Monday, December 12, 2005

Hey Washington! THIS Is Why We Are Angry at Out-of-Control Illegal Immigration

Hey Washington! THIS Is Why We Are Angry at Out-of-Control Illegal Immigration

If you really want to get angry at the insanity of this country’s failure to take control of its borders, read this story in WND about a Mexican  illegal alien who did everything wrong and has, until recently at least, not only “gotten away with it,” but has also prospered.

Kicked out this country twice, he entered illegally a third time, netted a job paying over $44K/year and a (legal) Federally-backed home lone for over $123K and bought a brand new home.

Not only that, he has racked up some eleven traffic tickets and, now . . . . he has been accused of raping a number of women.

Rather makes sense:  He has, in a sense, already been raping us ALL for quite awhile now.

I don’t know about you, but I just don’t want to sit back and enjoy it… What about you?

As the article linked to points out, what if he had been a member of al-Qaeda (intent on doing even more serious harm)?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL what a tool.

Mon Dec 12, 01:35:00 AM PST  

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