Saturday, June 30, 2007

Bush Scamnesty Post-Mortem

John Podhoretz -- who actually AGREES with President Bush on scamnesty -- nevertheless sees the recently-defeated "Grand Compromise" as having been fatally flawed.

Moreover, Podhoretz, a Bush supporter, sees the President as a more-or-less mortally-wounded political duck.

Not a pretty picture, to be honest.

I do, at some level, feel real pity for the President, who -- for whatever reason has -- since his reelection -- chosen (in the manner of so many Old Testament kings) to surround himself with foolish advisors and to freeze out wise ones in so many areas, but -- most critically -- in two areas in particular: how to deal with the Islamofascist threat and how to deal with our broken borders.

President Bush had the opportunity for greatness handed to him on a golden platter -- and he (sadly) seems to have declined.

The President needs our prayers for his final 18 months in office. It is not too late to turn some of this around -- provided he stops listening to Condi Rice and James Baker.

Leahy and Conyers: Men without a Conscience

What do these men seek to gain by destroying the Bush Administration by means of meaningless, but exhausting investigations?

The Bush Administration is clearly on its last legs, by virtue of the difficulties in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as its self-inflicted double-foot wound as a result of unwisely insisting on getting beaten down -- not just once -- but twice on the the scamnesty issue.

Just what in God's Names does the clueless Cretin Leahy-Conyers Duo hope to accomplish by senselessly dogging the Bush Administration over the firing of some US Attornies.

Blast from the past for the historically challenged: Former President Clinton fired all 93 US attornies and was not challenged like this.

Karen Hughes: President Bush's Secret Weapon of Appeasement (of Islamofascists)?


Friday, June 29, 2007

Diana West's Harsh Verdict on President Bush's Confrontation with Aggressive Wordwide Islam: Clueless Failure

The verdicts about President Bush's record vis-a-vis the resurgence of militant Islam worldwide keep rolling in, and they are not pretty.

Diana West explains how -- in her view -- President Bush still does not "get" Islam's essence, and -- as a result -- he keeps saying dumb things about it.

And the American people -- as well as non-Muslims living in Muslim-dominated lands -- re the losers as a result of President Bush's cluelessness.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Hallelujah! Victory (over Amnesty) in the Senate!

A true answer to prayer! The Senate has finally killed the untimely resurrected Scamnesty bill in the Senate.

Michelle Malkin has the most and best coverage.

This is a great defeat for the the President, Senator Kennedy, and Senator Lindsay Graham.

This is a great victory for the American people -- and ironically, this may breathe new life into the McCain campaign, as he is no longer carrying this albatross around his neck!

More from WND here.

More from Dean Barnett here.

More on the LtCol Chessani Case -- and Chessani's Supporters

Here is a story that I have blogged on previously: The case of Marine LtCol Jeffrey Chessani, who is (in my view) being wrongly prosecuted by the Marine Corps.

Radio talk show host Michael Savage is backing him heartily (with his money where his mouth is).

Additionally, Chessani apparently received some backing in his Article 32 hearing from the statements of MajGen Richard Huck, who was in Chessani's chain at the time of the Haditha incident, which occurred on November 19th, 2005.

Chessani is being defended by attorneys with the Thomas More Law Center. LtCol Chessani and his attorneys need your financial support.

Understanding Petraus

A good, serious piece on what General Petraus is trying to do with his surge: Something that the MSM does not really seem to be interested in.

Kansas Attorney General Drops 15 Charges against Tiller the Killer

It sounds like infamous Kansas abortion doctor George Tiller was just given a huge break by Kansas Attorney General Paul Morrison, who dropped 15 charges against him.

Update: Not so fast: Apparently the Kansas AG will prosecute Tiller on 19 misdemeanor charges after all.

Further update: More from Michelle Malkin here.

Snow and White House: Clueless or Protecting the Chinese?

When recently confronted with the problem of tainted Chinese goods flooding this country, White House spokesman Tony Snow's clueless (or clever?) response was, "recall it."

Hmmmm. Tony? Why no outraged calls to our Chinese "friends" to quit selling us tainted and low-quality goods?

Voinovich on Hannity: Lifts the Veil on Just How Clueless Many of our Elected Leaders Really Are

I just happened to hear this interview on Hannity's radio show live yesterday.

Senator Voinovich (RINO-OH) was stunning both for his ignorance and his unwillingness to talk openly.

