Friday, August 11, 2006

Ilana Gives a Good History Lesson (in an Age of Gross Historical Ignorance)

Ilana Gives a Good History Lesson (in an Age of Gross Historical Ignorance)

I am a fan of smart bloggers.  I am a fan of pro-American bloggers.  I am a fan of female bloggers divinely endowed with a generous portion of pulchritude.  When a blogger has all three of those qualities…, you end up with an Ann Coulter, a Michelle Malkin, or… the somewhat less-trumpeted (but my personal favorite):  Ilana Mercer.

Mercer – by virtue of her non-US public-school education, her cosmopolitan experiences (not sure just on HOW many continents she has lived for a time), and her Jewishness (I believe she is the daughter of a rabbi, no less) brings to the table a depth of background and a richness of thought that is not easily equaled.

In her latest piece for WND, Mercer gives us a history lesson.  (Or, should I say she “schools us” on the philosophical affinity between America’s founders and the Old Testament writers.)

Not many know that the Constitution was drafted by men who intentionally based the three branches of our fledgeling Government on Old Testament concepts.  Indeed, since Israel’s Twelve Tribes formed their original desert compact with Y—w— in the desert, the United States is the ONLY OTHER commonwealth republic in the history of mankind (I hate that other word: “humankind.”)

One thing Ilana may or may not realize:  The founders were by and large Christians of the Reformed school of theology.  From that school of theology have sprung many of the “replacement theologians” of our day.  The thing that made it easier for them to feel affinity for Israel’s prophets was, perhaps, that the modern State of Israel had not yet been established.

Today’s primary source of US affinity for Israel springs from the “Dispensational” school of theology, to include most Evangelicals and Charismatics.  

Thus, we can see that, Israel has been a ideal to be imitated throughout US history – philosophically and morally in the early days of our Republic and eschatologically and politically in the current day.  

Moral?  No matter how many altered photos and staged photo ops purporting to show the Arabs as victims and the Israelis as aggressors, there are millions of Americans who KNOW better, because, well, they know their Bibles.


Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Washington Times’ Vile Pro-Hezbollah Puff Piece by Islamofascist Sympathizer Pisik

Washington Times’ Vile Pro-Hezbollah Puff Piece by Islamofascist Sympathizer Pisik

I used to respect the Washington Times.  After all, its editors like to represent themselves as a media “alternative” to the onward-ever-leftward Washington Post.  Indeed, the Washington Times does tend to be pro-military and supportive of the War in Iraq.

Note: I did NOT say that the Times tend to be supportive of the global struggle against Islamofascism.

In fact, today’s Times features a (nauseating) piece by a patently shameless Islamofascist apologist (heretofore unknown to me and henceforth distrusted by me) by the name of Betsy Pisik.  In the piece – which seriously blurs any putative distinction between the Times and the WaPo vis-à-vis taking an anti-Israel/pro-jihadist editorial slant – Ms. Pisik shamelessly portrays the Hezbollah as a bunch of humanitarian, progressive, populist Lebanese good-ole’-boys.  Talk about brash!

Absent from Pisik’s agitprop screed is any mention that Hezbollah is – in effect – an operational unit in the Iranian Army.  Absent from this piece is any hint that many in Lebanon hate and fear the ruthless Hezbollah militia.  Absent, as well, from this piece is any mention that official Hezbollah statements not only overflow with venomous hatred for the United States, but that Hezbollah has in recent weeks hinted that it is prepared to make terror strikes against US interests around the world.  Pisik even makes a case for Hezbollah being allowed to retain their armed militias – a position that is even more contradicts not only US policy goals, but that is even more accommodating of Islamic terror than even UN (UN!) policy!  

I am calling out Ms. Pisik on this loathsome  piece – which she makes clear was written after she was deemed to meet the approval of Hezbollah armed fighters.  Remember this  name:  Betsy Piskik – Hezbollah apologist and propagandist.  

