Saturday, May 20, 2006

Les Kinsolving Gets It about the Military Academies: Return Them to All-Male Status

Les Kinsolving Gets It about the Military Academies Return Them to All Male Status

It is nice to see someone in the media calling for returning the US military academies to their previous all-male status.

This is something I have blogged about previously more than once.

The fact that neither President Bush nor SECDEF Dumbsfeld nor the other top “brass” have spoken out on this issue – let alone acted upon it – gives grim testimony to just how deeply the tentacles of liberal humanism have reached into the inner crevasses of the putatively most conservative institutions in this country.

As Kinsolving points out:  It is patently absurd to board men and women (with raging hormones) in the same buildings and expect no sexual indiscretions to occur.

The only idiots too dense to see this are the President and his Cabinet, Congress, and the top military brass – aided and abetted, of course, by the usual suspects in the MSM and the halls of academe.

I cannot recommend that anyone send his son (let alone his daughter) to any of our military academies until such time as this idiocy of “sleep on the same floor, but never have any sexual contact” at these once-great institutions is ended.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Dhimmi Dutch Treachery Against Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Dhimmi Dutch Treachery Against Ayaan Hirsi Ali

For those who have never heard of her, Ayaan Hirsi Ali is one of the bravest women on the planet.

A native of Somalia, she was ritually “circumcised” as a young girl.  After being forced to marry against her will, she fled to Holland, where she gained entry under (what she now freely admits were) false pretenses.

After moving to Holland, Ms. Ali, departed from her childhood faith of Islam, became a Dutch citizen, became a member of the Dutch national Parliament, made a name for herself in the world of film, started her own Web site, wrote and spoke boldly of the oppression that Islam inflicts on its women.

Now, some four years after openly admitting she lied to get in to Holland, the Dutch Immigration Minister, Rita Verdonk, has summarily announced that Ali will be stripped of her citizenship.

Having just last week arranged employment in the United States with the American Enterprise Institute, Ali may be in serious visa trouble – a veritable “woman without a country.”

When our Government bends over backwards to allow rapists and drug dealers to enter, depart, and re-enter our country at will, siring “citizens,” using hospital emergency rooms, sending children to public schools, and receiving Federally-guaranteed home loans all the while, one would think that our Government might find some way to grant asylum to a woman who cannot simply “slip back home across the border” at will – a woman, in fact, whose very life is in direst danger should she be denied admittance to the United States.


No Web site of which I am aware has had better, fuller, and more consistent coverage of this remarkable woman than littlegreenfootballs.

President Bush Makes It Clear on Live Television: Vicente Fox Is His “Daddy”

President Bush Makes It Clear on Live Television: Vicente Fox Is His “Daddy”

President Bush made one thing clear last evening during his extremely facile attempt to appear evenhanded on the illegal immigration issue – who the REAL Presidential Vato of Amexia is.  (His initials are V.F.)

During his (yawn) speech, President Bush pledged to place a ludicrously paltry number of unarmed, non-Federal troops on the border – but only after promising his “Daddy,” Vicente Fox that it was “only temporary.”

The conversation possibly went something like this:

Fox:  Jorge?  What is this I hear about your planning to put troops on Sovereign Mexican territory stolen from us by racist Gringos?

GWB:  Well, Vicente, I ….

Fox:  Damn it, Jorge!  How many times do I have to tell you to call me “Daddy!”  Do you want me to give you another whipping?

GWB:  Sorry, Daddy!  But, I ….

Fox:  Look, Jorge!  You will NOT use your troops to arrest my people while they are lawfully reclaiming Aztlan, do you hear me?

GWB:  Yes, Vic.., er, Daddy!  I thought we might could use our soldiers to defend our Mexican “guest workers” from those mean Minutemen vigilantes?*

Fox:  That’s my boy!  Now you are thinking!  Okay!  Now go on TV and pretend like you plan to stop our invading illegal army!  Just remember:  I’ll be watching!

GWB:  Yes, Daddy!  And thanks!

*Full credit for this idea of GWB’s using the troops to defend the illegals from the Minutemen goes to Michael Savage, who suggested this during his trenchant, blistering post-speech critique.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

DHS Treachery: Border Patrol Playing Toady to a Foreign Power (Mexico)

DHS Treachery: Border Patrol Playing Toady to a Foreign Power (Mexico)

It came out today that the US Border Patrol plays toady to a (very corrupt) foreign power (Mexico) by keeping them posted of the whereabouts and activities of the patriots in the Minutemen, who are using THEIR OWN RESOURCES to do SOME of the border protection on which our own Federal Government is flagrantly delinquent.  (Drudge broke this story, as far as I can tell.)

