on national television, no less. (One can only assume that Ms. Clift would much prefer to see Appalachian and ghetto kids dragooned against their will into the fighting platoons we send to Iraq and Afghanistan.)

Well, fortunately, Freedom Alliance's President, Thomas P. Kilgannon, has called Ms. Clift on her bombastic overreach (to say nothing of her total lack of class -- but we already knew that). Mr. Kilgannon has called upon Ms. Clift to apologize -- on national television, no less. (I am not holding my breath.)

Full disclosure: with a son in the Army (currently serving in Iraq), I am less than objective when discussing this issue.

(Hat tip: realclearpolitics.)

Saved by the Flood?

It sounds awfully harsh -- coming as it does during a time of war and one of the greatest natural disasters in our country's history, . . . BUT both Patrick Buchanan and Joseph Farah think President Bush's studied neglect of our borders is impeachable....

Michael Savage -- on his talk show today -- advocated (among other steps) that the Government IMMEDIATELY cut off ALL benefits to illegals in order to pay for New Orleans-Mississippi-Alabama flood relief!

I wish I could say that I didn't feel that President Bush has been both arrogant and out-of-touch with the American people on the broken-borders situation for well over four years . . . . But can the country stand the crisis of impeachment at this time? I think not.

To be continued.

More on Syrian Skulduggery in Lebanon

We have all know all along that Syria has been up to no good in Lebanon for decades. In recent months, the Syrians (in what may be George Bush's greatest foreign policy triumph) were forced into a major political and military demarche from Lebanon, where they had been the major political force (via military occupation, as well as a well-developed spy organization) since the mid-seventies.

Now an investigation into who was behind the assassination of the late former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri is nearing its conclusion.

According to Tech Central Station's Michael Young (who lives in Lebanon), this investigation may soon release some serious dirt on both some high-level Syrians, but also on their influential Lebanese enablers).

(Hat tip: realclearpolitics.)

Liberal English Writer Hitchens Gives the Iraq War a Favorable Review

A war to be proud of. That is the title of a piece in the Weekly Standard written by English liberal Christopher Hitchens.

While I have some serious misgivings over the Bush Administration's means of waging the war and the peace in Iraq -- I DO support the war in principle.

Therefore, I find this piece helpful -- and quite thorough. The piece is particularly devastating in its critique (by way of comparison) of US military (mis)adventures during the Clinton Presidency.

(Hat tip: lgf.)

Spineless Air Force Leaders Dis the LORD

For some time, there has been an ongoing struggle for the soul of the Air Force -- the newest and the most soulless of the services. (I know: I served in the AF for over 10 years.)

This past summer, there was a good deal of controversy about alleged "evangelical abuse" at the Air Force Academy. The Air Force seemingly stood less than totally wimpy on that issue -- but, apparently, there was more going on behind the scenes.

One disgruntled Jewish USAFA graduate, Lt Col "Mikey" Weinstein, of Arizona, who was a chief agitator this past summer, has apparently called the tune on the latest surrender to atheism and political correctness by the AF brass.

Make no mistake about it: This is NOT a pro-Christian move by the vermicelli-spined Air Force Generals.

Monday, August 29, 2005

This Is a Free Republic? (Not!)

Here is a story that is a few days old, but which I just discovered (and which REALLY ticks me off.) The US Mint SEIZED an elderly woman's coins (which she had inherited from her father), saying that the coins had been illegally removed from the Philadelphia Mint some 70 years earlier.

No court order, no court action -- just SEIZED the woman's the coins (which are valued in the millions of dollars) after turned them in to find out if they were authentic or not. (They were authentic, all right!)

Bill of Rights? What Bill of Rights?

(Hat tip: Hugh Hewitt.)

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Ruben Navarette on Iraq: Making More Sense Than GWB

Ruben Navarette, a liberal compared to me, has (what seems to me to be) a very sensible* column on public opinion on Iraq.

He makes it clear that the majority of (American) people don't want the US to cut and run in Iraq. (Senator Chuck Hagel, call your office.)

On the other hand, Navarette makes it clear that the majority of folks are NOT satisfied with meaningless nostrums of "staying the course" without any specifics attached.

People don't think the Administration has a good vision or a good plan.

We don't want a pull-out: We want clearheaded thinking and results.

Memo to Karl Rove: Time to tell Bush to fire Rummy and a few generals and to start KICKING TAIL in Iraq -- and Syria and Iran, if need be.

Why all the damned timidity?

*Unlike Navarette, I think the Abu Ghraib "scandal" was much ado about nothing. I say: vivent les panties sur les tetes des terrorists.

Lou Dobbs NAILS IT on Illegal Immigration (and GWB Is NOT His Hero)!

Lou Dobbs NAILS IT with regard to the illegal immigration problem in this column -- and President Bush is NOT his hero, either!

Must read.

Memo to President Bush: Who stole your cojones? Time to GET REAL on this issue! (Hint: We are at WAR, remember?)

What He (Pat Roberston) Said

I don't know about you, but it seemed to me that -- with few exceptions -- all the "right" people got upset with Pat Roberston's (now retracted) suggestion that the Bush Administration could save itself a LOT of trouble by having Venezuelan Leftist Strongman Hugo Chavez "taken out."

I mean the National Council of Churches (who never met a gay couple they didn't like), the MSM, and even Chavez himself were all waxing apoplectic about Roberton's (in my view) quite realistic proposition.

Well now the Washington Times' Wes Pruden, in his own inimitable way, wittily and accurately puts the entire episode in a philosophical light in this must-read editorial.

Of course, the Rev. Jesse Jackson, who never met a SCOUNDREL he didn't like, has rushed off to Venezuela (figuratively speaking) to place his lips on Chavez' backside in some weird genuflection to Chavez' communist majesty. (Hat tip: commenter lowandslow on lgf.)

Jackson's foray to South America makes no sense whatsoever to anyone but Jackson: Chavez is an atheist, while Jackson is (reportedly) a Christian; Chavez is Venezuelan who hates America, while Jackson is (reportedly) an American; .... Well, you get the picture.

Face it: Jackson is a ... well... an asshat -- and a seditious one at that.

Ellsworth AFB and Sen. Thune Granted an Eleventh-Hour Reprieve

I have posted previously on the Bush Administration's egregious mishandling of the Ellsworth AFB-BRAC affair and how the President needlessly alienated one of the Senate's brightest up-and-coming GOP members.

However, almost miraculously, a total loss for all concerned was averted when the BRAC Commission -- against all odds -- voted to reprieve Ellsworth AFB from closure (and by extension, to save Senator Thune's gravely endangered political career). Links here. And also here. (Hat tip: realclearpolitics.)

In retrospect, one can only wonder at the ineptitude of the Bush Administration for the way they handled this matter.

Moreoer, one can only wonder at the stupidity of the Air Force bean-counters, who, for two BRAC Commissions in a row, have advocated for (and lost on) closure of Ellsworth AFB -- the ONLY active duty military installation in the entire State of South Dakota. The BRAC Commission found that the AF had no good logic (either financial or military) for closing the base.

Finally, one can only wonder at the absolute absurdity of even allowing a BRAC Commission to meet and to decide on the closure of ANY installations during a time of war! It makes no sense to me. The bean counters in Washington live in a reality all their own.

Thiisssssssss Phony!

This is the answer to lgf's question: "How Phony Can They Get?"

Please click on this link to see just what a hilariously phony media event the entire "Cindy Sheehan" thing is

The photos tell it all!

(Hat tip: lgf.)

Support Courageous Stefania's Blog in Italy


Mark Steyn on the (Draft) Iraqi Constitution

Okay. I will admit it: I have not read the new draft Iraqi Constitution -- and, yet, I have blogged with some passion on it.

Well, leave it to Mark Steyn to play the man and actually read the instrument and give us his thoughts. His verdict: He can live with it -- and things are, for the most part, looking up in Iraq.

This is probably a third-degree hat tip: I saw it in The Mudville Gazette, which referenced bRight & Early, which, in turn referenced Steyn's Sun-Times piece.

A Wise View on the Death of a Soldier in Battle

Contra the histrionic MSM ballyhooing of Cindy Sheehan's (disgraceful, "lights-camera-action") boo-hooing her son's death in the Iraq War, here is philosophical piece by a World War II vet who says that the death of a soldier in battle is NOT tragic -- it is part of the bargain a soldier makes when he signs up.

(Notice the author pointedly says "he"? I suspect that he -- like me -- is less than pleased by the creeping, pervasive feminization of the US military . . . But, I digress.)

This story is meaningful to me in several ways: First, my son's best friend was killed in Iraq in January. The soldier's father (himself a VietNam vet) said bravely, "He died doing what he loved to do." Second, my son is serving currently in Iraq. I pray daily for his safe return with honor, but this column helps me to remember that my son, also, is doing what he loves to do and that he signed up knowing all the risks. He is, after all, a grown man. Third, this story appeared in a local San Antonio publication.