The primary issue under discussion was the currently pending Scamnesty bill -- that Voinovich seems determined to support, despite being woefully ignorant about what the bill actually says.

There are truly two Republican Parties -- the one at the grassroots level and the other in Washington.

This must end. Either the grassroots need to take over the Party's leadership, or a serious effort to form a Third Party must be undertaken.

Muslim Terror in the South of Thailand - Again

This seems to be almost a daily occurrence -- largely ignored by the MSM: Muslim terror in the South of Thailand.

So how does Thailand respond to outside pressure from Iran about a film unfavorable to the regime in Tehran?

Why it folds like wet cardboard, of course. (Sad.)

Israeli Troops Battling Fatah Militants in the West Bank Area

Having just finished two armed incursions into Hamas-controlled Gaza, Israeli troops have now been engaging Fatah militants in the West Bank.

Israel is now virtually surrounded by hostile parties: Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas in Gaza, Fatah in the West Bank, and the Syrians in Syria.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

Keep Updated on the News about Persecuted Christians

It is a fact that significant numbers of Christians are persecuted in a number of locations worldwide.

It is a fact that we can help them -- at least by praying for them.

The organization, Voice of the Martyrs, has an informative newsletter to enable you to keep up and to pray more effectively.

Farah Calls out Hillary for Her Unprincipled "Cut and Run" Stand in Iraq

Hillary Clinton has stabbed our troops in the field in the back with her calls for withdrawal in Iraq.

Joseph Farah calls her out on her treachery: She voted FOR the war -- but now she wants out.

How convenient.

And unprincipled.

And spineless.

Dear LORD, may she never again occupy the White House!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Bush Administration's BATF Goons Putting Honest Gunshop Owners out of Business

Nothing makes me angrier than people in power determined to deny common citizens their putatively Constitutional rights -- be it Diane Feinstein talking about limiting our First Amendment right to free speech via a possible revival of the phony "Fairness Act," or whether it be bureaucratic BATF martinets using their authority to excess.

Why are honest gunshop owners being subjected to this kind of petty tyranny?

It is another attack on our God-given rights that are only RECOGNIZED (and NOT bestowed) by our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Hugo Chavez: Greedy Pig

Why do I call him a greedy pig? Because he apparently only wants to be President of Venezuela for ... LIFE!

Makes me want to vomit.

What Else Is New? MSM Attacking Gun Owners Again.

Michelle Malkin has the poop.

Bush Competing with Jimmy Carter for "Empy Suit" Status: Will Visit Islamic Center (Again)

Former President Carter is infamous for his clueless stands on foreign policy -- so much so that he seemed -- at least until recently -- to stand in a league by himself.

No longer, however. President Carter, move over: You seem to have company in the person of one seemingly clueless individual known as President Bush (43): He will once AGAIN visit the SAUDI-FUNDED Islamic Center, Washington, DC.

One can only make excuses for someone for so long, and President Bush has worn me out: He can take the blame for his own stubborn and foolish refusal to act wisely vis-a-vis radical Islam and those who fund it.

Fool me once, President Bush, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

You are not fooling me again, Mr. President.

More from Michelle Malkin here.

Our Neo-Fascist Leaders Shoving Amnesty Down Our Throats?

Michelle Malkin has the latest on the treachery in Washington whereby our neo-fascist "elected leaders" seem intent on shoving amnesty for illegals down our throats despite overwhelming bipartisan grassroots opposition.

The apologies of ersatz "conservative" talk show host Hugh Hewitt to the contrary notwithstanding, Jon Kyl is a quisling and never again to be trusted or voted for.

Hint: Hewitt talks blithely of "regularization" of illegals. Apparently he thinks that those of us who never attended Harvard don't realize that he is talking about "amnest" by a different name.

Update: Malkin has more: Here.
And here

Michael Savage Stands Alone among Major Radio Talkers in His Defense of Chessani, Haditha Marines

No doubt about it: Michael Savage stands alone among major talk radio hosts (Yes, Limbaugh, Hewitt, Medved, etc -- this means you!) in making both a spirited and a principled stand against the railroading of LtCol Chessani and the rest of the Haditha Marines.

Who is railroading them, you ask? Why the US Marine Corps, backed by the entire Pentagon.

Why are other major talk show hosts silent? Why are retired generals silent? Why are members of Congress silent? Why is our Command-in-Chief silent?

Savage has put his money where his mouth is: He has given generously to the Thomas More Law Center, which is defending LtCol Chessani.