If your poll numbers continue to tank, Mr. President, it will be no surprise to me.


So Much for the Catholic and Orthodox Hierarchies Anti-Israeli Posture: Palestinian Christian Arabs Vote with Their Feet

So Much for the Catholic and Orthodox Hierarchies Anti-Israeli Posture: Palestinian Christian Arabs Vote with Their Feet

I have so often read of the canard that the Christian Arab minority among the Palestinian Arabs in Israel are mistreated by the Israelis.

The (Arab) prelates in the Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox Churches in that part of the world plainly sympathize with the Muslim terrorists over the Israelis.

More recently, American columnist Robert Novak wrote a column detailing alleged mistreatment of the Christian Arabs by the Israelis.

Well, Joseph Farah, an evangelical Protestant Christian American of Syrian-Lebanese descent, has been a steady voice for the reality on the ground, which is that the Palestinian Christian Arabs have suffered VASTLY more under the hands of their Muslim brethren than under the Israelis.

Want some proof?  How about Lenin's time-honored saw that people "vote with their feet?"  

Well, Farah has an excellent piece detailing how the Christian Arabs in Israel are relocating -- AWAY from their Muslim neighbors and TO the Israeli-controlled sectors.

Hmmmm.  Wonder why the MSM never talks about this trend?

Perhaps, because it does not fit in with their pro-Islamic-terrorist/anti-Israeli agenda.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Bush, Dumbsfeld, and Top Brass Obsequiously Seeking to Please Geneva and the UN – at Our Soldiers’ Expense!

Bush, Dumbsfeld, and Top Brass Obsequiously Seeking to Please Geneva and the UN – at Our Soldiers’ Expense!

Apart from Michael Savage, I know of no one who – more than I – has so emphasized the ludicrous, wrongheaded priorities of the Bush Administration, the Dumbsfeld Pentagon, and the top military brass in Iraq (and Afghanistan) vis-à-vis seeking to court martial our soldiers for all manner of “detainee abuse,” whether real or imagined, as opposed to turning our troops loose to kill the enemy.

Now we read that the Pentagon has launched some 130 courts martial, with another 170 investigations currently underway, regarding alleged cases of “detainee abuse” by our military. (Hat tip: Drudge.)

Keep in mind that the courts martial are only a PART of the picture, as this figure undoubtedly does NOT include incidents resulting in non-judicial punishment (e.g., Articles 15, Letter of Reprimand, etc) – i.e., SHORT of an actual court martial.

Several objections:  
  • I do NOT think for a moment that our troops are THAT bad

  • I do NOT think that we are adequately hard on captured terrorists

  • I do NOT think that Bush and Dumbsfeld’s motives for these prosecutions arise soley from some fanatical desire for Boy Scout-like conduct by our troops, but rather – in large part – constitute a shameful, obsequious nod to the United Nations, the Eurabians, the Muslim leaders, the Moonbat, homegrown Leftists in this country – in short all who hate America, AND

  • I do not think t his overzealousness for pursuing this many military prosecutions is either good for military morale or conducive to mission accomplishment.

Finally, I think this is Exhibit “A” of why Dumbsfeld needs to resign – and RESIGN NOW!

If our troops are that bad, then he ought to do as Japanese leaders do, and resign in shame – instead of posturing as the epitome of righteousness.

Sorry.  I don’t buy this and I am fed up with the Bushbots’ blindness to this DANGEROUS Achilles’ Hill in our military establishment.

It is not right to send men into combat against an enemy who knows NO RULES and hold them to some absurdly refined Marquis de Queensbury Rules of Engagement.

If we wish to win this worldwide – and barely begun – struggle against the Islamofascists, we must – again, per Michael Savage – learn to DEMONIZE the enemy and to deal with him as harshly as we dealt with the Japanese and German enemy in World War II.

Mr. President, it is PAST TIME for SECDEF Rumsfeld to step down.  There are many able men out there capable of stepping in for him.  