I also laud the author for daring to cite the following:
Spartan mothers, it is said, told sons to return with their shields or upon them. In other words, death before dishonor.
While such sentiments are lost on the Cindy Sheehans and their seditious MSM cheerleaders, the rest of us need to reflect on these words.

(Hat tip: realclearpolitics.)

The Secret Is Out: Cindy Sheehan Is Simply an MSM Mirage

The secret is out: Rightwing Nuthouse blogger Rick Moran has done his homework in Crawford -- and the truth of the matter is: There are VERY few Cindy Sheehan supporters in Crawford (around 200), whereas the number of pro-war protestors in Crawford numbers between 1500 and 3000.

(Hat tip: lgf.)

The entire "Cindy Sheehan" thing is a creation from wholecloth by the biased and seditious MSM.

Decision Time in Iraq

Currently, we are getting a "double-message" from Washington regarding the Iraq war. On the one hand, we have generals and others saying that we should expect a major US troop-level drawdown in 2006 as we turn primary responsibility for the defense of Iraq over to the Iraqis themselves.

On the other hand, we see President Bush out rallying the troops and vaguely saying that we are going to stay until we have finished the job (whatever that means).

Here is an excellent piece in The San Diego Union Tribune by Robert J. Caldwell, which -- very clearly -- challenges the Bush Administration with the reality that it is decision time in Iraq. If we intend to win, we must say so, and -- more importantly -- act accordingly. (Hat tip: realclearpolitics.)

As one who has blogged repeatedly on the need for the US civilian and defense leadership to fight like they mean it in Iraq by -- among other things -- removing the absurd restrictions they have placed on our troops in the way that they deal with the suspect enemy terrorists they capture (e.g., call them "detainees" rather than anything pejorative; don't unholster your sidearm unless . . . . you want to face possible charges of "assault with a deadly weapon"; don't turn them over to the Iraqi police who will be able to beat answers out of them, etc, etc, etc.), I could not agree more with Caldwell's piece.

My take on GWB is that he is like a TV kid in his Dad's clothes. He tries to talk with a lower voice and act tough, but inside, he is simply scared -- scared of God-knows-what-all, but scared. He seems scared of the Democrats, scared of the MSM, scared of the "moderate" Muslims, scared of our Saudi "friends"; scared of the Europeans; scared of Teddy Kennedy; scared of the UN; scared of offending the Brits; etc, etc, etc.

The result is that we are fighting a half-assed war that is getting men killed and not winning anything.

Am I calling for turning tail and withdrawing a la RINO asshat Senator Chuck Hagel? NO! I am calling for taking the gloves off and doing whatever it takes to win in Iraq, including bombing terrorist resupply positions inside Syria and beginning black ops against Iran (as Michael Savage has been suggesting in the latter case).

Moreover, we need to permit our troops to execute obvious terrorists at the point of capture. As it is, our troops capture them and turn them over to military interrogators, who are in turn nice to the "detainees" and generally release them after a non-threatening interview.

Blogger Michael Yon refers to our current detainee practices as our "catch-and-release" policy. This policy is costing us men's lives. It makes no sense. It needs to be reversed.

I am sick of the poor advice that the generals are apparently giving Rumsfeld and Bush. I think Bush needs to can Rummy and a few key generals and get someone in there who wants to kick some serious ass.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

More Senate RINO Asshats

Here is a great story: The Senate sits ready to grant Hawai'ian natives the same rights as Indian tribes. (Hat tip: real clear politics.)

The bill is so radical that it will make it easy for Hawai'i actually to secede from the Union. (The Chinese are salivating over that thought, I am sure! Can you imagine the Chinese flag flying over Pearl Harbor?)

Anyway, the Republicans allegedly hold a majority of the seats in the Senate, and, yet, despite opposition from both the Senate's Republican "leadership"(sic) and the White House, the bill looks like it is ready to pass the Senate.

So, how could this wretched bill be allowed to see the light of day? Because there are some RINO asshats in the Senate who are acting as "enablers." Chief among them are the two RINO Republicans from Alaska, Gordon Smith of Oregon, Norm Coleman of Minnesota, and the totally girlie-man, despicable RINO from South Carolina: Lindsey Graham.

There is still hope that saner heads will prevail in the House and that the bill will be killed there.

However, according to the Constitution, even if the bill passes both houses, the President can still veto the bill.

Only one problem: Bush has never YET (in one-and-a-half terms) ONCE found the cojones required to veto a SINGLE piece of bad legislation. Talk about being a "girlie-man"!

By the way, isn't it funny that the same people who go rabid when anyone flies the "Stars and Bars" are the same ones setting up Hawai'i with the opportunity to secede?

Friday, August 26, 2005

Damn that Weldon! Doesn't He Understand How the Game Is Played?

Congressman Curt Weldon (R-PA) is a man with a mission: He is determined to get to the bottom of the Pre-911 spiking of the work of the top secret Able-Danger military intelligence team -- work that likely would have hindered or prevented the 911 attacks from occurring in the first place!

People in Washington really don't like Weldon, because he is interested in taking names and kicking tails -- not in playing the usual Inside-the-Washington-DC-Beltway I-scratch-your-back-you-scratch-mine game." In fact people hate Weldon, as this article points out. (Hat tip: realclearpolitics.)

Also, as this piece points out, one Larry DiRita, a Pentagon spokesman seems to be trying to discredit Weldon -- but Weldon is having none of it. (Hat tip: Newsmax.)

Rumsfeld: Head Bean-Counter

I think it is time for Bush to sack Rummy. He has served long and well -- but he has clearly outlived his maximum utility. He is a bit cranky -- and certainly out of touch with reality.

Without touching on Rumsfeld's (and his Generals') general cranial-rectal insertion approach to fighting the war in Iraq following the initial fantastic invasion, let me touch on the most salient reason why Rummy needs to go: He is fixated on closing bases as a means to "save money."

Hello? We are at War, Mr. Secretary, and by your staff's own admission, the "savings" to be realized by all your asshat base closures and sometimes absurd relocations will take years to occur.

It simply sends the wrong message at the wrong time and tells me that, instead of being upset about how his generals have hamstrung our sodiers' treatment of Iraqi "detainees" by requiring our men to treat the throatslitters like royalty, Rummy is all about saving a couple pennies here by tweaking this base over there.

It is nuts. It is ludicrous. It is penny wise and pound foolish. And all this disruption of community after community and unit after unit for what? To "save" a paltry $48Billion over TWENTY years.

First, such estimates are pulled out some Pentagon weenies' posteriors on the one hand -- and in a day of $300-Billion highway bills, to trumpet a paltry $48-Billion "projected savings" (translation: no one has a clue on how much -- if any -- will be saved) as some sort of success, is not only ludicrous, but smacks of too much time spent in the accounting books and not enough time spent in the field with the men.

Besides, can ANYONE calculate what it would cost today to build from scratch a base with infrastructure and flightline to match some of the great ones that have been closed in the past (or that are slated for closure in the future -- e.g., Norton AFB, to name one). Answer: probably about, oh, $48 Billion!

Well, Rummy's asshat base closure plan is so egregiously shortsighted and idiotic that he has ticked off many of the legislators in the President's OWN Republican Party, as this article points out.

A First-Hand Testimony the MSM Naysayers Cannot Gainsay

The Washington Times has a great column by guest columnist, Joe Roche, a currently-serving soldier in the US Army who already has tours in both Afghanistan and Iraq under his belt.

The title of his inspiring column? 'Wonderful Time to be a Soldier.'

(Hat tip: realclearpolitics.)

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Jihad in East Africa -- Must Read


The Illegal Immigration Issue Finally Gaining Major National Attention (in the MSM)

Ask virtually anyone in fly-over country, and they will tell you that they have been upset for YEARS now about the Federal Government's nearly total abdication of its Consitutional responsibility to protect our borders.

However, the issue is only NOW beginning to register on the radars of the denizens of the Twilight Zone known as inside-the-beltway Washington, D.C.

First, there is the growing recognition that Mexico is a mess -- something that has been apparent to the average American for decades. The Christian Science Monitor -- no beacon of conservative thought -- has even run a column asking if Mexico is still a nation. (Hat tip: realclearpolitics.)

Second, after the Democratic governors of two border states -- Arizona and New Mexico -- last week declared state emergencies with regard to the unchecked flow of illegal immigrants, members of the Virginia state legislature are now pressuring Democratic Virginia Governor Mark Warner to do likewise. (Hat tip: realclearpolitics.)

Third, a (far too pro-illegal-alien, in my view) piece by Brian Knowlton in the International Herald Tribune details how the problem of illegal immigration has reached its tentacles well into the heartland, such that it is no longer a border issue only. (Hat tip: realclearpolitics.)