He likens the out-of-control military prosecutors going after Chessani to Nifong.

Savage plans to help get Chessani off and then encourage his lawyers to go after Tim McGirk, Time Magazine, and the Nifongs-in-uniform prosecuting this travesty.

Go, Savage, go!

Hang in there, LtCol Chessani! You are the best!

Bolton Gets It: Military Action against Iran Our ONLY Option!

John Bolton gets it: He says military action against Iran is our ONLY option. Is that why the Dems forced Bush to drop him from his Administration?

I hope someone is listening.

Iran is evil. Iran hates us. Iran is killing US troops. Iran is at war with us -- but we do not dare fight back.

To Iran we must seem like one big dummy. Fun to hit: No response.

Update: More from lgf.

Another RINO Leaving the Ship

Senator Lugar (RINO-IN) has abandoned the troops in the field.

He is in there with Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, cheerleading for withdrawal and -- by definition -- defeat, while a ravening bear called Iran smirks in the shadows at such useful idiots.

Rosie O'Donnell: What Kind of Mom?


Profiles in Weakness: John Edwards Lets His Wife Fight Coulter for Him!


Letting his cancer-stricken wife defend him on national TV against Ann Coulter.

This guy is a weasel, a wimp, and.... yes, a f----t!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Chris Hitchens Has a Word of Advice on Trying to Placate Muslim Outrage: Don't Bother!

The desire of self-loathing Westerners to attempt to placate the almost perpetually outraged followers of Islam is not only futile, but silly., says Christopher Hitchens.

HT: lgf.

Vox Day on Tony Blair: Not So Rosy a View

With all the fluff in the MSM about Tony Blair, it is sobering to read Vox Day's assessment of Blair's accomplishments during a decade in office.

Caveat Emptor: "Made in China"

When a Liberal Democratic Senator like Dick Durbin of Illinois says it's bad -- it's really bad.

If the label says "Made in China," buy at your own risk!

The American people have been sold down the river by "big business" and "world trade," it seems.

Muslims Build Mosques in Christian Countries: Forbid the Construction of Churches in Muslim Lands


Faggy Lindsay Graham


Faggy John Edwards

How else do you describe this? View video.

Even a Stopped Clock Is Right Twice a Day: NYT Exposes Murdoch's Sinister China Ties

Michael Savage has never trusted the guy (Murdoch). Savage calls him "Moloch Murdoch."

Make no bones about it: If Murdoch is in bed with the Communist Youth League, he is in bed with the Communist Party of China.

Fox News owned by a Conservative? Not likely.

Iranians Have Crossed Iraqi Border to Attack Our British Allies: Where Is Bush? Distracted by Immigration?

While President Bush has made it abundantly clear that domestically he favors an open border with Mexico, I hope that he is not so foolish as to extend the same kind of policy towards the borders of Iraq.

Why do I say this? Because the Iranians have (according to a recent report) already crossed the border to attack our British allies.

The British have very small numbers and are not able to resist a major Iranian incursion.

Mr. President, what do you plan to do?

The whole world is watching.

Blink now, and your legacy will be at least as low as Jimmy Carter's.

More Tragic Human Rights Violations in the Islamic Paradise of Iran

Michelle Malkin has some very sobering text and pictures of another round of human rights abuses in Iran -- this time against men with -- are you ready for this? -- Western style haircuts and/or Western style T-shirts.

They even make them put their mouths to fouled bathroom watering cans.

And get a load of the MASKS -- masks on policemen? What is it about Islamists that they think this is okay?

The masks simply tell me that they have something to hide.

American Boys Are Dying to Make Iraqi Oil Fields Safe for -- CHINESE Development?

This is horrible.

We lost 12 men on Saturday alone, and the Iraqi Government goes behind our backs to give an oil contract to the CHINESE!

Tragic, infuriating, etc.

I want to vomit.

Mark Steyn on the West's Continued, Insidious Appeasement of the Islamists (and the Left)

Using the example of Salman Rushdie's early days of going into hiding to escape the wrath of the jihadis, Steyn shows how the West as a whole is shrinking before the opposition of Islamist demands -- and with troubling results.

Memo to Western leaders: Time to grow a spine!

Memo to President Bush: Repeat after me -- Our enemies are MUSLIM extremists. (Hint: In war, it is CRITICAL that we DEFINE our enemy. You have unfortunately thus far chosen NOT to do so on a regular basis.)

