Saturday, October 08, 2005

Bush Cronyism Again: Julie Myers Revisited

Bush Cronyism Again: More on the (Laughable, If It Were Not So Serious) Julie Myers ICE Nomination

I have blogged before regarding President Bush’s absurd nomination for the next Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security, Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) – the young, lovely (but egregiously underqualified) Ms. Julie Myers.

Well, Bryanna Bevins administers the coup de grace to this laughable move by our (arrogant? out-of-touch? Rove-advised? You fill in the blank) President.

Ms. Myers has what my late father called “relative ability”.

(Hat tip: tviper, a commenter on Vox Popoli.)

Update: Michelle Malkin updates us on the progress of this nomination: It is going forward in the Senate.  (Not good.)


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