Not to put all the blame on Ms. Pisik, I am calling out the Times, also.  It is well-known – although seldom discussed – that the Times is owned by an entity connected with Korean Religious Cultist Sung Myung Moon.  As I understand it, the editors of the Times have generally claimed that they are given a free hand.

Today’s Pisik piece calls that claim into serious question in my mind.  Why do I say that?  Because Moon’s holdings also include media outlets in a number of MUSLIM countries.  My point?  Moon has a vested interest in shilling for a pro-Muslim (meaning, it would seem, a jihadist-appeasing) world view.

Thus, while one might say that the WaPo is a Moonbat (meaning Leftist) publication, I would suggest that the Times can be deemed to be well within the orbit of a Moon of a different sort.

As I said:  I used to respect the Washington Times.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

It Is 1936 All over Again: The Swastika Has Morphed into the Crescent

It Is 1936 All over Again: The Swastika Has Morphed into the Crescent

Victor Davis Hanson issues this bracing wake-up call for all with ears to hear and eyes to see.

Hint: I don’t see SecState Condoleeza “Nevilla Chamberlain” Rice as being in the latter category.

Things are becoming unraveled at an alarming rate and our President is calling for . . . MORE immigrants.

The other day, Michael Savage suggested on his radio show that President Bush is not doing anything right at this point in his time in office

I am hard pressed to disagree with Savage on that point:  Willfully retaining the incompetent Dumbsfeld as SECDEF; refusing meaningfully to secure our border; remaining silent while the Pentagon ruthlessly hounds falsely-accused soldiers and Marines (accused of murder while fighting the enemy); permitting exploding Federal spending; closing military bases at an alarming rate; reining in Israel when she is fighting OUR enemy; being chummy with the Saudis; taking all manner of insults from China, North Korea, and Iran with a briar-eating grin; cozying up to the loathsome French in some sort of cease-fire arrangement in Lebanon; and on and on and on.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Israelis Kill Lebanese (MSM Shrieks): Hizbulla Kills Israelis (MSM Yawns)

Israelis Kill Lebanese (MSM Shrieks):  Hizbulla Kills Israelis (MSM Yawns)

There is a distinct lopsidedness to the MSM’s coverage of the victims of the ongoing Israeli/Hizbullah war.

If Lebanese die, the MSM treat it like a major tragedy, but if Israelis (even Israeli Arabs) die, the media go silent.  (Hat tip: Drudge.)

Germans Slide into Hell: Moving Away from Christ

Germans Slide into Hell: Moving Away from Christ

Germany, collectively, is a “lost soul.”

Read about the German obsession with (non-Christian) religion.

The Land that gave us Luther is look more toward Mecca than to the Bible.

A tragedy.

More Bush Bunkum on Immigration

More Bush Bunkum on Immigration

There is no one so blind as he who WILL not see.

President Bush is not on the side of the angels on immigration – no matter how you slice it (unless you are Mexican).


Thursday, August 03, 2006

By Throwing His Troops Overboard to Media Sharks, SECDEF Has Forfeited His Right to Lead DoD

By Throwing His Troops Overboard to Media Sharks, SECDEF Has Forfeited His Right to Lead DoD

This is it!  I cannot take it anymore!  President Bush, you simply MUST FIRE your SECDEF NOW – or, you, too, will share in his ignominy of first having thrown his troops into a brutal urban warfare saddled with absurdly restrictive Marquis de Queensbury Rules of Engagement (ROE) against an enemy who has NO RULES but not backing them up when enemy spokesmen counterattack them for their alleged “brutality,” etc.

Of course, the SECDEF (and his pathetically political generals) have no problem if OUR boys get KILLED or MAIMED or WOUNDED – hey, that’s part of the war equation.

However, what the SECDEF and his generals lack the masculine spine to do is simply to be able to stare down “world opinion” when US troops are put under the microscope and simply saying into the microphone in front of the cameras:  “This is war.  In wartime, prisoners get roughed up and people pointing guns at our boys will get killed – even when they try to hide behind their own women and children.”

