Thursday, May 31, 2007

Laura Ingraham Unleashes a Rant Disagreeing with President on Immigration Bill

Wow! Laura Ingraham really took the gloves off and said what she really thinks regarding President Bush's recent verbal broadside against those of us who oppose the current amnesty monstrosity before the Senate.

Hat tip: Hot Air.

Update: Of course, if you are -- as I am -- a regular listener to radio talk-show host Michael Savage, you know that Savage unleashes this kind of salvo in virtually every show. The guy is terrific on "Language, Borders, Culture."

Tell Congress: Defund the Brown Supremacists at La Raza

This is crazy. Funding those who hate us?

La Raza is blatantly racist.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Moral Implosion of the Bush Administration

In just two days, President George B. Wuss has -- for all practical purposes -- erased all his accomplishments with two morally callow and (to his own base) egregiously despicable moves:

- Met (via his emissaries) face-to-face with the criminals from Iran (even as they are helping to kill our troops in both Iraq and Afghanistan) -- something to which even Bill Clinton did not even stoop, and

- Reviled American patriots who oppose the shamnesty legislation now before the Senate -- American patriots who actually believed Wuss in earlier days when he said that we were involved in a war on terror, but who now loathe him and the sound of his voice.

Move over Jimmah! You now have company down there on the BOTTOM SHELF of US Presidential History.

George B. Wuss has stuck his finger in this former supporter's eye for the last time. Mr. President, from now on, you can find your support from Teddy and your "third brother," Bill.

Update: More from Cox & Forkum via lgf: I hadn't even noticed that the Wuss Administration met with the Iranian thugs ON MEMORIAL DAY! What a great way to show respect for our War Dead, Mr. President!

Update: From Michelle Malkin: Her rebuttal to President Wuss's attack on opponents of Shamnesty bill -- Namely, what about the President's sworn Constitutional authority to protect our borders?

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Army Major Skewers the Perfumed Princes in Guest Editorial

The late Colonel David Hackworth (as far as I am aware) coined the term “Perfumed Princes” to describe the vast majority of overpaid politicians masquerading as Generals and Admirals in today’s military.

While the size of the military has been roughly halved since the days of Ronald Reagan, the ranks of our generals and admirals are bulging with excess fat, incompetence, and weakness.

In a guest editorial in today’s Washington Times, Army Major Daniel L. Davis articulately skewers (and flays) the many losers that populate today’s general ranks – including one by name (the distinctly less-than-admirable Retired Marine Corps General, Gen. John J. Sheehan).

America, her military, and her President have been ill-served by her generals for at least a generation. Time to clean house and find some MEN (sorry, girls!) of ability, character, conviction, and devotion to duty to lead the fine men on the firing line

Senator Mel Martinez: Quisling Loser

Like unto his one of his Quisling RINO Senate brethren about whom we have already posted, Senator Mel Martinez (RINO-FL), has come out with one of the most absurd statements heard to date: The currently pending "shamnesty legislation" in the Senate may "save" the Republican Party.

The NRO's David Frum makes the opposite -- and far more convincing -- argument: Namely, that this immigration bill will very likely destroy the Republican Party (whether or not it passes).

Silky Pony Earns Hair-Do Money

Perhaps I should write a book called "Profiles in Despicableness."

If I did, Democratic Presidential hopeful John Edwards would merit a long chapter.

Is there anything too despicable for this (very rich) former "trial lawyer" (read: thug in a fine suit)? If there is, I haven't yet noticed it.

His latest was picking up a $55K honorarium from a state-funded school for a speech on (really trying hard not to laugh now)... "poverty."

Lindsay Graham: Pandering Quisling RINO

Senator Lindsay Graham (RINO-SC) who has -- with his "mentor," John McCain -- thrown his backing behind the currently pending evil "comprehensive immigration legislation" in the Senate, is branding those of us who oppose it as "bigots."

What a chump.

Thanks to Bryan Preston and Michelle Malkin and Hot Air for calling Graham out on this. Graham declined to appear on last night's edition of Bill O'Reilly's "The Factor," which was guest-hosted by Michelle Malkin.

Gutsy, Lindsay! REALLLLY GUTSY to wimp out before an approximately 5-foot-2-inch girl on national television.

If you are right, why didn't you go on with Michelle and earnestly defend your position as the prominent Solon you are?

Women Beaten by Police in Iran for Not Covering up

I have posted on this horrible situation previously.

Here is another report of Iranian police violence against women who refuse to dress in Seventh Century fashion.

Hillary Clinton, Rosie O'Donnell, Laura Bush, Condi Rice, Senator Boxer, Senator Hutchison, Karen Hughes, et al,..... WHERE ARE YOU?

Arab Media in Denial Regarding Continuing Darfur (Muslim-on-Muslim) Genocide

What else is new? Ever the incorrigible juveniles of the world, the IMSM (Islamic Mainstream Media) are in denial about the horrendous (Muslim-on-Muslim) genocide transpiring in the Darfur region of that well-known Islamic Paradise of Sudan.

The source for this story is he excellent Israeli agency, Memri.