Fourth, the sluggish, luggard, unresponsive, derelict Homeland Security Department -- in reaction to last week's declaration of an emergency by Arizona's Democrat Governor Janet Napolitano in Arizon's border counties (due to the pressures of illegal immigration), has announced that it will do more (though not nearly enough) to help Arizona control its borders. (Hat tip: realclearpolitics.)

Finally, in his syndicated column appearing in The Seattle Times, Ruben Navarette, Jr -- a Harvard-educated Hispanic writer -- writes a blockbuster column that President Bush and Senator McCain should read. Navarette pointedly notes that he OPPOSES "open border, amnesty and the issuance of driver's licenses to illegal immigrants."[!] (Hat tip: realclearpolitics.)

Negotiations and Objections Regarding Iraq's New Draft Constitution

As Iraq -- under pressure from the Bush Administration -- tries to hammer out a new Constitution, there is much wrangling and disagreement.

First, the Sunnis are very worried that they are going to get the short end of the stick, both politically and economically, so they are largely opposed to the new Constitution in its present form. (They are probably right about this; they probably know they have it coming after having brutally repressed their Shi'ite and Kurdish neighbors for a number of decades.)

Second, there are the secular Iraqis (Kurds, Christians, and liberal Muslims,etc), who object to the important role the current draft Constitution gives to Shari'a Law. They rightly object that the status of women (e.g., required to wear burqas) under the new Constitution will be lower than what they had enjoyed under Saddam Hussein's regime. One of the more moderate Muslim groups in America, Free Muslims Coalition, also takes the position that the new Consitution should be secular in nature -- and should not give any role to Shari'a Law in the new legal system.

Finally, there are the dominant Shi'ites, who are quite happy with the current form that the draft Constitution has taken -- and they are in apparently no mood to negotiate with the other parties.

It is helpful to remember -- as Michael Savage pointed out on his talk show the other day -- that, historically, there is no "Iraq", as such. Iraq, as we know it, was carved out of the former Ottoman Empire following World War I by England and France.

As has often been pointed out, Iraq naturally subdivides into three ethno-religious regions -- the Sunni west, the Kurdish north, and the Shi'ite east and south. Of those three regions, the Kurdish region is the one that is most in synch with American intentions and plans in Iraq. I can think of worse things than seeing Iraq spit into three countries, personally.

L'Affaire Michael Graham - Part 4

We have posted previously about the Michael Graham saga: Here. Here. And here. As you will recall Washington, D.C., area ABC radio affilliate, WMAL -- under pressure from CAIR (Council for Arab Islamic Relations) -- first suspended and then later canned Graham for on-air remarks he made about the unhealthy relationship between Islam and terrorism. Given the opportunity to make an on-air (and "under-the-gun") "apology", Graham rightly refused.

The story keeps developing. It turns out that Graham is going with and NOT with KFI, as I previously posted (based on a Drudge teaser that apparently never panned out).

WND Editor-in-Chief, Joseph Farah, has a great column on L'Affaire Michael Graham here. Farah does a great job of reviewing the sleazy terrorist-friendly history of CAIR and some of its key leaders. As Farah points out, one former staffer for CAIR, Randall Todd "Ismail" Royer, is now serving a 20-year sentence for terrorist-related activities.

For more on CAIR, click here.

Make no mistake about it: This is a VERY important development. The fact that the MSM is ignoring it only confirms my point: They don't want to face the fact that their liberal proclivities naturally align them NOT with US policy in Iraq or the majority of US voters, but rather with the Islamofascist-Communist agenda.

Memo to Bush/Rumsfeld and Their Perfumed Princes: Time to Fight to Win in Iraq

Tony Blankley speaks for many of us with sons fighting in Iraq when, in this piece, he advises the Bush Administration and our Generals and Admirals to take the gloves off and fight like we mean it in Iraq. (Hat tip: realclearpolitics)

As Blankley's piece points out: Many folks that disapprove of what Bush is doing in Iraq, disapprove NOT for the same cowardly, America-hating reasons as the usual suspects in the media (Matthews, Maher, Couric, Sheehan, etc), but because we don't think the Bush Administration has the stomach to take the fight to the enemy as they should.

Time to wake up Mr. President! Show the naysayers (both in the US and in Iraq) what losers they are!

Texas' Tuition Scam for Illegals is Challenged in Court!

Someone has finally challenged Texas' tuition scam for illegal aliens in Federal Court.

Texas gives in-state rates to illegal aliens residing in Texas in-state tuition rates, whereas legal US citizens living in other states are charged "out-of-state" tuition rates.

Remember the recent flap about the Texas ex-Marine who was initially denied in-state rates in Texas because he had been in Louisiana at the time he initially applied to school in Austin? If he had only been an illegal Mexican or Salvadorean or Chinese residing in Texas, he would have been given in-state rates without any question.

But, having served in our country's military and having been out of state during that time, he was penalized.

There was SUCH an outcry when his story hit the media that the Texas Education asshats finally relented and gave him in-state rates.

This illegal alien thing is getting out of hand. A lot of us legals are running out patience with the elitist ruling class who make up the rules as they go -- and, seemingly invariably, make them up to benefit the illegals at the expense of American citizens.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

The Bush Administration "Suddenly Discovers" Illegal Immigration

President Bush's asshat Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff suddenly discovered that: a) our borders are broken; and that b) people are fed up with the Federal Government's dereliction of its responsibility to defend or borders.

Chertoff's reassuring promise, "We have decided to stand back and take a look at how we address the problem and solve it once and for all."

Asshat! You have been standing back long enough! That is why we are upset.

Just seal the borders and start deporting all illegals.

Meanwhile, in Iowa, Congressman King is a man who "gets it" with regard to illegal immigration. He wants a border fence built. (I say a wall should be built.)

China Continues with Internet Suppression -- With a Little Help from Her West Coast Friends

China is actively trying to suppress the fame of a Chinese woman who has risen to celebrity in China almost exclusively via blogs. (Hat tip: Drudge.)

What is a joke is that a number of Left Coast "liberal" corps (e.g., Microsoft, Cisco, Google, and Yahoo, to name four) are making big bucks by providing the Chinese Government with the tools to suppress free expression on the Internet in China (a lot like Google suppresses pro-life and pro-Bush advertising on its site here at home).

As Michael Savage says, "Liberalism is a Mental Disorder." It is a laugh, because, as someone over 50, I remember in the 1960s and 1970s screaming for the right to self-expression. Now they make millions suppressing the expression of others.

Can you say Narcissistic Bastards?

L'Affaire Michael Graham - Part 3

As posted here before, the appeasing, seditionist, cowards that run WMAL in Washington, DC, fired talk show host Michael Graham for daring to speak the truth about Islam and its parasitic relationship with terrorism. (Hat tip: Drudge.)

NRO's Joel Mowbray writes about how the station owners/managers were cowed by none other than the "we-don't-condemn-Hamas" friendly, neighborhood, "we-don't-condemn-Hamas" folks at CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations).
(Hat tip: realclearpolitics.)

(Note: CAIR is INCESSANTLY offended by the slightest negative comment about Islam by American Christians or Jews -- but apparently never very upset about the nonstop sea of blood being shed by Islamofascists worldwide.

Here is Michael Graham's statement about his firing in his own words.

Well, good news for the folks on the West Coast: KFI has just offered Michael Graham a job in LA -- perhaps giving him a bigger listening audience. (No link, yet.) (Hat tip: Drudge.)

Monday, August 22, 2005

L'Affaire Michael Graham - Part 2


Senator Frist: Ethical Asshat

Gary Bauer tells how the cow ate the cabbage . . . .

. . . And, also, how Senator Frist just sold out his prolife credentials over the issue of stem-cell research.

Must read.

Mark Steyn Puts Cindy Sheehan in Perspective

I -- like so many others -- have posted previously regarding Cindy Sheehan and her idiocies. However, this has obviously not stopped her from being made into some sort of modern day martyr by the seditious MSM.

Thankfully, Mark Steyn has put the Cindy Sheehan affair in perspective -- and that is great for us (but not so great for Cindy and her MSM handlers).

It just hit me: Mark Steyn is the male equivalent of Ann Coulter! (You heard it here first!)

Who's at the Wheel, Mr. President?

I recently posted about the lack of leadership at the top in this country in a post called, "Where's Waldo, Indeed?"

Now Jed Babbin, striking a similar note in The American Spectator, implores President Bush to step up and provide the country with some wartime leadership from the bully pulpit.

Those who do not get their news from blogs are subjected to a nonstop daily barrage of anti-war and pro-Islamofascist propoganda from the MSM.

Honest citizens look to their leaders for, . . . well, LEADERSHIP.

Unfortunately, President Bush seems to have recently been afflicted with the same sort of ennui that cost his father his re-election -- boredom.

To me, with all that is going on, a FIVE-WEEK(!) vacation is simply unfathomable.

A Double Loss -- An Air Force Base and a Political Spokesman

Here is the sad case of how President Bush's advisors did him no good -- the strange case of Senator John Thune (R-SD) and the (all-but-certain) impending closure of Ellsworth AFB, SD. (Hat tip: realclearpolitics.)

