Friday, July 29, 2005

The "Disciples of Christ" Side with Satan's Palestinian Terrorists

At their denominational general assembly, a majority of delegates of the "Disciples of Christ"(sic) denomination voted for a resolution for Israel to tear down its security barrier (fence/wall/etc) that has significantly reduced the number of Palestinian suicide bombers that have been able successfully to penetrate Israel's borders.

Since the Jews are God's chosen people, and since the terrorists are militant Muslims who routinely use the killing innocent civilians as a tactic, and since the Bible forbids murder, and since the Palestinian terrorists wish to eliminate the Nation of Israel, and since the Bible indicates that Satan hates the Jews, I can conclude safely that a majority of delegates to the Disciples of Christ general assembly have officially made a statement of solidarity with the Devil himself.

How quaint.

In the meantime, I will continue to side with God and say that Israel has an eternal right to "the Land." See Genesis Chapter 12 (and other passages for details).

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Common Sense Regarding Islam's Brutal War on Christianity and the West

Wesley Pruden's latest piece puts any remaining ideas that multiculturalism has anything to offer regarding Islam's insensate hatred for all things Western -- and for its brutal war on Christianity and the West . . . .

.... and against Jews
.... and against Israel
.... and against Christian Arabs
.... and against Shi'ite Muslims in Iraq
.... and against southern Thailand
.... and against the southern Philippines
.... and against Christians in Nigeria
.... and against Christians in Egypt
.... and against Christians in Indonesia
.... and against the (black) Muslim inhabitants of the Darfur in the Sudan
.... and, well -- you get the picture.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Senator John McCain Is on the Loose Again

Now -- apparently in a sop to the liberal muj-lovers Dick Durbin, Ted Kennedy and Chuck "Schmuck" Schumer, et al -- Senator McCain is going to try to try the hands of the President (and his successors) in how to handle terrorist detainees by introducing some horrendous legislation. (Hat Tip: Michelle Malkin.)

President W. threatens to veto McCain's madness: I'll believe it when I see it. He has YET to veto a SINGLE piece of legislation.

The Insanity of America's Military Leaders

Here is a perfect example of the total insanity of today's military leadership. (And, yes, that buck in that chain stops at W.'s desk. Here we see the conviction of a US soldier for inadvertently kiling a friendly Iraqi. (He was so scared that he actually shot HIMSELF in the stomach, as he KNEW he would be hung out to dry.)

Meanwhile, American hero Pat Tillman was killed by friendly fire over a year ago -- only to have it covered up by Army brass. How many people were jailed over this tragic loss? ZERO.

Incidentally, CPL Berg's attorney, Mr. Charles W. Gittins, also defended Lt Pantano, USMC. He is a SUPERB military justice attorney -- and, from the looks of things, he is working in a real growth sector, as the Army seems intent on busting any GI who so much as looks cross-eyed at an Iraqi.

So, NOW do you get the "logic" of our insane military leaders, who are no longer prosecuting the War in Iraq to win it?

Let me spell it out for you: Kill Pat Tillman (by accident): NO PROBLEM! Kill a friendly Iraqi by accident: GO TO JAIL!

There you have it: US military "justice" in a nutshell.

It is reprehensible: Some generals and admirals need to be sent to prison, in my view.

As for SECDEF Rumsfeld, he folded like wet cardboard the MINUTE the Dems said "Abu Ghraib abuses!" He should be canned for not standing behind his troops even at the jeopardy of his own career -- but, NOOOOOOO: He hung them out to dry.

So, now: putting panties over the head of a terrorist murderer is a court-martial offense.

As Michael Savage says, by these standards, a good portion of the Marine Corps in the Pacific would have been court martialed for what they did to the Japanese during WWII!.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Hugh Hewitt "Comes Out"

Hugh Hewitt, to whom I have linked in my blog, and who has often done yeoman's duty for the conservative movement and the military -- all the while managing to avoid the label of "right wing," has -- in my view -- today "come out" as NON-conservative with his blog post "nuking" Tom Tancredo for the Colorado Congressman's 24Jul Denver Post piece defending his position that the "nuking-Mecca-option" be "kept on the table."