Sunday, June 24, 2007

More Good Stuff on Baqouba from Michael Yon

Here is yet another good update from Michael Yon on the goings-on in Baqouba.

Sounds like we are really taking the fight to al-Qaeda.

No Place for a Lady

The Washington Times relates a litany of woes recently experienced by the USNA.

Now we read that the Academy's second ranking officer -- the commandant -- is a female! Great! What a great way to mold fighting MEN!

Once again, I say: Time to remove women from our country's military academies.

Why is it apparently possible for liberals to consider appeasing the most outrageous imaginable demands of militant Muslims, but impossible for them to consider returning our country's military academies to their historically all-male status.

Furthermore, why is there seemingly NO ONE among the ranks of our country's Generals and Admirals who is willing to stand up and tell the truth: The military academies' dormitories are no place for hot-looking girls to be showering and bedding down.

Well, duhhhh.........

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Michael Yon: True Soldier's Reporter -- on Doings in Baqubah

The US Army -- after four years of dithering under weak civilian and military leadership -- actually appears to be starting to MOVE against the enemy in Iraq. Surprise! Surprise!

Michael Yon -- former Special Forces soldier and now self-financed reporter -- is right up front with the troops. (HT: rcp.)

And bad guys are getting killed. (That's right, I said "bad," as in ... evil. I am talking about terrorists -- you know, like the ones that the ACLU loves to defend in court.)

What a shame our President waited so long to get serious about killing the enemy (who has LONG been SERIOUS about killing our troops) -- but, after all, he has had more IMPORTANT business to attend to -- like taking care of his true constituencies (Big Business and the country of Mexico).

Nonetheless, I must give President Bush high marks for not GIVING UP in Iraq (like the twin twits, Pelosi and Reid take pains at virtually every opportunity to make clear they have already done).

Our military has not yet begun to fight in Iraq: I just hope that FAGGOTS like Pretty Boy John Edwards don't succeed in stopping that fight (as Edwards clearly plans to do if elected).

Update: The Washington Times Editorial Staff has another (similar) excellent piece along the same lines. (Kudos to the Times for showing antiwar comedian(sic) Jon Stewart for the low-life prick he really is.)

Saturday, June 16, 2007

CAIR – Losing Members Ever Since 2001

The Washington Times has the story here.

My Pet Jawa has more here.

Apparently Bush Gets it on Darfur

This blog is hard on President Bush, so I need to give him credit where credit is due.

It looks like the President is (finally, after over six years of dithering!) getting it on Darfur.

We shall see, however: The proof is in the pudding.

US Whines about Iran


McCain Blames Conservatives for Immigration Bill’s Collapse

One has to admire Senator McCain: He seems impervious to the desires of the Republican base -- you know, the folks he is asking to choose him to be their next candidate for President of the United States?

Gross Fatwah


Jafar Chertoff

Hilarious. And apt.

Memo to Robert Mueller: Wake Up, Sleepy Head!

While our politically-correct FBI Director flies around the country on the FBI's $40-million jet making the directors of CAIR feel loved and appreciated, someone not even connected with the Government has been conducting private investigations of Islamic centers and mosques across the US.

The results are MOST disturbing. (Too bad Mr. Mueller appears to be benignly disinterested in all this mischief -- and to all the mischief-makers behind it).

Don't Need No Steenking Report from General Petraus -- The Surge Has Already "Failed" (So Say Reid/Pelosi)

Senator Reid and House Speaker Pelosi must know more about Iraq and the Surge than General Petraus.

General Petraus is not scheduled to report to Congress on the status of the Surge until September.

No matter: Military geniuses Reid and Pelosi tell us that the Surge has already failed (even though, it really has only just begun in earnest).

How Sweet! Bush Coaches Illegals on How to Exploit the System?

That is what it looks like.

Our seriously out-of-touch President really is compassionate for the lawbreakers entering our country illegally -- and he apparently wants them well-informed on how to milk the system.

Thanks, Mr. President! (Not!)

Outrageously Incompetent Bush Administration’s Miscarriage of the War in Both Iraq and Afghanistan

This will make your blood boil.

The Bush Administration's conduct of the wars in both Afghanistan and Iraq is largely "Amateur-Hour" stuff.

Whatever happened to fighting to win -- and winning decisively? That concept seems totally foreign to all key players, whether in the White House, the State Department, or -- most discouragingly of all -- in the Pentagon.

Hat tip: My Pet Jawa.