Memo to "the Decider" Bush: Time to Make an Overdue Decision to Confront Iran!

It is simply maddening -- to say nothing of criminally negligent -- for the Bush Administration and its Pentagon to continue its current limp-wristed approach to Iran's ongoing blatant efforts to kill our troops in Iraq. In this same vein, I also give abysmal marks to the increasingly-disappointingly squishy-soft Condoleeza Rice at State and Republicans in Congress (who should be CLAMORING for action against Iran).

I am saying nuke Iran? Invade Iran? There are a number of things we could do short of these drastic measures that could cause Iran a good deal of grief. John Bolton has suggested a strike at one link in the Iranian uranium-to-nuclear missile development chain. Radio talk-show host Michael Savage has suggested (not so laughably) deniable-but-destructive strikes against Iranian port facilities. Iran's economy is shaky as it is: It would not take much pressure from us to put a real hurt on the mullahs. I am sure there are other options, as well.

The bottom line: The President appears for all the world to me to be paying in the blood of US soldiers for some sort of short-sighted temporary truce with Congressional Democrats laser-beamed on engineering a US defeat in Iraq by doing NOTHING substantive about Iran's ill-disguised efforts to undermine our efforts in Iraq.

Hot Air links to this Guardian piece, as well.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Now for Some Fun: Spoof of First Republican Debate (Reagan Pandering)

Now for Some Fun: Spoof of First Republican Debate (Reagan Pandering)

On PointFiveBlog is a 68-second distillation of the first Republican debate!


Update: Here is a similar post at PointFiveBlog, just not a video.

Horrible: Honor Killing in (Iraqi) Kurdistan

This time, the blame does not go to Muslims, but to Yezidis -- a smaller religious group in Iraq.

The story is the same though: A young (seventeen-year-old) girl is dragged out and stoned to death for her involvement with her (not-approved-by-the-community) boyfriend. (Hat tip: lgf.)

Brutal: They not only stoned her to death, but they took thirty minutes to finish the job. A well-conducted stoning should not take more than five minutes, but being merciful was not in this gaggle's plan.

Pictures here.

Update: Info from the KWRW (Kurdish Women's Rights Watch).

Update: If you are up to it: Video of the murder is here -- live, as it happened. The site providing it is an Assyrian (Iraqi Christian) site that in no way approves of this atrocity, but which fills in the details. The girl was tricked into leaving safe haven, ambushed, and killed in the most degrading and vicious way possible.

Update: Amnesty International speaks out against this despicable act.

Saudi Women behind Closed Doors: Unveiled and .......

As one might expect, in a country where women are treated like children and slaves, the ladies have discovered a way to let their hair (and more) down behind closed doors.

And their Saudi masters are not happy!

Special Post: IslamoThug Rioting in France

I have already noted concern for riots in post-election France in a previous post.

Well, the rioting seems to have broken out.

Here is a special post with more links, the first three are courtesy lgf:


More Trouble.

Still more trouble.

IslamoThugs Strike AGAIN in Thailand: Bangkok, We Have a Problem!

I have posted previously about the long-running problem of IslamoThuggish violence in Southern Thailand.

The response of the government in Bangkok to this deadly-serious problem has been breathtakingly passive and limpwristed -- ever since the Government was overthrown in a military coup led by a.... MUSLIM military officer!

Here (HT: lgf) is only the latest example of this seemingly endless violence. In this most recent episode, other MUSLIMS (not Buddhists, as usual) were the victims.

The Thai government needs to get a GRIP!

Vox Day: Ron Paul's Numbers Picking up.

Although Ron Paul is congressman of a district not far from my own, he is not my first choice for Republican nominee.

Nonetheless, Vox Day likes Paul, and -- as Day points out -- so do a lot of other folks.

I mean Paul cannot be ALL BAD: He lives and dies by the Constitution. (I just cannot morally back a pull-out from Iraq.)

Update: I think pulling out of Iraq will invite utter chaos and bloodshed. That blood will be on our hands. Mr. Paul seems oblivious to such realities. Quoting the Constitution will not drown out (to my satisfaction, anyway) the cries of Iraqi children watching their mothers raped and ripped apart by Al-Qaida or Shi'ite thugs. (And I wish as much as Ron Paul to return to Constitutional Government. However, we did not get into this mess in one day. Similarly, we will not extricate ourselves from it in one day, either.)

Update: More on Ron Paul from Vox Day.

Never Underestimate the Power of a Woman (Or Two) to Influence the Nation's Moral Fabric

Two angry principled ladies -- Michelle Malkin and Laura Ingraham -- made Verizon blink.... on the unpleasant matter of their sponsorship of IslamoThug Rapper Akon.

Way to go, Michelle and Laura!

And way to go, Verizon, for breaking your sponsorship of the despicable thug, Akon.

God-Fearing Anglicans Break from the Apostate American Episcopal Church

In what can only be viewed as an encouraging development by Bible-believing Christians everywhere, a group of biblically-informed Episcopalians yesterday gathered to mark their break with their apostate former co-religionists by forming CANA (Convocation of Anglicans in North America), a new communion of Episcopalians who refuse to condone the ordination of homosexual clergy.