First, I must give credit to Hugh Hewitt for a resume that is virtually second-to-none: Harvard (undergrad) and UMich (law) educated; superb legal credentials; work experience in the Reagan White House; prolifically published; well-known TV and radio personality; Consitutional Law professor; devout man of faith; and so on.

That said, I take Hugh's senseless savaging of Tancredo as a point of departure -- a crossing of the Rubicon, of sorts for Hugh. With this article, Hugh places a stake in the ground: He is telling us that he is an inside-the-beltway critter; he is a respecter of persons (who are "somebody"); he is NOT one of US (if you -- like me -- believe that (and here I admit that I largely follow Michael Savage): 1) Our country is under attack from within and from without; (2) the problem of illegal immigration is more than an "academic matter" about which we can afford to endlessly debate (a la Hugh Hewitt) on talk radio without reaching any conclusions; (3) The War on Terror for crying out loud, is not against "Terror" nor against "evil doers" -- it is against Islamofascism; (4) Our internal enemies (e.g., the ACLU, the MSM, the Democratic Party, much of the Republican Party, liberal academics, CAIR, illegal aliens, etc) need to be called what they are, confronted, and -- in some cases -- rounded up and detained or deported.

Hewitt inveigles against Tancredo thus, "No serious politician in the country has come to Tancredo's defense, and indeed I have not seen any credible authority on war or religion endorse this foolishness." Ohhh-kayyy, Hugh! The average man in the street, the Minute Men, the Michael Savages, obviously have nothing to say to you: You only heed -- and, obviously, curry favor with -- only the powerful, the Washington insiders, etc.

Now, Hugh's mantra on illegal immigration is "who will pick the lettuce?" -- a really deep thought. And, on the War on Terror, his mantra is "We are not at war with Islam." (Question for you Hugh: But is Islam at war with us? Hint: We (i.e., all non-Muslim countries) are called the Dar al-Harb -- look that phrase up, please).

Furthermore, if Hewitt can separate the Islamic terrorists from Islam as a whole, then please let him give the FBI his secret (fast)! Until he does, however, I am -- like millions of other non-Muslims -- willing to call a spade a spade and say that: yes, two civilizations are at war: Islam and the West. Perhaps I should say: Two civilizations are STILL at war. (The Crusades were never officially called off, were they?)

Maybe one day, if -- God-forbid -- a female known or related to Hugh is ravished by a Muslim who deems her his "Dhimmi slave by right," Hugh may have his eyes opened, as many others in such wide-ranging countries as Australia(Hat Tip: lgf), Sweden, and Norway (Hat Tip: fjordman) already have.

Hugh pooh-poohs Tancredo's assertion that his unrehearsed, live, on-the-air, off-the-cuff, yes-perhaps-we-should-consider-threatening-to-nuke-Mecca remarks "served to start a national dialogue about what options we have to deter al-Qaeda and other would-be Islamic terrorists."

Well, Hugh, your very post -- to my thinking -- proves Tancredo's point and refutes yours: Your well-read post is being used as a repeater (however negative) for Tancredo's point of view. If his remark hadn't stimulated any debate, maybe you would have posted on the Cleveland Browns yesterday instead of flaying Tancredo.

I am afraid that, to be somewhat stark, with this post, Hugh is angling for the Michael Savage epithet -- if not of "quisling", then, surely -- of "empty suit." Of course, Michael Savage is doubtless a "nobody" to Hugh. (LOL.)

Hugh, sadly, is not bigger as a result of his anti-Tancredo tirade: He is simply exposed for the mushy-thinker he is once he steps outside the Con-Law classroom.

For some examples of clearer thinking on the real situation of the war of the Islam is waging against the West, here are some links: Try this; this (Hat Tip: lgf); this(Hat Tip: lgf); this; and this.

