Sunday, August 21, 2005

Chuck Hagel - Empty Suited Appeaser Whom the Liberal Media Love - Part 2

We recently posted of our "love" for Senator Chuck Hagel (RINO-Nebraska).

Well, now, Drudge alerts us to another Hagelism sure to tickle the fancy of every MSM/Islamofascist spokesman.

Hagel has gone on air and shown what a loser he is: He says we need to pull out of Iraq.
(Hat tip: Drudge.)

Hagel, you are a loser. Thank you for mooning our war effort on TV today. Now we know you are a lightweight -- and that you have no clue about the ongoing, long-term, widespread War on Terror War against Islamofascist throat-slitters.

Note: I respect Senator Hagel immensely for his brave combat service during Viet Nam. However, one gallant tour as a grunt a master military strategist does not make.


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