The ceremony, in which, Fairfax, Virginia's Truro Church Rector, Martyn Minns, was ordained bishop by Nigerian Anglican Archbishop Peter Akinola, marked an official break with the liberal American Episcopal hierarchy.

Generally, Asian and African Anglican prelates are more conservative and biblically-informed. Akinola is famed for his outspoken stance against the normalization of homosexuality in the church.

God bless you Bishop Minns! And God bless your new Convocation!

I Admit It! I Love France!

I am so happy that France has elected Psycho Sarko! What a great day! This guy has cojones. He is the son of a Hungarian immigrant, and he loves France as only the son of an immigrant from communism can.

While Sarko's well-preserved opponent, Ms. Royale, easily won in the pulchritude department, she would have been bad news for American interests, as her choice of red outerware during the final days of her campaign clearly signalled. (Hint: Hugo Chavez also sports red in public venues!)

Vive La France! Vive Sarko!

(Now, if Sarko can just unleash his riot police against the unruly car-burning "youths" (Read: IslamoThugs) from the banlieues, France may just get back on the road to recovery.)

Update: More on Sarko's stunning victory from UPI!

Update: Sarko's bio from Wikipedia.

Update: More from Michelle Malkin on the IslamoThug Riot Watch here.

Update: More on Sarko's win from lgf here.

Our Nation's Cowardly Leadership's Sexual Integration of the Military Reaps the Whirlwind

This blog has previously railed against the insane close-quarters placement (for protracted periods, and under extreme stress) of both sexes in the ranks of our military.

In my living memory, there was a day when there were no women aboard combat ships (or combat-support ships, such as tenders), no female aircrew members of combat aircraft (or combat-support aircraft, such as tankers and transports), and no females and males sleeping in the same barracks (or "dorms," for us AF types).

Our craven military leaders long-ago caved to our unprincipled civilian leadership on this issue.

Bottom line as this (admittedly biased, anti-military, MSM) piece points out -- we have sown to the wind here, and now we are reaping the whirlwind.

This is nothing new; it has been going on in our military (and in our military academies) for literally decades.

Hello? Any military leaders with spine out there?

A Black Conservative Unloads on White Liberal Racists

Funny, isn't it, how the MSM is so selective in those it "outs" for "racism" or "sexism " and those to whom it gives a free pass?

Here is an article that helps deconstruct what drives this selectivity. As this piece shows, it all hinges on a "loyalty test" -- that is, a test of "loyalty" to the very liberal Democratic Party.

The difference in treatment received by the MSM based solely on this loyalty test is the difference between Barrack Obama's sexualized idol-worship treatment and Condi Rice's blatant mistreatment by the MSM.

This thought-provoking piece is by WND columnist Ellis Washington, an eloquent black conservative writer.

Full disclosure: I strongly criticize Ms Rice, also -- not because she is conservative, but because -- in my view -- she is weak and too prone to appease the Islamists -- tendencies we cannot afford in our top leaders today.

Iran and Its Treatment of Women (Deafening Silence from Phony Western "Feminists" Like Hillary/Boxer)

I am sure you have by now seen this truly heart-wrenching video of a young Iranian girl being forcibly bundled by the "religious police" (Fart-was Are Us) into the back seat of a police cruiser for the heinous crime of not wearing a head-covering.

The official Dhimmicratic position on Iran? Bush must MAKE NICE and negotiate with these IslamoThugs. Unfortunately, Bush is largely caving to the Dhimmicrats, as far as I can tell.

Ht: Michelle Malkin, lgf, and Urban Infidel.


Saturday, May 05, 2007

President Bush: The Gelded Cowboy Negotiates with the Enemy

How far President Bush has fallen -- from the once-pugnacious cowboy saying, "bring it on!" -- to the place where he is now sending his Secretary of State to NEGOTIATE WITH AN ENEMY (Syria) who has worked overtime to derail our effort in Iraq.

Bush should have bombed Syria early in the conflict to send the signal that such intervention is unacceptable.

What is it about Syria (a third-rate dictatorial Arab rathole) that as made every President from Reagan on afraid to act against it?

In fact, according to Caroline Glick of the Jerusalem Post, Condi Rice may be a reckless appeasement-enabler of the first order.

Of course, Ms. Rice serves at the President's pleasure.

President Bush seems to have a genetic inability to fire (until far too late, if ever) loyal appointees who are eating his lunch (e.g., George Tenet, Donald Rumsfeld, Alberto Gonzales, and -- now -- Condi Rice). His failure to replace Rice now in my view jeopardizes all that he is trying to do in both Iraq and Afghanistan.

Regarding brokering any kind of peace between Israel and the Palestinians, neither Bush nor Rice has shown the least grasp of reality or the slightest hint of moral courage from the outset. I look for nothing good in this arena. The Israelis need to get good at doing nothing in the way of negotiating.

Update: The Washington Times editorializes against feel-good face-to-face negotiations with rogue states, such as Syria.
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