Les Kinsolving Gets It about the Military Academies: Return Them to All-Male Status
It is nice to see someone in the media calling for returning the US military academies to their previous all-male status.
This is something I have blogged about previously more than once.
The fact that neither President Bush nor SECDEF Dumbsfeld nor the other top “brass” have spoken out on this issue – let alone acted upon it – gives grim testimony to just how deeply the tentacles of liberal humanism have reached into the inner crevasses of the putatively most conservative institutions in this country.
As Kinsolving points out: It is patently absurd to board men and women (with raging hormones) in the same buildings and expect no sexual indiscretions to occur.
The only idiots too dense to see this are the President and his Cabinet, Congress, and the top military brass – aided and abetted, of course, by the usual suspects in the MSM and the halls of academe.
I cannot recommend that anyone send his son (let alone his daughter) to any of our military academies until such time as this idiocy of “sleep on the same floor, but never have any sexual contact” at these once-great institutions is ended.