Sunday, June 24, 2007

No Place for a Lady

The Washington Times relates a litany of woes recently experienced by the USNA.

Now we read that the Academy's second ranking officer -- the commandant -- is a female! Great! What a great way to mold fighting MEN!

Once again, I say: Time to remove women from our country's military academies.

Why is it apparently possible for liberals to consider appeasing the most outrageous imaginable demands of militant Muslims, but impossible for them to consider returning our country's military academies to their historically all-male status.

Furthermore, why is there seemingly NO ONE among the ranks of our country's Generals and Admirals who is willing to stand up and tell the truth: The military academies' dormitories are no place for hot-looking girls to be showering and bedding down.

Well, duhhhh.........


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