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Wenyi Wang Had Good Reason to Disrupt the President's White House Lawn Photo Op with Red Chinese President Hu

Wenyi Wang Had Good Reason to Disrupt the President's White House Lawn Photo Op with Red Chinese President Hu

I have posted previously (and favorably) on Wenyi Wang's bold stand in disrupting President Bush's White House Lawn Photo Op with Red Chinese President Hu.

President Bush was – understandably – angry.  However, I think he should have shown a bigger, more gracious heart in having only one minor charge levied against her, rather than a laundry list of serious charges, including the ludicrous "intimidating a foreign dignitary!"  (Huh? President Hu has more troops under his command than any other man on earth -- and we are supposed to believe that one unarmed, middle-aged woman intimidated him by shouting out some well-deserved verbal challenges.

Well, now Ethan Gutmann (who used to be involved in Chinese business activities) has followed up on the Wenyi Wang-outburst-saga with a hard-hitting -- and FRIGHTENING -- piece on just how huge the Chinese organ-harvesting industry is.

So what, you may ask?  Well, for one thing, that is what Wenyi Wang was protesting: The butchering and selling of body parts of her Falun Gong co-religionists by the savage Red Chinese government.

Unfortunately, many people in the West have the inclination (and the cash) to fly to China to get freshly harvested organs implanted in their bodies at bargain basement prices (by organ transplant standards, which are not cheap to begin with).

President Hu is presiding over an industry that rivals in its cold-blooded efficiency anything that Nazi Germany or Imperial Japan carried out during World War II in the way of human experimentation.

And, what does President Bush and Congress do?  Heed only the cries of rapacious businessmen hungry for more huge profits in Red China.

Meanwhile, Chinese people of religion: Falun Gong, Christians, etc, are in danger of being imprisoned, executed, and butchered by their Red Chinese oppressors.


Thursday, May 04, 2006

Rick Moran Has Two Hard-Hitting Posts on the Illegal Immigration Controversy

Rick Moran Has Two Hard Hitting Posts on the Illegal Immigration Controversy

Rick Moran, of the Right Wing Nut House blog, has two superb posts touching on the illegal immigration controversy that I would like to commend.

In the earlier of the two pieces, Looking for Hate in All the Wrong Places, Moran – using his analysis of an article by the left-leaning David Neiwert as his vehicle – brilliantly exposes how the Left, while imagining that those who oppose illegal immigration are driven primarily by white racism, are strangely blind to the blatant racism found among many in the open borders movement.  (Exhibit ‘A,’ the ludicrously named “La Raza,” meaning, “The Race.”)

In the second – more recent – post I wish to commend to your attention, The Intellectual Dishonesty of the Open Borders Crowd (Hat tip: Michelle Malkin), Moran does a superb deconstruction of the poorly-reasoned, dishonest arguments used by the “open borders crowd” (e.g,. President Bush, Senator McCain, Senator Kennedy, the NYT, et al.) to attack those of us who believe in securing the borders and controlling immigration such that illegal immigration is halted, but LEGAL immigration is maintained, or even enhanced.

For purposes of clarification, I believe I am a bit to the right of Moran on two important matters:  In the latter piece, Moran seems squeamish on the idea of rounding up and deporting illegals as somehow inhumane.  (Huh?  If this is true, all arrests are liable to the charge of being “inhumane.”  Shall we stop arresting people in this country altogether – regardless of their culpability of WHATEVER crime?)  

Second, Moran does NOT advocate the closing of our borders to ALL immigration even for a short period.

While, under conditions where the law is clearly being enforced, I am all in favor of LEGAL immigration, I agree with those (such as Pat Buchanan, I believe) who have suggested that – until the current illegal immigration crisis is brought under control – we need to shut down our country to almost ALL legal immigration for a limited period, say three to five  years.

Nonetheless, I commend these two pieces by Moran to you.  They are worthy of your time and consideration.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Bush and Congress Fiddle While Detroit Burns

Bush and Congress Fiddle While Detroit Burns

Drudge has it in screaming headlines:  Toyota sales in the US are soaring, while Ford and GM sales are tanking.

And what are the President and the Lobbiest-Puppets in Congress doing about it?  Fiddling.

Michael Savage has been saying for MONTHS that a tariff needs to be placed on every Japanese car sold in this country.

How can our President and the wimps in Congress sit by while Ford and GM go under?

As Savage has pointed out:  Who will build our tanks in wartime?  The Chinese?