The story is a bit complicated, but Novak tells it well. However, here is the salient fact: President Bush did not lift a finger to help out Senator Thune by trying to save Ellsworth AFB -- the state's ONLY active duty military installation.

In the process, President Bush has turned a potentially stalwart political ally into an alienated potential opponent.

I wonder what Bush and Rove were doing that made them so dead to Thune's situation -- working late at night trying to keep liberals like Specter and Chafee in office?

President Bush: It Is PAST Time for You to Hammer Sudan for Its Darfur Depredations!

Michael J. Totten paints a frightening picture of the DAILY grisly depradations by Sudan against its own (black, Muslim) inhabitants of the Texas-sized Darfur region.

Basically, the world is ignoring this genocide, because, well, Sudan has oil and the inhabitants of Darfur have no political clout.

For years, people have been urging President Bush to do something about this.

Do you think 500 people killed PER DAY might just merit a few bombs on Khartoum?

We (rightly) mourn the loss of some 1800 soldiers thus far in Iraq, but that must not sound very impressive to the victims of Darfur, who have lost some 400,000 of their brethren.

As everyone knows, expecting any meaningful help regarding the Darfur from either Europe or the UN is laughable.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

The US Caves In: Okay to Suppress Women in Iraq

Under the gun due to time constraints, the US State Department caved to pressure to permit the new Iraqi Constitution to enshrine Shari'a Law as the basis of the Iraqi legal system.

This is GOOD news for burqa-makers!

(Bad news for the ladies who will have to wear them for the first in a LONG time.)

Does Condi Rice have a clue? (Hat tip: aaron's cc:). I didn't think so.

I Wonder if CAIR Is Upset about This, Too? (Somehow, I Doubt It!)

Islamofascist jihadis are on the warpath in Indonesia against three Christian women for the "crime" of "Christianizing" Muslim children. (Hat tip: WND.)

Read for the horrible details.

Nice to know the US Government has opened the immigration doors WIDE for more of these nice folks to move in to a neighborhood near you!

L'Affaire Michael Graham -- Tres Importante!

It is late: I must post and run. Very serious development: WMAL in Wash, DC, has canned talk show host Michael Graham for telling the truth about Islam. WMAL caved in to pressure from the odious liars, CAIR (Council for American Islamic Relations).
(Hat tip: WND.)

This is an outrage to serious to be discussed in a paragraph or two.

Here are some links for you to pursue.

Important piece in WND.

Great discussion on lgf. Note: lgf received a personal email directly from Mr. Graham. Must reading! Also: Read through the comments!

Joel Mowbray comments.

This is incredibly serious: The Islamofascists are now winning on our own soil.

Suddenly, civil war does not seem so far off -- and I don't like that!

The Debate Continues -- Two Views

Andrew J. Bracevitch, a VietNam vet and a college professor, basically recommends that we simply turn tail and run out of Iraq ASAP.

Based on his adolescent presentation and lame logic, I am tempted to speculate whether Mr. Bracevitch smoked a little too much dope somewhere along the way -- whether in VietNam or after he got back home.

In case you were not sure where I stand: I disagree with Mr. Bracevitch's call for an irresponsible abandonment of responsibility and principle in the face of opposition.

George Will, at least, seems to understand that withdrawal is not an option in Iraq, although he gets girlie-man at the end of his piece about doing something to discourage Syria's Terrorist Welcome-Wagon Committee.

Chuck Hagel - Empty Suited Appeaser Whom the Liberal Media Love - Part 2

We recently posted of our "love" for Senator Chuck Hagel (RINO-Nebraska).

Well, now, Drudge alerts us to another Hagelism sure to tickle the fancy of every MSM/Islamofascist spokesman.

Hagel has gone on air and shown what a loser he is: He says we need to pull out of Iraq.
(Hat tip: Drudge.)

Hagel, you are a loser. Thank you for mooning our war effort on TV today. Now we know you are a lightweight -- and that you have no clue about the ongoing, long-term, widespread War on Terror War against Islamofascist throat-slitters.

Note: I respect Senator Hagel immensely for his brave combat service during Viet Nam. However, one gallant tour as a grunt a master military strategist does not make.

It Seems Obvious: We Are ALREADY at War with Iran (in Iraq)

It has been becoming increasingly clear that we will eventually have to do battle with a nuclear-capable, Islamocrazy-led Iran.

Iranian actions to bring about what Michael Savage has been warning about on his talk show (the merging of a new Shi'ite-led Iraq into the orbit of an emerging "greater Persia") seem to be well under way.

The following link discusses the "Iranian connection" to our current struggle in Iraq.

See also this article in Time. (Hat tip: Intel-Dump.)

Very sobering indeed.

We are not anywhere NEAR out of the woods, yet, folks.

We Had All Better Wake Up -- and Soon!

Michael Savage on his radio has said several times that if our civilization is to survive the onslaught of Islamofascism, our current crop of leaders will need to be turned out . . . and quickly!

Face it: Our leaders do NOT get it. Imagine Teddy Kennedy going apoplectic over how we treat the throatslitters in Gitmo! Imagine the Bush Administration permitting ACLU lawyers to prep and interview the same thugs!

Ladies and gentlemen, get ready for a LONG struggle.

While reading lgf, one of the posters (Stuck-in-CA) posted this link to a review of a book just released about the leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq -- Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. The name of the book is: "al-Zarqawi - al-Qaida's Second Generation." It is written by Jordanian "journalist" Fouad Hussein.

The book makes it clear that al-Qaeda's struggle for the establishment of a global caliphate by the year 2020 have only JUST begun! (And the Chuck Hagels, et al, are already talking wthdrawal from Iraq in 2006. Hagel, you are a Appeasement Monkey!)

As Congressman Tom Tancredo said on the Carl Wigglesworth show here in San Antonio this past Friday: We had better start getting serious about how we plan to deal with the threat we are facing -- meaning making threats that give them pause.

Tancredo's suggestion: Tell them NOW, we will nuke Mecca if they set off even ONE WMD attack on US soil.

Don't like Tancredo's idea? As Tancredo says: Fine. Okay. Now YOU come up with a better way to DETER future escalations of Islamofascist attacks on our soil. (Hint: Appeasement answers not allowed.)

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Bible Thoughts

What is the longest chapter in the Bible? Psalm 119.

In what language was most of the Old Testament written? Hebrew.

In what other language was part of the Old Testament written? Aramaic.

In what language was the New Testament written? Koine Greek.

Here is a link to Psalm 119 in both Hebrew and English. Enjoy.

Victor Davis Hanson on "The Biteback Effect"

Victor Davis Hanson writes thoughtfully on the "biteback effect" -- meaning that (in my translation) the attacks of the Durbins and the Kennedys and the Cindy Sheehans on our noble efforts (however flawed) to fight the Islamofascists will come back (in time) to bite them (i.e., the commie-Libs) in their ample posteriors.

For all my criticisms of Bush (and they are legion), perhaps I should clarify: I do salute President Bush for not turning tail and running in Iraq.

I do, however, skewer Bush regularly for hamstringing our troops with ridiculous limitations that without doubt increase US casualties and hinder their efforts to KILL!, KILL!, KILL! the bad guys (you know, the throatslitters from hell)!

In other words, why are we giving any credence at all to the Kennedys and Durbins by sending soldiers to jail for putting panties on terrorists heads, etc, etc, etc?

IBD Takes The Gloves off Regarding Illegal Immigration

For approximately five years now (longer in some quarters -- such as San Diego) there has been the saying that illegal immigration was the elephant in the room that no one wanted to acknowledge.

During the last Presidential campaign, nary a word was said by either major candidate regarding the ubiquitous, onerous, and devastating problem of illegal immigration currently faced by the United States.

Of course, the major media have cooperated in this "elephant in the room" approach by: ignoring the problem altogether (what problem?); whitewashing the problem (it really benefits us all!); highlighting the sufferings of illegals (they die crossing the border and they are treated unkindly in the US); trumpeting the successes of some illegals (while ignoring the abysmal failure of many others who end up either in prison or on welfare); and never -- NEVER -- calling these people what they really are: criminals, lawbreakers, illegal aliens, or illegal immigrants (oh, they are "undocumented migrants," don't you know!).

Well, IBD has recently proven that it is not going to play this kind of game, highlighting the problem of illegal immigration and calling it what it is -- illegal, a problem, and a threat.

Moreover, the IBD in a recent piece has said something even more unthinkable: Mexico is not only NOT trying to STOP the torrent of illegal immigration -- it is (most treacherously and insidiously) ENCOURAGING it!

In effect, IBD blows the whistle on Mexico -- while most in Congress (and, certainly, Waldo
in the White House at the Crawford Ranch
somewhere out there on his mountain bike) choose to continue to "whistle past the graveyard" on this issue which threatens our country's very existence under its current form of Government and culture.