Stuck on Stupid: Now Bush Administration Wants to Give Still MORE Weapons to the “Palestinians”

That's the ticket! Just what is needed in the state of utter chaos that is known as "the Palestinian territories" -- more weapons supplied by the United States! Apparently, that is what the geniuses in the Bush White House and State Department think anyway.

I could not disagree more -- nor could Charles Johnson of lgf.

White House Arms Islamic Terrorists

Talk about DUMB! The White House has a THING for arming the utterly evil, corrupt, and anti-Semitic Palestinian state led by known terrorist Abu Mazen.

That sly policy just enabled the even more blood-thirsty "Palestinian" gang of IslamoThugs known as Hamas to get their hands on the weapons we sent for the PA to conrol Hamas.

Tammy Bruce says this is her last straw regarding any support on her part for the Incredible Shrinking (in Moral Stature) Bush Administration [my words].

lgf seconds the Tammy Bruce's sentiments.

Tancredo Gets a Win in the House: Vote to Withhold Funds from “Sanctuary” Cities

Few things disgust me more than cities who declare themselves protectors of lawbreakers -- but, only lawbreakers of a certain flavor, mind you! What flavor of lawbreaker is that, you ask? Why lawbreakers of the "illegal alien" variety -- a peculiarly "protected species" among criminals. Bleeding hearts like to protect them

What happens in "sanctuary cities," such as Austin and San Antonio, Texas, and Denver, Colorado, just to name a few, is that the mayor, city council, and/or chief of police direct their police NOT to ask individuals picked up for breaking the (or on suspicion of same) if they are in this country legally.

Thus, those guilty of having broken into this country illegally are members of a "specially protected class" of criminals.

Well, thanks to Tom Tancredo's work in Congress, the House just passed a bill that will deny further DHS (Homeland Security) funds to cities who have such "criminal-protecting" policies in place. In fact, almost 50 House Democrats also voted for this bill.

Of course, the bill still faces two huge hurdles: The illegals-pandering US Senate and the illegals-loving President.

Chinese Bastards Arming Our Enemies (And Doesn't George Bush Calls These Folks “Friends?”)

Gotta admire those Chinese Bastards!

They supply weapons (via Iran) to our enemies in Iraq and Afghanistan...., and somehow they manage to get little old American ladies on welfare to subsidize those very weapons with their purchases of "made in China" goods at Wal-Mart, Home Depot, and Lowe's.

Reid Steps in It

Senator Harry Reid has a way of opening his mouth and inserting his foot.

Here he has cast aspersion on Generals Pace and Petraus (who, in my opinion, are hardly without blame), but has done so in a seemingly thoughtless and unhelpful way.

And the Dems wonder why the (English-speaking, voting) citizens of this country don't trust them with matters of national security.

The Bush Administration’s Continuing War against Border Patrol Agents

Few things fill me with a greater sense of injustice than the repeated reports I read of the Bush Administration's continued war on our own Border Patrol.

What war, you ask?

Well: Like refusing to spend ALREADY-ALLOCATED funds to build some seven-hundred miles of border fence or to expand significantly the size of the Border Patrol force.

And, like pressing charges against Border Patrol agents when they act in self-defense -- serious charges, charges that land them EXTREMELY long prison sentences. This blog has posted previously about Agents Ramos and Compeian, as well as about Agent Aleman.

Here is the latest agent in the Bush Administration's legal crosshairs: Border Patrol Agent Nicholas Corbett. Sounds like there is a judge in Cochise County who is not so eager to send Agent Corbett to prison. So, now the DA may go to a Grand Jury to seek an indictment.

WND has a link to video that may show the incident for which Corbett is being charged with murder: To many, it looks like self-defense. (Sorry, YouJihadiTube pulled the video for some "violation" or other.)

Mr. President, whose side are you on? Evidently not on the side of our overworked, underpaid, undermanned, and demoralized Border Patrol agents!

Bush’s “Compassion” for Big Business Pigs and Mexican Kakistocrats is “Touching”

Bush calls his approach to amnesty "compassionate."

Okay.... But, compassionate to WHOM, Mr. President? THAT is the question?

Certainly not to the American worker nor to the vanishing American Middle Class for whom you obviously care very little.

Laura Ingraham Takes on Tony Snow: Too Bad She Pulls Some of Her Punches

There is an audio file to which you can listen. Laura Ingraham gives Snow a good run for his money.

Still, I believe that she still pulled too many punches.

