Saturday, August 20, 2005

Victor Davis Hanson on "The Biteback Effect"

Victor Davis Hanson writes thoughtfully on the "biteback effect" -- meaning that (in my translation) the attacks of the Durbins and the Kennedys and the Cindy Sheehans on our noble efforts (however flawed) to fight the Islamofascists will come back (in time) to bite them (i.e., the commie-Libs) in their ample posteriors.

For all my criticisms of Bush (and they are legion), perhaps I should clarify: I do salute President Bush for not turning tail and running in Iraq.

I do, however, skewer Bush regularly for hamstringing our troops with ridiculous limitations that without doubt increase US casualties and hinder their efforts to KILL!, KILL!, KILL! the bad guys (you know, the throatslitters from hell)!

In other words, why are we giving any credence at all to the Kennedys and Durbins by sending soldiers to jail for putting panties on terrorists heads, etc, etc, etc?


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