Perhaps the Senate's Most Ridiculous Solon - Pat Leahy

If you have ever seen Pat Leahy on TV, you perhaps have noticed, as I have, that he seems to have a silly grin painted on his face.

The guy doesn't stand for much of anything I believe in: He hates guns; loves gays; hates the miiltary; loves abortion; etc, etc, etc.

Well here is a fun WSJ piece highlighting just how out of touch with reality Mr. Leahy is by discussing his approach to President Bush's nomination of John Roberts to the Supreme Court.

Weird. The guy is W-E-I-R-D!

And, yet, our fellow Americans in Vermont keep returning him to the Senate in election after election.

Bush's Neville Chamberlain Moment - Part 2

I have previously posted of Bush's selling out of Israel in Gaza as his Neville Chamberlain moment.

Now, Wretchard of The Belmont Club has posted an astute historical analysis of Europe's appeasement of Hitler during his rise to power, culminating with Neville Chamberlain's gift of the Sudetenland. Wretchard notes that
Nor was it the case that Hitler compelled concessions from the reluctant statesmen of the West; on the contrary, they fell all over themselves to expiate their own guilt: the guilt of Versailles, the embarrassment of colonial empires.

Wretchard posts this essay -- not for historical insight alone, but to shed light on what was happening in Israel last week -- the gifting of Gaza to the terrorist-infested Palestinian Authority.

This is the section of Wretchard's piece that bothers me the most:
The British and French policy of the 1930s is appeasement only in hindsight. Back then it was a roadmap to peace -- "peace in our time". Nor was it the case that Hitler compelled concessions from the reluctant statesmen of the West; on the contrary, they fell all over themselves to expiate their own guilt: the guilt of Versailles, the embarrassment of colonial empires.

My purpose in posting this is once again to draw attention -- not only to Condoleeza Rice's utter lack of understanding of what needs to be done vis-a-vis Israel -- but to highlight that -- in hindsight -- President Bush is going to realize the depth of his appeasement of terrorists regarding Israel, even while mired in a war of his own against terrorists.

If Bush's Israel policies are not the mark of an insane man, they are at least the policies of a man who is able to "compartmentalize" truth to an unhealthy degree. For Bush, what is good for the US in its "War on Terror" (an absolutely asinine term for a war against Islamofascists) is manifestly NOT good for Israel.

The precedents that Bush has -- unhappily -- set for Israel, will without doubt come back to bite him (and us) in the days ahead in the context of our own war against throatslitting terrorists.

Yes. I fear that one day (not long off), in hindsight, Bush will finally realize -- sadly, too late -- that he indeed had his "Neville Chamberlain" moment when he not only defended the appeasement of the Palestinians by giving them the Gaza settlements and Gush Katim, but by also keeping curiously silent while his troublesome Secretary of State uttered asinine statements to the effect that Israel's withdrawal from Gaza was "a good first step."

For those who find their breath taken away by Condi's brash? ignorant? malicious? insane? (all of the above?) statements, there is, perhaps, some sense of sanity to be found in Charles Krauthammer's recent column in the Washington Post analyzing Israel's future strategy in light of the ongoing Gaza withdrawal.

Our Arab "Friends" . . . . Are Really Dictatorship-Addicted Asshats

Here is a great piece by a Lebanese national exposing to the light of day one of the hidden cockroaches of modern US diplomacy: The Arab nations (at least their ruling elites), by and large, despise democracy -- and are rooting like crazy that the US experiment in Iraq fails.

Previously, Condi Rice was talking a very good game along the lines of how the US needed to push the Arab states in the direction of democracy.

However, after spending the past week enabling Hamas and the other terror-prone factions in the "Palestinian Authority" to further dismantle Israel (the only true democracy in the region -- although Lebanon is trying) in return for their, . . . well, in return for their unremitting dedication to terror.

The Arab elites are asshats. Condi Rice is a menace disguised by a pretty exterior. Don't let her svelt appearance fool you: She is breathing out destruction for Israel, . . . But I digress.

Yes: The Arab elite don't WANT democracy! (They have all they need without it -- a la Uday and Qusay!)

Friday, August 19, 2005

Where's Waldo -- Indeed!

At this very moment, I am listening to Michael Savage deliciously tearing into the derelict national leadership in this country.

He is righteously angry at the legal outrage that occurred in Arizona today whereby two illegals were awarded the ranch of an American landowner. Why were they rewarded is ranch in a "court of law"? Because -- while they were TRESPASSING on this man's land -- he wasn't nice to them and did not invite them to spend the night in his house.

Savage is also waxing eloquent against the absolute vaccuum of strong, righteous, moral leadership in this country in the face of broken borders, waves of illegal immigrants, and groups of dedicated terrorists aiming to destroy us.

Every so often Savage asks, rhetorically, "Where's Waldo?" Waldo is a nickname that Savage has for President Bush -- the "W." in George W. Bush answering to the "W" in Waldo.

Savage asks variously (and here, I am paraphrasing, not quoting):

In light of this court case giving an American landowner's ranch to illegals who were trespassing on his land . . . "Where's Waldo?"

In light of the surging waves of illegal immigrants trampling and fouling our lands, skewing our labor market, filling our prisons to the breaking point, straining our healthcare system enormously . . . . "Where's Waldo?"

In light of the fact that a missile was fired at two of our Navy ships docked in Aqaba, Jordan in the past 24 hours (both of which immediately turned tail and ran out to sea) . . . "Where's Waldo?"

In light of the fact that the war in Iraq is ongoing -- and not going all that well . . . . "Where's Waldo?"

Answer? He is vacationing for FIVE WEEKS at his ranch in Crawford -- where he is biking daily.

Is it wrong to take a vacation? Is it wrong to ride a bike? No. However, there is something to be said to for providing leadership for the American people in a time of crisis.

I am sorry: I am with Savage -- with a war on; with our borders falling apart; with the price of gas skyrockeeting, there is something unseemly -- obscene, even -- about Bush's five-week Crawford siesta. It certainly does not fill me with admiration -- and I hardly think that he is exuding concern or courage.

Rather, he comes across as out of touch.

Please keep in mind that I voted for Bush. Keep in mind that I could never vote for a John Kerry or a Teddy Kennedy or a Barbara Boxer. However, President Bush is ... a disappointment. Compared to the towering stature of Ronald Reagan, Bush appears a pygmy.

Chuck Hagel - Empty Suited Appeaser Whom the Liberal Media Love

I would think that by now most people understand the term RINO (Republican in Name Only) -- meaning politicians who run as Republicans but who govern and/or legislate as liberal Democrats. Because they are virtual Democrats, the liberal MSM (mainstream media), treat them like lords and ladies, trotting them out as examples of enlightened leaders.

Some examples that come to mind are the two US Senators from Maine -- Snowe and Collins; the alleged senior Republican from Pennsylvania, Arlen Specter; the stealth Republican senator from Rhode Island, Lincoln Chafee; and the Senate's biggest showboat, John McCain.

However, perhaps the current leading media favorite is Chuck Hagel, who -- to his credit -- is a decorated Viet Nam veteran and a successful business executive, is also an egregiously stupid Republican Senator from Nebraska. Notice the opening sentence of the al-Reuters piece to which I have linked, which opens as follows, "Republican Party foreign policy expert Sen. Chuck Hagel . . . ." Foreign policy expert? How did Chuck Hagel suddenly become a "foreign policy expert"? Because he fought in VietNam? Because he has an expensive hairdo? (Or, is it -- possibly -- because he is wont to utter statements to al-Reuters' liking? Wink wink.)

He is often heard on air undermining the morale of our fighting men in Iraq by saying that the war is not going well, that we will soon begin to withdraw, etc.

However, today I saw a story about Hagel that defies description: The man is an appeasing, seditious, loose cannon. Why, you ask? Well, because he says that Bush was wrong to mention military force as a possible option to be employed against a a nuclear-capable and increasingly dangerous Iran.

Not only that, but Hagel ALSO says that the US needs to sit down and negotiate with the terrorist state's leaders.

Negotiate, Mr. Hagel? With the folks who engineered the 444-day captivity of our Tehran-embassy personnel?

Mr. Hagel, you need a good kick in the butt. You are a disgrace, a coward, and opportunist, an appeaser, and -- dare I say it -- on the verge of treason.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Muslim "Moderates" -- Real and Ersatz

There is much talk in the media about how Islamofascist terrorists represent only a tiny minority of the followers of Islam, while the vast majority remain "moderate."

While there is some truth in that statement, there is also much talk in the media over the reluctance of the "moderate" Muslims to "out" their jihadist brethren -- whether from reluctance, sympathy, or fear.

To make the discussion more complex, there are -- it is now becoming plain -- some genuinely admirable moderate Muslims, and then there are some very unsavory, ersatz "moderate" Muslim organizations.