One last thing: Hugh went anti-hominem against Tancredo with this line:
Tancredo's ego is really astonishing, attributing the widespread comment on and embarassment at his remarks to the veiw[sic] that they: . . . .
Attacking a man's views is one thing: Attacking his ego is another. You know what they say: The one who goes ad hominem first is signalling that he has lost the argument (Harvard degree or no Harvard degree).

Aaron's cc: adds more!
See more here and here.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

"Leaked Memo" from "Teddy Kennedy" to President Bush on How to Get the US OUT of Iraq NOW

July 4th, 2005

Dear George,

I know we don't often agree, but there is no harm in my trying to persuade you that there is a time-proven strategy for getting our troops out of the quagmire that is Iraq today.

I call it my "Chappaquiddick Strategy," and it goes like this:

First, we cannot IMPOSE our will on the Iraqi people: If they want to be free, let them be free. I mean after all, It's their choice. Take a page from my Chappquiddick playbook: Look I could not be SURE that MaryJo was drowning -- after all, I couldn't hear any cries for help. Additionally, even if she was in danger of drowning, how was I supposed to KNOW she didn't prefer to drown? Who was I to impose my will on her like some sort of "cowboy"?

Second, don't go it alone! We have got to remember that we should have the help of the neighbors in Iraq. The French and the Germans are not helping. Neither are the Jordanians or the Egyptians. Same thing at Chappaquiddick: I was ALONE out there and was not able to find the neighbors so that we could hold a town meeting and pass a resolution to save MaryJo. So, I very wisely refrained from any unilateral action that might have hurt my reputation in the area for years to come.

Third, you need a good EXIT PLAN. You need to look for the daylight -- and, at the earliest opportunity -- pull our troops out! Again: Remember Chappaquiddick: I got the window open and ZOOM, I am out of that sunken car so fast it would make your head swim!

Fourth, you need to apologize to the countries of American and Iraq on live television with tears in your eyes, the day after you pull out of Iraq. Sure, it might be a disaster for a million or so Iraqis who end up in the wrong place at the wrong time. Sure, it will be a disaster for those families whose sons and daughters have given life and limb in the battle for Iraq, but, hey, you can always say, that you didn't KNOW it would be this costly and that you never MEANT any harm. Remember the tears in your eyes, okay? Again: Look at Chappaquiddick: I got on national TV the next day with tears in my eyes, and in so many words, I said, "Hey, I never meant to do anybody any harm!" And, the suckers, I mean the American people, actually BOUGHT that line.

Mr. President, I know what I am talking about: I have a proven track record. If you follow my Chappaquiddick Strategy in Iraq, we will be out of there in no time, and the media will tell everyone to forgive you.

All the best,


Canada in a Snit over Fox News (Hat Tip: Newsmax)

Canada's Ambassador to the United States, Mr. Frank McKenna, admits to having his gay-friendly panties in a wad over Fox News' unsympathetic coverage of our light-in-the-loafers neighbor to the north!

If Canada's Parliamnet had not only last week taken steps to finish "legalizing" "gay marriage," I might find some room to sympathize.

As it is, all I can say is: Romania sent troops to support us in Iraq, but Canada didn't? You can kiss my very heterosexual derriere, Monsieur McKenna.

Oh: And a final word of advice to our Canadian neighbors? Fox News ROCKS!

Michael Yon: War Correspondent Extraordinaire

If you have not stopped by to read Michael Yon's heart-wrenching blog today, you are missing out. His entry for July 02 is especially moving. Hard to read with dry eyes.

Yon, a former Army SF NCO, is a completely independent reporter embedded with our troops in Iraq. Yon doesn't take the easy way out: He goes out on patrol; crisscrosses the country in a HumVee; etc.

Yon does not sugarcoat what he sees: Still he is not antiwar -- he is very pro-GI Joe and very sympathetic to the innocent Iraqis so often brutalized by the terrorists.

