Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Bush Trying to Do His Surge "On the Cheap?"

Bush Trying to Do His Surge "On the Cheap?"

One retired general who helped develop the plan seems to think so.  (Hat tip: Allahpundit.)  It sounds as though victory-phobic Pentagon generals and SecDef Gates are hard at work eviscerating Bush's surge.  If this is the case, President Bush should be excoriated if he fails – the buck stops with him, not his politician generals.

Memo to President Bush from Gunjam:  If you simply don't have the cojones to do what it takes to win, Mr. President, just cut and run, as the Demonrats recommend.  We have had it up to HERE with your three years of half-way measures -- and history's verdict will not be kind to your legacy.


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