Two recent columns profile the issue being discussed here: Jeff Jacoby highlights the actions of some genuine moderate Muslims, while Joel Mowbray points out the hypocrisy, vindictiveness, and unquestionably terrorist-friendly roots of the wretched CAIR ( Council on American-Islamic Relations).

Old Presidents Never Die -- They Just Become Buffoons

Peggy Noonan, who is bit too Pollyanna-ish for me, nonetheless makes some very good points on the recent deliberate public chumminess between putative political opposites -- to include the political odd couples of Newt Gingrich & Hillary Clinton (on health care reform); John McCain & Hillary Clinton (on their "Alaska-is-melting" meltdown); and (most annoying of all) George H. W. Bush & Bill Clinton. (Hat tip: realclearpolitics.)

To be frank, Noonan is really too polite. Michael Savage (on his radio talk show) criticizes the much-publicized Bush I/Clinton friendship in much blunter terms. However, both Noonan and Savage make it clear that their is something repulsive about this kind behavior.

It is on the one hand demeaning to the politicians who carry on in such a giddy, self-serving manner -- and it is profoundly insulting to partisan American voters who sacrifice hard (both in terms of money and labor) to help one candidate win over another on the other hand.

As Savage puts it, these political "stars" are saying, in effect, that -- at the top, anyway -- there is really only one political party in Washington: The Republocrats (or: the Demicans).

The current President Bush is really no better: He openly cavorted with Ted Kennedy in his first term over "Education" spending, and he has been very friendly toward Bill Clinton.

A Tale of Two Columnists

There are two very recent columns out there by two guys who write articles carried by big papers out East -- one by Robert Kuttner in the Boston Globe and the other by Tony Blankley (whose works for the Washington Post).

It is a classic moralistic story of good vs. evil. Robert Kuttner, in the elegant, hissing tones of Satan himself, opines in how, turning tail in Iraq and running from our enemies is the only answer in Iraq.

Tony Blankley, on the other hand, in a very sobering peace reminds us that history is not very kind to those who sell out countries -- either their own or other people's.

Blankley is right: We cannot run every time the going gets tough. It is only our civilization, our way of life, and the future of our children that are at stake. Time to turn tail and run, indeed, Mr. Kuttner.

If you would like to email the seditious Robert Kuttner and give him a piece of your mind, his email address is

This Lady Is Sick in the Head (Cindy Sheehan) - Part 2

This site has blogged previously about the unstable antics in Crawford, Texas, of the loathesome anti-war Cindy Sheehan.

Well, thanks to constant "star treatment" of this sorry, manipulated publicity-seeking, wench by the MSM, we cannot seem to get away from her.

Well, she has been unloading against Bush in fine form, saying, "The biggest terrorist in the world is George W. Bush!" What is more, in the process of stating her views, she unloaded a number of four-letter words.

Now, the LORD knows I have criticized President Bush more than most conservative bloggers, but whatever he is, he is no terrorist, Ms. Sheehan -- let alone the world's worst terrorist. To say such a thing is to disprove it, so absurd is it on its face.

Earth to Ms. Sheehan: Ever heard of Hamas? Zarqawi? Bin Laden? Al-Qaeda?

This woman is giving aid and comfort to the enemy. The MSM who are lionizing her are giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

The American people who understand the nature of this war against the Islamofascists are nauseated by the entire affair.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

The "Genius" Karl Rove Misses Another One

And here all this time, the President has evidently thought that by ignoring our broken borders and speaking with all the authority of a mouse on stopping illegal immigration (by declaring it, magically, "legal" with the wave a Congressional wand), he was keeping all the Hispanics happy.

Of course, this "turn a blind eye to the illegals" policy also dovetailed nicely with the desires of the GOP's greedy business donor's who want the unstinted flow of illegal labor to continue in order to fatten their bottom lines (and, by extension, to throw legal US residents out of good jobs and into the paper-hat trades).

Well, now we, see that, according to a piece in the Washington Times, that even many Hispanics have had it with illegal immigration. (That's a "duh." Illegals trample, burglarize, and foul the property and livestock of Hispanic American (or American Indian) border-landowners just as readily as they do those of border-dwelling Gringos.

Moreover, the wave of crimes committed by illegals -- from robbery to murder to rape to drunk-driving -- has created victims of Hispanic heritage as well as white (or black or Asian) victims.

No, President Bush's brazen and arrogant negligence of our out-of-control borders is not winning him many votes anywhere.

I predict this (doubtless Rove-inspired) policy blunder on the part of Bush will be forever be a black mark on his legacy.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Ex-Muslim Woman Sounds the Alarm of Encroaching Shari'a Law Around the World

Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a famous (female) Somali immigrant to Holland, and now a nationally known figure there, warns of the dangers of creeping Shari'a Law worldwide. Read her piece in the Wall Street Journal here. (Hat tip: realclearpolitics.)

Ali, a FORMER Muslim has received NUMEROUS death threats for speaking her mind on the excesses and abuses of Islam.

Ms. Ali also has a regular blog.

In my view, Ms. Ali has more courage in her little finger than the entire US Senate has in its combined corpulence (horrible thought that that is to entertain, even hypothetically).

View Part I of Submission, a film critical of Islam that she helped to make -- and for which it's producer Theo Van Gogh was murdered (by an Islamofascist, who else?) by going to this page and clicking on the appropriate link.

More Anti-Christian Slander from the Seditionist ACLU Asshats

According to this ACLU America-hater, those who open school board meetings in prayer are like the throat-slitters who flew planes into the World Trade Towers on 9-11-01.

As Michael Savage so often says on his talk show: The ACLU is the Enemy within. It's leaders and officers need to be prosecuted and IMPRISONED under the RICO statutes!

(Hat tip: WND).

Aaron Is Upset!

If you have never read aaron's cc:, you are missing out on one of the VERY best blogs in the universe.

Aaron is (rightly) VERY upset about America's sorry mistreatment of Israel in foreign affairs -- and at the silence of American Christians at the travesty of American power being used to coerce our only MidEast ally into ceding land to a bunch of murdering, terrorist thugs.

Well, here is a link to one of the most devastating posts on the mistreatment of Israel by America.

And to think that a President who has actually been hailed as a "Bible-reading evangelical Christian" (or similar terms) is the one orchestrating this horror -- through the agency of his Arab-pleasing Secretary of State, Condoleeza Rice.

I guess if Satan himself styled himself as a Bible-reading evangelical, then evangelical Christians in American today would give him a free pass, too.


Bob Dylan's Song about Israel's Plight in this World

Aaron of aaron's cc: has posted the words to a song by Bob Dylan dramatizing Israel's plight in a world of larger, hostile nations. The name of the song? Neighborhood Bully. Please note the links that aaron has placed on the various lyrics (when viewed on his Web site, not mine).

Very good song. (Of course, we know from the Scriptures that the reason Israel has survived this long is because of Divine protection. See, for example, Zechariah 2:7-9:

7Deliver thyself, O Zion, that dwellest with the daughter of Babylon.

8For thus saith the LORD of hosts; After the glory hath he sent me unto the nations which spoiled you: for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye.

9For, behold, I will shake mine hand upon them, and they shall be a spoil to their servants: and ye shall know that the LORD of hosts hath sent me.

Now, on to the words of the Dylan song:

Neighborhood Bully

Well, the neighborhood bully, he’s just one man,
His enemies say he’s on their land.
They got him outnumbered about a million to one,
He got no place to escape to, no place to run.
He’s the neighborhood bully.

The neighborhood bully just lives to survive,
He’s criticized and condemned for being alive.
He’s not supposed to fight back, he’s supposed to have thick skin,
He’s supposed to lay down and die when his door is kicked in.
He’s the neighborhood bully.

The neighborhood bully been driven out of every land,
He’s wandered the earth an exiled man.
Seen his family scattered, his people hounded and torn,
He’s always on trial for just being born.
He’s the neighborhood bully.

Well, he knocked out a lynch mob, he was criticized,
Old women condemned him, said he should apologize.
Then he destroyed a bomb factory, nobody was glad.
The bombs were meant for him.
He was supposed to feel bad.
He’s the neighborhood bully.

Well, the chances are against it and the odds are slim
That he’ll live by the rules that the world makes for him,
‘Cause there’s a noose at his neck and a gun at his back
And a license to kill him is given out to every maniac.
He’s the neighborhood bully.

He got no allies to really speak of.
What he gets he must pay for, he don’t get it out of love.
He buys obsolete weapons and he won’t be denied
But no one sends flesh and blood to fight by his side.
He’s the neighborhood bully.

Well, he’s surrounded by pacifists who all want peace,
They pray for it nightly that the bloodshed must cease.
Now, they wouldn’t hurt a fly.
To hurt one they would weep.
They lay and they wait for this bully to fall asleep.
He’s the neighborhood bully.

Every empire that’s enslaved him is gone,
Egypt and Rome, even the great Babylon.
He’s made a garden of paradise in the desert sand,
In bed with nobody, under no one’s command.
He’s the neighborhood bully.

