Monday, July 31, 2006

The REAL Prisoner Abuse by the US Military: Against Our OWN Men

The REAL Prisoner Abuse by the US Military:  Against Our OWN Men

There have been acres and acres of trees killed to publish utter rubbish about all the alleged (and largely overblown) prisoner abuse by the US military at Abu Ghraib, Gitmo, and elsewhere.

The UN, the MSM, and the Democratic Party have this AMAZING ability selectively to go into high dudgeon over the rumor of a hangnail on the person of an Arab or Muslim prisoner of the US Military, while simultaneously going somnolent over the actual abuse of American fighting men in confinement.  (Of course, the same selective indignation applies in spades to Israel (bad) vs. the Arabs/Muslims (good) when it comes to MSM bankrupt moral “sensibilities”(sic).)

The real prison abuse tragedy being committed by our US Military (read: by President Bush’s/SECDEF Dumbsfeld’s military) is currently being perpetrated against eight of our finest fighting men now wrongfully confined to the brig at Camp Pendleton on questionable accusations and virtually non-existent forensic evidence of one enemy Iraqi family.

The only two spokesmen who are publicly decrying this tragedy are Michael Savage and Joseph Farah.

I have often called for SECDEF Dumbsfeld to be canned by the President:  This is the last straw.  The man clearly is not standing behind our troops: Dummy has blinked at the MSM’s flashlight beam in his eyes demanding that he make criminals out of his men for trumped up charges.  

And Dummy (and his lickspittle USMC generals) have eagerly complied – going out of their way to treat the Pendleton Eight abusively – including (for awhile) chains and abusive interrogation methods.

While hundreds of tailored-suit attired big-name leftist attorneys have flown all the way to Gitmo to “defend” the rights of Muslim terrorists PRO BUONO, the working class/middle class families of  the Pendleton Eight have to scrape and beg for funds to pay their attorneys.  Where is the ACLU when our Marines need them?  (Answer, in Guantanamo sucking up to the terrorists and ne’er-do-wells confined there.)

I join Michael Savage and Joseph Farah in calling on President Bush and SECDEF Dumbsfeld to end this travesty of justice whereby our own fighting men are treated worse than the prisoners now held at Abu Ghraib.

And when this is over, as Michael Savage says, some Marine brass need to be brought up on charges for their treatment of these honorable fighting men – and Dumbsfeld needs to be sent packing post haste!

I have little doubt that these men are innocent!

Monday, July 17, 2006

Bush Threatens Stem Cell Veto: I'll Believe It When I See It!

Bush Threatens Stem Cell Veto: I'll Believe It When I See It!

President Bush is threatening to veto some (very poorly thought-out) stem-cell research legislation if it ever passes both houses of Congress.

Kudos to the President for having a clue.

However, as for the veto threat?  I’ll believe it when I see it.

Remember: President Bush also at one point promised to veto (the ludicrously named) Campaign Finance Reform (CFR) legislation championed by Senator McCain.

Well CFR is now the law of the land – and it was passed under the current President during his first four years in office.


Sunday, July 16, 2006

The Pope Lays an Egg

The Pope Lays an Egg in the Alps (His Comments on Israel’s Current Struggles)

In an apparent quest for irrelevance, the Pope appears in flowing white robes on the grounds of a French Alpine resort – to make an arrogant and condescending statement about the latest round of fighting between Israel and her blood-enemies, Hamas and Hezbollah (the latter, backed and supported by both Iran and Syria).

The pope, in a manner typical of elitist, European Anti-Semitism, tried to condemn both sides equally, characterizing Israel’s desperate struggle of survival as “reprisals” of which the pontiff apparently does not approve.  (Tut! Tut!)

Let’s see…. Somehow, I don’t think over a half-million Israelis sweating out Hizbollah’s rocket attacks in BOMB SHELTERS are too impressed by this guy’s Olympus-deity-like pronouncement from the rarified atmosphere of the Alpine heights.  

Talk about out of touch and arrogant!  (And did I say Anti-Semitic!)

More on the subject can be found here.

And here.

Related material here.


Foreign Policy Memo

Foreign Policy Memo to President Bush

Mr President: You are being ill-advised by your Secretary of State (among others).  Very arguably, were it not for Ms. Rice’s zany advocacy of Israel’s suicidal withdrawal from Gaza last summer and her planned future withdrawal from the West Bank – as well as her ceding control of the Gaza-Egypt border to the Palestinian Authority (a direct Condi Rice proposal), we would not be looking at Israel’s current two-front war for survival.

For your State Department to compound its foolishness in advising you to call upon Israel to “use restraint” makes us – frankly, and sadly – a laughingstock.  Mr. President, who uses RESTRAINT in a fight to the death?  

And, remember the phrase you uttered – before you were neutered by the gelding distaff duo of Mrs. Laura Bush and SECSTATE Rice – that you are either for us or against us in (your unfortunately and inaccurately named) “War on Terror?”  Mr. President, it is ABUNDANTLY clear that neither Hamas nor Hezbollah are “with us,” so it is time to make it clear that we are truly AGAINST them!