Talk-radio host Michael Savage refers to the White House spokesman as "Tony Snowjob."

This interview will confirm the wisdom of Savage's moniker.

Diana West Analyzes President Bush’s (Illogical) Emotional Attachments – to Mexicans, Not His Base

As Diana West trenchantly shows, when it comes to granting amnesty to illegals, President Bush is all (illogical, extra-Constitutional) emotion.

His heart is certainly more with the illegals than with his own base!

Palestinians Flee Gaza to – Eeeeeeevvviiillllllllll ISRAEL – for Safety in Wake of Hamas Takeover

No! This CAN'T be happening? Noble, courageous, freedom-loving Palestinian residents of Gaza fleeing for their lives from OTHER noble, courageous, freedom-loving Palestinian residents of Gaza! Look the photo: They are really FLEEING, not just taking a casual stroll.

But, wait! It gets worse! These noble, courageous, freedom-loving Palestinian residents of Gaza are fleeing for the lives by leaving lovely, free, Arab-controlled Gaza and crossing the border into eeeevviiilllll, fascist, oppressive, murderous ISRAEL! Why, it goes against all that is right -- or, at least, against all that is printed in the New York Times!

I am sure Condoleeza Rice and George Bush (disciple of Jim "F--- the Jews" Baker) are VERY confused by this inexplicable turn of events!

When Will Bangkok Wise up? Time to Get Brutal with Murdering IslamoThugs in the South

These gruesome reports are becoming all too common and routine.

When will Bangkok wise up and take off its gloves and SMASH these murderous IslamoThugs in its southern provinces?

SECSTATE Condi Rice: Our Present-Day Nevilla Chamberlain (Appeasing Iran Is Her Game)

President Bush has a lot of problems -- not the least of which is an underqualified, courage-challenged Secretary of State.

As we saw last summer during the Israeli-Hezbollah War, Ms. Rice as all about appeasing Hezbollah and leaning on Israel and promised us all that the UN-sponsored "cease-fire" she brokered would introduce a "robust" (her word) UN peace-keeping force that would prevent Hezbollah from rearming. Well, if you believed her, you were stupid! The UN peacekeepers are toothless and spineless and Hezbollah is up to its old tricks, as usual.

Now, in dealing with Hezbollah's sponsors and trainers in Tehran, Ms. Rice is once again counselling the President -- counter to the advice of Mssrs. Bolton and Cheney -- to take the path of diplomacy and appeasement in dealing with the Hitler of our time, Almondhead.

I suggest a new name for Ms. Rice -- Nevilla Chamberlain.

I am afraid President Bush lacks the brains and spine to brush her disastrous advice aside.

One can always hope and pray, however.

Memo to Giuliani: There Is NO SUCH THING as a “Tamper-Proof” ID Card

Rudy Giuliani -- who was VERY "illegal-friendly" during his tenure as Big Apple Mayor -- has begun to smell the coffee and is making better-sounding statements about our present lack of border security and the threat it presents.

However, when he starts talking about the need for a "tamper-proof" ID card for immigrants, my eyes roll.

Can ANYONE think of ANY ID card EVER that was not capable of being: a) stolen; or b) counterfeited?

Friday, June 15, 2007

Krauthammer Gets It: If Border Security Is the Main Issue, Why Isn't It the ONLY Focus in Congress?

Charles Krauthammer gets it: The main border issue is (the utter lack of) border security. Therefore, Krauthammer suggests, why does the Senate not make border security and ONLY border security the focus of its current attempt to get something passed dealing with the illegal immigration problem?

Krauthammer answers his own question: Because a lot of senators are simply being disingenous (because they really don't give a fig about border security).

Sunday, June 10, 2007

The NYT: Sympathetic Look at Islamofascist “Rules(sic) of Engagement”

Not surprised.

The NYT is sick.

British Kickbacks to Saudi Prince Bandar


More Important that Iraq or Iran to the President? – Scamnesty!

Don't recall his visiting Congress to talk up Iraq War funding last month, do you?

But he is going to visit them about reviving the Scamnesty Bill!

Chinese Imports Hazardous to Your Health!

More news on the hazards of buying "Made in China!"

Will someone please tell Lowe's and Home Depot?

Hate Crimes UnConstitutional?


Bush Ignores Muslim Persecution of Christians in Kosovo

You are surprised?

Hey, he calls Islam a "religion of peace" and hosts an Eid el-Fitr even annually in the White House.

