Sunday, August 14, 2005

McCain Backs Bush on the "Force Is an Option against Iran" Position

As has been widely reported, President Bush recently stated on the record that military force against Iran (who is run by Islamofascists hellbent for leather on developing nukes that they make no secret about desiring to use against both Israel and the US).

WorldNetDaily has a profile here of Iran's charming new President (who by the way -- for those of you old enough to remember -- a key player in the 444-day-long Tehran-US-Embassy-hostage-crisis that ended with Ronald Reagan's first inauguration.

Well, as we posted earlier, Germany's surrender-monkey Chancellor, Gerhard Schroeder, got his panties in a wad over Bush's (in my view too-weak, and long-overdue) bellicose statement regarding Iran.

Now, McCain is on the record BACKING BUSH on the matter, agreeing that the military option against Iran must be kept on the table. (Hat Tip: Newsmax.)

While McCain -- sometimes referred to as the "Manchurian Candidate" because of his long stay in the Hanoi Hilton as a POW during the VietNam conflict -- almost always is on the wrong side of domestic political issues, he does seem to have kept his head about him when it comes to sizing up the nature, severity, and persistence of the ongoing War on Terror War against Islamofascists.

The only thing shocking here, is Schroeder's apparent willingness to endure Dhimmitude (for more on this, see here) rather than fight.


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