Mr. President, those of us who devotedly support you in your efforts to stop the Islamofascists are growing VERY weary of (not my idea, but I forget where I read this) your administration’s suspension of all our policies when it comes to Israel.  For example:  We (rightly) don’t negotiate with terrorists, but we are continually exhorting Israel to do so.  We (rightly) work to stop all funding of terrorist organizations, but we (insanely) give financial aid to the irresponsible and terrorist-ridden Palestinian Authority (PA).

Here are my recommendations:

  • Ask Ms. Rice for her resignation: She is in WAYYY over her head right now

  • Tell the world that we not only BACK Israel’s efforts to purge Lebanon of Hezbollah, but that we will provide logistical and naval support of the effort

  • Explain that we will help rebuild a post-war, Hezbollah-free Lebanon, but for now, it is WAR (and CERTAINLY NOT a time for Israel to show restraint)

  • Grow some cojones and tell the world that Israel’s enemies are our enemies:  We stand with her in this conflict – even if we have to stand alone, because a refusal to do so only undercuts our own efforts to defeat the Islamofascists.

  • Do what former Congressman Newt Gingrich has called for and tell the American people that we now find ourselves in the midst of World War III.

  • Tell Mr. Rumsfeld that his policies of “showing restraint” in Iraq and Afghanistan have proven unproductive and the he either take the ROE handcuffs off our troops NOW – or you will find someone to take Mr. Rumsfeld’s place who WILL.

  • Make it clear that we know that Iran is clearly behind the current “twi-night double-header” of Hamas’ and Hizbollah’s two-front attack on Israel (note, especially, Iranian involvement in the latest rocket attacks on the Israeli interior, as well as the crippling of an Israeli ship with a high-tech Iranian missile) and that we will no longer make any excuses for them: Let it be known that any Iranian planes or ships on their way to Egypt, Lebanon, or elsewhere, to resupply the terrorists will from now on be fair game to American jets and ships.

  • Let North Korea (and China) know that we are tired of the North Korean madman’s silly games.  The next threatening missile launch will be met with unpleasant (and deliberately unspecified) consequences.

  • We will AT LONG LAST close our border with Mexico to make it harder for terrorists to infiltrate this country’s territory.  (I know this last item will hurt your pride – but it will help our war effort!)


Ultimately, Mr. President, you have blinked – and blinked repeatedly – over the past several months, both in the matter of North Korea and in the matter of Iran (to say nothing about the matter of Venezuela’s Marxist Thug-Leader, Hugo Chavez).  You have been rewarding intransigence and nuclear bluster with offers of negotiations and financial incentives.  This is not a sign of military strength – it is a sign of weakness of will.
Mr. President, I believe that – deep down – you have the stuff of inspiring, bold wartime leadership in you.  However, in order for you to find it – and more importantly – USE it,  you will FIRST have to come to grips with the fact that – for at least three months – you have (at Ms. Rice’s – and, no doubt, others’ behest) been traveling down the unseemly Neville-Chamberlain route to appeasement.

Time to resolve immediately, Sir – NO MORE appeasement of mad dictators; NO MORE moral-equivalency pronouncements regarding Israel and her America-hating, Islamofascist, terror-loving enemies; NO MORE holding our troops back in Iraq and Afghanistan – make it clear that a terrorist captured will from now on a terrorist shot dead on the spot.  

Go for it, Mr. President!

We are counting on you!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Putin Shows Us How to Deal with Terrorists

For those of us who are sickened by President Bush's and the Pentagon's seeming inability to comprehend that the war on Islamofacists cannot be rightly fought with numerous self-imposed limitations and rules (rules, mind you, that are laughed at by the enemy), it is encouraging to see how Russian leader Putin and his congress have responded to the recent outrageous slaughter of four Russians in Iraq. (Hat tip: WND.)

They are sending out commandos to hunt down and kill the perpetrators.

Oh, sure, the SECDEF sends out his boys to kill the big fish, like Zarqawi, but with the rank and file terrorists, he has been working with the Iraqi Government in some kind of absurd "catch and release" policy.

I am saying for the record that current US anti-terrorist policies/practices are not ruthless enough. They are far too weakened by politically correct considerations -- deference to a hostile MSM, perhaps chief among them.

I hope that Putin's team actually accomplishes its mission. It might teach our Inside-the-Beltway Leaders something about how to conduct war in the REAL WORLD -- not the politically-correct, make-believe world of the WaPo and the NYT and Time Magazine.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Ilana Mercer Exposes the Resurgence of Replacement Theology in the West

Breath-takingly lovely, Ilana Mercer is also an very incisive thinker and writer. In a recent piece for WND, Ms. Mercer exposes the insidious, creeping, anti-Israel position being propagated by an (otherwise very excellent) conservative American publication, The American Conservative (TAC).

Ms. Mercer details how the doctrinal heresy known as "replacement theology" oozes through the writings of TAC's editor (who, as it turns out, is this man.)

