Monday, August 15, 2005

Freedom of the Press Shari'a Style: Express an Opinion, Go to Jail (for Life!)

Here is a quaint little story which should no doubt cause requests for Cindy Sheehan and her crowd to apply for immigration to Pakistan, where Shari'a Law is, well, the "law of the land":

A Pakistani writer named Younis Sheikh wrote a book entitled Shaitan Maulvi, meaning The Satanic Cleric, in which he noted -- among other things, that there is no actual mention in the Qur'an of Pakistan's favorite third favorite national past-time (after court-santioned gang-rapes and killing Christians) -- stoning people to death for the sin of adultery.

Well, the authorities in Pakistan were not amused -- not one bit.

What do you think they did? Ban the book and tell the man to behave? No. Kick him out of the country and advise him to emigrate to an infidel land such as the US or Australia? Noooooo.

Actually, they have sentenced the free-thinking Younis Sheikh to LIFE in prison!

And to think that Muslims actually want to spread this nonsense to the West. (And to think that the allegely freedom-loving ACLU are actually defending these asshats in US courts!)

Warning to the ACLU: The Shari'a Courts are likely already sharpening their knives for the throats of your oh-so-helpful lawyers, in the event that Shari'a Law ever becomes the "law of the land" in the (once and former) "Land of the Free and Home of the Brave".

(Hat Tip: lgf.)


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