Now his holiest books have been trampled upon,
No contract he signed was worth what it was written on.
He took the crumbs of the world and he turned it into wealth,
Took sickness and disease and he turned it into health.
He’s the neighborhood bully.

What’s anybody indebted to him for?
Nothin’, they say.
He just likes to cause war.
Pride and prejudice and superstition indeed,
They wait for this bully like a dog waits to feed.
He’s the neighborhood bully.

What has he done to wear so many scars?
Does he change the course of rivers?
Does he pollute the moon and stars?
Neighborhood bully, standing on the hill,
Running out the clock, time standing still,
Neighborhood bully.

Copyright (c) 1983 Special Rider Music

Sadly, the US State Department is totally in thrall to the Arabs in its view of MidEast issues: Their only answer is: "Israel must give up more land in return for (please hold the laughter) peace."(!) What insanity: The Arabs and other Muslims do not DESIRE piece -- and this applies double to the Palestinians.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Did the Democrats Just Grab the 2008 Elections?

I have personally emailed President Bush a number of times urging him to do SOMETHING about our out-of-control borders and illegal immigration. (He obviously didn't get my emails!)

However, Mr. Bush is obviously the Enabler-in-Chief for Big Business and its rapacious desire to hire cheap (illegal) laborers to fatten their own bottom lines.

Well, the Democrats have started to do the unthinkable -- something that the "genius" Karl Rove "knew" they wouldn't do: CRACK DOWN on the borders in the person of (Hispanic) New Mexico Governor Bill Richarson.

Hell, Richardson is even planning to MEET WITH THE MINUTE MEN -- a great group of American patriots that Bush not so long ago ham-handedly referred to in the same sentence with the word "vigilantes" (really, really DUMB -- thanks, again, Karl!).

Yes, folks, George Bush really IS beginning to resemble Alfred E. Newman in disguise: "What me worry about out-of-control borders?"

I mean, why would anyone want to worry about open borders -- sworn Constitutional duty and the property rights of US border-dwellers aside -- I mean, it's not like we have a "War on Terror" "War on Islamofascists" on our hands, or anything like that, is it? (End sarcasm here.)

Freedom of the Press Shari'a Style: Express an Opinion, Go to Jail (for Life!)

Here is a quaint little story which should no doubt cause requests for Cindy Sheehan and her crowd to apply for immigration to Pakistan, where Shari'a Law is, well, the "law of the land":

A Pakistani writer named Younis Sheikh wrote a book entitled Shaitan Maulvi, meaning The Satanic Cleric, in which he noted -- among other things, that there is no actual mention in the Qur'an of Pakistan's favorite third favorite national past-time (after court-santioned gang-rapes and killing Christians) -- stoning people to death for the sin of adultery.

Well, the authorities in Pakistan were not amused -- not one bit.

What do you think they did? Ban the book and tell the man to behave? No. Kick him out of the country and advise him to emigrate to an infidel land such as the US or Australia? Noooooo.

Actually, they have sentenced the free-thinking Younis Sheikh to LIFE in prison!

And to think that Muslims actually want to spread this nonsense to the West. (And to think that the allegely freedom-loving ACLU are actually defending these asshats in US courts!)

Warning to the ACLU: The Shari'a Courts are likely already sharpening their knives for the throats of your oh-so-helpful lawyers, in the event that Shari'a Law ever becomes the "law of the land" in the (once and former) "Land of the Free and Home of the Brave".

(Hat Tip: lgf.)

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Two Interesting Stories from Iraq

Of course, we know that the MSM has an amazing "blindspot" for good news coming out of Iraq -- where, God knows, there is also plenty of bad news.

Here are two VERY interesting -- and I think -- uplifting stories from Iraq TODAY:

First, the Kurds are enjoying a degree of autonomy, freedom, and prosperity that makes our toppling of Saddam Hussein under President Bush a success. (Let's hope the eventual permanent Government in Iraq allows this positive development to continue.)
Believe it or not, the source for this positive news comes from the pro-jihadist BBC.

Second, this past weekend, Sunni tribesman in the town of Ramadi actually fought (and, in some cases, died) defending their SHI'ITE neighbors from an attempted forcible eviction by the followers of Jordanian Sunni Wahabbist madman, Abu Musab Zarqawi. (Hat tip: lgf.)

This is an amazing development: Perhaps a sign that the Iraqis are growing tired of the intervention in their affairs by foreign terrorist fighters.

Former Muslim Shares Atrocities He Committed in the Past

Here is the moving testimony of a Anwar Shaikh, a Pakistani man having given up his Islamic faith who openly shares some of the atrocities he committed in the name of Islam -- actions which he now profoundly regrets. (Yes: He killed people.)

As the article points out, since he has left Islam, he is regarded by Muslims as an apostate (murtadd in Arabic) -- and worthy of death.

This piece was published by an interesting organization with which I had not been previously familiar, known as the Institute for the Secularisation of Islamic Society.

I learned of this piece by a comment posted on Little Green Footballs by fjordman, a superb Norwegian blogger who is FULLY alive to the threat posed by Islamofascism -- not only in his native Norway -- but in the world at large.

McCain Backs Bush on the "Force Is an Option against Iran" Position

As has been widely reported, President Bush recently stated on the record that military force against Iran (who is run by Islamofascists hellbent for leather on developing nukes that they make no secret about desiring to use against both Israel and the US).

WorldNetDaily has a profile here of Iran's charming new President (who by the way -- for those of you old enough to remember -- a key player in the 444-day-long Tehran-US-Embassy-hostage-crisis that ended with Ronald Reagan's first inauguration.

Well, as we posted earlier, Germany's surrender-monkey Chancellor, Gerhard Schroeder, got his panties in a wad over Bush's (in my view too-weak, and long-overdue) bellicose statement regarding Iran.

Now, McCain is on the record BACKING BUSH on the matter, agreeing that the military option against Iran must be kept on the table. (Hat Tip: Newsmax.)

While McCain -- sometimes referred to as the "Manchurian Candidate" because of his long stay in the Hanoi Hilton as a POW during the VietNam conflict -- almost always is on the wrong side of domestic political issues, he does seem to have kept his head about him when it comes to sizing up the nature, severity, and persistence of the ongoing War on Terror War against Islamofascists.

The only thing shocking here, is Schroeder's apparent willingness to endure Dhimmitude (for more on this, see here) rather than fight.

This Lady Is Sick in the Head (Cindy Sheehan)

Cindy Sheehan, who -- like some 1700 other American mothers -- tragically lost her son in the Iraq War. She then chose to demonstrate against President Bush, because she -- as a political leftist apparently things the Islamofascists are really nice people (9-11 being our fault, etc).

She chose to bring her protest to the President's ranch at Crawford -- something I support in principle, because -- if the President is going to take a five-week siesta in Crawford, he should EXPECT protests of ALL kinds (not just from Leftists like Ms. Sheehan).

Over time, however, it has become clear that Ms. Sheehan is not merely a bereaved mother with left-leaning views -- she is CLEARLY a puppet for the radical left, which is now pulling her strings and virtually mouthing her words for her.

Ms. Sheehan has now broadened her complaint to demanding that "Israel get out of Palestine," saying that this will end terror.

Well, sorry, Ms. Sheehan, you have flipped your lid at this point. I no longer have an iota of sympathy for you. You have now, in effect, gone over to sympathizing with the thugs who KILLED your son, while blaming President Bush for their actions. You should go live in "Palestine," if you truly believe such nonsense. I am sure you would be happy to wear a burka and have no rights, etc.

As usual, the fawning MSM media give Ms. Sheehan tons of publicity, which serves to create disgust and revulsion among the American people -- not only for Ms. Sheehan and her handlers, but also for the loathsome members of the MSM.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Now, It's the Lutherans' Turn to Side with Israel's Enemies -- the Cowards!

Not so long ago, this blog posted of the Disciples of Christ decision to side with the Palestinians against Israel.

Then we posted about the PC-USA's decision to divest from and oppose certain companies daring to do business with the Israelis.

Now, we are privileged to announce that the ELCA ("Evangelical" Lutheran Church in America) has denounced Israel's construction of a security wall to discourage suicide bombers and other terrorists from breeching its borders and killing its people. (Hat tip: WND.)

The ELCA has taken the command to "turn your other cheek" to a new level. Our LORD was referring to the cheeks of one's face.

The ELCA is apparently thinking of the other two cheeks.

Appeasement Monkey Gerhard Schroeder Scores Bush

I recently criticized Bush for his "Neville Chamberlain" moment regarding Israel's Gaza withdrawal scheduled to begin this week.

However, Germany's Chancellor, Gerhard Schroeder, makes Bush look like Samson in comparison. Schroeder is offended that Bush suggested that force "might" be an option against a nuclearized Iran. (Hat tip: lgf.)

Schroeders' logic: As the Islamofascists prepare to launch their nukes, we have the right to assume a fetal position.