But, instead of sticking up for their troops, whom they ask to take all manner of risks, the SECDEF and his less-than-valorous generals simply thrown them overboard.

What am I talking about?  If the US-hating, US-military-loathing, Islamofascist-sympathizing MSM Fifth Column asks the SECDEF or his generals about alleged (and one-sided) reports of “prisoner abuse” at Abu Ghraib or elsewhere, the DoD brass have but one response:  Lock up the accused and throw the book at them.  If a leftist, seditious AP reporters declares that some Marines or soldiers killed some civilians in cold blood, the SECDEF and his generals’ first response is not to do their duty and defend their boys as – at the VERY LEAST – innocent until PROVEN guilty, but rather to lock up the accused and begin MONTHS of interrogations and investigations.

This has now become a recognizable and predictable pattern:  Such instances of throwing our troops overboard can no longer be called anecdotal.   This is a systematic approach to MSM accusations on the part of our dysfunctional DoD Brass.

As the buck stops at your desk, Mr. President, you face a MAJOR decision:  Either fire Dumbsfeld now – or you will share in the blame and risk going down in history as the President who bravely threw his troops into combat against the throat-slitting Islamofascists, but cut and ran on your troops when hostile MSM reporters counter-attacked.

While instances of wrongful troop prosecution for daring to fight the enemy often go unreported, there are now enough instances that we are all familiar with:  Lt Pantano; the Abu Ghraib crew; the Haditha Marines; the Hamdaniya Marines (or, the Pendleton Eight); and now the Samarra Four.

While most of the alleged “conservative” blogosphere and talk radio world does not even have a clue – for instance, on this issue, where is Rush?  Where is Hugh?  Where is Laura?  They are out to lunch – there are two voices that are beginning to speak up boldly: Michael Savage and Joseph Farah’s WorldNetDaily.

The furor will continue.  As Michael Savage said on his show Wednesday, August 2nd, first we need to demand that Dumbsfeld be fired and fight to get these innocent heroes freed from their trumped up, politically-motivated charges, but then we need to go after the military brass that have committed t his treachery against our boys and demand that THEY be brought up on charges.

As a good real life comparison, Michael Savage points out that the Israelis made a few accidental hits against civilians in the past several weeks.  What did they do?  Did they prosecute the pilots involved?  Did they press charges?  Did they confine them in solitary confinement?  

NO!  They said to the world: “Whoops!  We goofed.”  And then they sent those same pilots back to doing MORE combat missions.

The feminized, PC US military would do well to learn from their Israeli counterparts.

In fact, they had BETTER learn said lessons post haste, or their credibility will be in doubt for years to come.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Farah Exposes the Biased MSM Mewling over a Few Dead Lebanese

Farah Exposes the Biased MSM Mewling over a Few Dead Lebanese

Joseph Farah is an evangelical Christian American of Lebanese and Syrian descent.  He loves Lebanon – but, unlike so many others today – he does NOT hate Israel.  (The operative terms are “evangelical Christian American.”)

In his latest WND piece, Farah puts the MSM mewling and caterwauling over a few dead Lebanese in perspective.

Similarly, Michael Savage on his show yesterday pointedly asked: “Where are the dead-baby photos from Darfur (where Muslims are killing the children)?”  And, again: “Where were the dead babies in the media when the Hutus and Tutsis were slaughtering each other in Rwanda a few years back.

While all civilian loss of life in time of war is tragic (albeit ubiquitous), the only difference now is that the few Lebanese civilians who are getting killed are being killed by that eeeeeeeeeeeevvvviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllllll Mid-East power known as Israel.

I say:  As long as the girlie-men Hezbollah fighters continue setting up their gun and missile emplacements among civilian human shields, expect more of the same.

Bottom line:  Go Israel!  Smash the hate-driven Hezbollah killers!

Meanwhile, please tell the MSM reporters and Islamofascist apologists to put a sock in it.

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