If you have been getting your news input on Iraq from such America-hating poison-spewers as the NYT or CNN, then you need a daily dose of Michael Yon to give yourself a bit of perspective.

A salute to The Mudville Gazette and Open Post.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Outrageous Abuse at Gitmo Documented!

I have had it! The now DOCUMENTED abuse at Gitmo must NOT be allowed to continue! If you thought I was referring (a la Dick Durbin) to "detainee abuse" at the hands of our military guards, you will be sorely disappointed.

No, I am talking about the documented abuse of our soldiers guarding these lawless thugs by the very individuals they are tiptoeing around during prayer time, gifting with Korans with two hands (gloved, thank you!), and giving a MENU CHOICE of different Halal (Muslim version of Jewish concept of Kosher) meals THREE TIMES A DAY!

One must realize that it must truly HURT AP to have to release this story. (Evidently, they sensed that the American public had had their fill of AP reporters covering the war from the TERRORISTS' PERSPECTIVE and felt that they had to do a bit of "penance," perhaps.) One must also figure that if AP says the behavior of the detainees toward their keepers at Gitmo was this bad, then it must in fact be much WORSE than this AP story limns out.

I am rather confident in my assertion in the prior paragraph, based on a link to a Fox News (Linda Vester's) blog that I had posted earlier, where one of the former Gitmo guards plainly spelled out that one of the foul "liquids" (AP) that the detainees have been known to throw on our boys (and girls) at Gitmo is SEMEN(!). (Gross enough for you? But, oh, Dick Durbin's heart truly BLEEDS for these guys: Care to host them in your house sometime, Dick?)

But what REALLY incenses me is that we are BUSTING the soldiers' in rank who bother either to defend themselves from attack or to rescue their buddies in distress. This is another sign that the Bush Administration is suffering from a sort of psychosis -- fight the war on the one hand, but (risibly) attempt to win the "respect" of the Muslim/liberal media by bending over backwards to defend these incarcerated throat-slitters. This is the same mentality that led to USMC Lt Pantano to face murder charges for offing a couple of terrorists on patrol.

Our "perfumed princes" (the late David Hackworth's apt term for ticket punching, careerist generals and admirals) apparently don't think twice about punishing honest American soldiers for doing their job in direct contact with these killers. Perhaps, our generals should try tending to these creeps for a day to get a feel for what it is like!

May I submit that we cannot win this war if we continue to fight it according to some politically correct pattern dreamed up by some political types in Washington?

May I suggest that some heads should roll for busting a soldier who rescued his buddy from a vicious attack at the hands of a detained terrorist?

We ask these soldiers to guard these jihadists at great risk to their own health -- catering to them no less -- and we reward them with disciplinary action for fighting back when these bastards attack them or their buddies? Helllllllloooooooooooooooo? Anybody HOME in the Pentagon or the White House? (Mr. Bush? Mr. Rumsfeld? Please extricate crania from rectal cavities!)

I say: Time to fire a general or two for not having enough FIRE in their belly. Oh, and if I had been asked by one of the pollsters last week if I approved of the way that President Bush was fighting the war, I would have said: NO! I am NOT satisfied -- not because I think we are being too "mean" to the terrorists, but because we are NOT being MEAN ENOUGH!

One good example: During the second battle for Fallujah, when Army artillery saw a mosque being used as a firing station against our Marines, the artillery captain had to ask for "permission" to destroy the mosque. The request apparently went very high in the chain. The answer came back an HOUR later: Yes -- target the mosque. My question: Just how many Marines were killed or wounded during that one hour delay? To put it into perspective: How many Protestant and Catholic churches do you think the RAF and the USAAF destroyed during the WWII firebombing of Dresden?

I say: Let's wake up and smell the coffee and fight this (worldwide) war like we MEAN it! This is a clash of civilizations, whether Newsweek, Durbin, Kennedy -- or Bush and Rumsfeld, for that matter, get it or not!
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