The Reconquista Enthusiasts Racist to the Core

The Reconquista Enthusiasts Racist to the Core

In their effort to shill for the illegal immigrant gate-crashing agenda, the MSM have been carefully glossing over the none-too-subtle hateful elements of this movement – hatred toward America; hatred toward our flag; and hatred toward our people.

Well, now there is Web site out there highlighting – or, exposing – some of the vehement hatred that characterizes many in the illegal immigration “scamnesty” (Janet Parshall’s term) movement, as well as many in the related “Reconquista” movement.

WND has the story here.

Update: Michelle Malkin has an excellent column in WND showing just how prevalent – and how dangerous – this reconquista ethic really is.

Barbara Simpson Has Eyes Wide Open Regarding Illegal Immigration

Barbara Simpson Has Eyes Wide Open Regarding Illegal Immigration

WND columnist Barbara Simpson has her eyes wide open regarding the illegal immigration scam that is being perpetrated on the American people by the President and Congress and others.

Unlike many of the “big name” bloggers, Simpson does not hesitate to call out the American Roman Catholic hierarchy – especially “Red Roger” Mahony of Los Angeles – as key co-conspirators in pushing the illegal swarms of recent weeks.

As Michael Savage said on his show today, the subversion of our borders and our immigration laws is being perpetrated by: “big business, big religion, and big socialism.”

Lou Dobbs and (Republican) Arizona State Legislators Get It – Condi Clearly Does Not (on Illegal Immigration)

Lou Dobbs and (Republican) Arizona State Legislators Get It – Condi Clearly Does Not (on Illegal Immigration)

Virtually alone in the MSM (certainly more than anyone on the ever more “lap-doggish” Fox News, whom Michael Savage rightly despises), CNN’s Lou Dobbs understands that yesterday’s swarms by Leftist-led, America-hating, LAWBREAKERS is not the main event in a discussion of “immigration.”  

Rather, these raucous, unashamed invaders are Exhibit ‘A’ in the ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION debate.

These are two SEPARATE issues – LEGAL IMMIGRATION and ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION.  Those in what Michael Savage on his radio show yesterday termed “America’s ruling class” – to include President Bush, most US Senators (certainly McCain, Kennedy, Leahy, and the ever-spineless Frist), large business owners, the MSM, and the overwhelming majority of academia – are DELIBERATELY BLURRING the distinction between LEGAL and ILLEGAL immigration.

No one is receiving a greater slap in the face from the President et al in this ongoing battle of America’s soul than those who have already become – or who are currently in the process of becoming – naturalized Americans LEGALLY.

Moreover, Republican Arizona STATE legislators ALSO get it, and they are preparing a serious piece of state legislation – which, of course, appeaser and Democratic Governor Janet Napolitano is already threatening to veto – that will require AZ National Guard troops on the border and fines for those employing illegal aliens.

Perhaps most disappointing of all is SECSTATE Condi Rice’s insistence that she sees nothing wrong with the recent assault on the American way of life posed by the very arrogant, sloppy, and Leftist-inspired “Spanish National Anthem.”

By making such a statement, Ms. Rice demonstrates not only that she lacks true Presidential timber.  Ms. Rice also demonsrates that she lacks the spine to deal with cutthroats like Iran’s Almondhead.

Indeed, Ms Rice has shown us that she is now fully a creature of the anti-American “Foggy Bottom” subculture prevalent among the career Foreign Service Officers who populate the snake-pit that is known as the Department of State.

In truth, Rice disgusts me – although not as much as President Bus does – on this matter of illegal immigration.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Bush Administration's Strange Priorities

Bush Administration’s Strange Priorities

Over the past six years, President Bush’s SECDEF, Ronald Dumbsfeld, has RESOLUTELY REFUSED to substantially increase the size of overtaxed Army and Marine ground forces – despite repeated calls to do so by Congress.  This puts unnecessary constraints on our fighting men.

ON THE OTHER HAND, President Bush has recently come out IN FAVOR OF permitting the unknown millions of illegal aliens in this country TO STAY.  This is known as amnesty, and as Michelle Malkin points out, such a policy not only rewards lawbreakers, but it also undermines respect for law and order – to say nothing of putting additional strain on our law-enforcement, health care, and educational resources.

Strange priorities indeed:  Handcuff our military by artificially restricting its size; and straining our nation’s social services and cultural fabric by artificially (and radically) increasing the size of our population with unassimilated lawbreakers.

Mr. President, if I may, I would like to suggest that your priorities are out of kilter.
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