Replacement theology, which has been around in one form or another for centuries, has long been the preserve of both Roman Catholic and mainline Protestant denominations. It basically says -- in a nut-shell -- that (as Israel has rejected the LORD Jesus Christ as Messiah) God is now FINISHED with Israel and has replaced her with the Church.

TAC's special brand of Replacement Theology apparently has "Palestine" replacing Israel.

It may be worth noting that one of TAC's best-known contributors is none other than Pat Buchanan.

Replacement Theology is not just poor (and grossly unScriptural) theology -- but it has long served as a theological backdrop for Israel-hating and Jew-hatred. How convenient: If God is finished with Israel, then, we can wash our hands of her, as well.

Warning to all readers: The Scriptures are adamant that God is NOT finished with Israel and that -- moreover -- He has glorious end-times plans for her.

Hats off to Ms. Mercer for blowing TAC's cover on its sleazy anti-Israeli (read: anti-Semitic) bias.

You can visit Ms. Mercer's blog here.

Victor Davis Hanson Examines Israelophobia

Victor Davis Hanson takes an honest look at why the tiny country of Israel is such a lightning rod for hatred -- and why the world judges Israel by a different (and far harsher) yardstick than it does ANY Arab or Muslim entity.

While Hanson does not touch on it, there is, of course, a spiritual element to this "enigma."

On the one hand, Israel is God's specially chosen earthly nation (forever), and this stirs up jealousy and hatred.

Second, as Israel is currently in rejection of her rightful Messiah (the LORD Jesus Christ), she is incurring divine judgment.

How will this quandary be resolved? Well, certainly not until things first get a lot worse for Israel . . .

. . . For the time will come when Israel acknowledges Christ as her rightful King and HE will destroy the other nations' armies for her.

One Lady Who Gets It (Regarding the Islamofascists)

Living, as we do, in an age where the VAST majority of our leaders are what C.S. Lewis termed "men without chests" -- and in an age where the very foundations of our civilization are under relentless attack by ruthless Islamofascist jihadist, it is sometimes difficult to know where to turn.

Sometimes it is encouraging to turn to some gutsy WOMEN who get it.

One such woman is Diana West, who wrote an excellent piece for the Washington Times yesterday.

President Bush's Dangerous Passivity on NoKo's Missile Insanity

I have read two pieces in recent weeks about the GWB Administration's unsatisfactoritly limp-wristed response to NoKo's "missile-launch madness."

The first was by WND's Joseph Farah.

The second is by Jon B. Wolfsthal.

Whatever the (likely Condi-Rice-inspired) reason(s), the current Administration does not seem willing to treat the recent launces seriously or to hold Kim Jong-Il accountable for his actions.

Instead we seem to be winking at him as some cute toddler playing cowboy and are now willing to give him what he wants (one-on-one time with a US diplomat).

William Kristol seems to be hitting the same note here, asking what price NoKo will pay for its missile-brandishing ways.

Isolationist-prone Patrick Buchanan takes a completely opposite view on the matter.

Friday, July 07, 2006

No Sh*t, Sherlock! (The Chinese Aren't Playing Straight with Us over NoKo)

Let's see, President Bush (under SECSTATE Condi Rice's feminine influence) has turned into a major patsy regarding the latest round of missile-rattling by North Korea's certifiable (reportedly American-whiskey-loving) "leader," Kim Jong-Il.

Presidential spokesman (and ersatz conservative) Tony Snow said that NoKo's recent self-inflicted missile ejaculations were not a matter between North Korea and the United States, but a matter between North Korea and the world. (Question for Bush/Rice/Snow: How good are "the world's" anti-missile defense systems at protecting Hawaii.)

Joseph Farah has recently (and rightly) taken the President to task for his egregiously unsatisfactory response to Kim Jong-il's threats (and, now, actions) regarding missile launches. Now, in passing, the Administration tells us: Oh, one of the missiles might have been aimed at Hawaii, and, oh, we MIGHT have been able to down it. (How so very comforting.)

Well, now, after all of Condi Rice's diplomatic machinations of trusting the ChiComs to help us bring the NoKo midget martinet to heel, we read in the Washington Times that (surprise, surprise!) the ChiComs may not have been shooting straight with us on this issue.!

What was our first hint? The ONLY country in the region that DIDN'T mind the missile launces was China -- and THEY are NoKo's nearest neighbor..... Hmmmmm.

Far from being a foreign policy cowboy, President Bush looks to have morphed into a Foreign Policy Bill Clinton in his second term.

Let's hope President Bush can snap out of the passive spell that Ms. Rice seems to have cast on him.


Thursday, July 06, 2006

So What Do Skinheads, Muslims, and Klansmen Have in Common? They All Hate the Jews

We see that German neo-Nazis showed their true feelings with this ugly incident.

Ever wonder what Nazis, Muslims (including Nation of Islam Black Muslims), and Klansmen have in common?

They ALL hate the Jews -- viscerally and intensely.

With enemies like this, the Jews HAVE to know that they are doing SOMETHING right!
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