How many "evangelical Christians" do you know who observe Eid el-Fitr every year in their house?

Surprise! Surprise! The Death Penalty Has a Deterrent Effect!


Colin Angling for a Cabinet Position in an Obama Administration? (What is “Colored Foreign Policy” Like?)

They deserve each other.

Chocolate-flavored incompetents are still incompetents.

Senator Joe Lieberman Has Cojones: Supports a Strike on Iran


Wow! Does Yahoo Ever Suck – Almost as Bad as Google Does!


Bush’s (Subversive) War against the Border Patrol: Or, Johnny Sutton is a Thug


A Query for All Those Who Favor Amnesty

Why is it that your first line of defense is virtually always, "But you just CAN'T deport 12,000,000 people! Why, it would drain our Federal Government's resources to process that many people for deportation...."

Yet, at the same time, in the Bush-McCain-Kennedy Scamnesty bill that just met with a bad end in the Senate (but which threatens yet once again to rear its ugly head in July), there is a provision for the FedGov to process the very same 12,000,000 illegals for "Z" Visas!

Funny: It will exhaust the FedGov's resources to process them for deportation, but it will not tax its resources to process them for "Z" Visas?

Please explain your math and your logic?

The Verdict Is in: The NYT Judged Failed by a LIBERAL DEMOCRAT!

Former NYC Mayor Ed Koch (a liberal Democrat) weighs the NYT editorial board in the balance, and ....
finds them wanting

Bush: In Pursuit of Ignominy (This Time Iraq)

It appears that Bush may be headed toward a major melt-down in Iraq.

Sickening if true.

A Sobering Reality Check on China’s Ravening Appetite for Global Power

I know this guy gets it. I know Michael Savage gets it.

Does anyone in our own Government get it?

By "it," I mean that China is one dangerous, determined, power-hungry world power.

We view them as friends at our own peril.

James Baker’s Long Slimy (Anti-Semitic) Hand and Bush’s Continued Descent into the Moral Abyss


I Don’t Trust You, Either, Pence!

Keep your eyes on this weasel.

Colin Powell Sickening Dhimmi Quisling

I mean: REALLY sickening.

Probably angling for a Cabinet-level position in the next Democratic Administration.

Colombia’s Uribe


Feds Won’t Do the Job: The States Had Better


Cheaper Laptops

Would you believe ... for under $200?

Gaffney Expatiates on the Islamofascist Threat


NRA Makes Deal with Dem? Smells Fishy to Me


Man over 60 Back in Army

This is too neat!

An active duty soldier serving in Iraq at age 60-plus!

And I was recently advised by the Army that I am too old at 50-something!

Finally, Google’s Big-Brother-Like Intrusiveness Begins to Get Noticed

Finally, the evil (and very intrusive) Google empire is getting some critical press in the MSM.

Sir? Your Holiness? This Is a Big Deal?

I thought even the pope put his pants on one leg at a time?

Why is this an issue?

Hillary Chooses Hastings as National Co-Chair

Ahhh, yesssss! I had almost forgotten the scandal-drenched days of the Clinton White House.

Hillary promises to bring us all more of the same: She just appointed a convicted felon her National Campaign Co-Chair.

Hewitt and Kyle Conspire on How Best to Snatch Defeat from the Jaws of Victory

Just when you thought you had helped to kill President Bush's abortion of a scamnesty bill (co-authored with Teddy Kennedy), here comes ersatz "conservative" radio talk-show host Hugh Hewitt bringing quisling RINO Senator Kyl on his show to discuss how this wretched bill can .... be.... salvaged!

Talk about attempting to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory!

GOP Charman, Sen Mel Martinez (RINO-FL): Immigration Quisling

This guy is pathetic. REALLY pathetic!

Iraqi Christians Target of Persecution

Have you heard any of those Congressional bleeding hearts on Capitol Hill who are incessantly moaning about how cruel it is to arrest illegal aliens speaking out against brutal Muslim persecution of Catholics and Christians in Baghdad?

I didn't think so.

SECDEF Gates: A Man without Spine, Cojones, or a Soul


The Kakistocrats Strike Again

ANOTHER border agent is vindictively prosecuted and punished -- courtesy of the Bush Justice Department and one very evil prosecutor named Johnny Sutton.

Count Me Among Them (Creationists)

I am supposed to be embarrassed?

Yesssssssssss: I DO believe in CREATIONISM! (Yesssss: The six 24-hour-day kind!)

