Saturday, August 27, 2005

More Senate RINO Asshats

Here is a great story: The Senate sits ready to grant Hawai'ian natives the same rights as Indian tribes. (Hat tip: real clear politics.)

The bill is so radical that it will make it easy for Hawai'i actually to secede from the Union. (The Chinese are salivating over that thought, I am sure! Can you imagine the Chinese flag flying over Pearl Harbor?)

Anyway, the Republicans allegedly hold a majority of the seats in the Senate, and, yet, despite opposition from both the Senate's Republican "leadership"(sic) and the White House, the bill looks like it is ready to pass the Senate.

So, how could this wretched bill be allowed to see the light of day? Because there are some RINO asshats in the Senate who are acting as "enablers." Chief among them are the two RINO Republicans from Alaska, Gordon Smith of Oregon, Norm Coleman of Minnesota, and the totally girlie-man, despicable RINO from South Carolina: Lindsey Graham.

There is still hope that saner heads will prevail in the House and that the bill will be killed there.

However, according to the Constitution, even if the bill passes both houses, the President can still veto the bill.

Only one problem: Bush has never YET (in one-and-a-half terms) ONCE found the cojones required to veto a SINGLE piece of bad legislation. Talk about being a "girlie-man"!

By the way, isn't it funny that the same people who go rabid when anyone flies the "Stars and Bars" are the same ones setting up Hawai'i with the opportunity to secede?


Blogger loboinok said...

Funny, I seem to think there was "one" piece of bad legislation he vetoed, but I can't think of what it was. So, you may just be right. Even if you are not, however, one piece, if I'm right doesn't equal much cajones does it?

Great post by the way.

Sat Aug 27, 08:35:00 PM PDT  
Blogger GunJam said...

Thanks for the visit and post, Jay! I appreciate it!

Sun Aug 28, 02:59:00 PM PDT  

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