If we survive the attack, we then have the right to assume another position so that the Islamofascist may have their way with us.

The LORD Foresaw All of Israel's Troubles


George W. Bush: Making the World Safe for Shari'a Law!

Diane West has a great piece showing how US foreign policy efforts are abetting the spread of Shari'a Law throughout the world!


What has gone wrong?

What is amazing is the silence in our country over this development?

aaron of aaron's cc: makes the joke that GWB stands for Girls Wear Burkas.

President George W. Bush's "Neville Chamberlain" Moment

aaron of aaron's cc: has a devastating -- and devastatingly humorous post on his Web site.

President Bush, recently woke up from his five-week Crawford Ranch siesta to mumble to the press that Israel's imminent planned pullout from Gaza will be, and I quote, "good for Israel." (Hat Tip: aaron's cc:.)

Yes, indeed, Mr. President: Asking our staunchest ally in the Middle East to withdraw from land that GOD GAVE THEM (See Genesis 12:1-3, among numerous other Old Testament passages.)

What is worse, President Bush is allowing a terrorist-run entity (the Palestine Authority) to have this gift in return for . . . . That's right nothing (nothing, that is other than BROKEN promises to do this, that, or the other).

Well, I will call this Bush's "Neville Chamberlain" moment. (Okay: So I WAS influenced by aaron's cc: to come to that conclusion.) To read Chamberlain's infamous six-sentence speech to the English people after on September 30, 1938, after having just returned from Munich, where he had met with Hitler and had agreed to appease him, click here.

ush is obviously trying to "appease" the Islamofascists at Israel's expense. It didn't work for the British with Hitler and it will not work for us the Islamofascists.

Fortunately for England, they had a man name Winston Churchill who understood what was happening and stood up and led his people against Hitler for many dark years.

Who is our Churchill today? George W. Bush is clearly our Neville Chamberlain.

Remember, this is the same George Bush who HELD HANDS with the Saudi leader DEEP IN THE HEART OF TEXAS!

I live in Texas, and -- generally -- we just don't trust men who hold hands with other men here.

More on the BIG STORY That (Almost) No One in Washington or the MSM Wants You to Notice

As mentioned in a previous post on this site, Congressman Weldon (R-PA) has opened a MAJOR can of worms by discovering and UNcovering the fact that an Army Intelligence team known as Able Danger had discovered 9-11 Terror Commander Muhammad Atta's existence and activities in an al-Qaeda cell in NYC BEFORE the attacks occurred, and yet were DELIBERATELY PREVENTED from moving against Atta and his Al-Qaeda-cell-mates by the China-loving, Castro-loving, Islamofascist-loving Clinton Administration.

What is more, the vaunted 9-11 Commission was NEVER EVEN TOLD about the Able Danger team and what it found or how they were stymied by higher-ups in the Clinton Administration.

Well, now the former Clinton Administration types are massaging the media to put out a spin on this inexcusable development that is more favorable to Clinton and team, and the increasingly "moderate-to-left" Fox News obligingly runs an AP story for them on their Web site.

However, neither Weldon, nor Rush Limbaugh are buying the spin: The Clinton Administration messed up. People died. This was all covered up by the 9-11 Commission.

As Michael Savage says on his radio show: People need to be prosecuted; people need to be imprisoned; and people need to be sued by the families of the 9-11 victims.

Respected Old Line Conservative Nails the GOP for Promoting Illegal Immigration

Finally, an OLD LINE, well-respected conservative has come out of the shadows and NAILED the Republican Party (and, by implication, the President) as being GUILTY AS SIN for promoting (by opposing any meaningful solutions to) the PLAGUE of ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION that is RUINING our country!

Here is the way it works: The Government DELIBERATELY turns a BLIND eye to the WAVES of illegal immigrants crossing our borders DAILY. Rapacious employers greedily hire the desperate illegals and pay them bottom-run wages, thereby increasing their companies' profit margins and fattening their own paychecks.

And, here you thought that George W. Bush didn't get it about illegal immigration! He not only GETS it, he is the enabler-in-chief for the Corporate Fat Cats who depend on illegal immigration to keep their profits up.

President Bush Partially Awakes from His Five-Week Siesta at Crawford Ranch

President Bush apparently drowsily came to and had a moment of clear thought the other day! He actually vocalized that he might want to use force agains Iran -- but only as a "last resort"!

Too bad smuggling weapons into Iraq to kill our men in the current battle is not grounds enough for this guy to take action against Iran -- or Syria.

Oh, well, . . . . It will likely be soon back to sleep, and allowing nut-case Condi Rice to "run" our foreign policy. (Run it into the ground, is a better term, for the Israel-persecuting, Sovietologist, Ms. Rice.)

Okay, so she IS attractive! But that doesn't mean she has a clue!

More Dynamic Leadership by Our Generals in Iraq (NOT!)


Thursday, August 11, 2005

Why Does the Bush Administration Push So Hard on Israel to Make Concesssions?

One of the great disappointments (among many others) of the Bush Administration is its seeming willingness to make virtually endless demands on Israel to cede land for peace.

First, they are to give up Gaza.
Next, they are to give up the Shebaa Farms area to Lebanon
Finally, they are to cede Samaria and part of Jerusalem

It is reported that Condi Rice's negotiating position is that Israel should give up ALL territories conquered since 1949. (Keep in mind that these territories were won in bloody conflicts with Israel's Arab neighbors.)

And the silence from the (allegedly very pro-Israel) Christian Right is DEAFENING! (Jim Dobson and Jerry Falwell, call your office!)

The absurdity of it all is this: The State Department idiots believe that Israel -- by ceding land to her rapacious enemies -- will somehow "buy" peace.

Well, that thinking is ludicrous on too many counts to be covered adequately here. However the two most salient are:

-Israel's neighbors openly say that Israel has no right to exist and that their goal is her total annihilation, and
-Israel's total land area TODAY is smaller than . . . . either that of San Diego County or San Bernardino County in California.

Here are some links you should read: Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang.

(Hat tips: lgf and aaron's cc:.)

This Is Big -- REALLY Big!

Congressman Weldon has discovered that a top secret Army Intel group had identified a functional al-Qaeda cell (one of whose members was none other than 9-11 mission commander Muhammad Atta) operating in New York BEFORE the 9-11 attacks.

However, when the Army Intel guys wanted to inform the FBI of their findings, they were -- incredibly -- STOPPED by Clinton Administration lawyers, who advised against it on legal grounds.

What is worse, this entire development was kept from the famous (and now adjourned) 9-11 Commission, at least two members of which are said to be quite upset about this new development. (Hat tip: lgf.)

Michael Savage is REALLY obsessing on this issue on his radio show -- and rightly so. He says that the lawyers who prevented our Army Intel guys from tipping off the FBI about Muhammad Atta's al-Qaeda cell BEFORE the original 9-11 attacks, in effect, have the blood of the 3000-odd 9-11 victims on THEIR hands.

Moreover, they need to be investigated, prosecuted (and jailed), as well as sued by the surviving family members of those lost in the 9-11 attacks.

The Clinton Administrations list of depradations simply keeps growing. A mere PARTIAL list includes:

-incinerating dozens of victims (largely women and children) at Waco
-Vince Foster's death
-the missing FBI files
-sale of US nuclear secrets to China
-kidnapping of Elian Gonzalez and returning him to Castro's control
-not knowing what "is" is

This latest development may well serve as the "crowning blow" that totally destroys Bill Clinton's legacy -- something he is said to obsess about.

Another Big Terrorist Attack on US Soil in the Offing?


We Really Don't Know What Roberts Believes

Some genuine conservatives (James Dobson, Jerry Falwell) and many professing conservatives (Hugh Hewitt) are waxing eloquent in their praises of President Bush's recent nominee for the Supreme Court -- John Roberts.

However, the near silence on the left is a dead give-away: This guy is likely another Souter-Kennedy-O'Connor.

True to typical RINO form: Bush TALKED a good game during his re-election about naming Conservatives to the Supreme Court, but he slips in a "stealth" nominee in crunch time.

Will the last person in the room who truly believes that George W. Bush is a true conservative please turn out the lights?

She's DEFINITELY Cuter than Hillary, But Is She Any More Conservative?


Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Stephen Breyer: "Supreme" Asshat

Justice Stephen Breyer, one of the two leftist justices named to the US Supreme Court by Oval Office "cigar man" Bill Clinton, makes it clear that we (the hoi polloi) just don't "get it" when it comes to arcane and erudite Supreme Court deliberations. (Hat tip: Newsmax.)

That is why (as the article points out) we shouldn't get mad the Supreme Court when they make decision after decision based on anything BUT the US Constitution and Bill of Rights. In fact, Mr. Breyer actually DEFENDS his treasonous habit of citing the legal decisions of OTHER COUNTRIES in his Supreme Court opinions.

The guy is an asshat, and, as Michael Savage might say, part of the elitist "vermin" that are destroying our country.
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