Apparently, a lot of folks still do.

Humorous Musical Spoof of Paris Hilton

Great spoof of Paris Hilton's jail woes. Found on Michelle Malkin's Hot Air site.

New York Times Editiorial Board Whistles by the Amnesty Graveyard


CIA Ran Secret Jails in Europe: This Is Bad?

So someone is angry that the CIA ran secret prisons in Europe to deal with the Islamofacists?

What is there to be angry about -- other than the fact that Dana Priest blew the secret and the Bush Administration lacked the cojones to prosecute her for it?

New Name for Guinea-Ts: Muslim Husband?

Great post found on lgf: Muslim apologetic for wife-beating!

I suspect that many Muslim women would become Christians in a nano-second -- if they were not afraid of being beaten to a pulp by their husbands for doing such a thing!

Our Chinese Friends

Apparently, our Chinese "friends" (just ask George Bush and Bill Clinton if you doubt they are our friends) are exporting more tainted goods to the US than we realized.

Caveat emptor.

Ann Coulter Rips Bush's Amnesty Bill

Don't think for a minute that we have seen the last of El Presidente Booosh's scamnesty bill.

Ann Coulter helps put the rotten piece of legislation in perspective.

Costa Rica Goes over to the Dark Side: Cuts Ties to Taiwan

Courage is in short supply these days wherever one turns, whether it be the White House, the Pentagon, or... now.. Costa Rica, who just betrayed their long-time friends the Taiwanese friends for a mess of sewage-tainted Chinese pottage.

Israel under the Gun from Syria

Apparently, Israel is really feeling the heat from Syria to give up the Golan Heights or face another attack.

Apparently the Bush White House/Rice State Department are taking Syria's side in this episode.

Osirak Destroyed: George H. W. Bush and James Baker Were Upset!

In a revealing blast from the past, here is a documentary video on how the Isrealis destroyed Saddam Hussein's nuclear reactor at Osirak in the early 1980s.

As this piece makes clear, the US had nothing to do with it.

When the news broke, President Reagan seemed amused.

Not so Vice President Bush and James "F--k the Jews" Baker -- they were both furious and wanted Reagan to punish Israel.

Fortunately, Reagan was a real man and he did nothing to Israel.

If you wonder why GWB seems to be turning against Israel these days, remember the old saw, "the acorn does not far from the oak tree fall."

This video was posted by Charles Johnson of lgf.

White House Breaks with Its Base over Immigration

As has been noted elsewhere, this piece shows how the White House (that includes the President!) has broken with its base over immigration -- or, more specifically, the Federal Government's failure to secure our borders or enforce existing immigration law, while trying to give amnesty to millions of illegals.

All Charges Dropped against Two Gitmo Detainees

Leave it to the Dhimmis -- including those in uniform (Yes: That means YOU Marine Col Dwight Sullivan!) to find a way to clear the terrorists while proceeding with courts martial against our own troops.

Thoroughly disgusting.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Islamic "Justice" (Not!) in Pakistan: Christian Sentenced to Death ....


Time for the Thai Government to Get Tough with the Jihadis: Soldiers Killed in Muslim South

The use of IEDs is -- aside from suicide bombings and hiding "fighers" behind innocent human shields -- the only successful military tactic employed in the past five years by the Jihadis.

They are using this tactic in Thailand now

Time for the Thai government to kick some serious Jihadi tail -- starting with the illegitimate pretender to the position of Prime Minister!

Duncan Hunter and Fred Thompson Show Moral Clarity and Spine Regarding Israel

It is sad when an aspiring Presidential candidate or two can say more truth (with greater moral clarity) regarding Israel than the entire Bush Administration has been able to produce in the past six-plus years.

But, then again.... the Bush Administration specializes in attacking Israel and appeasing Hamas et al -- that is, when not busily occupied having face-to-face negotiations with Iran.

Bush Collapse Complete: Also Caves on Global Warming

Incredible: Now Bush has gone green, too?

TB Andy: Seeks Forgiveness

And he is a..... TRIAL lawyer!

Do you suppose he "forgives" those he sues on behalf of his clients?

I doubt it.

Olmert: In League with the Devil?


Norway: Run by Dhimmi Quislings

Not for nothing is the epithet "Quisling" named after a past Norwegian leader (who appeased the Nazis).

The current Norwegian leaders are not just Quislings.... No. They are Dhimmi Quislings, having just given payment to the Jihadi thugs who run Hamas.
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