Friday, August 19, 2005

Where's Waldo -- Indeed!

At this very moment, I am listening to Michael Savage deliciously tearing into the derelict national leadership in this country.

He is righteously angry at the legal outrage that occurred in Arizona today whereby two illegals were awarded the ranch of an American landowner. Why were they rewarded is ranch in a "court of law"? Because -- while they were TRESPASSING on this man's land -- he wasn't nice to them and did not invite them to spend the night in his house.

Savage is also waxing eloquent against the absolute vaccuum of strong, righteous, moral leadership in this country in the face of broken borders, waves of illegal immigrants, and groups of dedicated terrorists aiming to destroy us.

Every so often Savage asks, rhetorically, "Where's Waldo?" Waldo is a nickname that Savage has for President Bush -- the "W." in George W. Bush answering to the "W" in Waldo.

Savage asks variously (and here, I am paraphrasing, not quoting):

In light of this court case giving an American landowner's ranch to illegals who were trespassing on his land . . . "Where's Waldo?"

In light of the surging waves of illegal immigrants trampling and fouling our lands, skewing our labor market, filling our prisons to the breaking point, straining our healthcare system enormously . . . . "Where's Waldo?"

In light of the fact that a missile was fired at two of our Navy ships docked in Aqaba, Jordan in the past 24 hours (both of which immediately turned tail and ran out to sea) . . . "Where's Waldo?"

In light of the fact that the war in Iraq is ongoing -- and not going all that well . . . . "Where's Waldo?"

Answer? He is vacationing for FIVE WEEKS at his ranch in Crawford -- where he is biking daily.

Is it wrong to take a vacation? Is it wrong to ride a bike? No. However, there is something to be said to for providing leadership for the American people in a time of crisis.

I am sorry: I am with Savage -- with a war on; with our borders falling apart; with the price of gas skyrockeeting, there is something unseemly -- obscene, even -- about Bush's five-week Crawford siesta. It certainly does not fill me with admiration -- and I hardly think that he is exuding concern or courage.

Rather, he comes across as out of touch.

Please keep in mind that I voted for Bush. Keep in mind that I could never vote for a John Kerry or a Teddy Kennedy or a Barbara Boxer. However, President Bush is ... a disappointment. Compared to the towering stature of Ronald Reagan, Bush appears a pygmy.


Blogger Call Me Grandma said...

Once again, I agree with you. I also voted for Bush.
I wish W would come out on prime time tv and give the subjects of his kingdom, some encouraging words. I am disappointed in him, right now. Where is Waldo?

Sat Aug 20, 04:59:00 AM PDT  
Blogger GunJam said...

Hey, Mil Mom! Great to hear from you. You and I are both conservative, Christian, pro-military, Patriotic, but NOT "Bush-bots" like the Sean Hannitys, etc. Michael Savage speaks much more clearly for us. I GLADLY support Bush when he is right. However, I will criticize him when he is wrong -- which is too often, I fear.

Sat Aug 20, 09:25:00 AM PDT  

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