Friday, November 11, 2005

French Surrender Monkey Blames Bush/Iraq for Increase in European Islamofascism

French Surrender Monkey Blames Bush/Iraq for Increase in European Islamofascism

Al-Reuters admiringly reported on the whine of Jean-Louis Bruguiere, a top French anti-terrorism bureaucrat, to the effect that the war in Iraq is radicalizing Muslims in Europe – radicalizing them both to go to Iraq to fight and to return to Europe as hardened terrorists. (Hat tip: WND.)

My rejoinder:  When you fumigate a cockroach-infested house, you begin to see more cockroach activity.  The proper response, M. Bruguiere, is to recognize the cockroaches for what they are and step on them – not call them ladybugs and feed and coddle them, as the French have been doing to the newly-active cockroaches on their own soil for the past two weeks.


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